Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,101-1,200 of 3,720)

  1. Opposing Views in African-American Archaeology: Use of Resistance or Risk Management to Explain Cultural Material of the Enslaved (2015)
  2. Pigment Identification as a Proxy for Intercultural Interaction in Casma, Ancash during the Initial Period (2100-1000 B.C.E.) (2015)
  3. ‘Authenticity, Repurposed’: Mason Jars, Archaeology, and Contemporary Narratives (2015)
  4. Using the Lithic Technological Organization at Procurement Sites to Parse the Multiple Occurrences of Browns Bench Obsidian in Southern Idaho (2015)
  5. Landscape-scale survey at the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site, Ireland (2015)
  6. The Hoecake Site:Marking the Woodland-Mississippian Transition in Southeast Missouri. (2015)
  7. Examining the Non-Mississippian Southeast: A Comparison of the Intrasite Arrangement of Piedmont Village Tradition Settlements, AD 1200–1600 (2015)
  8. Technological, Typological and Forensic Analysis of the Small Finds from the Early Middle Paleolithic Beds at Tabun Cave, Israel. (2015)
  9. Overview of two seasons in the Roman and Neo-Punic settlement of Zita (Zyan), southern Tunisia (2015)
  10. Temporal Trends in Reliance on Maize among Ancestral Huron-Wendat Villages, as reflected in δ13C from Human Enamel (2015)
  11. The Archaeology of Meaningful Places in Amazonia: the Teotônio Site (Upper Madeira Basin) (2015)
  12. Center and Satellites The Relationship of Templo Mayor to Similar 
twin-temple pyramids in Central Mexico (2015)
  13. "The City’s gone—nought…remaining to disclose the site of this forgotten Babylon:" Ephemeral Architecture and Identity at Black Rock City. (Apologies to Horace Smith; "Ozymandias") (2015)
  14. Architectural Features versus Historic Maps of Fort St. Pierre, 1719-1729, Vicksburg, Mississippi. (2015)
  15. Ground-penetrating Radar Survey and Excavation of the Golden Eagle (11C120) Embankment (2015)
  16. Exploring the Roman Occupation and Abandonment of Salemi, Sicily: The Cistern at Largo Cosenza (2015)
  17. Changing Foodways in Pre-Columbian Illinois (2015)
  18. The History of "Laundry Lists" in North American Zooarchaeology (2015)
  19. Looking into the Dark: Investigating Four Holocene Shelter Sites in Southwest Ethiopia (2015)
  20. Testing the Applicability of Non-destructive Methods and Databases for Determining Biological/Cultural Affiliation within NAGPRA (2015)
  21. Cranial morphological variation among Paleoamerican skeletons: a test of the coastal migration hypothesis (2015)
  22. Land Degradation at Betty’s Hope Historical Plantation, Antigua (2015)
  23. Playing with Fire at ‘Ais Giorkis: A Geospatial Analysis of Prehistoric Fire Residue (2015)
  24. More than a Rusty Nail: Archaeometric Analysis of Wrought Iron Nails from Fallen Tree, St. Catherines Island, Georgia. (2015)
  25. Trade Routes and Contradictory Spheres of Influence: Movement of Rhyolite through the heart of the western Mojave Desert (2015)
  26. Exploring the social structure of Kunming Yangfutou cemetery, Yunnan, Southwestern China (2015)
  27. From materiality to space: monumental enclosures, exploited mineral resources and territoriality during the Michelsberg Culture (Neolithic, 4200-3700 BC, France and Germany) (2015)
  28. Provenance of archaeological copper alloys by pXRF (2015)
  29. Wadi Madamagh, Western Highlands of Jordan: Lithic Evidence from the Late Upper Paleolithic and Early Epipaleolithic Occupations (2015)
  30. A Tale of Two Tells: Variation in Neolithic Nucleated Settlements in Southeastern Europe (2015)
  31. Gender and Age in the 18th – 19th century Worcester Porcelain Industries: relating the results of archaeological research to social history. (2015)
  32. Paisajes agrarios en la montaña costera del reino de Granada (2015)
  33. Mapping Archaeological Research 2004-2013: a network of sources, authors and concepts (2015)
  34. What was Erlitou? Social Transformations from the Longshan Period to the Erlitou Period in a Network Perspective (2015)
  35. A novel method to hypothesize the movements of archaeological metal: a case study on the bronze metallurgy in the central Eurasian Steppe Belt by the second millennium BC (2015)
  36. A Refined Relative Sea Level Curve and Paleoshoreline Modelling for the Prince Rupert Harbour Region (2015)
  37. Combatting the Curation Crisis in North Carolina (2015)
  38. Investigating resource sustainability during two millennia of occupation on Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands: the ichthyoarchaeological evidence (2015)
  39. A Combined Bioarchaeological and Isotopic Approach to Understanding the Regional Diversity and Population Mobility within the Holmul Region, Guatemala (2015)
  40. Framing the "Ethnoarchaeological" Other: The Direct Historical Approach in Victorian Bible Customs Books (2015)
  41. A Spatial Analysis of Proposed Egalitarian Site Organization in Postclassic Tlaxcallan (2015)
  42. Pernil Alto – a Preceramic Horticulturalist Village in Palpa, Southern Peru (2015)
  43. The role of the tambo in the Inka administration: a view from the site of Ingatambo, Cajamarca-Jaen, Peru (2015)
  44. Learning from Disturbance: A Late Woodland-Early Mississippian Site in the Georgia Piedmont (2015)
  45. Ritual or dietary use? Wild and domestic turkeys at Tijeras Pueblo (LA 581) (2015)
  46. Archaeological Field schools: Teaching Heritage Management. An Example from Menorca (2015)
  47. Using archaeological data and historic documents to reconstruct a colonial landscape (2015)
  48. Using Geospatial Strategies and Ground-Penetrating Radar to Study Sites in the American Southwest (2015)
  49. Settlement Patterns in Southeastern Sacramento County (2015)
  50. The Earliest Catch: The Origins of Salmon Fishing in the Alaskan Interior (2015)
  52. The Group Within the Group: Carter Ranch Pueblo and the Chaco Regional System (2015)
  53. A Study of Miniature Pottery Vessels in the Mimbres Region (2015)
  54. Utilizing Corrugated Wares to Explore Regional Variations in the Virgin Branch Puebloan Culture (2015)
  55. Exploring the Ancient Mitochondrial DNA of Pre-Columbian Populations inhabiting Basin Mexico during the Post-Classic Period (900-1521 AD) (2015)
  56. Teton Archaeological Project: Preliminary Report of the 2014 Field Season (2015)
  57. GIS Illuminates Site Formation Processes: Archaeology of the Fortín de la Perla (2015)
  58. Restricted Forms of Knowledge in Pre-contact Coast Salish Lithic Craft Traditions (2015)
  59. In the Footsteps of Frank H. H. Roberts: Continued Explorations at Roberts Great House, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2015)
  60. A Glance at Camata: GIS Analyses of Camata Valley, Bolivia (2015)
  61. Evaluating NAA, pXRF, and LIBS from the Perspective of Ochre from Gledswood Shelter 1, Queensland, Australia (2015)
  62. Humans and carnivores at the Bluefish Cave II (northern Yukon): interpretation of the faunal remains (2015)
  63. Early Urbanism in Central Mexico: Preliminary Results of the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla (2015)
  64. Assessing the use and lethality of simple wooden spears in the Middle Pleistocene: methods and results of human performance trials and actualistic studies (2015)
  65. Digital Archaeology at Çatalhöyük: New Inferential Methods for the Interpretation of Neolithic Buildings (2015)
  66. Archaeology of the Shaw Creek Catchment, Central Alaska. (2015)
  67. Diet Breadth Narrowing at the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition: Faunal Evidence from Dust Cave, Alabama (2015)
  68. Applied Archaeological Visualization: Technical advances and research insights from the effort to visualize Neanderthal/AMH interactions at deep time depth. (2015)
  69. Near-Surface Geophysical Investigations at the Multicomponent Magnolia Valley Site (40RD314) in Rutherford County, Tennessee (2015)
  70. A Tale of Two Sites: the Connections Between Poverty Point and Tick Island (2015)
  71. A Bioarchaeological Assessment of Diet and Dental Health During the New Kingdom/Napatan Transition in Ancient Nubia (Tombos, Sudan) (2015)
  72. Ritual Hearth Structures at the Casma Valley Site of Huerequeque: Making a Case for Highland/Coastal Interaction in Initial Period (2100-1000 BCE) Peru (2015)
  73. Analysis of Fatty Acids in Precontact Ceramics from Barbados, West Indies (2015)
  74. Analysis of Faunal Material from Sacred Spaces at Agua Lluvia and Along the Dos Hombres to Gran Cacao Archaeology Project in Northwestern Belize. (2015)
  75. Archaeology in a Cretaceous Swamp (2015)
  76. In and Out: Initial Investigations from the Palenque Pool Project (2015)
  77. Earthwatch at the Valles Caldera National Preserve: Building a Successful Volunteer Research Partnership with Obsidian, Quarries, Soil, and More! (2015)
  78. Apache use of a sacred site. Oral history of Apache Elders. (2015)
  79. Addressing the Challenges of Developing a Standardized System for the Morphological and Functional Analysis of Archaeological Pottery (2015)
  80. Transitional Archaic – "Mu Awsami Saqiwe’k" in the Maritime Provinces, Canada. (2015)
  81. Human and Environmental Histories of the Rat Islands, Western Aleutians, Alaska: The 2014-2015 Research Season (2015)
  82. Direkli Cave: Aerial Photography of An Epipaleolithic Site (2015)
  83. Paleopathology and the History of Tuberculosis: New Results from Ancient South America (2015)
  84. The Preliminary Results of Topographic Mapping at El Palmar (2015)
  85. the rock art database: centralizing and streamlining heritage data using the CIDOC reference model (2015)
  86. A Reexamination of the Terrestrial Animals Depicted on the Rock Art of Bangudae in Southern Korea: Focused on the Problems of Animal Domestication and Chronology (2015)
  87. Exploring the Diagnostic Projectile Points of the Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (2015)
  88. Aleutian Microtechnology in Anangula Times (9000 - 4000 BP) (2015)
  89. Least Cost Analysis of Peopling Events on the Northwest Coast of North America (2015)
  90. Multi-Element Characterization of Early Nineteenth Century Pottery Sherds from Native American and Euro-American Sites (2015)
  91. Statuae Meae Ubique Steterunt: Some Considerations on Julia Domna’s Statue Bases from North Africa (2015)
  92. Advanced Spatial Documentation of Cultural Resources at Southern Arizona National Parks (2015)
  93. Practical and social storage among the Ohio Hopewell: Archaeobotanical and ethnoarchaeological evidence for delayed return of pre-maize crops (2015)
  94. Oral Narratives and Archaeology: Telling Multiple Stories for Multiple Pasts? (2015)
  95. Not so Exotic After All?: Results from A Characterization of "Puebloan" and "Micaceous" Ceramics from Dismal River Aspect Sites (2015)
  96. Perishable Technology in the Great Lakes Region during the Late Pleistocene: Evidence from Microwear Analysis (2015)
  97. Corrosion concerns and metal soap formation in shea butter-containing Forawa brass vessels from Ghana (2015)
  98. Juvenile Death and Ancestor Veneration: Comparing Child Burials of the Preclassic Maya at K’axob and Cuello, Belize (2015)
  99. Technical Analysis and Replication of Corinthian Polychrome Slips, 8th - 6th Centuries BCE (2015)
  100. Bell-shaped Storage Pits and Social Evolution in the Yuanqu Basin, North China (2015)