Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,401-3,500 of 3,720)

  1. Fishing and Ecological Resilience on California’s Channel Islands (2015)
  2. The Assumption of Insular Marginality: The Curious Case of Isla Cedros, Baja California (2015)
  3. Toolstone Sources off the Pacific Coast of Alta California: Implications for Evaluating the Marginality of Islands through Space and Time (2015)
  4. Defining Marginality Under Shifting Baselines: Historical Transformations of California’s Channel Island Ecosystems (2015)
  5. Making Ancient Birds Sing: Avian Archaeology on the California Channel Islands. (2015)
  6. Gathering Evidence: Terrestrial Plant Resources of California’s Islands (2015)
  7. Freshwater Availability and Prehistoric Settlement Patterns on California’s Northern Channel Islands (2015)
  8. Household Archaeology on the Northern Channel Islands of the Santa Barbara Coast, California (2015)
  9. It Takes a Village: Mainland and Channel Islands Population (Labor) Resources through Time (2015)
  10. Perishable but not forgotten: the potential use of seaweeds on California's Channel Islands (2015)
  11. Calories, Canoes, and Cross-Channel Trade: Exploring the Efficiency of Maritime Subsistence Exchange (2015)
  12. Importation of deer bone to the Channel Islands, California, during the Middle Holocene (2015)
  13. Why Did Paleocoastal People Settle California’s Islands? (2015)
  14. The Distribution and Chronology of Abalone Middens on the California Channel Islands (2015)
  16. Material manifestation of ritual survival after abandonment (2015)
  17. Measures of Intertextuality in the Language of Ritual in Late Preclassic Mayan Texts (2015)
  18. La tradición de los incensarios en el centro de Chiapas (2015)
  20. Smoke Signals: Interpretations (2015)
  21. The roles of the figurines of Oaxaca (2015)
  22. Ritual practices at the Middle Preclassic site of Naranjo, Guatemala (2015)
  23. Dance and Music in Maya Rituals: The Case of Tecum (2015)
  24. Los Recintos Funerarios y la Veneración de los Antepasados en los Espacios Habitacionales del Grupo B de Naachtun, Guatemala (2015)
  25. "Just the leftovers!" Pre-Christian ritual in highland Maya colonial documents (2015)
  26. The universe of ritual manifestations at Tak’alik Ab’aj (2015)
  27. La Venta’s Offering 4: Representation of Olmec Ritual Practices (2015)
  28. Current ritual materiality at Tak’alik Ab’aj (2015)
  29. Situating and Explaining the Sacred Pipestone Quarries of Southwestern Minnesota within a Greater Cultural Landscape (2015)
  30. Indigenous Cultural Resource Ceremonies (2015)
  31. Marking the Sacred: Reading between the abraded lines of Mission San Miguel the Arcángel. (2015)
  32. Sacrifice, Litter, and Loss: The Archaeology of the Recent Past atop a Sacred Island in the Sky (2015)
  33. Issues involved in the recording and protection of a previously unknown rock art site in Northern California (2015)
  34. Defining Sacred (2015)
  35. The Sacred and the sacred (2015)
  36. Standing on Sacred Ground (2015)
  37. Archaeological Preservation (2015)
  38. The intersection of the sacred and the everyday in medieval Ireland (2015)
  39. Inyan: Towards Understanding Sioux Quartzite and a Sacred Landscape (2015)
  40. The Hindquarters of God, Seeing the Sacred in a Landscape: (2015)
  41. The Clash of Stories at Sacred Sites: Reframing the Task of Protecting Indigenous Sites (2015)
  42. Encountering the sacred in the everyday; from prehistory to the present (2015)
  43. The Landscape of Klamath Basin Rock Art (2015)
  44. A Geography of Foodways in the Salish Sea, Pacific Northwest Coast (2015)
  45. Opulent harvest in a kingdom of stones: landscape and livelihood in a marginal upland zone (2015)
  46. Food and Identity In the Urban Landscape (2015)
  47. Applying Adaptive Cycles to the Life History of Ancient Maya Agricultural Systems (2015)
  48. Food from the Hinterlands: Integrated Faunal and Archaeobotanical Studies at a Classical Emporion, Thrace (2015)
  49. Icelandic Livestock Improvement and an Emerging National Identity: Biometrical and Genetic Markers of a New Landscape (2015)
  50. Heading north: landscape use and food technology at the initial stage of farming expansion in the Balkans (2015)
  51. Pigs and Power Centres in Late Neolithic Britain (2015)
  52. Colonialism, nationalism and the appropriation of new landscapes: Consuming Old and New Worlds in historical Quebec City (Canada) (2015)
  53. Consuming the French New World (2015)
  54. A social topography of fishing: Exploring the spatial variability of fish consumption practices at Songo Mnara (2015)
  55. Potsherds, Paving Stones, and Puppets: Possible Paths for an Anarchist Archaeology (2015)
  56. Questioning the Capitalist Lens: Anarchism as a Critical Theory for Assessing Sociopolitical Dynamics in the Past (2015)
  57. On the War Machine (2015)
  58. Hidden Revolutions: Re-examining Transitions in the American Southwest from an Anarchist and Network Perspective (2015)
  59. Animate landscapes and the transference of authority: resistance to hierarchy among hunter-gatherers of the Eastern Woodlands (2015)
  60. Anarchy, Archaeology, and the Decolonization of Collaborative Heritage (2015)
  61. Grand Challenges vs Actual Challenges: Text mining small and big data for quantitative insights (2015)
  62. Beyond Sharks and Laser Beams: Lessons on Informatics Needs, Open Behaviors, and Analytics Practices to Achieve Archaeological Big Data, as Learned from the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2015)
  63. Off the beaten track: exploring what lies outside paths of most frequently cited publications in citation networks (2015)
  64. Academic Freedom, Data, and Job Performance in the Panopticon (2015)
  65. Maritime adaptations and Indian Ocean trade in East Africa: The role of small offshore islands (2015)
  66. Small is not Necessarily Bad: 2000 Years of Sustained Habitation on Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands (2015)
  67. No Man or Woman is an Island Revisited: The Social Construction of Small Island Space (2015)
  68. Small, But Not Insignificant: Human Subsistence, Ecology, and Land Use on Anacapa Island, California (2015)
  69. Increase rituals and risk management on the precarious small sandy cays of central Torres Strait (2015)
  70. Marginalization of the Margins: The Importance of Smaller Islands in Human Prehistory (2015)
  71. The centrality of small islands in Arctic Norway from the Iron Age to the recent historic period (2015)
  72. Combatting the Erosion Menace: The Enduring Legacy of the CCC Within the Silver City Watershed (2015)
  73. Asa T. Hill, the WPA, and the Fluorescence of Systematic Archaeology in Nebraska (2015)
  74. The Legacy of New Deal Programs to Northern Arizona and Southwest Archaeology (2015)
  75. New Deal Archaeology at Buena Vista Lake in the San Joaquin Valley and the Sierra Madre Mountains: The 1933-34 CWA-Smithsonian Institution Project in Southern California (2015)
  76. The International Boundary Commission (IBC) and Projects along the U.S. – Mexico Border (1928 – 1941) (2015)
  77. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2015)
  78. Blast Caps and Other Stories of the CCC on the Gila National Forest: Imaging and Reimagining the North Star Road (2015)
  79. Desert Digs: New Deal Archaeology in Southern Arizona, 1934-1941 (2015)
  80. 3D Modeling – Breakthrough or Fad? Bronze Age Towers in Oman and Excavations of an Aksumite Town in Ethiopia (2015)
  81. Spatial Technology and the Search for Archaic State Society in the Hawaiian Islands (2015)
  82. Agency of Access: Public Architecture in Mesa Verde National Park (2015)
  83. Reflections on digital data acquisition and analysis at Chavín de Huántar, Peru (2015)
  84. Mapping and feature classification of low altitude orthomosaics using geospatial image analysis in a planned colonial town in highland Peru (2015)
  85. Clear Views from the Ground: 3D Modeling of Architecture and Rock Art from Chaco to Anguilla (2015)
  86. Advances and changes in the surveying and mapping of Guatemalan archaeology aided by new information technologies (2015)
  87. Geospatial archaeology and architecture in the Andes (2015)
  88. Mapping the Monumental Architecture of the Largo Gap Great House (2015)
  89. Architecture in Negative: Mapping Social Space at Carrizales, Peru Using Low Altitude Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry (2015)
  90. Visibility Graph Analysis of Monumental Buildings in Iron Age Turkey (2015)
  91. 3D Saqqara: Using 3D GIS to reconstruct visibility and communal memory at an Egyptian necropolis (2015)
  92. Preserving Archaeology with Drones in Peru (2015)
  93. Archaeological Aerial Thermography in Theory and Practice (2015)
  94. Utility of low-cost drones to generate 3D models of archaeological sites from multisensory data (2015)
  95. A UAV-based approach for a cost-efficient documentation of agrarian structures in the arid Atacama area (N. Chile) (2015)
  96. Landscapes of the Dead: Mapping, Survey, and Site Monitoring at Fifa, Jordan (2015)
  97. Small commercial aerial platforms for the generation of systematic, high-resolution, multi-spectral imagery and photogrammetry: Trimble UX5 and X100 (2015)
  98. Modeling Space at Tell Timai: Composite imaging at Greco-Roman Thmuis, Egypt (2015)
  99. Unearthing a town from the sky: Kom Wasit, the bird’s eye archaeological point of view. (2015)
  100. Groundtruthing from the Air: Reconstructing Tribal Agricultural and Landscape Systems in the Lower Chama Valley, New Mexico Using Low Elevation UAV Technology. (2015)