Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 701-800 of 3,720)

  1. Examining the Function of Lithic Crescents as Transverse Projectile Points: An Experimental Approach (2015)
  2. Is the fortification always about fortress? The case of Middle Bronze Age fortified settlements in Northern Eurasia (2015)
  3. The Rebirth Of The Maize God: Contextualizing Burial 37 From El Perú-Waka’ (2015)
  4. Archaeology not only for archaeologists: Examples of integration of archaeology and rural communities in Perú (2015)
  5. Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone: Examining Relationships between the Living and the Dead through Decorated Headstones (2015)
  6. Examination of Paleoindian and Archaic subsistence in Southern Belize (2015)
  7. On Olmec niche figures, altars and thrones (2015)
  8. Household Socio-economic Organization in Puuc Maya Suburbia: Excavations at Escalera al Cielo, Yucatán (2015)
  9. Viewsheds and Variability: the Red Ochre Burial Complex Revisited Geographically (2015)
  10. pXRF meets GIS: A Preliminary Investigation of Spatial Variability in Domestic Ceramics at Songoy-Cojal, north coast, Peru. (2015)
  11. Climate change and subsistence shifts: Wet-rice agriculture in Ifugao, Philippines (2015)
  12. Working Towards an Exportable Indigenous Heritage Management and Cultural Ranger Program in the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia. (2015)
  13. Breaking Down the East-West Dichotomy: Toward an Understanding of Intercultural Interactions in the Saipurú Region under the Inkas (2015)
  14. A Stylistic Analysis of Protohistoric Polychrome Ceramics from the Lower Mississippi Valley (2015)
  15. The Potential Influence of Fish and Obsidian Resources on Shasta Cultural Complexity (2015)
  16. Ancient Maya Elite Political-Economic Practices at La Milpa North, Northwestern Belize (2015)
  17. Shaping identities through physical and cognitive landscape modifications in the Rat Islands, AK (2015)
  18. Archaeological Re-Survey, Contemporary Bahamian Cemeteries, Lucayan Prehistory, and Heritage Management (2015)
  19. Characterization of Plant Ash Morphology Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (2015)
  20. Obsessively Opacifying Obsidian: Adapting Three Dimensional Laser Scanning Techniques (2015)
  21. Geoarchaeology of the Bear Creek Paleoindian Site, King County, Washington: The Stratigraphic Framework (2015)
  22. Lithic Analysis of Late Mousterian Assemblages at Riparo Bombrini (2015)
  23. Turning a Blind Eye: Thoughts on an Archaeology of Disability (2015)
  24. A Closer Look at Immigrant Life Expectancies from German Cemeteries in Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  25. Protohistoric Social Dynamics in the Central Arkansas River Valley (2015)
  26. Investigations of a microfaunal assemblage: Emergence of pest-host relationships at Aşıklı Höyük, Turkey (2015)
  27. Exhumation vs. Excavation: The Armenian Genocide and Our Ethical Responsibilities (2015)
  28. Salt and Salt Fermented Fish in Northeast Thailand, Prehistory to the Present (2015)
  29. A Re-evaluation of Oneota Cultural Phases in the La Crosse Locality (2015)
  30. Pre-Inka and Inka (A.D.1000-1500) agriculture in the Atacama Puna. Evidences through microfossils attached to lithic hoes. (2015)
  31. Twin Pines: Looking Beyond Mimbres Valley (2015)
  32. Technological approach of Obsidian sources in North Patagonian: Comparative studies between plain and highlands sources (2015)
  33. The Search for Little Bow's Village, Cedar County Nebraska (2015)
  34. Examining ethnohistory: Cranial modification and social status in pre-Hispanic Inca Peru (2015)
  35. Trade, migration and movement at Cerro de Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico (2015)
  36. Dissecting the Heart of a Puuc Royal Court: A Diachronic Analysis of Structure N1065E1025 and Associated Deposits at Kiuic, Yucatán. (2015)
  37. Preliminary Analysis of Marine Shell Artifacts in the Southern Florida Keys (2015)
  38. Using VR Phenomenological Landscape Analysis to explore Diachronic Ritual Space at Cerros, Belize (2015)
  39. From Bedrock to Biface: An Examination of Wari Lithic Technology within the Moquegua Valley of Southern Peru (2015)
  40. A comparative analysis of a traditional western Polynesian tupua at Swains Island, American Samoa. (2015)
  41. The Object is the Thing: Developing a Framework for Understanding the Culture of Looting. (2015)
  42. Weediness: Modern, Historic, and Prehistoric Plants at Poverty Point, LA (2015)
  43. The Thermal and Transpirative Properties of Arctic Clothing Construction: A Women’s Adaptive Technology (2015)
  44. Elevation, What's the Point?: A Preliminary Study of Selected Obsidian Projectile Points Collected From Varying Elevations at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (2015)
  45. An application of obsidian hydration dating to prehistoric sites in Japan (2015)
  46. Facial Asymmetry: Bio-indicators of stress in post-Wari populations (2015)
  47. High Altitude Residence in the Great Basin and the Rocky Mountains (2015)
  48. Laboring in Tiwanaku's Moquegua Colony: A Bioarchaeological Activity Indicator Comparison Using Population-Based and Life Course Approaches (2015)
  49. Modern settlement patterns and site preservation in the Middle Moche Valley (2015)
  50. Researching LACMA's Colombian ceramics (2015)
  51. We Want In on This: Contemporary Queer Archaeology and the Preservation of Queer Cultural History (2015)
  52. Testing for Evidence of Paleoindian Responses to the Younger Dryas in Georgia (2015)
  53. Exploring Pithouses: Using GPR to Identify and Map Taos, NM Sites (2015)
  54. Investigation of biological relationships at the Late Woodland/ Mississippian transition in the northern Mississippian hinterlands (2015)
  55. Ifugao Neonate and Infant Oral Health (2015)
  56. Comparison of Radiometric Dating Techniques: Pacific Northwest (2015)
  57. A critical reappraisal of Middle Paleolithic diets (2015)
  58. Invertebrate Zooarchaeology of Marco Gonzalez, Belize as One Aspect of an Investigation of Trade and Environment (2015)
  59. Garum and Graves: Bioarchaeological Interpretation of Cremations and Mortuary Architecture (2015)
  60. Variability in Neolithic Cattle Populations: a Case Study from the Orkney Islands (2015)
  61. Diet at the Edge of Fort Ancient: Preliminary Faunal Analysis from an Unusually Positioned House at the Guard Site, Dearborn County, Indiana (2015)
  62. Use-wear analysis of the stone tools at the Wansan site, a Neolithic site in Taiwan (2015)
  63. Ornaments, Pigments, and Household Production: Spatial Patterning and Residue Analysis of Ground Stone Artifacts from Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (A.D. 800-1200) (2015)
  64. Home is Where the Herd Is: Social Factors and Mobility Patterns in Prehistoric Kazakhstan (2015)
  65. Application of Protein Mass Spectrometry to Zooarchaeological Bone (2015)
  66. The evolution of Classic Maya ceramic shape-classes through time; new evidence from El Peru-Waka, Guatemal (2015)
  67. Fetching Firewood: Access to fuels as a constraint for prehistoric settlement (2015)
  68. Toward a Theory of Dispersal as an Adaptive Strategy: Adoption, Migration, and Cultural Survival in the Archaeological Record (2015)
  69. At the Continent’s Edge: A View of Flaked-Stone Crescents from Sonoma County, California (2015)
  70. Penetrating the Old Woman's Gun: A GPR and artifact analysis of a Mexican American War battlefield site (2015)
  71. The Palenque Pool Project: Sourcing the Sand from the Main Picota Pool (2015)
  72. Reducing Human Error and Identifying Unknowns: X-ray Fluorescence as a Tool for Identifying Paint Composition of Mesa Black-on-White Pottery (2015)
  73. Geoarchaeology at the Little John Site (KdVo-6), Yukon Territory, Canada. (2015)
  74. Disruption or Continuity?: Iconography on portable objects in Classic to Epiclassic Jalisco and Zacatecas (2015)
  75. Documenting the Legendary 1844 Flood from a Kaw Village in the Kansas River Valley (2015)
  76. Numic Fire: Modeling the Effects of Anthropogenic Fire on Foraging Decisions in the Great Basin (2015)
  77. Modeling the Influx of Agriculture: An Agent-Based Model Exploring Agricultural Spread Scenarios in the Western Mediterranean (2015)
  78. Testing a Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) to Assess Ancient Maya Settlement Location and Density in Belize’s North Vaca Plateau. (2015)
  79. Geophysical Explorations at a Reservoir Site in Southwestern Oklahoma (2015)
  80. Granite Creek Station: Site of Massacre and Memory (2015)
  81. Shifting North: Social Network Analysis and the Pithouse-to-Pueblo Transition in the Mogollon Highlands (2015)
  82. Archaeology of the Terminal Pleistocene McDonald Creek Site, Central Alaska (2015)
  83. Exploring genomic and linguistic coevolution at a cross-continental scale: a syntactic approach. (2015)
  84. Tree-Ring Sourcing of Great House Timbers and the Plaza Tree of Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2015)
  85. The Jim Rock Historic Can Collection Online Database at Southern Oregon University, Ashland (2015)
  86. Preserving a section of the Inca road in the lower Lurin Valley, Peru. (2015)
  87. Neolithic vs. Late Stone Age: The Neolithic Revolution in the Horn of Africa Reconsidered (2015)
  88. Osteobiographies of two peculiar women from early medieval Poland (2015)
  89. The arrival of the Incas and it consequences in the transformation of the sociopolitical landscape of the lower Lurin valley (2015)
  90. Human volunteers and mechanical arms: Quantitative and comparative analysis of bone surface modifications created by humans and machines (2015)
  91. Using a specimen-scale approach and butchery traces on the elbow to refine paleoecological interpretations of Early Stone Age carnivory (2015)
  92. Strontium and Lead Isotope Evidence for Paleomobility of Introduced Fauna in the Southern Caribbean (2015)
  93. Jade polishing techniques in NW Alaska, from the end of the 1st millennium AD to the 18th century. (2015)
  94. Obsidian Source Selection in the Early Bronze Age Cyclades (2015)
  95. Ecology, Culture, Conflict and Diet: Comparisons of Two Late Prehistoric Sites in Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  96. The relationship between cribra orbitalia, zinc deficiency, and dietary habits in children from 17th-18th century Jēkabpils, Latvia (2015)
  97. Resistance, Refuge, and Retaliation: The Use of Caves during the Spanish Civil War in Asturias (2015)
  98. Analysis of the state of preservation and determination of raw material of Gravettian mammoth ivory personal ornaments (Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic) using Micro Computed Tomography (2015)
  99. Ethnohistory, Oral Tradition, and Archaeology: Examples from Oaxaca, Mexico and the Four Corners region of the United States (2015)
  100. Inka Border Negotiations in the North: The Canari Case in the Province of Azuay, Ecuador (2015)