Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

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  1. Montana Project Archaeology: Best Practices from a Teacher--Student Field School Collaboration in Virginia City, Montana (2015)
  2. Colorful Collaboration in Colorado: Recent Work by the Project Archaeology Colorado Chapter (2015)
  3. The Power of National and State Engagement for Archaeology Education in Kansas (2015)
  4. Enhancing Archaeology Education and Outreach in Iowa through Project Archaeology (2015)
  5. Project Archaeology in Florida: Teaching and Understanding Slavery at Kingsley Plantation (2015)
  6. Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Bringing Project Archaeology to Oklahoma (2015)
  7. Analysis of Plant Remains from the Bronze Age Site of Pecica Şanţul Mare (2015)
  8. Investigating Wood Acquisition Strategies from Archaeological Charcoal: Implications for the Bronze Age Site of Pecica Şanţul Mare (2015)
  9. Middle Bronze Age Animal Economies: Transitions at Pecica Santul Mare (Romania) (2015)
  10. Decoupling Decoration and Dates: A New Absolute Chronology for the Transylvanian Middle Bronze Age (2015)
  11. Agropastoralism in Bronze Age Transylvania: An analysis of faunal assemblages from the Geoagiu and Mureş Valleys (2015)
  12. Interpreting uses of cereal threshing tools and straw storage structures from Neolithic, Chacolithic and Bronze Age sites in the near East (2015)
  13. Exploring Domestic Tasks at Kharaneh IV using Lithic Microwear Analysis (2015)
  14. Representative Samples and Method Calibration for Lithic Microwear Interpretation frameworks (2015)
  15. Trollesgave: Hunter-Gatherer Social Organisation during the Late Glacial in Northwest Europe (2015)
  17. Scales of Analysis, Scales of Interpretation: Interpretive Scope and Analytical Precision in Lithic Use-wear Research or ‘Trees are great but don’t forget about the forest!’ (2015)
  18. Investigating the toolkit for building a Neolithic house: microwear and the missing majority (2015)
  19. Salado in the Upper Gila (2015)
  20. Early Pithouse Period Ceramics in the Upper Gila: A Look from Winn Canyon (2015)
  21. Recent Test Excavations at an Early Agricultural Period Cerro de Trincheras Site on the Upper Gila River, Arizona (2015)
  22. Venturing into the Borderland: Revisiting the 13th-Century Occupation of the Upper Gila (2015)
  23. Small Island Water Security: considering how the past can help secure a safer future (2015)
  24. Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure for Traditional and Local Knowledge and Archaeology in the Arctic (2015)
  25. Long Term, Community Level Protection and Management of Waterfowl in Mývatn N. Iceland (2015)
  26. Transforming frontiers into heartlands: The immediate and long-term environmental impact of the crusades in NE Europe (2015)
  27. Long-term trends and the sustainability of early agriculture in Neolithic Europe (2015)
  28. Learning from the past about the present and for the future (2015)
  29. Stripped Naked, Flayed to the Bone and then Drowned: Settlement Failure in Coastal Scotland in the 14th and 15th Centuries (2015)
  30. The Roots of the Modern Anthropocene: The Yellow River Valley, China, 5000-2000 BP (2015)
  31. IHOPE Maya: Linking lessons of the past to our present and future (2015)
  32. Vulnerability and human security in the face of climate change (2015)
  33. In Too Deep: Excavations of a Partially Inundated Ancient Maya Salt Works at Wiz Naab, Paynes Creek National Park, Belize (2015)
  34. Spring Surprise: The Lessons Learned and Unexpected Results of the Chassahowitzka Headsprings Archaeological Assessment and Monitoring Project (2015)
  35. Geoarchaeological Proxies of Late Holocene Sea Level Rise: Marine Transgression and the Archaeological Record of the Delmarva Peninsula (2015)
  36. A Predictive Model for Submerged Prehistoric Sites, Northern New England and Canadian Maritimes (2015)
  37. Identifying Submerged Paleocultural Landscapes: A Collaborative Archaeological Approach (2015)
  38. A Geoarchaeological Review of the Guest Mammoth Kill Site (8MR130) in the Silver River, Florida (2015)
  39. Excavation of an Inundated Shell Midden: Methods and Preliminary Findings at a Classic Maya Saltwork (2015)
  40. Underwater Geoarchaeology of Perennial Lakes in the Great Basin (2015)
  41. The Suitability of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Mapping Sub-Marsh Paleogeography and Implications for Large-Scale Archaeological Surveys of Wetlands and Marshes (2015)
  42. Geoarchaeological approaches: Assessing the formation and preservation of a Late Pleistocene Drowned terrestrial site on the Pacific coast of South America (Chile) (2015)
  43. Locating and identifying submerged prehistoric sites as part of CRM (2015)
  44. Documenting Ancient Hohokam Irrigation Systems along the Middle Gila River and the Social Organization of Irrigation (2015)
  45. Gila River Indian Community’s Wildland Fire Archaeology Program (2015)
  46. Place, Place Name and Property in the identification of O’odham and Pee Posh TCPs. (2015)
  47. Rock Art Heritage Conservation and Management (2015)
  48. Akimel O’odham Projectile Point Design and P-MIP Archaeological Research (2015)
  49. Vesicular Basalt Provenance Analysis: A Collaborative Research Effort among Southern Arizona Native American Communities and Archaeologists (2015)
  50. Tribal Heritage Management in Action at the Gila River Indian Community, Arizona (2015)
  51. Carved footprints and prehistoric beliefs: examples of symbol and myth, practice and ideology. (2015)
  52. Patterns through space: a spatial analysis of Murujuga rock art, Northwest Australia. (2015)
  54. War related social and ritual traits in Rock Art (2015)
  55. How values, prejudice, and social issues shape rock art research in North America. (2015)
  56. Approaches to Scandinavian rock-art (2015)
  57. Watch out for rocks: a GIS and Agent-Based Modeling approach to the rock art of Northwestern Iberia (2015)
  58. Boundaries and Networks on the 19th Century Bras d’Eau Sugar Estate (2015)
  59. Gis, Heritage and Industrial Archaeology at Aapravasi Ghat (2015)
  60. The price of freedom: health status in a freed slave community in Le Morne (18-19th centuries, Mauritius). (2015)
  61. Genetic impact of slavery abolition in Mauritius: Ancient DNA data from Le Morne and Bois Marchand cemeteries (2015)
  62. Makak: Between History and Heritage (2015)
  63. Silences and Mentions in the Historical Archaeology of the Indian Ocean: Themes for a New Research Agenda (2015)
  64. Objects past, objects present: materials, resistance and memory from the Le Morne Old Cemetery, Mauritius. (2015)
  65. The comparison of central and peripheral household compounds at the site of Panquilma, Peruvian Central Coast (2015)
  66. Ancestor veneration in a domestic space in Panquilma. A preliminary approach based on the Ceramic Analysis. (2015)
  67. Analysis of Mortuary Rituals at Panquilma (2015)
  68. Expressions of Power in Public Architecture in the Lurín Valley (2015)
  69. Analysis of In-tact Mummy Bundles from the 2014 Field Season at Panquilma (2015)
  70. Explorations of Public Space at the Site of Panquilma (2015)
  71. Landscape and Social Organization during the Late Intermediate and Late Horizon Periods in the Lower Lurin Valley, Peruvian Central Coast (2015)
  72. Panquilma: Socio-politics in Household Archaeology (2015)
  73. The Organization of the Lower Lurin Valley During the Late Intermediate and Late Horizon Periods (2015)
  74. The Inca occupation at Pampa de Flores: Continuity, changes and abandonment of public architecture in the Lurin Valley during the Late Horizon (2015)
  75. New Faces, New Pressures, New Pots: Collective identities in action in the ceramic record at Lamanai, Belize (2015)
  77. Microfossils and Micro-XRF: sourcing raw materials for Iron Age to Romano-British pottery production at Burrough Hill hillfort, UK (2015)
  78. Petrography and chemistry live together in perfect harmony (2015)
  79. The Social Dimensions of Complex Industries: Insights from a Thin Section Microscopy Study of Aztec Salt-Making Pottery (2015)
  80. Assessing Ceramic Production and Exchange in the Early Monte Albán State (Oaxaca, Mexico) (2015)
  81. Expanding the (Micro)Scope: Exploring the technological and provenance characteristics of Inuit pottery containing atypical, animal-deriving organic paste ingredients (2015)
  82. Function-based Processing Decisions in the Middle Balsas Region of Guerrero, Mexico (2015)
  83. Fabrics of space and time: Multiscalar analytical approaches to social process in the Middle Bronze Age Aegean (2015)
  84. A characterization study of some of the earliest ceramic building materials from sites in Rome and its surrounding area (2015)
  85. The Analytical Nexus: Multi-Technique Approaches to Ceramic Composition (2015)
  86. Using Natural Breaks to Work Together: Compositional Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics using Petrography and NAA (2015)
  87. Transport jars at the Mycenaean Citadel of Tiryns, Greece: new evidence from petrographic analysis of trade in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean (2015)
  88. Scales of Mobility: Oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic insights into Xiongnu herding practice (2015)
  89. Modeling Bronze Age Isoscapes in the Eurasian steppe: Identifying subtle variation in pastoral diet and mobility (2015)
  90. Ritual and Mobility: δ18O and δ13C analyses of Bronze Age khirigsuur horses from Khanuuy Valley, Mongolia (2015)
  91. Grazing Herds on a modern Jordanian Landscape: δ13C and δ15N analysis of plants and caprine hair keratin along an altitudinal cline (2015)
  92. Bronze Age Mobility in Montane Ecosystems of eastern Kazakhstan: a preliminary isotopic investigation (2015)
  93. (Re)Articulating Ancient Lives: Diet and Movement in Late Bronze Age Societies in the South Caucasus (2015)
  94. Stable Isotopic Insights into Changing Diets, Population Mobility and the Origins of Pastoral Nomadism in Early Bronze Age Mongolia (2015)
  95. Geographical origin assignment of sheep wool textiles using light stable isotopes (2015)
  96. Herding Strategies during the Xiongnu Period of Mongolia: A comparison in the diet of domestic fauna from the Egiin Gol Valley and Baga Gazaryn Chuluu (2015)
  97. The Chronological Ceramic Sequence of Naranjo, Guatemala: A Revision and Relationship to Kaminaljuyu (2015)
  98. Early Maya Script and Visual Culture: A Chronological and Geographical Reassessment (2015)
  99. The Antigua Valley, Guatemala: Dating and Contexts of the Middle Preclassic Period (2015)
  100. Revisiting the Preclassic Ceramic Sequence of the Greater Kaminaljuyu Zone (2015)