Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 801-900 of 3,720)

  1. Archaeological Investigation and Relocation of a Slave Cemetery at the Nashville Zoo, Davidson County, Tennessee (2015)
  2. Using the Anasazi Origins Project Faunal Remains to Determine Archaic Subsistence Patterns (2015)
  3. Life and Death at the mouth of the River Loa: Bioarchaeological and biogeochemical analysis of human remains from Formative Period northern Chile (2015)
  4. Characterizing Weathered Protein Residues from an Intra-Annual Cooking Experiment: A Mass Spectrometry Approach (2015)
  5. Maya Ceramic Production along the North Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula: Diagnostic Attributes Associated with Unslipped Wares at Viste Alegre (2015)
  6. Defining the Red Background Style: The Production of Object and Identity in an Ancient Maya Court (2015)
  7. A Study on the Mid-to-Late Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age Agricultural Economies and their Development at Huizui Site, Yiluo Valley Region, China (2015)
  8. Non-state artisan specializations and exchange in the margins of the Inca Empire (2015)
  9. Haskett Biface-Point Production and Occupation of the Pacific Northwest and Northern Great Basin at the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary (2015)
  10. Skeletal Trauma in an Ancient High Altitude Himalayan Community of Mustang, Nepal (2015)
  11. Spatial and Small-scale Geoarchaeological Analysis of a Middle Archaic Antelope Trap in Northeastern Nevada, U.S.A. (2015)
  12. Where the Buffalo Roam and the Antelope Play: A Comparison of Soils in the Walnut River Valley of South-Central Kansas and associated Woodland and Late Prehistoric Period Settlements Using ArcGIS . (2015)
  13. An Early Horizon temple in the Tierra del Mercurio: Preliminary results from Atalla, Huancavelica, Peru (2015)
  14. Geoarchaeology, Paleobiology and Archaeology of rockshelters and caves from Valencia (Spain) (2015)
  15. Asturias Across Time and Space: An Exploration of Medieval and Early Modern Spain using Stable Isotopes (2015)
  16. Holes: The Beginners Guide to Food Caching (2015)
  17. Neandertal subsistence at the Late Mousterian site of Abri Peyrony, France (2015)
  18. The influence of prey availability on ice age hunting strategies: Tracing Magdalenian reindeer migratory patterns using strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analysis of reindeer teeth from Verberie (Oise, France). (2015)
  19. The antecedents to the specialized microdrill industry on Santa Cruz Island, CA (2015)
  20. At Water’s Edge: Ritual Maya Animal Use in Aquatic Contexts at Cancuen (2015)
  21. Obsidian value and exchange in the southern Red Sea region and its role in the establishment of prehistoric complex societies: new data from South Arabia and the African Horn (2015)
  22. Integrated Archaeometric and Spatial Analysis: A Preliminary Report on Spatial Data Mining in the pre-Hispanic Central Andes of Peru (2015)
  23. Bioarchaeology of the Arabian Bronze Age: Humeral Entheseal Changes and Burial Patterns at Tell Abraq (2015)
  24. Till Death Do Us Part: A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Female Kinship Ties in Early Medieval Ireland (2015)
  25. Colonial developments in a global context- complex connectivity in the Western Zhou world (2015)
  26. Technological styles and production practices in the Río Grande de San Juan Basin (Argentinean-Bolivian border) during the Late Intermediate Period (2015)
  27. Revealed by Flames: Modeling Site Distribution in Arizona's White Mountains after the Wallow Fire (2015)
  28. Indurated Sediment Masses (ISMs) from Southern Texas (2015)
  29. Local Earthenware Ceramic Decoration and Cultural Transformation on Kenya’s Swahili Coast, AD700-1700 (2015)
  30. History and Prehistory of the Panama Canal Zone Revealed by the Current Canal Expansion Program (2015)
  31. Geochemical and Physical Characteristics of Anthropogenic Sediments from Cahokia (2015)
  32. Comparative Analysis of Incised Stone Artifacts from Gatecliff Shelter and Ruby Cave, Great Basin, Nevada (2015)
  33. Updates and New Discoveries of Early Holocene Predictive Model sites in the southern Alexander Archipelago of Southeast Alaska (2015)
  34. Marking Your Place: Exploring the symbolic communication of identity in the Castro Culture of north-western Portugal during the Bronze and Iron Ages (2015)
  35. A Geomorphic and Elemental Analysis of the Johnston Site (36IN002) (2015)
  36. The Practical and Spiritual Significance of the Lightning Whelk (2015)
  37. Combating Researcher Bias in Archaeological Investigations of Identity (2015)
  38. Pennsylvania Predictive Model Set – Realigning Old Expectations with New Techniques in the Creation of a Statewide Archaeological Sensitivity Model (2015)
  39. Environment, history and resilience of archaic coastal hunter-gatherer-fishers from the Atacama Desert, northern Chile (2015)
  40. Embedded Rituals: Examining Caching Practices in Public Buildings at Cerro de la Virgen, Oaxaca, Mexico (2015)
  41. Application of Compound-specific Radiocarbon Dating of Hydroxyproline from Bone Collagen (2015)
  42. A Place to Pause: Investigations at the St. Mary Bridge Site (24GL203), Glacier County, Montana (2015)
  43. Hunting blinds from plateaus and hills in Southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina): Tactics and beyond. (2015)
  44. The Ripley Site Midden: Iroquoian Refuse Disposal in Chautauqua County, Western New York (2015)
  45. Explaining intraregional assemblage variability in southern Africa during MIS 2: Different strokes or different folks? (2015)
  46. Thule Response to Climate Change at Cape Espenberg, Alaska, CE 1500-1700 (2015)
  47. Fuel Treatment Guidelines to Reduce Wildfire Damages to Ceramic Artifacts in the American Southwest (2015)
  48. Excavating St. Louis: French Colonial and Urban Archaeology (2015)
  49. Primary and secondary chiefdom emergence: a comparative view from the Titicaca Basin (2015)
  50. Sites and Sight Lines: An Investigation of Intervisibility Among Hilltop Sites in Azerbaijan (2015)
  51. Pre-Classic Obsidian in the Northern Tucson Basin (2015)
  52. Site Distribution Patters at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (2015)
  53. Archaeology Underfoot on College Hill: Education, Outreach, and Historical Archaeology at Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island) (2015)
  54. Pots and Production: The Secret Agents of the Urartian Empire (2015)
  55. ESR Dating Ungulate Tooth Enamel at Pešturina, Serbia: The Lumpiness Factor (2015)
  56. Of Cenotes and Serpents: Modern and Ancient Cave Ritual at Mayapán, Yucatán, Mexico (2015)
  57. Settlement Strategies and Environmental Features in the Sardinian Bronze Age: a Remote Sensing Approach. (2015)
  58. Developing A Minimally Invasive Protocol For Assessing Site Eligibility On The North Training Area, Camp Guernsey, Wyoming (2015)
  59. Sourcing Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Obsidian from Iraq and Iran: New Perspectives from Tell Nader and Yanik Tepe (2015)
  60. Dendroarchaeology at the Triangle HC in northern Arizona (2015)
  61. Stable Isotope Analysis of African Slave Burials from the Grassmere Plantation, Nashville, Tennessee (2015)
  62. New evidences of human corpse manipulation among hunter-gatherers societies in North-eastern Patagonia (Argentina) (2015)
  63. Late Classic Household Ceramic Production at Uxbenká, Belize (2015)
  65. A comparison of lithic and ceramic artifacts from two adjacent Late Woodland villages (2015)
  66. Evaluating Mass Capture Fishing Techniques (2015)
  67. Identifying Possible Inca Census Records in Khipu from Pachacamac (2015)
  68. Historic Use of Native Avifauna during the Hotel Era (1847-1914) on the Isles of Shoals, Maine (2015)
  69. Fish Through Time at KIS-050, Kiska Island, Western Aleutians (2015)
  70. Statistics -It's a Sherd Thing: Archaeology in a High School Math Class (2015)
  71. Faunal Evidence for Subsistence Strategies at Cottonwood Spring Pueblo (2015)
  73. Pattern recognition and automatic feature extraction in GIS. (2015)
  74. Applications of Cultural Heritage and Digital Preservation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education (2015)
  75. Problematizing Religious Transformation: burial evidence for the transition to Christianity (2015)
  76. Group Mobility during the peri-Medieval Climatic Anomaly in the Nebraska Sand Hills (USA): Validity Results and Preliminary Insights from Ceramic OSL Dating and Characterization (2015)
  77. Integrated Geophysical Surveys at Archaic and Formative Archaeological Sites in Tumbes, Peru (2015)
  78. A Matter of Time – Applications of portable X-Ray Fluorescence in establishing rock art chronologies (2015)
  79. Episodic Habitation in an Eolian Environment, 1350 B.C. - A.D. 900, Useppa Island, Coastal Southwest Florida (2015)
  80. Devil’s Den (8LV84), Florida: Rare Earth Element (REE) Analysis Suggests Comtemporaneity Between Late Pleistocene Fauna and Human Skeletal Material (2015)
  81. Distribución temporal de la cerámica teotihuacana en el valle intermontano de Maltrata, Veracruz (2015)
  82. Examination of Mortuary Ritual Associated with Construction Events in peripheral sites of the Motul de San Jose polity, Peten, Guatemala (2015)
  83. Macroscale Analysis of Faunal Remains in the Hohokam Area of Southern Arizona: Preliminary Results (2015)
  84. Using Geoarchaeological Methods to Evaluate Site Integrity at Dali, Kazakhstan (2015)
  85. Historical Ecology and Archaeology on the Galápagos Islands (2015)
  86. 30,000 Feet or Boots on the Ground (2015)
  87. The materiality of emotion: Steps toward understanding affective experience in the South Andes (2015)
  88. Life and Ritual at the Edge of the Lava: The Ancient Chacoan Community at Las Ventanas (2015)
  89. "Diet and connections among cultural groups in the Atacama Desert during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 950-1450) (2015)
  90. The Archaeology of Rebellion and Resistance: Archaeological Investigations of the Neo-Inca State of Vilcabamba, Peru (2015)
  91. An Analysis of an Early-to-Mid Holocene Projectile Point Assemblage from Little Steamboat Point Rockshelter, Warner Valley, Oregon (2015)
  92. The Organization and Technology of Sicán Metalworks: pXRF Analysis of Floors and Associated Residues (2015)
  93. Trends in Catawba Architecture, ca. 1750-1820. (2015)
  94. Neglected Root Crops of the Prehispanic Maya (2015)
  95. A Comparative Analysis of Settlement, Environment, and the Social Landscape at the Ancient Maya Centers of Uxbenká and Ix Kuku'il, Toledo District, Belize (2015)
  96. Postclassic Peten Podophilia (2015)
  97. Micromorphology and Site Formation Processes at Xianrendong Cave (South China): A Preliminary Analysis of the Late Upper Palaeolithic Layers. (2015)
  98. A Spatial Analysis of Surface Artifact Distributions at the Inka Administrative Site of Turi, Northern Chile (2015)
  99. Nukubalavu 1: A Preliminary Examination of Mid-Sequence Ceramics and Culture Change on Vanua Levu, Fiji (2015)
  100. Identifying and applying a "canopy effect" as a marker for deforestation: stable isotope analysis of small artiodactyl and rodent fauna from hunter-gatherer sites in Central Africa (2015)