Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

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  1. The Settlement Remains of Sanxingdui -- A Preliminary Study of Chronology and Site Development (2015)
  2. Toward a Reconstruction of Early Settlements in Metal Age Yunnan (2015)
  3. Preliminary study on Western Han dynasty settlements in the Lingnan region (2015)
  4. Sichuan Life Styles – Traditions and Adaptations in Prehistoric Architecture and Settlement Structure (2015)
  5. From Settlement to City: Two Issues Related to Phases I of the Site of Sanxingdui, Southwest China (2015)
  6. Soils, plants and animals in the making of hunter-gatherer pottery in coastal Alaska (2015)
  7. The Moose Hill Site: The Dynamic Interplay of Climate Change, Marine Productivity, Volcanism, and Cultural Transitions on the Kvichak River, Bristol Bay, Alaska. (2015)
  8. The Genetic Prehistory of the New World Arctic (2015)
  9. Archaeology and cultural preservation: a perspective from a Yup’ik village (2015)
  10. Prehistory and Climate Change in Southwest Alaska (2015)
  11. Beetle, lice and flea sub-fossils as evidence for resource exploitation, the use of space and ecological conditions at the pre-contact Eskimo site of Nunalleq, south-western Alaska (2015)
  12. Pottery use in Alaskan prehistory: an organic residue analysis approach (2015)
  13. Stable isotope analysis of permafrost-preserved human hair and faunal remains from Nunalleq, Alaska: dietary variation, climate change and the pre-contact Arctic food-web (2015)
  14. Nunalleq past and present – discovering a Yup’ik archaeological heritage (2015)
  15. What can archaeobotanical remains from exceptionally well preserved contexts tell us about past arctic life-ways? (2015)
  16. Commoner-Elite Interactions: Evidence Subroyal Elite Housemound Excavations at Uxul, Campeche, Mexico (2015)
  17. Resource Procurement at the Local Level in Classic Maya Chinikihá (AD 600-900) (2015)
  18. Hilar y tejer en el Palacio y la periferia. Coincidencias y particularidades de dos espacios domésticos del Clásico Tardío en Comalcalco, Tabasco (2015)
  19. Explorando la diversidad socioeconómica en grupos domésticos mayas del período Clásico. El caso de Sihó, Yucatán. (2015)
  20. Great Expectations: Negotiating Community at Ucanha, Yucatán, Mexico (2015)
  21. Same Space Different Face: Recent Investigations at Xunantunich, Group D (2015)
  22. Las primeras sociedades agrícolas sedentarias en el Valle de Oaxaca: producciones líticas y surgimiento de nuevas necesidades (2015)
  23. Household Activities, Status, and Social Organization at Uxul, Campeche, Mexico (2015)
  24. Placing Cahal Pech on the map: Implications of Burial Goods Recovered in the Site’s Eastern Triadic Shrine (2015)
  25. Haciendo público lo privado: La arquitectura de las élites de Cahal Pech durante el Preclásico Medio (2015)
  26. Defining a Late Classic Maya Granite Workshop at the Tzib Group, Pacbitun, Belize (2015)
  27. Using Rock Art to Infer the Migration of Peoples (2015)
  28. Exploring Nevada rock art as a social landscape (2015)
  29. Animal symbolism in the rock art of the Sonoran Desert (2015)
  30. Religious Symbolism In Eastern California Ghost Dance Rock Paintings (2015)
  31. Lesser Antillean Rock Art of the Caribbean: A Regional Perspective (2015)
  32. Beyond the Solstice (2015)
  33. Mystery and Ideology in the Rock Art of Missouri (2015)
  34. The Rock Art of Valley of Fire, Clark County, Nevada (2015)
  35. Western Message Petroglyphs: Esoterica in the Wild West (2015)
  36. Ancestral Abstract Art of the Mojave Desert (2015)
  37. Huichol Symbolism and the Interpretation of Rock Art in the Western Sierra of Jalisco Mexico (2015)
  38. Revisiting the Stylistic Similarities of Utah's Barrier Canyon and Texas' Pecos River Murals (2015)
  39. Pictograph Handprint Analysis in Southern California--Stature and Gender Projections (2015)
  40. Beyond Boundaries: A Discussion of "out-of'place" Yokuts and Chumash Motifs (2015)
  41. From Borinquen to Barbados: A Caribbean Cave Art Ritual Complex (2015)
  42. Managing Meaning: Mitigation, Monitoring, and Mentoring at a Rock Art Site in the Uinta Basin, Utah (2015)
  43. Continuity and Change Between Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Periods: Visually Reconstructing Two Successive Occupations of Housepit 54 at the Bridge River Village Site, Mid-Fraser Region, British Columbia, Canada (2015)
  44. Lithic Raw Materials Procurement and Exchange at Housepit 54, Bridge River Site, British Columbia: What a Diachronic Perspective Reveals (2015)
  45. Linking Geochemistry and Geology in Interpreting Anthropogenic Sediments at Bridge River, British Columbia (2015)
  46. Dog coprolites as a source of dietary and genetic information at the Bridge River Site, BC (2015)
  47. Household Hearth-Centered Activity Areas at the Bridge River Site, British Columbia: Formation Processes and Site Structure (2015)
  48. The Groundstone Artifacts of Housepit 54, Bridge River Site, British Columbia (2015)
  49. Variation in the Lithic Technological Organization Accompanying Household Expansion at Housepit 54, Bridge River site, British Columbia (2015)
  50. Housepit 54 through an Indigenous Framework: A Holistic Interpretation of an Ancient Traditional Home (2015)
  51. Plant use practices of an ancient St’át’imc household, Bridge River, British Columbia (2015)
  52. A Demographic History of Housepit 54, Bridge River site, British Columbia (2015)
  53. The Dogs of Housepit 54: A Taphonomic Analysis of Recovered Canine Remains at Bridge River, British Columbia (2015)
  54. The Ancient Floors of Housepit 54, Bridge River site: Stratigraphy and Dating (2015)
  55. One Group or Many? Cultural Inheritance at Housepit 54, Bridge River Site, British Columbia (2015)
  56. Variation in Animal Predation and Processing Strategies at the Bridge River Winter Pithouse Village (EeRl4) Thru Time: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Subsistence Change (2015)
  57. The Future of Zooarchaeological Collections in Twenty First-Century Scholarship (2015)
  58. A Saint Jude’s Box for Zooarchaeologists In the Making (2015)
  59. Ecology, ceremony, and animal bones from southern Mesopotamia (2015)
  60. On why we still need ethnoarchaeology (2015)
  61. Fish, Fishing, and Fish Bones on the central California Coast (2015)
  62. Parallel Practices: The importance of joining creative action and the sciences in the work and legacy of Diane Gifford Gonzalez. (2015)
  63. Migrations and Exchange: Early Pastoral Mobility in Kenya Assessed Through Stable Isotope Analysis (2015)
  64. Zooarchaeologial inferences and analogical reasoning at Chavin de Huantar (Peru) (2015)
  65. What’s in the Oven? Specialized Processing, or Mixed Food Preparation in the Chumash Kitchen (2015)
  66. Big reasons to eat small fishes: Nutritional composition and subsistence decisions along California’s Central Coast (2015)
  67. Nutrient hotspots and pastoral legacies in East African savannas (2015)
  68. The Common Sense of Institutions and Modalities of Happiness (2015)
  69. Women, Reproduction, and Fertility: How "Common-Sense" Assumptions of the Present Filter into the Mesoamerican Past (2015)
  70. Turning Privilege into "Common-Sense": Truth-Claims and Control of Cultural Heritage (2015)
  71. Quantifying Indianness: Commonsensical practice in U.S. bioarchaeology and skeletal biology (2015)
  72. On the need for more "gut theory" in academic archaeology (2015)
  73. Love Never Dies? (2015)
  74. The Edge of Humanity: Why Commonsensical Notions about Nature Impede our Understandings of Structural Violence in the Arizona Desert (2015)
  75. Too Much Common Sense,Not Enough Critical Reflection (2015)
  76. Birnirk Expansion across Alaska during the Medieval Climate Anomaly: Causal or Coincidence? (2015)
  77. Comparative Faunal Analysis of Four Early Thule House Features from Cape Espenberg, Alaska, and Inglefield Land, Greenland (2015)
  78. Under Threat of Erosion: Late Prehistoric to Historic Contact Houses near the Native Village of Shaktoolik, Alaska (2015)
  79. Recent Discoveries in the Tanana Basin, Eastern Beringia (2015)
  80. Where’s the Cod?: Toward a Predictive Model of Prehistoric Land-use and Migration in the Aleutian Islands (2015)
  81. Geological Hazards, Climate Change, and Human Resilience in the Islands of the Four Mountains of Alaska: Preliminary Archaeological Findings (2015)
  82. Caribou Exploitation Dynamics and Antler Tool Production in Late Thule Occupation of the Kvichak River Drainage, SW Alaska (2015)
  83. Recent NLURA Research in Northern Alaska (2015)
  84. Application of LIDAR in New Site Discoveries, Susitna Valley, Alaska (2015)
  85. Delivering on the Promise: Mobilizing Knowledge in the Ikaahuk Archaeology Project (2015)
  86. Results of Section 106 Fieldwork at Three Archaeological Sites in Alaska: Producing Meaningful Research Results Under the Shadow of the Sequester (2015)
  87. Subsistence and Settlement at Cape Krusenstern, Alaska (2015)
  88. Digging Deep or Just Scratching the Surface: Challenges and Successes with Labrador Inuit Archaeobotany (2015)
  89. Nuvuk, Birnirk, Utqiaġvik, Walakpa and Beyond: All Those Sites Will Soon Be Gone (2015)
  90. Iyatayet Revisited: Oh Giddings, what have you done? (2015)
  91. Maritime Adaptations and Arctic Ceramic Technology: Results of Residue Analysis (2015)
  92. Potential Applications of the Bioarchaeology of Care Methodological Approach for Historic Institutionalized Populations (2015)
  93. Digitised Diseases: seeing beyond the specimen, understanding disease and disability in the past (2015)
  94. The potential and challenges of constructing a bioarchaeology of care for a person with leprosy in the late medieval period (2015)
  95. A Post-Mortem Evaluation of the Degree of Mobility in an Individual with Severe Kyphoscoliosis Using Direct Digital Radiography (DR) and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) (2015)
  96. Cared for or Outcasts? The bioarchaeological analysis of two individuals with potential disabilities from Aztec Ruins (2015)
  97. What moral and ethical considerations should inform bioarchaeology of care analysis? (2015)
  98. Narrativizing a Bioarchaeology of Care: A Case Study from Ancient Dilmun (2015)
  99. Mummy studies and the soft tissue evidence of care (2015)
  100. Using the Index of Care on a Bronze Age Teenager with Poliomyelitis: From Speculation to Strong Inference (2015)