Society for American Archaeology
This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.
Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.
The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.
Site Name Keywords
44CE0085 •
La Quemada •
Nevada •
Alta Vista •
ontario •
Gordion •
Ceren •
El Teúl •
Las Ventanas •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Settlements •
Rock Art •
Agricultural or Herding •
Ball Court •
Artifact Scatter
Other Keywords
Historic •
Zooarchaeology •
Cultural Resources and Heritage Management •
Maya: Classic •
Ceramic Analysis •
Material Culture and Technology •
Landscape Archaeology •
Subsistence and Foodways •
Historical Archaeology •
Bioarchaeology/Skeletal Analysis
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Historic Native American •
Mogollon •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Spanish •
PaleoIndian •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Collections Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research
Material Types
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Building Materials •
Human Remains •
Metal •
Wood •
Dating Sample •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
Civil War •
Mimbres Classic period •
Ancestral Puebloan / Sedentary through Classic Period •
19th Century •
Historic •
Magdalenian •
1880-1920 •
Pueblo I and II •
Postclassic •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Belize (Country) •
USA (Country) •
United Mexican States (Country) •
Republic of Panama (Country) •
Republic of El Salvador (Country) •
Netherlands Antilles (Country) •
Aruba (Country) •
Republic of Guatemala (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 21,935)
There are 21935 Documents within this Collection [remove this filter]
- $1.87 Each, Four Feet Long and Over; $0.87 Each, Less than Four Feet: A Spatial Analysis of Coffin Type and Coffin Hardware from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. (2017)
- 10 Years, 3 Supervisors, 7 Assistants and 30 Students. How the Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist Managed, Manages and Plans for the Future of Archaeological Data (2018)
- 10,000 years of bottle gourds (Lagenaria siceraria): archaeology of the first global crop (2016)
- 10,000 Years of Stone Tool Use by Hunter-Gatherers in Central Texas (2015)
- A 10-Year Evaluation of El Guarco Project and Its Impacts in the Local Interactions at Cerro Azul, Peru (2024)
- 100 Years Later: Georeferencing Early Maps and Present Day Field Work at the Site of Nuri, Sudan (2019)
- 1000 Years of Small Bird Capture in NW Greenland (2019)
- A 1000-Year Record of Cahokia Region Population Change through Fecal Stanol Biomarker Analysis (2017)
- 10th Century BC Novelties in the Central Part of Southern Caucasus (2019)
- 12,500 Years of Altitude (2018)
- 13,000 Years of History in 990 Square Feet: Recent Undertakings in Public Archaeology at Petrified Forest National Park. (2015)
- 13,000 Years of Obsidian Prospecting in Eastern Beringia: A Status Report on Obsidian Source Studies in Alaska and Yukon (2017)
- 1300 years of a Classic Maya ceramic tradition at El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2017)
- 13th Baktun Rebirth at Izapa: discovery vistas with new technologies in applied structural archaeology are writing Preclassic history (2015)
- 14C and Maya Long Count Dates: Refining the Approach to Classic Maya Chronologies (2016)
- 14C and Maya Long Count dates: using Bayesian modeling to develop robust site chronologies (2015)
- 16 by 16 - Forest Service Fire Lookout Restorations in the Rocky Mountain Region (2016)
- The 16th Century Merchant Community of Santa Maria Acxotla, Puebla (2015)
- The 1817 Privateer Ghost Fleet of Matagorda, Texas, and the Search for Louis-Michel Aury’s Lost Port (2023)
- 18th to 20th Century Architectural Changes of Embudo’s Torreon (2019)
- The 1912 Grave Desecration of the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Poor Farm's Cemetery (2015)
- The 1973 Seminar on The Lacustrine Kingdoms in the Titicaca Basin (2018)
- 19th Century Factories, Warehouses and Workshops in La Puntilla, San Juan Puerto Rico (2018)
- 19th Century Mining Life in Michigan's Upper Peninsula - The American West on the Wrong Side of the 100th Meridian (2015)
- 20,000 Years Under the Sea: Dynamically Visualizing the Past and Future of Shorelines, Ecosystems, and Climate Change at Point Reyes, California (2018)
- 2000 Years of Eating: Continuity and change in food practices among the Puuc Maya (2017)
- 2000 Years of Small-Scale Mining in the Southern Atacama Desert (2024)
- A 2000-Year-Old Family: Interpreting Site Structure and Human Behaviors at the Swan Point Site, Interior Alaska (2019)
- The 2014 Excavations at Cerro Tortolita, an Early Intermediate Period Ceremonial Center in the Upper Ica Valley. (2015)
- The 2014 Excavations at the Early Horizon Period Ceremonial Complex of Cosma, Ancash, Peru (2015)
- 2015 Allendale Chert Quarry Survey: Methods and Preliminary Results (2016)
- 2016 Navy Sunken Military Craft Act Regulations--32 CFR 767 (2016)
- The 2016 Season at El Rayo, Nicaragua: Civic-Ceremonial Structures, Tombs, and Feasting from the Bagaces to Sapoa Transition (2017)
- 2017 Excavations at McDonald Creek (FAI-2043), A Multicomponent, Open-Air Site in the Tanana Flats Training Area, Fort Wainwright, Central Alaska (2018)
- The 2017 Excavations at Pan de Azúcar de Nivín: Insight into the Middle Horizon Occupation of the Middle Casma Valley, Peru (2018)
- 2019 Range Creek Excavation (2021)
- The 2019–2020 NSF REU Exploring Globalization through Archaeology Investigations on St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean (2021)
- The 2022 Petén Lakes Lidar/GPS Georectification Project (2023)
- The 2022 Public Archaeology Field School at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site: Decolonizing the Hudson’s Bay Company Schoolhouses (2023)
- 2023 Excavations at Early Classic (AD 200-500) Jalieza, Oaxaca, Mexico (2024)
- The 2023 Excavations at the Cosma Archaeological Complex, Ancash – Peru: A Journey Down the Rabbit Hole into the Andean Late Preceramic (2024)
- The 20th Century Archaeology of the High Mountains: State Projects and the Forces Resisting Them (2018)
- 24 Years Down & 24 to Go: Lessons Learned and New Research Directions for the Gunnison Basin (CO)-based Rocky Mountain Paleoindian Research Program (2019)
- 25 Years of Digital Archaeology - Updating the Past to Plan for the Future (2016)
- 25 Years of NAGPRA in the National Park Service (2015)
- 2D Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Ceramic Vessel Profiles from Phoenix Basin Hohokam Sites (2021)
- 3,065 Sherd Disks and their Potential Uses in Calixtlahuaca in the Toluca Valley (2015)
- 3-D morphology of grass short cell phytoliths: Unlocking the evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems (2015)
- 3-D Scanning, LiDAR, and UASs in Cultural Property Protection (2018)
- A 30 Year Search For Pictograph Photos of Moose Creek Bluff in Fairbanks, Alaska (2024)
- 30,000 Feet or Boots on the Ground (2015)
- 350 Years after the Conquest: British Influences on a Multiethnic Refugee Maya Community (2019)
- 360 grados. Uso y función de las estructuras circulares de la zona costera de la sierra de Santa Marta, Los Tuxtlas, Ver. (2016)
- 38 Years Later: An Evaluation of the Dissemination of Public Knowledge Concerning the 1622 Nuestra Señora de Atocha Shipwreck Site in the Florida Keys. (2024)
- 3D Archaeology at MAE/USP (Brazil): Practices and Perspectives (2017)
- 3D Comparison of Attic Head Vases (2018)
- 3D Cyber-Archaeology Dissemination through Scientific Visualization - Personal and Large-Scale Virtual Reality Platforms (2018)
- 3D Digitization of Spindle Whorls from Pre-Contact Central Mexico (2016)
- 3D Documentation of a Basketmaker Petroglyph Panel in Southeastern Utah (2024)
- 3D Documentation of Grave Markers for the National Cemetery Administration (2024)
- A 3D Geometric Morphometric Comparison of Bone Surface Modifications on Proboscidean Assemblages from the Western Great Lakes (2019)
- 3D Geometric Morphometrics Applied in the Identification of Canis spp. specimen from a Historic Site in Western Texas (2018)
- 3D Geometric Morphometry of Western Stemmed Projectile Points from the Columbia River Plateau (2016)
- 3D Hydraulic Modeling of the Ancient Irrigation System at the MGK site in Xinjiang, China (2018)
- 3D Imaging in Remote Areas, Rainforests, and Other Hostile Environments: Investigating Identity and Interaction in Eastern Honduras (2018)
- 3D Imaging the Granger House Ceramic Collection, Castleton, VT (2024)
- A 3D Interactive Model of Spitzkloof D Rockshelter, Namaqualand, South Africa (2021)
- A 3D Landscape Analysis of Stelae Visibility at Copan, Honduras (2015)
- A 3D Method for Measuring Platform Angles on Lithic Flakes (2017)
- 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality for Condition Assessments and Educational Outreach Tools Documenting Rock Art in Little Petroglyph Canyon, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California (2017)
- 3D Modeling in Excavation (2024)
- 3D Modeling of Archaeological Collections: A Case Study in Archaeometry (2015)
- 3D Modeling the Sites of the Virgin Branch Ancestral Puebloan with Photogrammetry and BIM (2017)
- 3D Modeling – Breakthrough or Fad? Bronze Age Towers in Oman and Excavations of an Aksumite Town in Ethiopia (2015)
- 3D Models of Small Artifacts: A Visual Workflow of the Structure-from-Motion Photography of Pottery Sherds and Vessels (2023)
- 3D or 2-1/2D? Comparing 3D Photogrammetry And Reflectance Transformation Imaging (2019)
- 3D Photogrammetry and GIS for Tracking Edge Wear Accumulation in Lithic Experiments (2015)
- 3D Photogrammetry and Woodland Mud Glyphs from 19th Unnamed Cave, Alabama (2019)
- 3D Printing and Scanning Artifacts: A Means of Public Engagement (2023)
- 3D Printing for Lithic Artifact Replication: Assessing Affordable Options (2023)
- 3D Reconstruction of Early Spanish Colonial Hybrid Ceramics from Ciudad Vieja, El Salvador (2019)
- 3D Saqqara: Using 3D GIS to reconstruct visibility and communal memory at an Egyptian necropolis (2015)
- 3D Scanning of Bronze: Repeatability and Reliability across scanners. (2015)
- 3D Scanning the Virgin Mary in the Toast: Using Handheld Digital Imaging Technologies to Explode the Myth of Pareidolic Illusions in the Ancient Maya Underworld (2018)
- 3D Skeletal Digitization as a Tool for Collaborative Artistic Commemoration (2024)
- 3D Visualization and Soundscape Applications that Speak to Community Organizational Change on Luzon, Philippines during Spanish Contact (2016)
- 3D Visualization of Cultural and Archaeological Features in the Dos Hombres to Gran Cacao Archaeology Project (2023)
- 4,000 years of animal translocations: Mocha Island and its zooarchaeological record (2017)
- 400 Years of History and Cross-cultural Interactions in a Ritually Mounded Landscape of South Tanna, Vanuatu (2017)
- A 41,500-Year-Old Decorated Ivory Pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland) Reveals the Earliest Punctate Ornament in Central Europe (2023)
- 49ers and Firm Foundations: A Short Archaeological History of San Francisco’s Civic Center (2015)
- 5,000 Years of Kalispel Food Security: A Multiproxy Approach to Food Processing, Preference, and Access in the Past (2024)
- A 5,000-Year History of Landscape Evolution in the Rio Blanco Valley of Uxbenká, Belize (2021)
- 5500 years of changing crop niches on the Tibetan Plateau (2016)
- 6k Years of Land Use in South Asia: Sustainability, Power Relations, and Tropical Variability (2018)
- The 700-Year-Old Guth Dugout: From Arkansas to Cahokia (2024)
- 75,000 troops, 10,000 square miles, 3 months, 8 battles . . . and Only a Handful of Archaeological Sites? Reassessing Archaeology of the World War II Oregon Maneuver Training Exercise (2023)
- ’77 to ’17: Re-investigating the Perimeter of St. Catherines Island after Four Decades (2019)
- 7x105 Dimensions of Pottery: Multivariate Analyses of Pottery Assemblages from the Lower Town Site of Mycenae, Greece (2017)
- The 8.2ka event evidence for human-environment interaction in north-west Atlantic Europe (2016)