Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 501-600 of 3,720)

  1. Art and the Ancestors: Sculpture from the Cave Complex at Quen Santo, Guatemala (2015)
  2. Making History Personal: Community-Focused Archaeology in the Nevada City Cemetery, Nevada City, Montana (2015)
  3. Comparative analysis of ceramic assemblages from 18th century Caribbean enslaved populations (2015)
  4. Exceptionalism and Raw Material Choice in Western European Early Upper Palaeolithic Symbolism (2015)
  5. Mesocarnivores and the Human Niche (2015)
  6. Rock Art and Prehistoric Roads: The Connection in Southern Peru (2015)
  7. The Results of Using Associated Records to Facilitate New Research: Recent Excavations at the Elk Mountain Site (48CR301) (2015)
  8. New bioarchaeological evidence for Guangala and Manteño-Huancavilca Cultures in Santa Elena peninsula (Southern Ecuadorian coast). (2015)
  9. Digital Solutions in an Imperfect World: Digital Asset Management, Outreach and the Crisis in Curation (2015)
  10. The Power and Narrative of Liminality: The Quadripartite Badge in Maya Iconography (2015)
  11. From Orioles to Airplanes: O’odham Traditional Cultural Properties and Traditions of Travel through the Western Papaguería (2015)
  12. Utilizing Visual Resource Management to Assess Effects on Historic Properties; Working within the BLM VRM Framework (2015)
  13. Investigation and Analysis of Anthills Found in Archaeological Settings in the Northern Great Basin. (2015)
  14. Putting Xultun on the Map (2015)
  15. Pueblo I/Pueblo II subsistence strategy in Klethla Valley: a view from a resource processing/storage site along Begashibito Wash (2015)
  16. Life on the Edge: An Investigation of 18th Century Spanish Colonial Subsistence Strategies in the Northern Rio Grande (2015)
  17. Taphonomy and Negative Results: An Integrated Approach to Residue Analysis (2015)
  18. Mistaken identity?: A reassessment of the Angel Mounds historic cemetery site using anthroposcopic and XRF analyses (2015)
  19. An Archaeological and Historical Inquiry of Andagua, Peru, 1000-1800AD (2015)
  20. Geoarchaeological Methods for Sediment Samples from Northwestern Belize (2015)
  21. Paleoenvironmental Change and Megafaunal Extinction at Page-Ladson, Florida (2015)
  22. How Archaeologists Can Identify Human Resilience and Vulnerability to Climatic Conditions (2015)
  23. Problems at the Peaks: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Subsistence Stress at Elden Pueblo (2015)
  24. The National Register Nomination for CA-LAN-1, the Tank Site, a Millingstone Horizon site in Topanga State Park, Los Angeles CA (2015)
  25. Columns and Ideology-Building in the Northern Maya Lowlands (2015)
  26. A Chronology of Complicated Stamping in the Lower Savannah River Valley (2015)
  27. Homo Cognitive Development (Contextualized in Middle Paleolithic Burials) (2015)
  28. Thermal Curve Fracture (TCF) as a diagnostic tool for the identification of anthropogenic fire (2015)
  29. 10,000 Years of Stone Tool Use by Hunter-Gatherers in Central Texas (2015)
  30. A Formal Model of End Scraper Performance on Dry Bison Hide (2015)
  31. Defining Cumberland Lithic Technology: A Study of Biface Technological Variation and Landuse Patterns (2015)
  32. Zooarchaeology in the Southwest: Ritual Consumption and Faunal Resources at Ridge Ruin Pueblo (2015)
  33. They Sent Sandstone Across the Sea? A Preliminary Petrographic Study of Stone Bowls and Mortars (2015)
  34. Oral History and Archaeology: A Case from Crow Country (2015)
  35. New Data from Old Stones: A Technological Pilot Study of Lithics from Kokiselei 6 (1.8 mya) in West Turkana, Kenya (2015)
  36. Human impact on a monumental landscape at the microscopic level: an ancient Maya community and its temple (2015)
  37. Stable Isotope Sourcing of Olivella Shell Beads from Central California (2015)
  38. Indigenous Perspectives On Cultural Heritage Management And Preservation (2015)
  39. Of kings and artisans: Comparing household and palace-temple rituals at Yanshi Shangcheng (2015)
  40. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Council House: a continuation of architectural traditions (2015)
  41. Phytolith Analysis and Micromorphology of Neandertal Combustion Features at Roc de Marsal, SW France (2015)
  42. Mapping the Homelands: A Collaborative Effort of Auburn University, the National Park Service, and Native American Tribes (2015)
  43. Sourcing the Clay: LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Ceramics from the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project, Northwestern Belize (2015)
  44. Informal Economic Strategies During Alcohol Prohibition In Anaconda, MontanaAlcohol Prohibition (2015)
  45. Learning From Ancestors: A New Interpretation of an 11,100 year old San Patrice Double Burial from Horn Shelter, No. 2, Central Texas (2015)
  46. A Multistage Model for Treponemal Disease Susceptibility (2015)
  47. Effect of Past Ecological and Oceanographic Variability on Shellfish Harvesting and Suitability of Coastal Locations. A Case Study from two Late Holocene (2200-500 cal B.P.) Sites on Santa Cruz Island, California. (2015)
  48. Architectural and Functional Characterization of Sector 2 at Cerro Chepén (2015)
  49. Urban Landscapes: Social, Cultural, and Ecological Heritage (2015)
  50. An Analysis of the Archaeological Remains at Fort Halifax Park (2015)
  51. Paleoindian Archaeology in the Little Missouri Badlands: An Update on Research in the Dakota Prairie Grasslands, North Dakota (2015)
  52. Exploration of Wet and Dry Portable X-ray Fluorescence for Archaeochemical Prospection: A Pilot Study in Comparative Method (2015)
  53. The Pine Lawn-Reserve Area Archaeological Project: Results and Prospects (2015)
  54. Investigating Variability in Lucayan (Bahamian) Microlith Assemblages (2015)
  55. Costly Signaling, Risk Management, and Network Creation: Commodity Production and Exchange in the Historic Caribbean (2015)
  56. Plant niche construction; from forager to planter in the Zagros Mountains, Iran (2015)
  57. New Research into the Dynamics of human-environment relationships in the Maya region (2015)
  58. Spatial and Temporal Analyses of Redeposited Projectile Points from McFaddin Beach, Texas (2015)
  59. Performativity and Pedagogy: the Effect of Verbal and Nonverbal Instruction on Experimental Acheulian Handaxe Symmetry (2015)
  60. A Study of Fineline Iconographic Depictions at the Late Moche site of Huaca Colorada, in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2015)
  61. Believing is Seeing (2015)
  62. When Do You Stop and Why? Site Boundary Definitions at University Indian Ruin, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
  63. Late Archaic Plant Remains from the Québec City Area (Canada) (2015)
  64. Space, Ritual and Production at Wari Camp (2015)
  65. Quantifying Defensibility of Landscapes and Sites in Highland Ancash, Peru (2015)
  66. A Lithic Analysis of Food Preparation and Resource Distribution in Recuay Ritual Feasting Contexts at Hualcayán (Ancash, Peru) (2015)
  67. Provenance Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from 76 Draw, New Mexico (2015)
  68. Keep your Boots on: LiDAR as a Reconnaissance and Survey Tool on the Vaca Plateau, Belize (2015)
  69. Wine or Wax?: Organic Residue Analysis on pottery from the Early Bronze I at Nahal Tillah (2015)
  71. Validation of a Non-Destructive DNA Extraction Protocol for Ancient DNA Analyses (2015)
  72. Feeding the Troops?: Patterns of Agricultural Production in the Macrobotanical Remains of Nabatean-Late Roman sites in the Wadi ath-Thamad, Jordan (2015)
  73. A classification of Middle Formative (1200 – 800 BCE) ceramics from Chavin de Huantar (2015)
  74. Selective Conditions for Obsidian Stone Tool Manufacture and Use in Central Washington State (2015)
  75. Cooperation and Feasting at Late Neolithic Domuztepe: Assessing Emergent Political Complexity through Faunal Remains (2015)
  76. Dwellings and Corporate Groups in Montegrande, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru: A Household Study of Social Differentiation (2015)
  77. Paleoindian Occupation in the North Dakota National Grasslands: A geoarchaeological analysis of site preservation and land-use (2015)
  78. Operationalizing Semiotic Theory as an Archaeological Research Method: A Levantine Case Study (2015)
  79. Modeling Middle Holocene Site Frequencies in Southeastern Wyoming: Exploring the Early Archaic through Probabilistic Models (2015)
  80. Revisiting Variation in Colonoware Manufacture and Use (2015)
  81. Ceramic Variability in the Ocmulgee River Big Bend Region of Georgia, Post 1540 (2015)
  82. Lithic Raw Material Procurement at the Multicomponent Prehistoric Wansack Site (36ME61), Mercer County, Pennsylvania: Evidence for Mobility and Trade Patterns through XRF Data (2015)
  83. Spaces and Places: Examining historic maps from South Asia (2015)
  84. Feeding the Gods, Calling the Rains: Archaeobotanical Remains from a Monumental Fire Shrine at El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2015)
  85. Storage, Surplus and Wealth at a Chalcolithic Site in Israel (2015)
  86. Processes of Immigration and Adaptation in Late Chalcolithic Northeastern Syria (2015)
  87. Exploring Land Usage at Tannehill State Park: Giving Artifacts a Context through Watershed Mapping (2015)
  88. The Culebra and Ronquin Paleosols and Their Vessel Assemblages (2015)
  89. Manufacturing Basketmaker III Bone Objects (2015)
  90. Far Northern Queensland: Cape York and Aboriginal Historical Archaeology. (2015)
  91. Characterization of the Mississippian Standard Jar (2015)
  92. A Study of Domestic Ceramics from Hualcayán, Ancash, Peru. (2015)
  93. A Preliminary Analysis of Chipped and Ground Stone Artifacts from Garden Canyon Village (2015)
  94. Assessing Dietary Variability at Gillman Mound, South Australia using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes (2015)
  95. Not Incised, but Well-Burnished: A typology of undecorated Early Horizon feasting wares from Hualcayán, highland Ancash, Peru (2015)
  96. Interpretaciones entorno a un contexto funerario múltiple en el valle de Etla, Oaxaca, México. (2015)
  97. Irish Built Arteries: Ethnic identification along the canals and railroads of New York (2015)
  98. Long-Term Changes in Settlement Patterns and Local Land Use on the Great Hungarian Plain (2015)
  99. Offing 2 Locus 2 archaeological site (Dawson Island, Patagonia, Chile), marine hunter-gatherers and interaction during the Late Holocene (2015)
  100. Water Management and City Founding at Yaxuná, Yucatán (2015)