Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 19,701-19,800 of 21,939)

  2. Three Kiva Pueblo Revisited (2019)
  3. Three Phases of Initial Human Colonization in Southern Alaska (2015)
  4. The Three Phases of Sans-Souci: An Architecture of Remembering and Forgetting in the Kingdom of Hayti (2024)
  5. Three Rivers Watersheds: Regional Water Resources of Northwestern Belize and Beyond (2019)
  6. Three Seasons of Survey in the Painted Desert: An Update of the Petrified Forest Boundary Expansion Survey (2016)
  7. The Three Settlement Patterns of the Southern Korean Peninsula in the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period (2019)
  8. The “Three Sides” of the Emblematic Early Azilian Blades with Flat Retouch along the Atlantic Façade (2024)
  9. Three Tropical Thoughts: Vern Scarborough and the Migration to Tropical Ecology (2016)
  10. Three Walks Through Tzacauil: Engaging the Rural Landscape of Central Yucatán 2000 Years Ago, 1000 Years Ago, and Today (2018)
  11. A Three-Dimensional Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Iron Oxhide Ingots from the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck (2021)
  12. Three-Dimensional Modeling Applications for Cultural Preservation (2019)
  13. Three-Dimensional Musculoskeletal Modeling in Commingled Analysis: A Preliminary Study at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (2018)
  14. Three-dimensional osteometry: A comparative study of 3D model generation techniques for cranial osteometry (2015)
  15. Three-Dimensional Photogrammetric Modeling of Ceramic Whole Vessels from Pachacamac, Peru: Challenges, Considerations, and Applications (2018)
  16. Three-Dimensional Scanning and Printing in Undergraduate Archaeology Education (2015)
  17. Three-Dimensional Spatial Evidence of the Development of Agriculture in the Sigatoka River System, Viti Levu, Fiji (2019)
  18. Thriving under the Killick Critical Gaze (KCG): Toward Taphonomically Informed Forensic Sedimentology (2023)
  19. Through a Glass, Darkly: Shedding Light on Late Prehistoric Obsidian Conveyance and Apachean Ethnogenesis on the Western Great Plains of North America (2021)
  20. Through a Mirror, Darkly: Using Multi-Sensor Imaging Surveys as Basic Data for 3D Spatial Analysis of Cave and Open-Air Rock Art (2016)
  21. Through a Scanner...Darkly? LiDAR, Survey, and Mapping at the Ancient Maya Center El Pilar (2018)
  22. Through a Smoke Cloud Darkly: The Possible Social Significance of Candeleros in Terminal Classic Naco Valley Society (2015)
  23. Through fire and water: the vulnerability and resilience of highland Ancestral Puebloan communities to prehistoric droughts in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (2015)
  24. Through Tewa Eyes? Exploring the Diversity and Universality of Pueblo Sacred Landscapes (2019)
  25. Through the Forest: North-South Interregional and Intraregional Interaction along the Eastern Edge of the Andes during the Early Intermediate Period (2018)
  26. Through the Gates of Logic, into the Middle of… what? (2017)
  27. Thrown to the Fringe: Challenging the Myth of Columbus (2016)
  28. Thule Culture in South Greenland, 1500–1900 (2023)
  29. Thule Fuel Use at Cape Espenberg, Alaska, CE 1500-1700 (2016)
  30. Thule Response to Climate Change at Cape Espenberg, Alaska, CE 1500-1700 (2015)
  31. Thunder, Lightning, Wind, and Rain: Exploring Engagements with Elemental Entities in the Closing of Emerald (2018)
  32. Thylacines, Dingoes, and People (2019)
  33. Tianshanbeilu and the Isotopic Millet Road: Reviewing the Late Neolithic/Bronze Age Radiation of Human Millet Consumption from North China to Europe (2017)
  34. Tibet Before Pastoralism (2018)
  35. Tibetan Mani Stones and the Materiality of Text (2018)
  36. A ticking clock? Considerations for preservation, valuation and site management of Greenland’s coastal archaeology in the 21st century. (2017)
  37. Tidemarks, Waterlines and Shifting Sands: Perspectives on Aquatic Landscapes in the Plata Basin (2024)
  38. Tiempo y espacio a través de la cerámica: la ocupación Olmeca de Antonio Plaza, Veracruz (2019)
  39. Tiempos de cera y miel: Iconografía, ecología y sacralidad de las abejas nativas en el Códice Madrid (2024)
  40. The Ties That Bind (and Break): Persistence and Upheaval in the Post-Chavín Landscapes of the Carabamba Plateau and Moche/Virú Chaupiyungas (2024)
  41. The ties that bind – color, structure and meaning on miniature tupu cords (2016)
  42. Ties to the Ancestors: Examining a Late Classic Household at Las Ruinas de Arenal, Belize (2023)
  43. The Tijeras Cultural Corridor Plan: Connecting Community to the Natural and Cultural History of Tijeras Canyon (2023)
  44. Tijeras Pueblo - Challenges and Opportunities of Managing a National Register Property within a US Forest Service Administrative Site (2019)
  45. Tijeras Pueblo in Review: A Summary of Previous Research and Site Significance (2019)
  46. Tikal in Environmental Context: Peter Harrison and Ancient Maya Water Management and Subsistence (2015)
  47. Tikal's Missing Carved Wooden Lintel (2023)
  48. Tiles, Tourism, and Museums: Changes in Historic Ceramic Tiles in the Southwest since the Late 19th Century (2016)
  49. Till Death Do Us Part: A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Female Kinship Ties in Early Medieval Ireland (2015)
  50. Timber Pilgrimage: Timber Importation as Pilgrimage to Chaco Canyon (2019)
  51. Time and Space at Naachtun: The Chronological Sequence, Settlement, and Land Use Patterns. (2016)
  52. Time and Technology at Kwastiyukwa, a Large Classic-Period Pueblo in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (2015)
  53. Time and Tempo in Shell Midden Archaeology (2019)
  54. Time and the Landscape: Visualizations of Murujuga and Beyond. (2019)
  55. Time and Tide Wait for no Man: Responses to Sea Level Rise on Virginia's Eastern Shore (2019)
  56. A Time before Color: Revisiting the Codex Style (2023)
  57. Time Jumpers: Community-Based Approaches to Archaeology in the Classroom (2019)
  58. Time May Change Heritage, but We Can Trace Time: Changes in the Archaeological Heritage of the Cañete Valley (Peru) between the1960s and Today (2023)
  59. The Time the Tikal State Emerged (2023)
  60. Time to Reconsider. A Critical Assessment of How Different Interpretations of Variation in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Central Asia Influenced the Establishment of Chronological Frameworks (2024)
  61. Time to Shine: Quantifying the Effect of Burnishing as a Bone Tool Production Method (2023)
  62. Time to Take a Rain Check? The Social and Practical Implications of Weather and Seasonality on the Cremation Rite in Early Anglo-Saxon England (2017)
  63. Time, Place, and Community: Visualizing the Living Cherokee landscape (2017)
  64. Time, Scale, and Community: Hopewell Unzymotic Social Systems (2018)
  65. Time, Space and Ceramic Attributes: The Ontario Iroquoian Case (2019)
  66. Time-dependent taphonomic site loss leads to spatial averaging: implications for archaeological cultures (2021)
  67. Timelapse Photographic Documentation of Archaeoastronomical Sites (2019)
  68. Timely Attributes: Rethinking Medieval Ceramics from South India (2019)
  69. The Times Are Changing: Project Archaeology Makes a Difference (2015)
  70. The Timespace of the Pre-Hispanic City of Cerro de Oro (2018)
  71. Timing of Stress Episodes at Houtaomuga: Neolithic and Bronze Age Comparisons (2017)
  72. The Timing of the Angel Polity: A Regional History from Site-Scale Chronology (2021)
  73. Timing the Circulation of Nonlocal Materials in Seneca- and Onondaga-Region Sites (2019)
  74. Timing the Development of Household Complexity at Cahal Pech, Belize (2016)
  75. Timing the Difference: New Radiocarbon Dates for Late Neolithic Sites across the Great Hungarian Plain (2019)
  76. Timing the Introduction of Arrow Technologies in the Salish Sea (2015)
  77. Timirud Period Rural Settlement in the Sar-o-Tar Desert, Afghanistan (2019)
  78. The Tiniest Burials: Fetal Burial and Personhood During the Late Roman Period in Egypt (2024)
  79. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… Potter? Roman Legionary Ceramic Production and its Organization (2015)
  80. Tintal, a Late Preclassic Maya City in the Mirador Basin, Peten, Guatemala (2015)
  81. The tip of the horn: extractive foraging strategies and stone tool technologies in northwestern Ethiopia during the Middle Stone Age (2016)
  82. Tipología lítica para Cerro Jazmín, Oaxaca (2023)
  83. Tiptoe the Steptoe: A Report on and Examination of Survey Results from Steptoe Valley and the Schell Creek Range of East-Central Nevada (2016)
  84. Title IX from a Researcher’s Perspective (2018)
  85. Title: Exploring the Keresan Bridge: Acoma Glaze Ware Pottery Production and Exchange in an Inter-Regional Context (2017)
  86. Tiwa Mural/Map Project: The "Tiwa World" (2019)
  87. Tiwanaku colonization and the great reach west: Preliminary results of the Locumba Archaeological Survey 2015-2016 (2017)
  88. Tiwanaku colonization in historical context – Directed, Diasporic or Daisy chain? Evidence from Moquegua, Locumba, Azapa (2016)
  89. Tiwanaku in Arequipa (2015)
  90. Tiwanaku Pastoralism, Highland Bofedales, and Grasslands in Far Southern Peru: Creating a Strontium Baseline and Isoscape to Understand Cultural Connections (2019)
  91. "Tiwanaku VI" revisited: Postcolonialism and Ethnogenesis in the middle Moquegua Valley Province (2015)
  92. Tizatl y tizatlalli: el uso de diatomea fósil en el engobe blanco de la cerámica Coyotlatelco en Santa Cruz Atizapán (2017)
  93. Tlalancaleca: Ceramics and Interregional Interactions in Formative Central Mexico (2018)
  94. Tlaloc Imagery in Western Belize and its Implications for Central Mexican and Lowland Maya Interaction (2016)
  95. Tlaloc, Ritual Economy, and Interaction: A View from Los Horcones, Chiapas (2024)
  96. “Tlaloc” and “Chicomoztoc” in the North: Evidence for Chthonic Concepts from Mesoamerican Cosmovision in the Caves of the Greater Southwest (2021)
  97. Tlaloques, Tiemperos, and Trees: Cultural Models of Nature in Central Mexico (2018)
  98. Tlatilco Revisited (2018)
  99. Tlaxcallan Pottery Manufacture and Restricted Networks (2018)
  100. Tlingit "Streamscaping" as Landesque Capital Formation (2017)