Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 20,101-20,200 of 21,939)

  1. Transformations in the Palaeolithic: Searching for the social and cultural role of Neanderthal children (2016)
  2. The Transformations of the Sacred Spaces Linked to the Ancestors in Mitla, Oaxaca: A Historical and Phenomenological Perspective (2024)
  3. Transformations within an Ancestor Shrine: New Discoveries from Group D - Xunantunich, Belize (2017)
  4. The Transformative Power of Boats: Seafaring and Social Complexity in Indigenous California and Hokkaido (2023)
  5. The Transformative Power of Learning Assemblages, Relational Pedagogies, and Universal Design for Learning in Archaeology (2024)
  6. Transformative Trees: The Social and Ecological Impact of Woody Taxa in Prehistoric Southern Arabia (2018)
  7. Transforming Archaeological Institutions: The Path toward Tribal Collaboration (2024)
  8. Transforming frontiers into heartlands: The immediate and long-term environmental impact of the crusades in NE Europe (2015)
  9. Transforming Ideologies and Hopes of the Past in the Purari Delta of Papua New Guinea (2018)
  10. Transforming Marginality in Medieval Iceland: Landscape Reorganization on Hegranes, Skagafjörður (2018)
  11. Transforming material collectives: the subaltern vs the global (2016)
  12. Transforming Orphan Archaeological Collections to Student Theses (2019)
  13. Transforming Policy and Museum Practices: Decolonizing Frameworks and UNDRIP in Canada (2024)
  14. Transforming the body: fire in mortuary practices in ancient Michoacán, Mexico (2015)
  15. Transiciones en cuerpos y espacios: Acercamiento a las prácticas funerarias desplegadas en Chavín de Huántar a finales del Formativo (2024)
  16. Transisthmian Ties: Epi-Olmec and Izapan Interaction (2015)
  17. Transition and Resilience: Commoner Occupation in the Rio Amarillo East Pocket of the Copan Valley during the Postclassic Period (2019)
  18. The Transition between Epiclassic to Early Postclassic in Western Mexico. Processes involved in the Sayula Basin (Jalisco). (2015)
  19. Transition from hunting and gathering to food production on the Ryukyu archipelago, Japan (2015)
  20. Transition from Hunting-Gathering to Agriculture in Amami and Okinawa Archipelagos, Japan (2019)
  21. The Transition from the Middle to the Late Neolithic in the Yilan Plain, Northeast Taiwan (ca. 4,200 ~3,700 B.P.) (2019)
  22. Transition from the Yayoi to Kofun Periods in Third Century A.D. Japan (2015)
  23. Transition in a Place Between: Salinar Phase (500 BCE–CE 1) Settlement Patterns in the Chaupiyunga of the Moche Valley (2021)
  24. The Transition to Home Living in Middle America (2015)
  25. Transitional Archaic – "Mu Awsami Saqiwe’k" in the Maritime Provinces, Canada. (2015)
  26. Transitions in Past and Present: The Introduction of Huaca Dos Cruces and Huaca Tronco Prieto (2024)
  27. Translucent but Opaque: Obsidian in the American Southwest and the Mesoamerican (dis)Connection (2019)
  28. Transmission of Architectural Knowledge through Agricultural Practice (2016)
  29. Transnational Considerations At Japanese American Incarceration Camps (2017)
  30. Transnational Labor in Maya Archaeology, 1910–1930 (2024)
  31. Transnational linkages: the archaeology of the late 19th and early 20th century Chinese railroad workers (2017)
  32. A Transparent 3D Model of Temple 18 at Copán for Visualization and Research (2015)
  33. Transplanted at the Coast: The Adaptation of Caribbean Resourcing Practices during the Late Holocene (2023)
  34. Transport animals and distinctive pathways to domestication (2015)
  35. Transport jars at the Mycenaean Citadel of Tiryns, Greece: new evidence from petrographic analysis of trade in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean (2015)
  36. Transport Stirrup Jars in Context: Post-palatial Politics and Social Resilience in Late Bronze Age Greece (2017)
  37. Transportation or Transformation?: Road Depictions in Relaciones Geográficas of 16th-Century New Spain (2019)
  38. Transported Landscapes and Globalized Foodways in the Settlement of Western Indian Ocean Islands (2024)
  39. Trapichillo: Una mirada hacia las interacciones interregionales tempranas en el valle de Catamayo durante el 1ro y 2do milenio BCE (2024)
  40. Trarsh or Treasure? A Critical Analysis of Hell Gap Zooarchaeology (2016)
  41. Trash Talk: (Re)evaluating External Spaces at Çatalhöyük, Turkey (2017)
  42. Trash, Histories, and Community Engagement: Integrating Service Learning into the Archaeology Curriculum (2016)
  43. Traumascapes: Progress and the Erasure of the Past (2018)
  44. Travel Corridors and Economic Integration in the Chacoan Regional System (2016)
  45. Travelers Stones. Highland and Coastal Interactions in Late Ritual Contexts at Pachacamac. (2015)
  46. Traveling and trading in Ancient Costa Rica (2015)
  47. Traveling Monastic Paths: Mobility and Religion in Medieval Ireland (2018)
  48. Traveling to the Horned Serpent’s Home: Pilgrimages to Paquimé (2017)
  49. Travelling across the Atacama Desert: New Evidence for Human Mobility in Northern Chile Based on Oxygen and Strontium Isotopes (2018)
  50. Travels and Traverses, Pilgrimages and Passages: Alternative Concepts of Interaction (2017)
  51. Traverse Ware: A Case Study in Ceramic Regionalization, Style Horizons, Interaction Patterns, and Ethnicity in the Late Prehistoric Upper Great Lakes (2018)
  52. Traversing the Great Forest: Work and Mobility in Sweden’s Premodern Farmscape (2019)
  53. Treasure within the Fortress: Opportunities for Partnership in DoD Archaeology (2018)
  54. The Treasure You Seek Will Not Be the Treasure You Find: Bushing the Path between Expected and Observed at Las Cuevas (2019)
  55. The Treasured Contribution of the Inner Ear to the Study of the Morphological Variation among Ancient Individuals from Brazil (2024)
  56. Treating "Trifles": The Indigenous Adoption of European Material Goods in Early Colonial Hispaniola (1492-1550) (2017)
  57. Treating Problems of Target Nonscalability in Archaeological Projectile Experiments (2023)
  58. The Treatment of the Dead in the Mid-Chincha Valley, Peru (2015)
  59. The Tree Army in the Desert: Documenting Civilian Conservation Corps Sites in Petrified Forest National Park (2023)
  60. Tree Island Life: Late Archaic Adaptations of a Northern Everglades Community (2018)
  61. Tree Resin in Mesoamerican Religion: Blurring Ontological Boundaries in Ceremony and Beyond (2024)
  62. Tree Ring Isotope Record of Climate Change at the Ramaditas site in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile (2015)
  63. Tree-Ring Analysis at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (2015)
  64. Tree-Ring Dating the Gallina: The herb dick collections and Beyond (2015)
  65. Tree-Ring Sourcing of Great House Timbers and the Plaza Tree of Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2015)
  66. Tree-Rings Tales from Tijeras Pueblo (2019)
  67. Trees among the Cereal Fields: Arboriculture Reframed as Integral to the Food and Economic Systems of the Indus Civilization of South Asia ca. 3200–1500 BC (2024)
  68. Trees and Tree Cultivation in the Prehistoric Aegean: A Synthesis of Archaeobotanical Data (2018)
  69. Trek Up the River: A Cobble Tool Technology as Clue to Interior California's Antiquity (2019)
  70. Trenches, Embankments, and Palisades: Terraforming Landscapes for Defensive Fortifications in Coast Salish Territory (2016)
  71. Trend and tradition in South Appalachian carved paddle stamps (2017)
  72. Trends and Techniques of Catawba Colonoware, ca. 1760-1800. (2016)
  73. Trends in Catawba Architecture, ca. 1750-1820. (2015)
  74. Trends in late Holocene Climate Change in Central Mexico (2015)
  75. Trends in Paleoindian Projectile Point Technology during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition at the Old River Bed Delta, UT (2018)
  76. Trends in Prehistoric Tool-Stone Use in the Upper Mojave Desert of Eastern California (2023)
  77. Trends, Traditions, Interregnums, and Continuities: An Examination of the Cultures of the Early Holocene of the Far Northeast (2018)
  78. Trials and Tribulations: Navigating Instruction of Archaeology Courses for Rising Scholars in a Post-Pandemic Educational Environment (2024)
  79. Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Bringing Project Archaeology to Oklahoma (2015)
  80. Triangulating Piipaash History along the Lower Gila River, Southwestern Arizona (2024)
  81. Tribal Agency and Federal Hegemony: NAGPRA in Action (2018)
  82. Tribal Collaboration in Heritage Management on the Carrizo Plain National Monument (2017)
  83. Tribal Community Engagement and Archaeology: The Story of the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Tribal Historic Preservation Office (2016)
  84. Tribal Connections to the Monticello Field Office (2018)
  85. Tribal Consultation Program Renewal: An Example from the Air National Guard (2023)
  86. Tribal Consultation: What We Lose When It’s "My way or the highway" (2019)
  87. Tribal Heritage Management in Action at the Gila River Indian Community, Arizona (2015)
  88. Tribal History Partnerships and the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Collection at Indiana University (2016)
  89. Tribal Youth Engagement: Establishing a Model for Archaeological Outreach (2019)
  90. Tribute from the Underworld: The Historical Ecology of the Maya Postclassic Fish Trade with Otoliths from Mayapán and Caye Coco (2019)
  91. Tribute Lists and Bureaucrats: Understanding Classic Maya Politics (2023)
  92. The Tricky Business of Dating Shell Middens and Improving Regional Chronologies (2019)
  93. Tridimensionality, Multimediality, Polychromy, and Other Forms of Visual Complexity in Late Postclassic Mosaic Art (2021)
  94. Trigger Material Culture of the Greco-Roman World (2016)
  95. The Trinidad and Tobago Mission 2022: A Sunken B-25 and a New Partnership between the University of Miami and DPAA (2023)
  96. The Trip of a Lifetime: Archaeology, Tourism, and Irish-American Identity (2015)
  97. Tripping Through the Underworld: Exploring Maya Ritual through Absorbed Residues in the Belize Valley (2018)
  98. Trollesgave: Hunter-Gatherer Social Organisation during the Late Glacial in Northwest Europe (2015)
  99. Trono olmeca de Estero Rabón (2017)
  100. Trophic Cascades, Kelp Forest Dysfunction, and the Genesis of Commercial Abalone (Haliotis spp.) Fishing in California (2017)