Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,101-4,200 of 21,939)

  1. Compositional and Stylistic Analysis of Texcoco-Molded Censers and Molds from the Gulf Lowland Frontier of the Aztec Empire (2023)
  2. Compositional and Technological Analysis of Panamanian Colonial Utilitarian Wares (2021)
  3. A compositional signature of multi-craft production?: Food vessels from Great Plaza of Huacas de Sican (2016)
  4. Compositional Study of Pre-Hispanic Ceramics from Eastern Bolivia (2016)
  5. Composting the Past for the Future in the Bahamas: A Case Study of Contemporary Reuse and Transformation of Historic Spaces (2024)
  6. A Comprehensive Analysis of Faunal Remains from Lovejoy Springs (CA-LAN-192) (2024)
  7. A Comprehensive Study of the Variability in Flake Scar Patterns on Clovis Fluted Points (2019)
  8. A Computational Approach to Bone Histology Analysis in Archaeology (2023)
  9. A Computational Approach to Initial Social Complexity: Göbekli Tepe and Neolithic Polities in Urfa Region, Upper Mesopotamia, Tenth Millennium BC (2018)
  10. Computational Models of Human Settlement Behavior: An Overview of Current Methods and Motivations (2021)
  11. Computational Simulation Methods for Exploring Small Artifact Assemblages (2015)
  12. Computer simulation of the effect of urban centers on the development of wealth inequality in pastoral nomadic society (2017)
  13. Computing Material Culture: The utility of mobile photogrammetric techniques in capturing structures (2016)
  14. Comunidad y arqueología en el Valle de Chao: Conversando desde las escuelas (2024)
  15. Comunidades y Sitios de Patrimonio Mundial: Pasos hacia una Colaboración Participativa. (2016)
  16. Concealed Archaeology of Kazakhstan: An Early Neolithic Burial from Koken (2024)
  17. Concealed Evidence of Early Human-Environment Interactions in Sedimentary Archives of Small Rivers in the Forest-Steppe Belt of Eurasia (2019)
  18. A Concealed Landscape: Historic Processes of Landscape Change at Cahokia Mounds, IL (2019)
  19. A Concealed Landscape: New Evidence from the North Plaza (2017)
  20. The concept of "domesticity" in Magdalenian life (2015)
  21. Conceptual and Technical Connectivity in Indigenous South American Rock Art Traditions (2017)
  22. Conceptual Frameworks for Nuu-chah-nulth Whaling (2017)
  23. The Conceptual Metaphor Expanded: A Visual Study of Whole Vessels in the Mesa Verde Region (2016)
  24. Conceptualizing Consent: The Influence of Legal Language on Postmortem Agency (2024)
  25. Conceptualizing Early Pottery Value in the Petén Lakes of Guatemala (2015)
  26. Conceptualizing Eurasian Steppe Space, Place and Movement (2019)
  27. Conceptualizing Lithic Technological Variation in the Late Archaic Period: A Case Study of the Broadspear Assemblage Type (2018)
  28. Conceptualizing the Cloth of the Consecrated Child. Textiles Associated with Chimú Mass Sacrifice in Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru (2024)
  29. Conceptualizing the Past: The Thoughtful Engagement of Hearts and Minds (2023)
  30. Conceptualizing the Study of Wood Remains in Arctic Sites: A 20-Year Short Review and a Case Study (2024)
  31. Concern for the Living, Care for the Dead: Non-adult Burial at the Early Christian cemetery of St Patrick’s Chapel, Pembrokeshire (2018)
  32. Conch, Whelk, or Clam: Comparing Southern Florida’s Indigenous Shellfish Collection Patterns (2018)
  33. CONCHITA Y SUS AMIGOS: "un estudio bioarqueológico de los entierros infantiles recuperados en el Salvamento Arqueológico Mina de Peña en la Ciudad de Villa de Álvarez, Colima, 2014" (2015)
  34. Conclusion: Living within and with the Wetlands (2024)
  35. Concurrences and Discrepancies in Ancient Egypt (2015)
  36. Conditional cooperation and the ritualized economy of Paracas (2015)
  37. Conducting Public Archaeology on Private Land: The Case Study of Yarrow Mamout at 3324 Dent Place, N.W. (2016)
  38. Configuring Space in a Valdivia Town: Social Precepts, Cosmological Mandates, and Emergent Hierarchy in Early Formative Ecuador (2016)
  39. Confirmation of an osteological feature, diploic veins, via three imaging modalities (2017)
  40. Confirmation of Mitochondrial Haplotype C4c in Samples from Norris Farms #36, Illinois (2016)
  41. Confirming the Subtropical Paleoecology of Yahuai Cave in Guangxi, China, at 120 Kya through the Taphonomic Analysis of Rodent Remains (2023)
  42. Conflict and Heritage (2018)
  43. Conflict and Territoriality: An Archaeological Study of Ancestral Northern Coast Salish-Tla’amin Defensiveness in the Salish Sea Region of Southwestern British Columbia (2019)
  44. Conflict and the Politics of Solidarity: Hierarchy and its Limits in the Late Precolumbian Andean Highlands (2023)
  45. Conflict, Migration, and the Transformation of Network Interrelationships in Mississippian West-Central Illinois: A Multilayer Social Network Analysis (2018)
  46. Conflict, Spatial Organization and Group Identity during the Late Intermediate Period in the Bolivian Southern Altiplano (2019)
  47. Confluences: Canals, Wetlands, and Agroecosystems of the Ancient Maya in Northwestern Belize (2024)
  48. Confluences: Fluted Points in the Ice-Free Corridor (2018)
  49. Confronting Conflict in the Tequila Region: Spatial Configurations in a Bellicose Landscape (2017)
  50. Confronting Myths of Isolation in Pre-Columbian Appalachia (2018)
  51. Confronting Popular Perceptions of a Violent Past: Active Learning Strategies for a Large Introduction to Archaeology Course (2018)
  52. Congolmerate Mining in the Keweenaw (2024)
  53. Conil Revisited: Aerial Survey and Verification along Quintana Roo's North Coast (2016)
  54. Conjoined Twins or Alternative Personas: An Analysis of Polycephaly within Southwest Rock Imagery (2024)
  55. Conjunto Los Árboles: its use (2015)
  56. Conjuring the Archaeology of Aztlan - Through the Looking Glass and Material Lens of the Chicana/o Counterculture, 1976-2018 (2019)
  57. Connected Kilns: Examining interconnections of Trade in Southern China and the Philippines using LA-ICP-MS (2016)
  58. Connected Then, Connected Now: The Archaeology of One Plantation within New Orleans’s Plantation Country (2024)
  59. Connected through Things: Connectivity in Iron Age Mallorca (2017)
  60. The Connecticut State Archaeological Preserve Program (2018)
  61. Connecticut’s First Fishermen: The LeBeau Fishing Camp (2018)
  62. Connecting archaeology and ecology in northwest Belize (2019)
  63. Connecting Archaic Age Communities in the Insular Caribbean (2024)
  64. Connecting Ceremonial Groups across the Terminal Classic and Postclassic Constructed Landscapes in the Mayapán Region (2021)
  65. Connecting Collections: Collectors of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous American Art in the Americas and Europe (2018)
  66. Connecting Collections: The Ancient Americas in American Museums (2018)
  67. Connecting Communities to Place: Public Archaeology at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (2015)
  68. Connecting Communities: Materiality of Everyday Life along the Sacbe (2019)
  69. Connecting Dead, Living, and Supernatural through Plants: Botanical Mortuary Offerings at Monte Albán (2023)
  70. Connecting Hohokam Art and Iconography (2019)
  71. Connecting Language, Places, Stories, and Archaeology for Landscape-level Heritage Preservation: A Collaborative Archaeology Case Study of Eyak Lake, Alaska (2019)
  72. Connecting Lithic Technology to Socio-economic Organization at Site 48PA551 (2019)
  73. Connecting Past and Present Landscapes through Museum Education and Public Archaeology (2021)
  74. Connecting Past with Present: Tribal Partnerships with the Yellowstone Archeology Program (2023)
  75. Connecting Project Archaeology and Girl Scouts Camps for Community-Based Learning Experiences at Ancestral Puebloan Sites in Utah (2018)
  76. Connecting Survey and Fieldwork: Archaeology of the Core (2019)
  77. Connecting the Baseline: Applying Radiogenic Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) Isotopes to Irish Archaeological Research (2016)
  78. Connecting the Dead: A Comparison of Pre-dynastic Nubian and Egyptian Cemeteries (2018)
  79. Connecting the highlands and lowlands of Bhutan through pilgrimage to sacred sites (2015)
  80. Connecting the Past and the Present: The Kaviyangagn Ancestral Pottery Project (2024)
  81. Connecting the Pre-Columbian Past to the Present in South Coastal Peru: The Archaeology of the Colonial and Republican Haciendas of Nasca (2015)
  82. Connecting Tijeras Pueblo: Identifying Utility Ware Communities of Practice (2015)
  83. Connection and Competition: some early insights gained from petrographic studies of New Caledonian Lapita pottery (2015)
  84. The Connections within Togiak: An Attempt to Further Understand Colonial Impacts on a Multigenerational Village (2019)
  85. Connectivity beyond the floodplains: the case of the upper Tapajós (2017)
  86. Connestee and Pisgah contexts in the Tuckaseegee Valley of Western North Carolina (2017)
  87. Conociendo a los Paracas del Valle de Chincha a Partir de la Cerámica Doméstica: El Caso de Pozuelo (Costa Sur del Perú), durante el Horizonte Temprano (500-200 aC) (2024)
  88. Conquer the South : From the First Contacts to the 'Integration'. Study of the Defensive Settlement Patterns' Evolutions and Modifications between the Late Intermediaite Period and the Late Horizon in the Tacna Region (2019)
  89. Conquering Aztecs and Resisting Tlaxcaltecas: The Body as a Site of Creating and Challenging State Narratives (2018)
  90. Conquest as Revival in the Sixteenth-century Maya Highlands: Excavations at Chiantla Viejo, Guatemala (2019)
  92. Conquista y artefactos arqueológicos: Una lectura desde el Derecho Indiano (2019)
  93. Conquistadores, Colonists, and Chiefdoms in Northern La Florida: Artifacts and Architecture at the Berry Site in Western North Carolina (2015)
  94. Conscious Conservation in an Era of Catastrophe (2021)
  95. The Conscious Midden: An Indigenous Ontological Approach to Mound Building, Environmental Sustainability, and Other-Than-Human Selfhood in the Pacific Northwest Coast Salish Sea (2024)
  96. The Consequences of Cultural Encounters on Late Bronze Age Transylvania Cuisine and Subsistence Economies (2021)
  97. The Consequences of Drought: Inadvertent Discoveries on Federal Land (2019)
  98. The Consequences of State Collapse: Evidence from the San Lucas Neighborhood during the Terminal Classic (2017)
  99. Consequences of Warfare, Reforms, and Capitalism in Late Colonial Port of Veracruz, Mexico (2015)
  100. Conservación de la arquitectura en tierra y pinturas murales de Pañamarca (2024)