Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,901-3,000 of 3,720)

  1. The archaeology of conflict damaged sites: Hosn Niha in the Biqaʾ Valley, Lebanon. (2015)
  2. Economic differentiation in Hongshan core zone communities: A geochemical perspective (2015)
  3. A Geoarchaeological Investigation of Ancient Agricultural Fields at Sanyangzhuang Site, Henan Province, China (2015)
  4. Craft production and domestic economies of the prehistoric Chengdu Plain, southwest China (2015)
  5. Backgrounds of emergence of the early states in central and northern China (2015)
  6. Modeling a rapid transition in subsistence regimes in highland western China (2015)
  7. A tale of two towns: Demographic and economic change in two middle Yangzi communities (2015)
  8. Local and Regional Economics in Northeast China (2015)
  9. Bioarchaeology, human ecology, and subsistence change in ancient China (2015)
  10. Early Neolithic plant exploitation in East China (2015)
  11. "Good to Eat and Good to Think": Interpreting the Role of Plants in the Tiwanaku Temple of Omo M10, Moquegua, Peru (2015)
  12. Paleoethnobotany at Cerro la Virgen: Exploring the Lives of People and Plants at a Chimu Town in the Hinterland of Chan Chan (2015)
  13. Exploring Macrobotanicals of Tenehaha from the Cotahuasi Valley, Peru (2015)
  14. A Preliminary Comparison of Paleoethnobotanical Remains from Cerro Baul and Cerro Mejia in the Upper Moquegua Valley, Peru (2015)
  15. Middle Formative Plant Use on the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia (2015)
  16. To Feed the Miner and to Feed the Mine: Some Thoughts on the Macrobotanical Assemblage from Mina Primavera, Nasca Region, Peru (2015)
  17. To Screen or to Float?: Methodological Considerations for Archaeobotanists in Coastal Peru (2015)
  18. Methodological Considerations for Examining the "Slave Diet" at Colonial Wine Producing Estates in Nasca, Peru (2015)
  19. Parsing out Differential Plant Use Among Households During a Period of War in Puno, Peru (2015)
  20. Social Implications of a Maize-Free Botanical Assemblage in Early Middle Horizon Contexts at the Huaracane Site of Yahuay Alta, Middle Moquegua Valley, Peru (2015)
  21. Sourcing Burlington chert in Missouri and Arkansas (2015)
  22. Determining the Provenance of Suwannee Chert: A PXRF and Microscopic Analyses Case Study from Northwest Florida (2015)
  23. Rock, Paper,….XRF….: Continuing Improvements to the UI-OSA Lithic Raw Material Assemblage (2015)
  24. Continuous Spatial Modles of Artifact Relative Frequency Data as an Aid for Sourcing Chert Materials: Two Examples from Patagonia and the Pampas of Argentina (2015)
  25. Chert Characterization and Provenance in the mid-Fraser Region of British Columbia (2015)
  26. Palaeo-Eskimo exploitation of inland chert quarries on southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada (2015)
  27. A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Instrumental Techniques at Differentiating Outcrops of Edwards Plateau Chert at the Hyper-Local Scale (2015)
  28. Lithic Sourcing Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (2015)
  29. Multi-Tiered Proveniencing Analysis of Early Holocene Radiolarite Artifacts from Northern Spain (2015)
  30. Patterns of Lithic Raw Material Exploitation and Use in Western Pennsylvania (2015)
  31. Calibrating pXRF instruments for chert provenance: A how-to from the Anatolian Plateau (2015)
  32. Lithic Procurement Patterning as a Proxy for Identifying Late Paleoindian Group Mobility along the Lower Tennessee River Valley (2015)
  33. Assessing the Validity of pXRF for Sourcing Cherts in the North American Great Basin (2015)
  34. The Irish lithic landscapes project: current chert provenancing research in prehistoric Ireland (2015)
  35. Social geoarchaeology: A case study of structural organization at Peyre Blanque, Ariège (2015)
  36. Simulating the past - The use of 3D technologies in archaeology (2015)
  37. Investigating the symbolic aspects of flint in the making of prehistoric cultures: The case of the Middle Magdalenian of Southwestern France (2015)
  38. A Re-examination of Magdalenian Social Organization Ten Years Later (2015)
  39. The concept of "domesticity" in Magdalenian life (2015)
  40. Accessing Social Geographies in Late Glacial Franco-Cantabria through Personal Ornaments (2015)
  41. Genetics of Behavior in Fox Model of Animal Domestication (2015)
  42. Do dingoes hold the key to understanding human behavioural change in ancient Australia? (2015)
  43. The Paleolithic Domestic Dog Hypothesis (2015)
  44. Living with People can be Bad for your Health: Tooth Loss and Trauma in Northern Wolves and Dogs (2015)
  45. Paleo-population genomics as a means to understand the history of dog domestication (2015)
  46. Dogs as Weapon Technology: Their Role in Prehistoric Hunting Groups (2015)
  47. The earliest domesticated dogs in the Midcontinent: Chronology, Morphology, and Paleopathology (2015)
  48. Investigating Genetic Structure and Dietary Ecology through Ancient DNA and Stable Isotopic Analysis of Prehistoric Dogs from San Nicolas Island, California (2015)
  49. Thinking through Dogs in the Arctic (2015)
  50. Palaeolithic dogs in Europe and Siberia (2015)
  51. Next-generation sequencing unravels the relationship of Paleoeskimo and Thule dogs from the North American Arctic (2015)
  52. Insights into Dog Domestication from Psychological Studies on Dog and Wolf Behavior (2015)
  53. Economic benefits of hunting dogs in the context of tropical horticulture (2015)
  54. Beyond bones: Non-faunal evidence for the role of dogs in Anglo-Saxon society (2015)
  55. Ambiguous Iconography: Queering the Shell Game (2015)
  56. Criterion Q: Archaeology, Context, and the National Park Service’s LGBTQ Heritage Initiative (2015)
  57. Teaching on the Down-Low: presenting queer theory to a broad audience (2015)
  58. Queering Historical Worlds: Disorienting Materialities in Archaeology (2015)
  59. Out in the Field? Queer Archaeologists, Queer Archaeology, and CRM (2015)
  60. Queer and Complex: Everyday Life and Politics in Mesoamerican Prehistory (2015)
  61. Going Where the Job Takes You: Itinerant Producers in the Eastern Roman Empire (2015)
  62. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… Potter? Roman Legionary Ceramic Production and its Organization (2015)
  63. Producing Pottery in a Province of the Hittite Empire (2015)
  64. Frontier, Inka craft production and the Kallawaya territory (2015)
  65. Crafting Identity and Wealth on the North Coast of Peru (2015)
  66. Local Effects of Imperial Craft Production in Highland and Coastal Peru (2015)
  67. Craft, Industry, and Landscape, in the Roman Imperial Marble Trade (2015)
  68. Crafting the Fringes of French Imperialism: Ceramic Politics in Siin, Senegal (2015)
  69. A Tale of Three Assemblages (2015)
  70. Transforming the body: fire in mortuary practices in ancient Michoacán, Mexico (2015)
  71. Forms and Meanings of Human Fire Exposure among the Northern Lowland Maya (2015)
  72. To Burn like the Sun: Rituals of Fire and Death among the Classic Maya (2015)
  73. Highland Mexican Souls as Essences and Symbols (2015)
  74. Where There's Fire, There's Smoke: Contemporary Lacandon Maya Incense Burners and Ritual Transformation (2015)
  75. Fire and smoke in Postclassic Petén: human remains, deity effigies, and codices (2015)
  76. Fire, transformation and bone relics: elite funerals at the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (2015)
  77. Precursors of Missionization: Early European Contact on the Georgia Coast, 1514-1587 (2015)
  78. Rising Sea Level and Sea Turtle Nesting on St. Catherines Island, GA; What the Present and Past tell about the Future!" (2015)
  79. Pluralistic Communities, Coalescence, and Population Aggregation at Mission Santa Catalina de Guale (2015)
  80. Cubism, History and Narrative in Archaeology: shifting borders and disciplinary boundaries from New Mexico to California (2015)
  81. David Hurst Thomas: A Retrospective (2015)
  82. David Hurst Thomas and the Guale Problem: Rethinking Late Prehistoric Mobility along the Georgia Sea Islands (2015)
  83. The Transect Survey at 30-something (2015)
  84. Transformation by fire: Human cremation, metalworking, and the transmogrification of bodies by flame in the Late Archaic American Southeast (2015)
  85. Coming-for-the-Bison, Going-to-the-Sun – Evolution and Significance of Staging Places on the Northern Rocky Mountain Front (2015)
  86. Lives in Transition: Impacts and Adaptations in the Georgia Bight (2015)
  87. Spanish Mission Archaeology in the Southeast. 1974-2014 A.D. (After Dave) (2015)
  88. Assessing the accuracy and precision of OSL dating against well vetted radiocarbon ages (2015)
  89. Dating Pacific Period Settlement Pattern Dynamics in the Prince Rupert Harbor Region of Northern British Columbia. (2015)
  90. Building a Meaningful First Americans Radiocarbon Chronology (2015)
  91. Accuracy vs. Precision: Understanding Potential Errors from Radiocarbon Dating on African Landscapes (2015)
  92. The Revival of the Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD) (2015)
  93. Reconstructing Settlement Histories using Simulations and Calibration of Radiocarbon Dates: An Example from a Plankhouse Village in Southwestern British Columbia, Canada (2015)
  94. Bayesian analysis of the uncertainty in the radiocarbon dating measurements (2015)
  95. In Twos and Threes: Dating Multiple Samples and Materials to Address the Marine Reservoir Effect (2015)
  96. Modelling Village Development in the Prince Rupert Harbour (2015)
  97. Demographic dynamics inferred from radiocarbon dates and sampling biases (2015)
  98. The Use of Bayesian Statistics to Increase both Precision and Accuracy in Radiocarbon Dating (2015)
  99. Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Transition in Korea: Implications from the Evaluation of Radiocarbon dates (2015)
  100. Exploring Settlement and Mobility Pattern Changes Using Radiocarbon Databses (2015)