Nellis AFB - Survey Reports
Site Name Keywords
26CK4984 •
26NY1492 •
26NY9127 •
26NY9123 •
26CK4999 •
26CK4973 •
26CK4974 •
26CK5007 •
26CK5010 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Lithic Scatter •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Artifact Scatter •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Isolated Artifact •
Domestic Structures •
Rock Shelter •
Quarry •
Isolated Feature
Other Keywords
No historic properties •
Silver Flag •
DACA63-95-D-0022 •
Gatecliff Series •
Humboldt Series •
Elko Series •
Pinto Series •
Toolstone Quarry •
fiber optic line •
Las Vegas to Tonopah Railraod
Culture Keywords
Western Shoshone •
Southern Paiute •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Beatty Mountain Shoshone •
Yuman •
Mojave •
Owens Valley Paiute •
Vanyume •
Virgin Branch Anasazi •
Kawich Range Shoshone
Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Environment Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Heritage Management •
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Obsidian •
Ceramic •
Ground Stone •
Dating Sample •
Macrobotanical •
Wood •
Lithic Scatter •
Fauna •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Gypsum Period •
Early Archaic •
Shoshonean Period •
Pinto Period •
Paleoindian Period •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Nevada (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada •
Clark (County) •
Nye (County) •
Las Vegas, Nevada •
Cactus Flat •
Pahute Mesa
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-400 of 410)
- Documents (410)
- Effective Hydration Temperature and Relative Humidity Variation within the Nevada Test and Training Range, Southern Nevada (2006)
- Ella Mountain Master ACMI Site (1985)
- An Ethnoarchaeological Survey of West Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test and Training Range (2002)
- Evaluation of Site 26CK3905, Range 62, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (1989)
- Evaluation of Site 26CK3905, Range 62, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada - Photo Log (1989)
- An Evaluation of the Ability of Commercial High-Resolution Multispectral Remote-Sensing Satellite Data to Identify Archaeological Resources (2006)
- Federick Rocket Car Test (1977)
- A Field Test of the Traveler-Processor Model on the South Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2001)
- Final Report on the 1978 Archaeological Investigations of the Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Ranges Nye, Lincoln and Clark Counties, Nevada OR Siteseeing on the Range a Compendium (1982)
- Final Report on the Archaeological Survey of Electronic Warfare Sites and Related Developments, Nellis Air Force Base Ranges, With an Appendix on the Botanical Findings (1979)
- Fingerprints in the Great Basin: The Nellis Air Force Base Regional Obsidian Sourcing Study (2005)
- Five Pits for Use on US95 (1984)
- Frenchman Flat Seismic Survey: Range 64 (2001)
- From Conflict to Refuge: Recognizing American Indian Sites in the Western U.S. between 1800 and 1930 (2020)
- A Gabled Wooden Lodge in an Archaeological Context: Archaeological Investigations at Sample Unit U19adPL, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
- Gap Mountain Master ACMI Site (East Mormon Range) (1985)
- Gapfiller Radar Site on Tolicha Peak and Associated Access Road (1978)
- General Sensitivity Map, Cultural Resources NTTR (2009)
- The Geology of Source Materials for Lithic Artifacts in Southern Nevada (2003)
- George's Water Pipeline Cultural Resources Report (1982)
- A Glimpse at the Archaeological Landscape of Black Mountain and Upper Thirsty Canyon, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2006)
- A Glimpse at the Archaeological Landscape of Black Mountain and Upper Thirsty Canyon, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2006)
- The Golden Fence (1990)
- Gravel Pit Expansion at Test Site (1986)
- Great Basin Land-Use Patterns: A View from the Kawich Range, Results of Inventory and Predictive Modeling from the Kawich Range Stratified Archaeological Sampling Project, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2002)
- A Guide to the Geology of Stonewall In Support of Nellis AFB Archaeology (2012)
- Historic Uses at Sulfide Well Nevada Test and Training Range Nellis Air Force Base (2003)
- IMACS Site Forms with Photographs for A Cultural Resource and Geological Study Pertaining to Four Selected Petroglyph/Pictograph Sites on Nellis Air Force Range and Adjacent Overflight Lands, Lincoln and Nye Counties, Nevada (1999)
- Improvements and Maintenance on US95, Milepost CL107.00 to CL 121.00; WO 20726 (1987)
- Indian Springs Fiber Optic Project (1991)
- An Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of 20 Target Complexes on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2007)
- An Inventory of 111 Acres for a Bypass Road and Staging Area at Creech Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada NAFB Report 07-03 (2007)
- An Inventory of 70 Acres for Box Canyon Storage Area, Range 63, Clark County, Nevada Test and Training Range (2007)
- Inventory of Nellis Air Force Base Water Well Annex, South 42 Acres, Clark County, Nevada (2002)
- Justification for the Lack of Physical Integrity for A Building Reconstruction at Tolicha Peak (2009)
- Kawich Range Stratified Archaeological Sampling Project: Predictive Model and Sampling Design (1999)
- Lakes, Wetlands, and Meadows: Past Climate and Environments of the Playas on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2009)
- Late Prehistoric and Ethnohistoric Pinyon Exploitation in South-Central Nevada: A Case from the Belted Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2012)
- Leith Mountain ACMI Site (south end of Clover Range) (1985)
- Literature Review and Summary of Archaeological Research to Comply With the National Historic Preservation Act for Placement of Wild Horse Troughs at Cactus Springs, Stealth Spring, and Sleeping Column Seep, NAFR (1999)
- Lower Cave (25NY251) (1970)
- Man Camp and Water Pipeline to Well at the Tonopah Test Range, US D.0.E. (1983)
- Map of Ellsworth Ave (2020)
- Map of MU732h Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2012)
- Military Maneuver Area Cultural Resources Report (1981)
- MX/Native American Cultural and Socio-Economic Studies-Draft (1980)
- Native American Cultural Resources on Pahute and Rainier Mesas, Nevada Test Site (1994)
- Natural and Cultural Resources Study for Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range (1977)
- Nellis Air Force Base and Range Complex Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Overview (1997)
- Nellis Air Force Base Archaeological Program Presentation (2020)
- Nellis Air Force Base Evaluation and Monitoring Plan for Wooden Culverts on the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad Grade (2010)
- Nellis Air Force Base Section 106 Archaeological Survey Range 71 North-South, Nye County, NV (2018)
- Nellis Air Force Base, Environmental Management Cultural Resources Program: Target Disturbance Zone Evaluations Proposal Archaeology Sampling in Three Elevation Zones (2004)
- Nellis Air Force Base: An Intuitive Review of Records for Complex Sites on the Nevada Test and Training Range (2010)
- Nellis Air Force Base: Archaeological Survey, Area II, Clark County Nevada (2017)
- Nellis Air Force Base: Final Report, Section 110 Archaeological Survey, Area II, Clark County Nevada (2018)
- Nellis Air Force Range 1993 Wild Horse Gather Trapping Locations (1993)
- Nellis Air Force Withdrawal Lands, Clark County, Nevada (1999)
- Nevada Training Initiative Archaeological Inventory (2002)
- NTTR Acreage Released Through Section 106 Consultation (2003)
- NTTR Historic Plane Crash Photos (2009)
- Old Lakes and Young Playas: The Nellis AFB Geologic Study and Quaternary History of Four Playas on the Nevada Test and Training Range (2006)
- An Overview of Cultural Resources on Pahute and Rainier Mesas on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1986)
- Paleontology and Fossils on the Nellis Air Force Base Military Training Lands (2013)
- Peak 4400 (Mormon Mountains) ACMI Site (1985)
- Phase II Cultural Resources Inventory of 7,000 Acres at Lower Thirsty Canyon and Rocket Wash, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2016)
- A Pictorial History of Nellis Air Force Base 1941-1996 (1997)
- A Pilot Study of Holocene Tephrochronology and Spring Paleoecology in the Kawich Range, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2007)
- A Plan for Inventory of the Silver Flag Alpha Training Complex, Range 63c, Nevada Test and Training Range (2007)
- Playa Site Forms Combined (2009)
- Prehistoric Archaeology of the West Sinter Quarry Cortez Mountains, Nevada (1988)
- A Prehistoric Context for Southern Nevada (2012)
- Prehistoric Spatial Patterning and Subsistence Studies: Archaeological Investigations at Sample Unit U19arP4 (1992)
- Prehistory and Paleoenvironment at Pintwater Cave, Nevada: Results of Field Work During the 1996 Season (1997)
- A Proposal for Cultural Resources Monitoring for a Depleted Uranium Study, Range 63-10, Nevada Test and Training Range (2008)
- R74 New Airfield Target (2015)
- Range 65 Tank Training Facility (1987)
- Range 71 High Desert Training Area Map (2020)
- Range 74C Airfield, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (02-2015-NTTR) (2015)
- Reconnaissance Survey of the North 42 Acres of the Nellis Air Force Base Water Well Annex, North Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada (1998)
- Reevaluation of Archaeological Sites on Nellis Air Force Base (2001)
- Reevaluation of Archaeological Sites on Nellis Air Force Base (2001)
- Repatriation Act of 1991 (NAGPRA) Partial Compliance for the Nellis Air Force Ranges Southern Nevada (1992)
- Report of Negative Findings for Additional Survey of Area II Wastewater service Area sewer Line, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (1993)
- Report on the Archaeological Investigation of Buried Trash Deposits Uncovered at Indian Springs AFAF PHASE I and II (1999)
- Research Design Archaeological Characterization Sampling For the EC South Range, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2008)
- Research Design For An Archaeological Characterization Study On Portions of Belted Range and Kawich Valley (Range 74) Nevada Test and Training Range (2009)
- A Research Design to Conduct an Archaeological Characterization Study of the Belted Range and Southern Kawich Valley, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2010)
- Results of Archaeological Investigations in Three Lakes Valley South, Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada (1998)
- Results of Archaeological Survey and Site Investigations for Year 2, Pintwater Cave Area Archaeological Research Program (1997)
- The Results of Cultural Resource Investigations at Cactus Flat Dry Lake Margins, Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada (2000)
- Seismic Exploration Lines Near the Spring Mountains Clark County, Nevada (1981)
- Seismo-Acoustic Effects of Sonic Booms on Archeological Sites, Valentine Military Operations Area, Comments (2009)
- Silver Flag Alpha Range Survey, Nellis Air Force Base Including Research for the Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad (2010)
- Silver Flag Alpha Range, Nellis Air Force Base Maps (2020)
- Silver Flag Support Documents (2009)
- A Stratified Archaeological Sample of Low Elevation Areas On Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada (2000)
- The Structure of a Temporary Camp at Drill Hole U19AQ of Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nevada REVIEW DRAFT (1989)
- Supplemental Report to the Class III Cultural Resources Survey in Support of a Proposed Fiber Optic Line from the Tolicha Peak Compound to Black Mountain, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2011)
- Surface Geology, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoclimate of Stonewall Mountain, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2014)