Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 901-1,000 of 3,720)

  1. Bone Carbonate Derived Stable Isotope Data and Aleut Diet Change (2015)
  2. Implementing Politogenesis by Canonical Cycling in an Agent-Based Model with Circumscribed Environment (2015)
  3. Fluctuating asymmetry, developmental stress and the socioeconomic structure of an Great Moravian Early Medieval society (2015)
  4. "A True Sign of Learning": What College Students Learn About Teaching and Learning from a Museum Docent Program (2015)
  5. Spatial patterns of raised fields and linguistic diversity in Mojos, Beni, Bolivia (2015)
  6. Effective use of site reports as pedagogical tools in courses on Environmental Archaeology and Archaeoastronomy (2015)
  7. Take Me Home Desert Roads…Stable Oxygen Isotope Analysis and Migration in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt (2015)
  8. Terminal-Pleistocene Through Late Prehistoric Settlement Strategies around Pluvial Lake Mojave (Soda and Silver Lake Playas), California (2015)
  9. Bioarchaeology of a demographic crisis in the baroque phase of the cemetery St. Benedict in Prague- a multidisciplinary approach (2015)
  10. Transition from hunting and gathering to food production on the Ryukyu archipelago, Japan (2015)
  11. Inter and Intra Site Patterns of the Late Pleistocene Fauna from the Little John Site (KdVo6), a Multi-Component East Beringia Site in Yukon Territory, Canada (2015)
  12. Imágenes en la Vestimenta de las Figurillas Sonrientes de la Costa del Golfo (2015)
  13. Portable X-ray florescence studies of black-gloss pottery from Monte Pallano (Italy) (2015)
  14. A Record of Late Holocene Volcanic Activity from Highland Guatemala (2015)
  15. Iron and Glass: Reconstructing (Overlapping) Technologies in Early South India (2015)
  16. Recent paleoanthropological work at DK East, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (2015)
  17. A Comparative Study of the Barn Owl (Tyto Alba) Pellet Taphonomic Signature Across Regions: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Archaeological Sites. (2015)
  18. No Aryans Needed: Toward explaining the distribution of Burnished Grey Ware Ceramics of the Third Millennium in Northeastern Iran (2015)
  19. Fauna from the Eneolithic Mortuary Site of Verteba Cave, Ukraine (2015)
  20. Commingled, communal and complex: reconstructing Iberian Copper Age mortuary practices (2015)
  21. Maxillary Lateral Incisor Agenesis: A Case Study of Hypodontia from the Smith Creek Site, Mississippi. (2015)
  22. The Creation of a Comparative Resource for 1000 BCE – 1600 CE Indiana Ceramics (2015)
  23. Freemont Basketry: Redux! (2015)
  24. Archaeology Field School at A Community College: An Outreach Opportunity (2015)
  25. Exposed Again: Current Environmental Impact on Dugout Canoes---their Research and Care! (2015)
  26. Learning Landscapes within an Ancestral Wendat Village (2015)
  27. Evaluating lithic microwear traces in terms of settlement mobility patterns and raw mateiral distributions (2015)
  28. Changing Environments and Economies: A Zooarchaeological Study of the Eastern Pequot (2015)
  29. Rejection or Reinvention: Rethinking social hierarchy in the post-collapse Colla polity (AD 1000-1450) of southern Peru. (2015)
  30. New genetic perspectives on early maize cultivation in the American Southwest (2015)
  31. Seeing Red: Characterizing Historic Bricks at Sylvester Manor, Shelter Island, New York 1652-1735 (2015)
  32. From burial grounds to the interpretation of past epidemics: Diagnostic approach and new insight on funerary practices (2015)
  33. Living on the river shore: Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Human Adaptations in the Uruguay River basin (2015)
  34. Publishing the Perished: Uniform collection standards and the future of cemetery excavations in the United States. (2015)
  35. Is length significant? LBK longhouses and the their social context in central-eastern Europe (2015)
  36. Middle and Late Stone Age of the Niassa Region, Northern Mozambique. Preliminary results (2015)
  37. Employing micromorphology at the Tlajinga district in Teotihuacan to investigate site formation processes and household activities (2015)
  38. Gained bioarchaeological insight from the skeletal human remains at Dabaoshan, south central Inner Mongolia, China (2015)
  39. Aztec Ruins, 2.0 (2015)
  40. Whose Bone is this? An Investigation into Modern Histological Methods of Species Identification with Application to Archaeological Faunal Assemblages in the Pacific (2015)
  41. Indigenous Testimony to the Conquest of Mexico: An Osteological Analysis of Violence in Contact-period San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochimilco (2015)
  42. How Art Began: Understanding the Thought Processes of Prehistoric People Through the Study of Cave Art and Experimental Archaeology. (2015)
  43. Exploring the Ethics of Archaeological Site Prospection in Google Earth (2015)
  44. Role of Handstones in Mesoamerican Ballgame (2015)
  45. In Search of Upper Paleolithic Sites in Alluvial Contexts in the Tsukh (Chikoi) Valley, Northern Mongolia (2015)
  46. 13th Baktun Rebirth at Izapa: discovery vistas with new technologies in applied structural archaeology are writing Preclassic history (2015)
  47. Numic Fire: Biogeography of Foragers and Fire in the Great Basin (2015)
  48. Late Holocene occupation in southern California using data derived from Cultural Resource Management studies on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, California (2015)
  49. Fighting Back at Yellow Jack (2015)
  50. New Dates and a Proposed Chronology for the Little John Site (KdVo-6), a Multi-Component Site in Eastern Beringia, Yukon Territory, Canada (2015)
  51. Looking through the Local Lens: Recognizing Southern Chuska Valley Production of Mesa Verde Style Pottery (2015)
  52. The View from Mazique (22Ad502): Reconsidering the Coles Creek / Plaquemine Cultural Transition from the Perspective of the Natchez Bluffs Region of the Lower Mississippi Valley (2015)
  53. Distributional Studies in north Patagonia, Argentina. An Archaeological Ceramic Approach. (2015)
  54. The Bioarchaeology of Social Order: Cooperation and Conflict among the Mimbres (AD 550-1300) (2015)
  55. Socioeconomic change in Tikopia household under the perspective of ecological change (2015)
  56. Life at Achanchi: A High Altitude Chanka Burial Site from the Andahuaylas Region of Southern Peru (2015)
  57. The Ritual Systerm of the Zhongli King's Bronzes (2015)
  58. Lithic Production and Consumption at Tzintzuntzan, Mexico (2015)
  59. Lauricocha v2.0: Ancient highlanders grant new insights into the pre-Columbian population history of South America (2015)
  60. Lessons Learned Along the Way: The Florida Public Archaeology Network after 10 years (2015)
  61. The colossal hats (pukao) of monumental statues: an analysis of shape variability among the pukao of Rapa Nui (2015)
  62. The evolution of a distinctive human niche: assessing and describing the development of wisdom in the Pleistocene the archeological record (2015)
  63. Social shifts in the late pre-hispanic US Southwest (2015)
  64. Rapa Nui: The influence of Freshwater sources on Prehistoric Settlement distribution (2015)
  65. Southeastern Container Labelling: Does Iconography correlate to contents? (2015)
  66. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of Little Springs Lava Flow: Impact of Lava Flows to Human Adaptation in Mt. Trumbull, Arizona (2015)
  67. Long-Term Perspectives from Obsidian Sourcing in the Southern Levant (2015)
  68. Faunal Remains at Collier Lodge and Their Implications for Our Understanding of the Lodger Diet (2015)
  69. The Study of Temper and its Wider Implications at the Cahokian Lunsford-Pulcher Site (2015)
  70. Burial and social organization in Italian Iron Age necropoleis: Testing a biodistance approach (2015)
  71. The Hidden Life of Notre Dame: A Study in Library Graffiti (2015)
  72. Two Newly Discovered Maya Chert Tool Workshops in the Belize Valley: Results of the 2014 Surface Reconnaissance (2015)
  73. Daily Deeds and Practiced Patterns: Using Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Advance the Study of Daily Life in the Classical Mediterranean (2015)
  74. Twentieth Century Geoglyphs - Military Training Targets of World War II (2015)
  75. Using remote sensing to detect late Holocene mound sites along the Calapooia River, Willamette Valley, Oregon (2015)
  76. Lithic Technology and Households at the Harris Site, Southwestern New Mexico (2015)
  77. Morphometric Analyses of Cereal Grains from Central Jordan Improve the Resolution of Identifying Shifts in Crop Cultivation and Processing Strategies over 2000 Years (ca. 800 BCE - 1300 CE) (2015)
  78. Preliminary Results from the Bioarchaeological Investigation of Human Sacrificial Victims from China's Late Shang Dynasty (2015)
  79. Masking Practices and Layered Identities in Offering 1 from Los Horcones, Chiapas, Mexico (2015)
  80. These stones will destroy us (2015)
  81. Experimental Hearth Reconstruction at White Sands National Monument (2015)
  82. The Lithics of Conchal, Nicaragua and the story they tell (2015)
  83. Porcelain, Kilns, and Chiefs: LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Sherds in the Pre-Colonial Philippines and Southern China (2015)
  84. Before Calchaquí. The Formative Period and Middle Horizon ceramics in Northwest Argentina (2015)
  85. The Walking Dead: Osteological and isotopic indicators of mobility from Middle Bronze Age commingled human and faunal burials in Naxcivan, Azerbaijan (2015)
  86. Structure 4G1, Ciudad Vieja, El Salvador: A Sanctuary of Earth and Stone (2015)
  87. Preliminary Results of Geophysical Surveys Along the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho (2015)
  88. Geochemical and physical characterization of lithic raw materials in the Olduvai Basin, Tanzania (2015)
  89. Absent or Overlooked: Addressing the Early Athapaskan Presence in the San Juan Basin of Northwest New Mexico (2015)
  90. Beach ridges, sand dunes and buried sites : Recent CRM Investigations at Inverhuron, Ontario (2015)
  91. High Tide in the Lower Pecos: Digital Documentation of the Threatened Rattlesnake Canyon Mural (2015)
  92. Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans (2015)
  93. Geospatial Analysis of Areal (Polygonal) Units: Applications at the Site Level (2015)
  94. Isotopic examination of human remains associated with the Korell-Bordeaux site (48GO54), Goshen County, Wyoming: δ13C and δ18O from bone and enamel apatite (2015)
  95. The Complexity of (Un)charred Seeds: Unearthing the Taphonomic and Cultural Processes at a Stó:lō-Coast Salish Settlement in the Upper Fraser Valley (2015)
  96. A Perfect Pothunting Day - An Examination of Vandalism to the Cultural Resources of Canyon de Chelly National Monument (2015)
  97. A life in the mountains: Spanish identity in 17th c. New Mexico (2015)
  98. Paleoethnobotanical Investigations of the Economy of Islamic Ashkelon (2015)
  99. Burning as Ritual in the Jornada Mogollon (2015)
  100. Deviance in youth: Anomalous nitrogen and carbon isotopic values among individual subadults at Medieval Alytus, Lithuania (2015)