Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,201-2,300 of 3,720)

  1. The Distinctive Archaeological Landscape of the El Malpais National Monument Lava Flows (2015)
  2. Imitating from Memory: Hybrid Vessels and Attempted Replications of Stylistic Elements from Central Panama in the Pre-Hispanic Ceramics of Costa Rica (2015)
  3. Identifying transcultural processes: the Wayana-Apalai and Tiriyó example (2015)
  4. Alfarería en las fronteras de La Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina (Ceramics at the borders of the Humahuaca Quebrada, Jujuy Argentina) (2015)
  5. Characterizing the Relationship Between Two Early States of the Andes: The Moche, The Wari and the Product of their Contact. An Archaeological and Archaeometric Perspective (2015)
  6. Spondylus and Ideology: 5000 Years of Interaction between Manabi, the Circum-Gulf of Guayaquil Region and Northern Peru (2015)
  7. Revealing the common ground: technological practice, intrusive shapes and hybrid pastes in the Kampos Group pottery of Crete (2015)
  8. Hybridized Objects and Colonization Practices: Ceramics from Minaspata, Cuzco, Peru (2015)
  9. The Politics of Connectivity at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia (2015)
  10. Long Distance Material Movement in the Mediterranean: Obsidian Transport, Trade, and Technology (2015)
  11. Cultural transmissions and indigenous influences: Glazed tiles from Mughal India (2015)
  12. Local and Inca Cross Regional Interactions: studies from the Northern Ecuador frontier. (2015)
  13. Local, Regional, and Supra-regional Political Economies in the Late Bronze Age South Caucasus: Unpacking the Contours of "Interaction" (2015)
  14. Wares in moving: people, technology and political issues in Northwest Argentina (2015)
  15. Cultural Interaction and Cultural Change in the Peruvian Central Highland Valley of Ayacucho (2015)
  16. Chimú-Inka Ceramics: Quantifying differences between Colonial forms and their influences (2015)
  17. Painting Ourselves out of a Corner: Considerations on the Medium (2015)
  18. Presenting Order: Painting as Mythic Past and Mathematical Future in the Murals of San Bartolo and Xultun, Guatemala (2015)
  19. Murales prehispánicos en la costa norte del Perú: la imagen del poder y el poder de la imagen (2015)
  20. Archaeometry and Mural Paintings in Ancient Peru: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Apprehend the Prehispanic Artisan Painters (2015)
  21. Ancient, Modern, and Post-Modern: Pueblo Mural Painting of the Southwestern U.S. (2015)
  22. Archaeology, Identity and Art: The Caranqui Murals of Ibarra, Ecuador (2015)
  23. The virtual reconstruction of "Los Bebedores Mural" from Cholula, Puebla, México (2015)
  24. Postclassic Murals of Mayapan as a Mirror of Cultural Transformation (2015)
  25. Classic Veracruz Mural Painting (2015)
  26. Gender Ideologies in Zapatista Maya Murals and Postclassic Mural Programs from the Eastern Maya Seaboard (2015)
  27. Sabios in Situ: Art-making and Representing Authority at Classic Period Xultun (2015)
  28. Beyond Surrealism: The Anthropological Sources of Leonora Carrington's "El mundo mágico de los mayas" (1964) (2015)
  29. Revisioning the Relationship between Man and Jaguar: A Reassesment of the Olmec Paintings of Oxtotitlán, Guerrero, Mexico (2015)
  30. Painting as process: The context of mural production in the Puebloan Southwest (2015)
  31. Modeling climate impacts and human predation on marine populations using prey age profiles: an agent based model (2015)
  32. Further evidence for a terrestrial-focused protein diet in prehistoric Rapa Nui (2015)
  33. Ring Graph Analyses of Early Communities on Rapa Nui Measuring the Distribution of Stone-lined Earth Ovens (umu) (2015)
  34. Despotism, cooperation, and the evolution of social hierarchy in prehistoric Hawai‘i (2015)
  35. Developing a microfossil key for Fiji from modern herbarium specimens (2015)
  36. Prehistoric Diet on Rapa Nui via Stable Isotope Analyses of Bone Collagen and Carbonate (2015)
  37. Examining The Temporal Scale of Human-Environmental Relationships on Ofu Island, Manu‘a Group, American Samoa (2015)
  38. The evolution of "hyper-locality" on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (2015)
  39. The View from Rapa: Behavioral Ecology and Fortifications in Polynesia (2015)
  40. Artifact Networks, Cultural Transmission, and Polynesian Settlement (2015)
  41. Agent Based Modeling (ABM) Approaches to Understanding Prehistoric Forager Ecology in Tokelau (2015)
  42. Prehistoric Fishing Declines at Chelechol ra Orrak, Palau: Resolving Issues of Anthropogenic Impacts and Long-Term Resource Sustainability (2015)
  43. Archaeology as Heritage Resource: Foundations for Successful Archaeological Tourism, Achievements and Challenges from Petra to Angkor (2015)
  44. Diving to a Flash of Education: Archaeological Tourism at Maritime Sites (2015)
  45. In Defense of Archaeotourism (2015)
  46. A matter of balance: Opportunities and challenges in "difficult" heritage (2015)
  47. Ghost tourists in Gondar: Sustainable tourism and archaeological heritage (2015)
  48. Public Archaeology at Cottonwood Creek (2015)
  49. Bringing Visitors to State Historic Sites: Remote Sensing and Hands-on Research (2015)
  50. Bridging the Great Cultural Tourism Divide: Working with the Tourism Industry (2015)
  51. Promoting Responsible Heritage Tourism through Public Archaeology at Two Great Lakes Lighthouses (2015)
  52. Ancient Maya lithic craft specialization at Colha, Belize (2015)
  53. Chert at Chalcatzingo: Implications of Knapping Strategies and Technological Organization for Formative Economics (2015)
  54. A plethora of possibilities: Evaluating debitage from large habitation mounds (2015)
  55. Sourcing the Obsidian from Campanayuq Rumi: Implications for Understanding Chavín Interaction (2015)
  56. Pride and Prejudice in the Maya Lowlands (2015)
  57. Urban Lithics -- The role of stone tools in the Indus and at Harappa (2015)
  58. The Importance of Being Ad Hoc: Patterns and Implications of Expedient Lithic Production in the Bronze Age in Israel (2015)
  60. The Organization and Economic Activity Related to the Extraction and Production of Utilitarian Tools in the Mopan Valley, Belize (2015)
  61. Stone Tool Use in Late Prehistoric and Historic Contexts in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (2015)
  62. Determining Implications of Lithic Selectivity in the Early Historic European Trade of the Central Mississippi Valley (2015)
  63. Unraveling Sociopolitical Organization using Lithic Data: a Case Study from an Agricultural Society in the American Southwest (2015)
  64. The spirit of Wye House (2015)
  65. Killing Time, Becoming Inca: Subject Creation and Monument Construction in Ancient Cuzco (2015)
  66. Blocks, Bricks, and Material Practices of Inter-Subjectification at La Venta, Mexico (2015)
  67. Subjectification and the Archaeology of Violence: The 19th century Anti-Chinese Movement in San Jose, California (2015)
  68. The Earthly Production of Fleshy Subjects in the South-Central Andes (2015)
  69. What’s an (Archaeological) Peasant? Notes on Rural Subjectivities in Atlantic Africa (2015)
  70. Religious Subjects and Gendered Transformations at the Native American City of Cahokia (2015)
  71. Water, Hospitality and Difference in Everyday Life (2015)
  72. Drinking power: Moche tombs as sites of subjectification (2015)
  73. The Archaeology of First Generation Japanese American Men at an Idaho WWII Internment Camp (2015)
  74. The Negotiation of Political Subjectivity in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (2015)
  75. Gardens and Forking Paths: A Genealogy of Landscape and Subject Formation in the Zaña Valley, Peru (2015)
  76. Defining and divining the healthy body: materialities of body and wellness in the 18th century Spanish New World (2015)
  77. Insights into site formation processes at La-Roche-à-Pierrot, Saint Césaire (Charente-Maritime, France): A microstratigraphic perspective (2015)
  78. The Earlier Stone Age Occupation of Wonderwerk Cave: Combining the Archaeology and Geology (2015)
  79. From Kebara to KwaZulu-Natal: Integrating Micromorphology and Mineralogical Analyses in the Study of Diagenesis in Combustion Features (2015)
  80. It’s all about scale—thoughts on Paul Goldberg’s contributions to geoarchaeology (2015)
  81. From Microstratigraphy to Ritual Behavior: the study of Earthen Monuments in Eastern North America. (2015)
  82. Unraveling the Site Formation Process at Finch (47JE0902): A Multicomponent Habitation in Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  83. A Brief Review of the Work of Paul Goldberg in SW France (2015)
  84. Where’s the beef? The value of an interdisciplinary approach to PPN features (2015)
  85. A Most Interesting Career: Paul Goldberg's Other Contributions to Life and Science (2015)
  86. Recent Applications of Micromorphology to Cultural Resources Management in the Pacific Northwest (2015)
  87. Sea Shells by the Sea Shore: microstratigraphic investigations of the Cabeço da Amoreira Mesolithic shell midden (Muge, Portugal) (2015)
  88. New Evidence for Complex Occupation Patterns at Dmanisi, a 1.85-1.76 Ma Site in the Georgian Caucasus (2015)
  89. Cave Life Histories of non-anthropogenic Sediments helps us "raise the bar" in our understandings of anthropogenic Sediments (2015)
  90. A microstratigrapic perspective on early civic and ritual architecture: a case from the Kala Uyuni site, Bolivia (2015)
  91. Site Formation Processes and Stratigraphy of Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus: The Devil is in the Details (2015)
  92. mbira: a platform to build, serve, and manage mobile public heritage experiences (2015)
  93. In Progress: Updating and Redesigning the SAA's Archaeology For the Public Webpages (2015)
  94. Creating Communities of Collaboration through Digital Archaeology and the Digital Humanities (2015)
  95. MicroPasts and research-led public archaeology (2015)
  96. Mobile App Development at the Archaeology Data Service (2015)
  97. Public Archaeology in a Digital Age: An Overview of my Research (2015)
  98. Introducing CVR, a Content Managment System for Digital Archaeological Interpretation (2015)
  99. Playing Pedagogy: Videogaming as Site and Vehicle for Digital Public Archaeology (2015)
  100. Digital public archaeology in the UK - a review (2015)