Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,701-2,800 of 21,939)

  1. Cache Cave: Site Structure and Chronology (2015)
  2. Cache Flow: An Analysis of Vessel Assemblages from the Elk Ridge Site (2019)
  3. A Cache of Colonial Period Religious Medallions from Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico (2021)
  4. Caches, Burials, and Vases, Oh My: Ritual Deposits in an Elite Courtyard at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize (2018)
  5. Caches, Memory, and Ritual at the Maya City of Cival (2023)
  6. Caddo and Settler Salt Production at the Holman Springs Site (3SV29), Sevier County, Arkansas (2023)
  7. Caddo Interregional Warfare or Local Burial Practice: Using Strontium Isotopes from Outlying Sites to Assess Origins and Settlement Patterns of a Skull and Mandible Cemetery at the Crenshaw Site (2016)
  8. Caddo Salt Production in Northwestern Louisiana (2016)
  9. Cahal Pech Mortuary Practices in Regional Perspective (2016)
  10. Cahokia After Dark: Affect, Water, and the Moon (2019)
  11. Cahokia's Mound 34 and the Moorehead Moment (2017)
  12. Cahokia: City at the Center of the Mississippian Cosmos (2017)
  13. Cahokian Colony or Frontier Fusion? Architectural Variability and "Mississippianization" at Aztalan, Wisconsin (2017)
  14. Cahokia’s Wandering Supernaturals: What Does It Mean When the Earth Mother Leaves Town (2021)
  15. Cahokia’s Western Frontier: Consolidation and Collapse as viewed from the Big River Valley, Missouri (2015)
  16. The Cahuacucho Idol of the Casma culture (2019)
  17. A Cajamarca Basin Perspective on Northern Highland Interaction during the Middle Horizon and Late Intermediate Periods (2021)
  18. Cajamarca during the Middle Horizon: Excavations at El Palacio site (2016)
  19. Cajamarca: Identity through movement (2018)
  20. Cajamarcan Presence in the Northern Coast of Peru during the Middle Horizon: A Ceramic Styles Approach (2016)
  21. Cakhay: A Strategic Classic Center in the Kaq’chik’el Maya Area (2018)
  22. Calakmul, Campeche: Its comings and goings in a market economy (2016)
  23. The Calamitous Fourteenth Century and Its Influence on the People: A Case Study from Ypres, Belgium (2024)
  24. Calcite Rafts as a Proxy for Reconstructing Holocene Surface Water Conditions of Hoyo Negro: A Phreatic Coastal Karst Basin in Quintana Roo, Mexico (2015)
  25. Calculating moment of inertia of spindle whorls as a method for understanding Iron Age textile production (2016)
  26. Calibrating pXRF instruments for chert provenance: A how-to from the Anatolian Plateau (2015)
  27. Calibrating the Chronology of Late Pleistocene Climate Change and Archaeology with Geochemical Isochrons (2019)
  28. Calibrating Variation in Domestic Midden Assemblages Among Aztec Period Households in Western Morelos (2017)
  29. Calibration of Chronometric Assays from the WS Ranch Site (LA 3099) and Other Sites in the Middle San Francisco River Valley, West-Central New Mexico (2019)
  30. California and Mongolia “Sister Parks” Have Common Goals: How Did that Happen? (2023)
  31. California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program (CASSP) (2023)
  32. California Channel Islands Micromammals: A Story of Invasion and Extinction. (2019)
  33. California Tribal Unilateral Apprenticeship Program (CTUAP) (2023)
  34. California’s Channel Islands as a Model System for Understanding the Historical Ecology of Islands (2016)
  35. California’s Enduring Mystery: The Drake Landing Site Controversy Revisited (2023)
  36. "Call Any Vegetable": Culinary Practices in Neolithic and Metal Age Mekong River Delta (2017)
  37. A Call for Contextualized Ancient DNA Research in Mexico: The Importance of Developing Ancient DNA Collaborations that Further Education and Technology Transfer and Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Perspectives from Mexico's Experiences (2021)
  38. Call of the Wild: Historic Preservation in Region 1’s Wilderness (2018)
  39. Calories, Canoes, and Cross-Channel Trade: Exploring the Efficiency of Maritime Subsistence Exchange (2015)
  40. Cambiando Roles, del centro administrativo al centro ceremonial. El Caso de Cerro Azul, Cañete (2016)
  41. Cambiando visiones. La Puesta en Valor como medio de Conservación de un sitio arqueológico. El caso de Cerro Azul. (2016)
  42. Camelid Designs and Community Dynamics in the Late Intermediate Period Andes (ca. AD 1000-1400) (2016)
  43. Camelid Exploitation at the Middle Horizon Site of Huari (2018)
  44. Camelid Herding and Enduring Community Identities among the Ayarmacas (Cuzco, Peru) (2018)
  45. Camelid Pastoralism in the Wari Empire and Its Political Implications (2024)
  46. Camelid Variation and Subsistence Diversity: Insights from Osteometric Analysis and Zooarchaeological Assemblages at the Eleventh-Century CE Site of Los Batanes (Sama, Peru) (2023)
  47. Camelids Consumption and Utilization at the Archaeological Site of Huayuri, South Coast of Peru (2018)
  48. Caminos a Los Horcones, Chiapas: An Least Cost Path Analysis of Early Classic Trade Routes (2019)
  49. Caminos del Horizonte Medio en Arequipa:Paisaje como un espacio socialmente constituido (2019)
  50. Caminos entre los valles de Chincha y Cañete: Un acercamiento hacia las conexiones de nuestros antepasados prehispánicos en el Perú (2021)
  51. CAMOTECCER: Beyond the shard. Modeling and simulating variability in Central Asian pottery technology (2015)
  52. Camp Granada, the Next Generation: Recent Excavations at the El Rayo site, Pacific Nicaragua (2016)
  53. CAMP: A New Project for the Study of Pastoral Archaeological Sites (2024)
  54. Campfire Stories: Defining Features at the Susquetonscut Brook Site 11 in Eastern Connecticut (2017)
  55. Camping and Hot-Rock Cooking: Hunter-Gatherer Land Use across the Southwest Pecos Slopes (2019)
  56. Camping with Mammoths? Identification of Ivory Fragments at the La Prele Mammoth Site Using Microscopy (2019)
  57. Can archaeo-faunal data track site-specific occupational intensity? Case studies from the Late Pleistocene in the southern Cape of South Africa (2024)
  58. Can Archaeology help Decolonize the way Institutions Think? How community-based research is transforming the archaeology training toolbox and educating institutions (2017)
  59. Can archaeology provide an evidence base for Realistic Disaster Scenarios that contribute to reducing vulnerability? (2017)
  60. Can Archaeology Slow Down Fast Capitalism? (2016)
  61. Can Architecture Reveal Elements of Ethnicity? A Case Study Using Ancestral Puebloan Built Form Aimed at Identifying Intracultural Variation in the Greater Mesa Verde Region During the Pueblo III Period (2017)
  62. Can Chullpas Provide a Better Understanding of Territorial Organization during the Late Intermediate Period? New Perspectives through Pacajes and Lupacas Areas and Their Influences in the South-Central Andes (2024)
  63. Can commingled human remains be useful in reconstructing life during the Neolithic? A case study from Xemxija, Malta. (2015)
  64. Can epigenetic mechanisms illuminate dietary ancestry in populations? (2015)
  65. Can Firing Position of WWII Soldiers Be Determined by Shell Scatters? Preliminary Data from Experimental Archaeology (2019)
  66. Can government be self-organized? A mathematical model of the collective social organization of ancient Teotihuacan, Central Mexico (2015)
  67. Can HBE Help Explain Variation in the Presence of Blue Duiker (Philantomba monticola) throughout the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu Cave (South Africa)? (2019)
  68. Can I See the Menu, Please? Isotopic Baselines and Human Diet in the Andes (2023)
  69. Can Mammoth Killing be Distinguished from Mammoth Scavenging by Humans and Carnivores? (2019)
  70. Can Soil Microbial Community Composition Distinguish Indoor and Outdoor Spaces? (2019)
  71. Can the Field School Be Improved? Lessons Learned through Education Research of an NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (2019)
  72. Can urban agglomerations be seasonal, low-density and egalitarian?: new interpretations of the Ukrainian Trypillia megasites (2017)
  73. Can we all get along? Bridging the divide between forensic anthropologists, forensic archaeologists, and law enforcement personnel (2016)
  74. Can we define a British Iron Age? (2018)
  75. Can we measure the degree of social complexity within Quimi Valley? (2016)
  76. Can We Predict Archaeological Site Location? Should We? (2024)
  77. Can We See Travelers in Rock Art? (2019)
  78. Can we talk about modern human behavior in non-Homo sapiens? (2018)
  79. Can You Hear Me Now? – The History of a Telephone Booth in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (2018)
  80. Can You Make Me a Map? Making Louisiana’s Cultural Resources Records Accessible (2018)
  81. Can you Model my Valley? Particular People, Places and Times in Archaeological Simulation (2017)
  82. Can You Predict the Pot? Using Morphometric Variability to Predict Potting Techniques (2021)
  83. A Canadian Perspective on Later Paleoindian Technocomplexes and Emerging Genetic Data (2021)
  84. Canal System 2’s Architecture, Chronology and Irrigation during the Pioneer Period (2015)
  85. Canals, Sacbeob and Defining Space in Ditched Agricultural Fields in the Three Rivers Region, Northwestern Belize (2018)
  86. Canaries in the Coal Mine: How Children Reveal the Embodied Realities of Colonialism (2024)
  87. Canas, Canchis and Cuzco: What Was the Scale of Community Allegiance in the LIP? (2018)
  88. Canid Diets and Social Roles in Ancestral Maya Communities in the Eastern Maya Lowlands (2024)
  89. Canids in the Faunal and Iconographic Record at La Quemada: An Analysis from the Perspective of Huichol Ethnography (2019)
  90. The Canids of Arroyo Hondo: a reanalysis (2017)
  91. Canine Dental Damage and Dental Pathology as Indicators of Changing Haulage Roles during the Transition to Agriculture (2021)
  92. The Canine Question: The Role of Dog Husbandry in Athapaskan Migration and Plains-Pueblo Exchange (2017)
  93. Canning and Preserving History at The Borden’s Condensed Milk Factory Site in Torrington, CT (2018)
  94. Canoes, Canals, and Portages: Water Travel around the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico, ca. AD 600–1800 (2024)
  95. Caohkia Style Engraved Stone Tablets (2024)
  96. The Capac ñan from Chachapoyas to the Tierra adentro (2018)
  97. Cape Porpoise Archaeological Partnership (2018)
  98. Capitalism and Material Culture of the Poor: Consumption, Reuse, and Discard of Glass Bottles at Hacienda San Pedro Cholul, Yucatan (2015)
  99. Capitalizing on GINI (2023)
  100. Caprines in the Cattle Zone: Reconciling Faunal Data at Two Scales during the Early Neolithic in the Sofia Basin, Bulgaria (2021)