Browse all Projects in tDAR
Matacanela Archaeological Project
Mattapany (18ST390)
Mattapany, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland (1998.032, 1998.034, 1998.035)
The Maya Vase Conservation Project
MB #33 Precontact Site, Moreau, NY
McLean and Ryan 2021
Melrose Air Force Range Resources
Merchant Site Southeast New Mexico
Mesoamerican Radiocarbon Database (MesoRad)
Miami Occupation of the Upper Wabash Drainage 1984
Middle Cumberland (TN) Archaeology Project
The Military Heritage Guidebook (Legacy 03-196)
Military Historic Context Emphasizing the Cold War Including the Identification and Evaluation of Above-Ground Cultural Resources for Thirteen Department of Defense Installations in the State of Georgia (Legacy 03-175)
Military Training Lands Historic Context (Legacy 05-265)
Millers Ferry 1963-1968
Millwood Plantation 1980
Mimbres Inequality
Mimbres Periphery Study
Mississinewa Reservoir Maps N.D.
Mississinewa Reservoir Survey 1980-1982
Mitchell Springs Ruin Group
Mixco Viejo
Mixteca Alta GIS
Modoc Rock Shelter Site, IL (11R5) 1953 Excavation Project
Modoc Rock Shelter Site, IL (11R5) 1956 Excavation Project
Modoc Rock Shelter Site, IL (11R5) 1980 Excavation Project
Modoc Rock Shelter Site, IL (11R5) 1984 Excavation Project
Modoc Rock Shelter Site, IL (11R5) 1987 Excavation Project
Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project (MPLP)
Monitoring of a Sinkhole Excavation and Repair Prior to the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project Testing
Monitoring Plan for the Construction Phase of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project, San Xavier District, Tohono O’odham Nation
Monroe County Archaeological Investigation 1984
Monroe County Survey 1976
Monte Alban
Mueller Little House
Mumba Rockshelter (Tanzania) re-excavation
NABO Artifacts
Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500) Project
National Historic Context for Hush Houses and Test Cells on DoD Installations (Legacy 07-342)
National Historic Landmarks Data Reconciliation (Legacy 07-375)
National Register Eligibility Evaluations of Sites 18ST659 and 18ST754 and Data Recovery Excavations at VXX Presidential Helicopter Facility, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2006.055)
National Register Supplemental Archaeological Investigations of Seven Archaeological Sites, Fort Lee (FL1998.001)
National Register Testing of Site 41WB933 and Intensive Survey of Seven Retention Ponds in Webb County, TX
Nationwide Context and Evaluation Methodology for Farmstead and Ranch Historic Sites and Historic Archaeological Sites on DoD Property (Legacy 17-837)
Nationwide Context, Inventory, and Heritage Assessment of Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps Resources on Department of Defense Installations (Legacy 07-357)
Naval District Washington, Section 110 Surveys, Anacostia Annex, Potomac Annex and US Naval Observatory (2013.047)
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Armenia
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from California
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Cyprus
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Egypt
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from France
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Georgia
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Greece
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Iran
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Iraq
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Italy
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Jordan
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Lebanon
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Mexico
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Niger
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Nigeria
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Oman
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Peru
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Saudi Arabia
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Sudan
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Syria
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Turkey
Neutron Activation Analysis of Ceramics from Uzbekistan
New Echota
New Geneva Pottery Waster and Dock Site (36FA404) 1995
New Philadelphia Archaeology Project
Newbridge Site and Carlin Site Projects
Newburgh Locks and Dam N.D.
Non-Invasive Burial Determination Using Near Surface Geophysical Survey and Soil Chemical Testing at Fort Hood, Texas, and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (Legacy 03-193)
North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO)
North Columbia Quarry Tract Survey
Northeastern North America Archaeology
Northern Basin of Mexico Historical Ecology Project
Northwest Bay Site
Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133), U.S. Route 301 Corridor
Nuevo Laredo
Nuvuk Archaeological Project (NAP)
Oak Hill #1
OAR Projects Progress Reports 1968-1972
Ochre Use in Middle Stone Age East and Central Africa
OCONUS Data Layer for Cultural Resources: A Feasibility Study (Legacy 05-266)
Ohio River Cultural Resources Assessment 1976-1983
Ohio River Environmental Assessment and Kanawha River Project 1977-1978
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project (OBAP)
Old Chapel Field (44ST233)
Old Mobile (1MB147) Indian House, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Fort Louis, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Site Overview, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 01, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 02, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 03, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 04, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 05, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 14, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 30, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 31, Mobile County, Alabama.
Old Mobile (1MB94) Structure 32, Mobile County, Alabama.
Omussee Creek Arbitrary (1HO27) 1982 and 1984
Omussee Creek Park (1HE4) 1977
An Optimal Foraging Model of Hunter-Gatherer Land Use in Carson Desert (Legacy 92-0497)
Orange Grove
"Osceola: Portraits, Features, and Dress," The Florida Historical Quarterly
Ossabaw Island
Palachucola Unit Survey, Webb Wildlife Management Area 1994-1995
Paleoethnobotany of Otumba
Paleoindian-Age Records of the American SW
Paleontology Resources: A Key to Unlocking the Past (Legacy 92-0482)
Papago Road Addendum Survey for San Xavier Farm Extension Project
Pasquin Site
Patoka Lake Excavations (12DU7 and 12DU8) 1976
Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980
Patriotic Legacy: The Navajo Code Talkers and the Use of Native American Languages in Defense of America (Legacy 94-0311)
Patuxent Point (18CV271)
Pavao-Zuckerman Fusihatchee Fauna
Pavao-Zuckerman Pacasmayo Fauna
Payne Site
Paynetown Light Site (12MO193) 1987
Payson/Star Valley Archaeology, CE800-1250
Pearson Creek Survey, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (1999.009)
Pena Blanca faunal remains
The Penobscot Expedition Archaeological Project: Field Investigations 2000 and 2001 (Legacy 01-133)
Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran
Performance Testing of Historically Appropriate Blast-Resistant Windows (Legacy 04-219)
Permian Basin Mitigation Program, Transect Recording Unit Survey and Small-Scale Excavations at 42 Sites Along the Southwest Pecos Slopes, Eddy County, New Mexico
Perry Creek Associated Documentation
Phase 1 Data Testing at AZ U:15:1(REC) on Private Land and Mapping of Historic Architecture at AZ AA:3:215(ASM) and AZ U:16:303(ASM) on Federal Land near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona
Phase 1 Eligibility Testing, Data Recovery, and Archival Research along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation, Pinal County, Arizona
Phase 1 Investigations at AZ T:4:150(ASM), a Multicomponent Rockshelter at Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Yavapai County, Arizona
Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ T:4:150(ASM), a Multicomponent Rockshelter at Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Yavapai County, Arizona
Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ U:15:1(REC) on SCIDD Property and Trenching for Additional Canal (AZ U:15:8[REC]) Exposures on Federal Land Near Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Pinal County, Arizona
Phase I and II Investigations at Shaw Air Force Base and Poinsett Range
Phase I and II Investigations at Site W, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.030)
Phase I and II Investigations at Sites 51SW22 and 51SW7, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Washington, DC (2013.015)
Phase I and II Investigations, Washington Navy Yard Quarters, Washington D.C. (2013.005)
Phase I and Phase II Excavations of 400 Area Ridge Top, Locus I (Site 18MO396), Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.031)
Phase I and Phase II Investigations, MCB Training Areas, Quantico (QU2011.001)
Phase I and Phase II Investigations, Sites 18AN398, 18AN929, 18AN982, 18AN983, 18AN988, and 18AN989, Fort Meade (2004.037)
Phase I and Phase II Survey of Blossom Point Farmhouse, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.029)
Phase I Archaeological Investigation, 44HT27, Fort Monroe (FM2005.002)
Phase I archaeological Investigation, Qualification Training Range, Fort Lee (FL2010.002)
Phase I Archaeological Investigations at Fort A. P. Hill
Phase I Archaeological Investigations at Naval Station, Annapolis (2006.026)
Phase I Archaeological Investigations, Point Lookout Light Station, Point Lookout, MD (2000.019)
Phase I Archaeological Investigations, Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland (2000.016)
Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1998.040)
Phase I Archaeological Survey on the North Bank of Pine Hill Run, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, St. Mary's County, MD(2012.042)
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of Harry Diamond Laboratories, Field Test Facility, Blossom Point, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.027)
Phase I Investigation at MRICD, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2010.058)
Phase I Investigation at the Proposed 'New' CHPPM Campus, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2007.039)
Phase I Investigation at the Proposed Ammunition Operations Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2007.038)
Phase I Investigation for the Proposed Relocation of Combat Drive and a Proposed Borrow Area (2010.059)
Phase I Investigation of 27 Acres in EOD Area, Fort A. P. Hill
Phase I Investigation of Parade Ground and Continental Park Loci 1-19, Fort Monroe (FM2005.001)
Phase I Investigation of Shoot House and Urban Assault Compound, Fort A.P. Hill
Phase I Investigation of Spesutie Island, Aberdeen Proving Ground (1996.041)
Phase I Investigation of the Boy Scouts of America Jamoree Grounds, Fort A.P. Hill
Phase I Investigation, Explosive Ordinance Demolition Expansion, Fort A.P. Hill
Phase I Investigation, Fort Nonsense Metal Detector Survey, Annapolis, Maryland (2006.031)
Phase I Investigation, Hot Lanes I-95, Quantico (QU2013.001)
Phase I Investigation, TA11 Shop Road, Fort Lee (FL2010.010)
Phase I Investigation, The Button Site, Fort Lee (FL2009.007)
Phase I Investigation, US Navy North Severn Waste Treatment Upgrade,US Navy North Severn Complex (2013.048)
Phase I Investigations at Priest Point 18ST87, St. Inigoes MD (1992.019)
Phase I Investigations at the Antenna Field, St. Inigoes, MD (1992.034)
Phase I Investigations at the United States Naval Academy Dairy Farm (2009.001)
Phase I Investigations at the US Naval Academy, Brigade Sports Complex, North Severn River Complex (2010.048)
Phase I Investigations of the Proposed US Navy Academy Rugby Field, Greenbury Point (2010.049)
Phase I Investigations, National Naval Medical Center (NNMC), Washington D.C. (2008.004)
Phase I Investigations, Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington D.C. (2010.067)
Phase I investigations, Outlying Areas, Webster Field Annex (2013.020)
Phase I Investigations, Proposed Expansion of the Columbarium, US Naval Academy (2010.050)
Phase I Survey and Predictive Model Testing, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Maryland (2012.043)
Phase I Survey at the Posey Site, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Charles County, Maryland (2012.041)
Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042)
Phase I Survey of 3,250 Acres, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2004.029)
Phase I Survey of Twelve Areas at Blossom Point, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.028)
Phase I, II & III Investigations for the G.A.T.E. Project, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2011.030)
Phase I, II, and III Archaeological Investigations, St. Anne's Shrine Cottage Construction, Isle la Motte, Vermont
Phase I, II, III Investigations at 18ST704, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2002.015)
Phase I, II, III Investigations at NAVAIR, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2008.005)
Phase I/II Investigations at Site 18HA030, Old Baltimore, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2002.018)
Phase I/II Investigations at Gunpowder Meeting House & Phase III Investigation at Quiet Lodge, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2001.054)
Phase II & III Investigations of 18CV361 and 18CV362, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1999.024)
Phase II Archaeological and Historical Investigations, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (FL1990.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of 44PG185 Proposed Route 630 Widening Project, Fort Lee (FL1993.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of the Brick-Makers Site (18ST688) on the Patuxent River Naval Air Station's Webster Field Annex, St. Inigoes, St. Mary's County, Maryland (2000.005)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0062, Fort A. P. Hill (AP2012.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0431, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE0465, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluation, Site 44CE069, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)
Phase II Archaeological Evaluations, Sites 44CE0551 and 44CE0555, Fort A.P. Hill (AP2012.001)
Phase II Archaeological Investigation of Loci 3 and 9, Fort Monroe (FM2005.001)
Phase II Archaeological Investigations of 18ST233 and 18ST329, Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2001.002)
Phase II Archaeological Investigations of the World War I Defensive Earthworks, Fort Lee (FL1997.001)
Phase II Archaeological Survey of a Defensive Earthwork, Fort Lee (FL1988.002)
Phase II Cultural Resources Investigations at 24 Archaeological Sites, Fort Lee (FL1999.001)
Phase II Evaluation of 18ST751, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2007.004)
Phase II Evaluation, Site 18ST792, Point Lookout State Park (2006.056)
Phase II Excavations at Blossom Point Field Test Facility, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2002.022)
Phase II Excavations of 500 Area Ridgetop, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000.032)
Phase II Historical and Archaeological Investigations of 30 Archaeological Sites, Fort Lee (FL1996.001)
Phase II Investigation, Anketill's Neck, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2010.063)
Phase II Investigation, Beall House, Site 18FR683, Fort Detrick (2007.040)
Phase II Investigation, Site 18ST87, Webster Field Annex, St. Mary's County, Maryland (2007.005)
Phase II Investigation, Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2013.016)
Phase II Investigations at the Naval Academy Athletic Facility (Brigade Sports Complex), North Severn River Complex (2006.027)
Phase II Investigations of 18AN557, 18AN1232, 18AN1230, 18AN1229, and 18ANX423, Berman Tract, Fort Meade (2004.036)
Phase II Investigations of 18AN974, 18AN986, and 18AN987, Fort Meade (2004.034)
Phase II Investigations of Sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island (2001.049)
Phase II Investigations, P-140, Webster Field Annex (2013.019)
Phase II Investigations, Site 18AN973, Downs Family Cemetery and Farmstead, Fort Meade (2013.014)
Phase II Investigations, Site 18FR74, Ft. Detrick Water Treatment Plant, Fort Detrick (2005.023)
Phase II Investigations, Site 18ST372, Webster Field Annex (2010.062)
Phase II Investigations, Sites 18AN978, 18AN975, and 18AN762, Fort Meade (2004.035)
Phase II Investigations, US Naval Observatory, Washington D.C. (2010.065)
Phase II Investigations, Washington Navy Yard, Washington D.C. (2010.066)
Phase II Investigations, “Porter’s Folly” (Site 18AP77), Naval Support Activity Annapolis, US Naval Academy (2012.044)
Phase II/III Archeological Investigation, 184-186 Sheridan Avenue and 203-209 Sheridan Avenue Historic Sites, Albany, NY
Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery, Cardon/Holton Site [7NC-F-128], St. Georges Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware
Phase III Archaeological Data Retrieval of a Multicomponent Precontact Site in the Schoharie Creek Valley of New York State
Phase III Archaeological Investigations on the Bull Hill Run Site 44PG316, Fort Lee (FL1989.002)
Phase III Data Retrievals on Historic Archaeological Sites in Albany, New York
Phase III Investigations, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (FL1990.002)
Phoenix Basin Archaeology: Intersections, Pathways Through Time
Phytoliths in the Flora of Ecuador Project
PIA Atalla
Pickensville Alabama Store Ledger, 1841
Pictures, Patterns and Objects: Rock-Art of the Torres Strait Islands, Northeastern Australia
Piedras Negras
Pimería Alta Missions Fauna
PIN 0757.46.121
PIN 2016.77.101
PIN 5002.07
PIN 6066.41.101
PIN 9002.09
PIN 9041.13.121
Pine Grove Site (12MO183) 1987