Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-400 of 21,939)

  1. Agricultural Diversity in Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala: New Ideas on Environmental Resources (2024)
  2. The Agricultural Economy of the Iron Age Southern Levant: Contrasting Preliminary Archaeobotanical Data from Tel Abel Beth Maacah and Khirbat al-Balu’a (2023)
  3. Agricultural History of the Horn of Africa: New Archaeobotanical Evidence from Mezber (2017)
  4. Agricultural Labor Organizations and Management Strategies in the Prehistoric Erdaojingzi Site, Inner Mongolia, China (2023)
  5. The Agricultural Landscape at La Playa (2024)
  6. An Agricultural Landscape on the Northern Mimbres Frontier, South-Central New Mexico, USA (2017)
  7. Agricultural Landscapes in Northern Argentina (2015)
  8. Agricultural Landscapes of the Mesopotamian-Zagros Borderlands (2021)
  9. The Agricultural Lexicon of Western Indo-European: Crop Names (2019)
  10. Agricultural Life and Socioeconomic Dependencies in the Western Andes of Southern Peru during the Second Half of the First Millennium BCE (2024)
  11. Agricultural Niche Construction in Roman North Africa: Simulating Irrigation and Deforestation on a Desert Margin (2018)
  12. Agricultural Practices in the Atacama Desert (Northern Chile): New Perspectives from Stable Isotope Analysis on Archaeological Crops (2019)
  13. Agricultural Practices of the Qin People from the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty: A Case from the Matengkong Site in Guanzhong Basin, China (2023)
  14. Agricultural Productivity of Four Different Physiographic Zones in the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico: Using the Current Landscape as a Means to Facilitate an Understanding of Past Productivity (2017)
  15. Agricultural risk management in Mediterranean environments: a computational modeling approach (2016)
  16. An agricultural risk mitigation strategy using multiple water sources, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2016)
  17. Agricultural Strategies and Intensification: A Study of Risk Management in the Southern Maya Lowlands (2018)
  18. Agricultural Wealth, Food Storage, and Commensal Politics at Azoria an Archaic City on Crete (2019)
  19. Agriculturas formativas del desierto tarapaqueño. (2015)
  20. Agriculture and Empire in the High-Altitude Atacama Desert (2015)
  21. Agriculture and Inter-village Space in the Ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) World (2015)
  22. Agriculture and Landscape Change in the Tesuque Valley (2019)
  23. Agriculture and Resource Procurement for the Castro Settlements of NW Iberia: Examination of Floatation Samples for the Castro Site of Bagunte (2018)
  24. Agriculture at Las Capas: Tales Told by the Canals (2015)
  25. Agriculture development in the Bronze Age Hexi Corridor-archaeobtanic evidence from Xichengyi site (2017)
  26. Agriculture in the “Land of Hatti”: The Politics and Ecology of Farming in Late Bronze Age Central Anatolia (2023)
  27. Agriculture is a state of mind- the Andean potato’s unending domestication (2015)
  28. Agriculture Is Not Inevitable: Lessons in Foodways from Precolumbian South Florida (2024)
  29. Agriculture Roles in Landscapes and Taskcapes: An Interdisciplinary Approach from Northwestern Argentina (2015)
  30. Agriculture, Alcohol, and Urban Economies in Late Neolithic North China: A Case Study from the Shimao Site (2021)
  31. Agriculture, Group Size, and Resource Richness (2023)
  32. Agriculture, Land Management and Expressions of Elite Control at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal (2018)
  33. An Agroecological Perspective on Crop Domestication in Western Asia (2019)
  34. The agroecology of inequality: Novel bioarchaeological approaches to early urbanization in western Asia and Europe (2016)
  35. Agropastoral Resource Management in the Negev Heartland toward the Close of Late Antiquity (2021)
  36. Agropastoralism in Bronze Age Transylvania: An analysis of faunal assemblages from the Geoagiu and Mureş Valleys (2015)
  37. Agua dulce, Agua salada. Diferenciación de actividades pesqueras en el sistema portuario de la costa este de Los Tuxtlas (2018)
  38. Aguada Fénix and the Middle Usumacinta Region: An Introduction (2024)
  39. Aguada Fénix and the Middle Usumacinta Region: Interregional Interactions and Social Transformations in the Middle Preclassic Period (2024)
  40. Aguada Fénix: An Early Middle Preclassic Monumental Site in the Middle Usumacinta Region (2019)
  41. Aguadas of the Bajo el Laberinto Region: Form, Distribution, and Biocultural Importance (2024)
  42. The Ahistorical Shell Middens at the Northern Tip of South America (2023)
  43. An Aircraft Search and Recovery Mission in Southern England: A Case Study in Rehabilitation Archaeology (2021)
  44. Airway Beacons: Rehabilitation and Interpretation (2016)
  45. Akimel O’odham Projectile Point Design and P-MIP Archaeological Research (2015)
  46. Akimel O’Odham Traditional Knowledge Regarding Platform Mounds (2019)
  47. Aknah and the moon spiners: gender relations and rituals in caves. (2017)
  48. Alaskan Game Drives: An Architectural Assessment (2017)
  49. Alaskan Legacy Collections Outside Alaska: Challenges, Opportunities and Potential (2019)
  50. Albarradas, Solarés, and Classic Maya Land Tenure in Northwestern Belize (2018)
  51. Alcohol in Complex Society in Northwest China : A case study from the Mogou site (1800-1200BC) (2024)
  52. Alcohol Use and Archaeological Practice (2024)
  53. Alcohol, Rituals, and Spirits at the Late Shang Center: Residue Analysis of Ceramic Vessels in Anyang (2023)
  54. Alepotrypa Cave and Regional Networks of Southern Greece (2016)
  55. Alero las Quemas, a key site for the study of human occupations of Andean forest in Patagonia (Aisén, Chile). (2015)
  56. Aleutian Microtechnology in Anangula Times (9000 - 4000 BP) (2015)
  57. Alfarería en las fronteras de La Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina (Ceramics at the borders of the Humahuaca Quebrada, Jujuy Argentina) (2015)
  58. Algonquian Coastal Gardens and Landscape: Interpretations from Archaeobotany (2015)
  59. Algonquian Landscapes and Multispecies Archaeology in the Chesapeake (2019)
  60. Algunas consideraciones acerca del orígen y de la organización social de los Chachapoya (2015)
  62. Alimento para las deidades: Nuevas prácticas sacrificiales y post sacrificiales en los centros mesoamericanos del Epiclásico y Posclásico inicial (2023)
  63. All along the Watch Tower: Surveillance, Survivance, and the Making of a Christianized Landscape in the Mangareva Islands, French Polynesia (2024)
  64. All for Drone and Drone for Free: A Free and/or Open-Source Workflow for UAV Imagery Collection and Analysis (2019)
  65. All in a Day’s Work: The Health and Welfare of Children Living in 19th Century Staffordshire, UK (2019)
  66. All in Good Time: the "New Highland Chronology" and the Sculptures of Kaminaljuyú, Guatemala (2015)
  67. All in One Boat: How to Keep a Raiding Party Together in Bronze Age Southern Scandinavia (2023)
  68. All in the Family: Using Archeology and Genealogy to Construct a Historical Narrative (2018)
  69. All Is Never Lost: Examining Coalescence, Cultural Resilience, and Survivance in the Archaeology of a Protohistoric Village on the Arkansas River (2023)
  70. All methods, no madness: Making sense of burial orientations using GIS (2016)
  71. All Politics Isn’t Local: The Role of Oxpemul in Classic Maya Geopolitics (2018)
  72. All Potted Up: Exploring Seasonality at Small Late Pueblo II and Early Pueblo III Sites at Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  73. All Roads Lead to the Verapaz: The Northern Highlands as a Nexus of Classic Period Exchange (2019)
  74. All That Glitters (for Now): Multi-method Approaches to Informing the Archaeological Response to Sea-Level Rise on the Golden Isles of Georgia (2024)
  75. All that Sprouts Is Not Maize: Phytogenic Imagery in Mesoamerican Art and Narrative (2024)
  76. All the Gods of the World: Modern Maya Agricultural and Rain Ritual in Yucatan, Mexico (2017)
  77. All the Underworld’s a Stage: Ancient Maya Ritual Stages of Xibalba (2015)
  78. ‘All things being equal’? Multiplex Material Networks of the Early Neolithic in the Near East (2018)
  79. The Allegory of Xibalba: Confronting Shadowy Realities in the ancient Maya Underworld (2019)
  80. Alliance Formation & Social Signaling: Village Interaction among the Monongahela (2019)
  81. Alliances, Coalitions, Hierarchies and Conflict in the Ancestral Pueblo World (2015)
  82. Alligators, Serpents, Pirates, and a Wedding: Ritualized Political Landscapes of the Oaxacan Pacific Coast, Mexico (2018)
  83. Allometry, Modularity, and Integration: Applying Biological Concepts and Statistical Tests to Stone Tool Shapes (2021)
  84. The Alluvial Geochronology of Pharo Village and Implications for Cycles of Site Occupation and Abandonment (2015)
  85. Ally, Client or Outpost? Examining the Relationship between Xunantunich and Naranjo in the Late Classic Period (2019)
  86. Alm Shelter: A Preliminary Report on a Deeply Stratified Rockshelter in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming (2019)
  87. Almenas and Architecture (2018)
  88. (Almost) Making it in the Margins: Medieval Norse Adaptation to the Arctic Fjord Environments (2018)
  89. Alone in the Deep Blue Sea: A comparison of Indonesian Colonial Period nutmeg plantations and New World plantations (2015)
  90. Alpine Adaptive and Paleoenvironmental Change at Alta Toquima (central Nevada) (2015)
  91. An Alpine Archaeological Landscape in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming (2017)
  92. Alterations in South American Oral Health Through the Colonial Period: The Story of Ancient DNA Trapped Within Dental Calculus (2017)
  93. Altered States: Evaluating Postmortem Modification of Dental Tissues (2019)
  94. Altering the Walls of Domesticity: Late 19th Century Modifications to Households in San Juan, Puerto Rico (2018)
  95. Alterity, Resistance, and Autonomy: Mortuary Archaeology and the Diversity of Indigenous Responses to Spanish Conquest in Lambayeque, Peru (2018)
  96. Alternative Complexities in the Central Andes: An Anarchist Approach to Chancay Political Organization in the Huanangue Valley (2018)
  97. An Alternative Explanation for a Modified Rabbit Innominate Spatulate Tool (2019)
  98. Alternative Interpretive Lenses for Landscape at Mulch’en Witz, La Milpa, Belize (2019)
  99. Alternative Mexico: A Mobile Application for the Preservation of Mexico's Heritage (2019)
  100. Alternative Mexico: a Mobile Application to Preserve Contemporary Heritage Values (2016)