Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 19,501-19,600 of 21,939)

  1. The Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene transition and settlement discontinuities in the arid Central Andes (2015)
  2. Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Perishable Technologies and the Peopling of the Andes (2016)
  3. The Terminal Preclassic in Northern Belize Defined (2018)
  4. Terminal Prehistoric and Protohistoric Hide Processing in the Central Ohio Valley: Synthesizing Microwear and Metric Data to Evaluate Endscraper Function and Use Intensity (2017)
  5. Terminal-Pleistocene Through Late Prehistoric Settlement Strategies around Pluvial Lake Mojave (Soda and Silver Lake Playas), California (2015)
  6. Termination deposits at Aguateca and Ceibal, Guatemala (2018)
  7. Ternimal Classic Copper Production at El Coyote, Honduras (2024)
  8. Terra Cognita: Technological approaches along the High Mountain Silk Road (2017)
  9. Terrace Construction and Use across Five Centuries at Ollantaytambo, Peru (2024)
  10. The Terraced City (2019)
  11. Terraces, Quarries, and Berms, Oh My! Evaluating Land Use and Landscape Modification at the Ancient Maya City El Pilar (2021)
  12. Terraforming a Middle Ground in Ancient Florida (2016)
  13. Terraforming, Monumentality and Long Term Practice in the Coast Salish World (2016)
  14. Terrain Modeling at Orheiul Vechi, Moldova (2015)
  15. Terraza 504, aproximaciones a su función y conformación dentro de Cerro Jazmín (2016)
  16. Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Conservation of At-Risk World Heritage (2018)
  17. Terrestrial Laser Scanning: a methodology for documenting existing and extrapolating past setting on archaeological sites (2016)
  18. Terrestrial Survey for the Beeswax Wreck of the Oregon Coast (2023)
  19. Territorial and Border Surveillance in the Greek World (2024)
  20. Territorial attachments and border formation in the Upper Usumacinta river Basin. Discussing ceramic mobility within a fractured political and geographical landscape. (2015)
  21. Territorial Barriers in Central Asia: Investigating the "long wall" of Bukhara (Uzbekistan) (2015)
  22. Territorial Boundaries and the Northwestern Peten: the View from Jaguar Hill (2015)
  23. Territorial Organization in the Upper Belize River Valley: Multi-Scalar Settlement Patterns at Baking Pot (2015)
  24. Territorial Strategies in Western Chiapas. (2024)
  25. Territoriality among Coastal Villages on California’s Northern Channel Islands (2017)
  26. Territoriality and ceramic distribution of the Virú-Gallinazo populations on the northern coast of Peru: new insights using spatial analysis (2016)
  27. Territoriality, Intertribal Boundaries, and Large Game Exploitation: Empirical Evaluation of a Spatial Bioeconomic Model of Conflict in the Western U.S. (2017)
  28. Territory and Ritual Landscape in the Colombino Codex: Oaxaca Coast, Mexico (2021)
  29. Test Excavation of the 17th Century Provintia, a Dutch Fort in the Southwest Taiwan (2017)
  30. Test Excavations at the African Village of Wallblake Estate, Anguilla (2019)
  31. A test of competing hypotheses concerning the impact of demography on cultural evolution (2017)
  32. A test of Juvenile Age Estimation Methods Based on the Diaphyseal Length of the Long Bones (2017)
  33. Testing a Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) to Assess Ancient Maya Settlement Location and Density in Belize’s North Vaca Plateau. (2015)
  34. Testing a Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Approach for Detecting Ancient Maya Sites With Low-Resolution Data (2018)
  35. Testing a Possible Feasting Context at an Early Fort Ancient Village: A Zooarchaeological Analysis from the Turpin Site in Southwest Ohio (2024)
  36. Testing Adaptive Efficiency: A Comparison of the Durability of Stone and Copper Projectile Points (2018)
  37. Testing Alternative Settlement Models at Las Colinas with Polychrome Dating (2017)
  38. Testing and Improving Interlaboratory Comparability of Tooth Enamel Carbonate Isotope Analyses (2024)
  39. Testing Differential Frailty in a Nubian Sample (2016)
  40. Testing Dunnell’s Waste Explanation for Monument Building with an Agent-Based Model (2018)
  41. Testing for environmental rebound: untangling a multi-causal event (2017)
  42. Testing for Evidence of Paleoindian Responses to the Younger Dryas in Georgia (2015)
  43. Testing for Mass Processing in Archaeological Ungulate Remains (2017)
  44. Testing Geophysical Anomalies Using In Situ Shallow Subsurface Spectroscopy and Soil Magnetic Susceptibility Analysis (2019)
  45. Testing Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing in Archaeology: Case Studies from Faynan, Jordan (2018)
  46. Testing Methods for Ceramic Dating on Northern Black Mesa (2017)
  47. Testing Methods of Microbotanical Analysis on Samples from the Copan Valley, Honduras (2018)
  48. Testing Multiple Geophysical Methods at Fremont Archaeological Sites (2021)
  49. Testing Potential Archaeological Applications for Surficial Magnetic Susceptibility Probes in Shallow Depositional Environments: A Study from Agiak Lake in Alaska’s Brooks Range (2017)
  50. Testing Social and Ecological Drivers for the Initial Spread of Agriculture on the Iberian Peninsula (2017)
  51. Testing the (Disappearing) Waters: A Preliminary Assessment of the Sedimentary Record of Lake Jackson, Florida (2019)
  52. Testing the Applicability of Non-destructive Methods and Databases for Determining Biological/Cultural Affiliation within NAGPRA (2015)
  53. Testing the Association of Chipped Stone Crescents with Wetlands and Paleo-Shorelines of Western North America: A GIS-based Spatial Analysis (2015)
  54. Testing the Danube-Corridor-Hypothesis—New Results from Chonometric Modelling of the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Biocultural Shift (2019)
  55. Testing the Dual Origin Dog Domestication Hypothesis (2018)
  56. Testing the effectiveness of 2D morphometric data for identifying species in Galliformes (2017)
  57. Testing the Efficacy of Methodologies for the Estimation of Body Size of California Mussel Based on Shell Fragments (2019)
  58. Testing the Efficacy of Sulfur Isotopes from the Maya Site of Chulub (2019)
  59. Testing the Geographical Sourcing of Rivercane Using Pb/Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Arkansas and Oklahoma (2023)
  60. Testing the greasy lustre: a Mass Gloss Analysis of coarse grained silcrete from the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area, south-eastern Australia (2015)
  61. Testing the Paleo-Agulhas Plain Migration Ecosystem hypothesis with serial isotope analysis of fossil fauna (2015)
  62. Testing the Potential of UAV-based Lidar survey in the Lion Mountain Area of West Central New Mexico (2023)
  63. Testing the robustness of NISP and MNE: Results of a blind test (2017)
  64. Testing the social aggregation hypothesis for Llolleo communities in Central Chile with NAA of ceramic smoking pipes and drinking jars (2016)
  65. Testing the Stratigraphic Integrity of Shallow Deposits through Zooarchaeology at Lamanai, Belize (2018)
  66. Testing the Trance Hypothesis: Identifying Hallucinogenic Compounds from Quids at Pinwheel Cave, California (2018)
  67. Testing the use and reliability of 3D Scanning Technology in the construction of a Digital Comparative Faunal Bone Collection (2017)
  68. Testing the Utility of Rib Histology Methods in Age Estimation in Fragmentary Remains from Maya Rockshelter Burials (2015)
  69. Testing the Variability Selection Hypothesis on Hominin Dispersals - a Multi-agent Model Approach (2015)
  70. Testing Theoretical Approaches for Inferring Hominin Behavior at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) (2019)
  71. Testing Theoretical Approaches for the Composition of Charcoal Assemblages (2023)
  72. Tethered Nomadism, Logistical Mobility, or Sedentism: Wetland Resources and Territoriality among Oneota Populations at Lake Koshkonong, Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  73. Tethered, Ad Hoc, Resilient, or Structured? An Isotopic Investigation of Pastoral Strategies in Montane Ecosystems of Central Asia (2016)
  74. Teton Archaeological Project: Preliminary Report of the 2014 Field Season (2015)
  75. Tewa History and the Archaeology of the Peoples (2017)
  76. Tewa Place-Based History (2017)
  77. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory: Everything in Texas is Bigger (2016)
  78. Textile Coca Containers from Chiribaya Alta, Peru (2023)
  79. Textile conceptual ideas as mobility indicators between highlands and coast, Central Andes, c. 200BC-600AD (2016)
  80. Textile Production in the Emerging Hohokam Ballcourt World (2019)
  81. Textile Production in the Uruk Period: New Insights from Glyptic Imagery (2018)
  82. Textile Tools and Technologies from the Postclassic Huasteca: Artistic and Archaeological Evidence (2019)
  83. "Textileras": Mujeres de prestigio o formalismo social (2016)
  84. Textiles, Tools, and Trepidation: Experiments in Creating Bone and Antler Tools Used in the Production of Textiles (2023)
  85. Tha Archaeology of Lower Canoas River Valley (2015)
  86. "That Box is Haunted!": English Paranormal Investigating and the Immateriality of the Past (2017)
  87. That Complex Whole: Hierarchies, Sorts, and Punctuation (2015)
  88. That High Lonesome Sound: The MIS 5a (~80 ka) Middle Stone Age Lithic Assemblages from Melikane Rockshelter, Highland Lesotho (2021)
  89. That’s a Wrap: Understanding Processes of Cranial Modification among post-Wari populations from Huari-Vegachayoq Moqo (2016)
  90. Their world at hand: Entering the language of gesture in Classic Maya art (2016)
  91. Then and Now: Conservative and Progressive Politics at the Mimbres Site of Swarts (2019)
  92. Theoretical and Practical Advances in Underwater Regional Survey (2015)
  93. Theoretical Frameworks for Isotope Data Collection and Interpretation (2024)
  94. Theoretical Frameworks for Modelling Late-Pleistocene Costal Migration into the New World (2018)
  95. Theoretical Reflections on Textiles and Environment in the Northern Great Basin (2019)
  96. Theoretically Based Investigations of the Paleo-Indian Occupation of Grass Valley, Nevada (2019)
  97. Theoretically informed isotope analysis: human-animal relationships at Fishbourne Roman Palace (2017)
  98. Theorizing an Anti-Colonial Bioarchaeology (2019)
  99. Theorizing Infrastructure (2015)
  100. Theorizing the Intersection of Space and Power: Lessons from the Landscape Archaeology of the US Southwest (2023)