Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

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  1. Progressive Partnerships for Heritage Preservation: 3D Immersive Learning, Documentation and Research Tools in our Nation’s Park System (2015)
  2. Digital Preservation and 3D Technology Strategies for the Management, Protection, and Interpretation of the Only Existing American Revolutionary War Tunnel: Developments from the 3D Documentation Project at Ninety Six National Historic Site, South Carolina (2015)
  3. Legal Issues Concerning Cultural Heritage Resources Damage Assessments (2015)
  4. The National Register and NHL Programs: Shaping Archeological Significance at National, State, and Local Levels (2015)
  5. The National Park Service Archeology Program Role in Protection and Management of International Cultural Heritage (2015)
  6. A National Strategic Vision for Climate Change and Archaeology (2015)
  7. Cultural Resource Protection Responsibilities: On Being a Federal Archeologist (2015)
  8. 25 Years of NAGPRA in the National Park Service (2015)
  9. Near and Far: Spatial Relationships of Inter- and Intra-Site Artifacts at Rimrock Draw Rockshelter (35HA3855), Harney County, Oregon. (2015)
  10. Anthropogenic Fire Management and Changing Land-Use Strategies in the Mammoth Cave Plateau and Sinkhole Plain, Central Kentucky, USA (2015)
  11. Controlling for Carnivores and Shaft Fragmentation in Skeletal Element Analysis: Some Insights from Southern Idaho Cave Deposits (2015)
  12. Rockshelters as Late Quaternary Geoarchaeological Records in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming (2015)
  13. Take shelter! The contributions of rock-shelter archaeology to understanding the socio-economic organization of Final Paleolithic/Mesolithic societies in Western France (2015)
  14. Revisiting Grassridge rockshelter in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa: results of the 2014 field season (2015)
  15. The Rockhouse Hollow Rockshelter, Ohio River Valley (2015)
  16. Two Rockshelters in the Namib: Land use, site use, and risk over the Middle to Later Stone Age transition in Southwestern Africa. (2015)
  17. Aurignacian(s) in the Mas d'Azil Cave (Ariège, Pyrénées, France) (2015)
  18. Goodson Shelter: Recent Excavations at a Newly Discovered Deeply Stratified Rockshelter in Northeastern Oklahoma. (2015)
  19. Rockshelters and Farming Villages: Complementary seasonal occupations at Woodpecker Cave (2015)
  20. Rockshelters in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming; Environment, Ecology, and Landuse Patterns (2015)
  21. Tales from Three Caves and a Rockshelter in Balkh Province, Northern Afghanistan (2015)
  22. Aspects of Site Formation Processes at the Paleolithic site of La Ferrassie (Dordogne), France (2015)
  23. The Pre-Mazama Occupation of the LSP-1 Rockshelter, Warner Valley, Oregon (2015)
  24. Introduction of a Practice of Horse-Riding in Fifth-Century Japan and its Political Significance (2015)
  25. State Formation Process in Seventh Century A.D. Japan from a Religious Perspective (2015)
  26. History of Research into the Jomon-Yayoi Transition (2015)
  27. Spread of Digging Tools and the Social Change in Kofun Period Japan (2015)
  28. Wars and battles as cultural phenomena in Bronze and Early Iron Age of Japan (2015)
  29. Beginning of Agriculture and Immigrants from the Korean Peninsula in Prehistoric Japan (2015)
  30. Wide-Range Regional Interaction prior to State Formation in Late Prehistoric Eastern Japan (2015)
  31. Transition from the Yayoi to Kofun Periods in Third Century A.D. Japan (2015)
  32. Background to Drastic Increase in Yayoi Period Sites in Japan (2015)
  33. The Role of Iron Weaponry and Martial Ideology in the Political Consolidation of Early Japan (2015)
  34. Socio-Spatial Isomorphism and Ancient Farming Systems: Nominal versus Practical Tenure in the Basin of Mexico (2015)
  35. Innovations under limitations: A landscape approach to agricultural practices and water management in a frontier zone of medieval South India. (2015)
  36. Agriculture Roles in Landscapes and Taskcapes: An Interdisciplinary Approach from Northwestern Argentina (2015)
  37. Agricultural Landscapes in Northern Argentina (2015)
  38. Agriculture and Empire in the High-Altitude Atacama Desert (2015)
  39. Strengthening the State: Intensification and Mixed Agricultural Strategies in Late Postclassic Puebla-Tlaxcala (2015)
  40. What’s that mound? Answers from interdisciplinary approach (2015)
  41. The Landscape of Agricultural Engineering in Windward Kohala, Hawaii Island (2015)
  42. Approaches to assessing anthropogenic soil-landscape change in ancient agricultural systems (2015)
  43. A Better Understanding of Ancient Farming through Hydrology (2015)
  44. Producers on the Lake: Late Aztec Lakebed Chinampa Communities of Lake Xochimilco (2015)
  45. Post-AD 1600 Origins of the Ifugao Rice Terraces: Highland Responses to Spanish Colonial Aims in the Philippines (2015)
  46. Regional distribution of mortuary domestic rituals in the upper Usumacinta Basin: a burial practice comparison from the Palenque region and its neighboring areas during the Late Classic (2015)
  47. Territorial attachments and border formation in the Upper Usumacinta river Basin. Discussing ceramic mobility within a fractured political and geographical landscape. (2015)
  48. El paisaje natural de la Cuenca del Alto Usumacinta (2015)
  49. The Materiality and Mobility of Jade in the Upper Usumacinta Basin (2015)
  50. Captives, Messengers, Pilgrims, Refugees, Wives: Classic Maya Written Accounts on Travel in the Upper Usumacinta (2015)
  51. The Upper Usumacinta Travel Corridor, A Game of Chutes and Ladders (2015)
  52. Volcanic ash in the ceramics of the greater Palenque Region and Usumacinta Drainage, Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico (2015)
  53. Understanding the local communities through the study of lithics and communication routes in the Northwestern Maya Lowlands during the Classic Maya: recent studies in the region. (2015)
  54. Any Port in a Storm: Identifying Port Infrastructure and Architecture in the Upper Usumacinta (2015)
  55. Los señoríos del Usumacinta y de las Tierrras Bajas Noroccidentales: guerras y alianzas (2015)
  56. Show me what you have and I’ll tell you who you stick around with: A model of economical-political interaction in the Upper Usumacinta (2015)
  57. Obsidian Sourcing and the Origin of the Occupants of the White Mountains High Altitude Villages (2015)
  58. Looking at High-Altitude Obsidian Use in the Great Basin (2015)
  59. Bighorn Sheep Processing in the White Mountains, California (2015)
  60. Alpine Adaptive and Paleoenvironmental Change at Alta Toquima (central Nevada) (2015)
  61. Divergent Histories: Prehistoric Use of Alpine Habitats in the Toquima and Toiyabe Ranges, Central Great Basin (2015)
  62. Middle Archaic Expansion into High Elevation Habitats: A View from the Southwestern Great Basin (2015)
  63. High Elevation Archaeology of the Inyo Mountains in Relation to Adjacent Ranges (2015)
  64. More than a Bivouac, Less than a Village: Middle Archaic Use of Great Basin Alpine and Other Uplands (2015)
  65. White Mountains Alpine Village Pattern (2015)
  66. Environmental Limitations, Alpine Villages and Logistical Strategies in the Northern White Mountains (2015)
  68. The Ka Nefer Nefer and Federal Intervention in the Illicit Antiquities Trade (2015)
  69. Antiquities, drugs, guns, diamonds, wildlife: toward a theory of transnational criminal markets in illicit goods (2015)
  70. Syria: Cultural Property Protection Policy Failure? (2015)
  71. Bones of Contention: Further Investigation into the Online Trade in Archaeological and Ethnographic Human Remains (2015)
  72. Alternative Strategies in Confronting Looting and Trafficking in Defense of Peruvian Portable Heritage. (2015)
  73. The Kapoor Case: International collaboration on antiquities provenance research (2015)
  74. The ruin of the Maya heartland: successes, failures, and consequences of four decades of antiquities trafficking regulation (2015)
  75. Geospatial strategies for mapping large scale archaeological site destruction: The case from Egypt (2015)
  76. Tracing stylistic influences in Chachapoya art and imagery (2015)
  77. Where was Chachapoyas? A view from the South (2015)
  79. Landscapes under Chachapoya and Inca presence in the Chachapoya region. (2015)
  80. Mortuary variability and chronology of the cliff tombs of La Petaca (2015)
  82. The Development of ‘Peripheral Communities’ in the Eastern Andes (2015)
  83. The bravery and beauty within: Skeletal analysis of the ancient Chachapoya people at Kuelap (2015)
  84. Assessing the genetic diversity in the extant Chachapoya population from northeastern Peru using uniparental DNA markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) (2015)
  85. Chachapoya domestic architecture: identity and interaction within, across, and beyond regional boundaries (2015)
  86. Hierarchy, Power, Identity and Time: Building a Khipu Simulacrum of Chachapoya Society at Laguna de los Cóndores (2015)
  87. Algunas consideraciones acerca del orígen y de la organización social de los Chachapoya (2015)
  88. Using Archaeogeophysical and 3D Laser Surveying to Visualize an Integrated Landscape (2015)
  89. Three-Dimensional Scanning and Printing in Undergraduate Archaeology Education (2015)
  90. Giving 3D Scanning a Porpoise: Digitizing the Zooarchaeological Type Collection at the University of West Florida (2015)
  91. Mi Datos Su Datos? Opportunities and Challenges Posed by Data Sharing (2015)
  92. Bring Out Your Dead: Pondering Passenger Pigeons (and Projectile Points) While Building Digital Type Collections at the Virtual Curation Laboratory (2015)
  93. Geometric Morphometrics & Elliptic Fourier Analysis of 3D Ceramic Data (2015)
  94. Virtual curation as an integral part of the conservation strategy at the Camp Lawton Confederate POW site (2015)
  95. Macaw Mountain and Ancient Peoples of Southeast Mesoamerica (2015)
  96. Revisiting the Archaeology of Palenque: 25 Years after "The Children of the First Mother" (2015)
  97. Don Pablo, Cha Chaak Ceremonies, and Archaeological Interpretation (2015)
  98. Revisiting Bird Jaguar and the Sajal of the Yaxchilan Kingdom (2015)
  99. Ideology and Power at Copán, Honduras (2015)
  100. Seventh Century Star Wars: Reassessing the Role of Warfare in Shaping Classic Period Maya Society in the Southern Lowlands (2015)