Brockington and Associates, Inc.

Collection of reports provided by CRM consulting firm Brockington and Associates, Inc. Brockington maintains offices in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Elizabethtown, Kentucky; and Jackson, Jacksonville, and Pensacola, Florida.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-79 of 79)

  • Analysis of an Unknown Component at 38CH2048, Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina (2016)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text C Partridge. James Page. Jana Futch.

    This paper addresses a possible Civil War era component at 38CH2048, Cane Slash Plantation.

  • And The Coosa Between Them: Archaeological Investigations of Sites 9FL203 and 9FL206, Floyd County, Georgia (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bobby G. Southerlin. Dawn Reid. Connie Huddleston. Christopher T. Espenshade. John Foss. Linda Kennedy.

    In 1994, Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook data recovery excavations of sites 9FL203 and 9FL206, Floyd County, Georgia. The investigations were designed to mitigate the potential adverse effects of the construction of the western Rome bypass highway. The sites are located on opposite banks of the Coosa River, west of the City of Rome. The 1992 testing had revealed site 9FL206 to contain a Swift Creek component with intact features, while site 9FL203 was dominated by an apparent Kellogg...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BK1792: A Look at the Wando Pottery Tradition on the Cainhoy Peninsula (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Ralph Bailey. Jeff Sherard.

    Archaeologists from Brockington and Associates, Inc. (Brockington), conducted archaeological data recovery at Site 38BK1792 at the 4.9-acre Clements Ferry Road Townhomes tract in March 2020. The data recovery was conducted in compliance with a permit stipulation attached to the Land Disturbance Permit issued by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) for the construction of townhomes and related infrastructure on...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BU2186 and 38BU2187, Stony Creek at Bindon Plantation, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2024)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Lisa Randle. Ralph Bailey. Jeff Sherard. Larry James.

    At Site 38BU2186, archaeologists recovered intact buried deposits, including pottery, lithics, and charcoal, that indicate a Late Woodland period logistical camp on the bluff overlooking Stony Creek. A large house, including several outbuildings and tennis court, were built on top of the Native American site after the Civil War, probably around 1900. This settlement was occupied on a part-time basis until the 1980s. The house was razed in the early 2000s. Archaeologists found very little...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at 38CH1563 Franke Home Tract, Seaside Farms, Charleston County, South Carolina (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Todd McMakin. Tina Rust.

    This report presents the results of archaeological data recovery investigations by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at 38CH1563 on the Franke Home Development Tract in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The site was initially tested by Chicora Foundation, Inc., in January 1995. As a result of these investigations, the site was recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Site 38CH1563 was discovered after development of the Franke Home Tract had begun. As a result,...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at 38CH679-3, McLeod Plantation Charleston County, South Carolina (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Elsie Eubanks. Bruce Harvey.

    Archaeological data recovery investigations were conducted at 38CH679-3, during June-July 1995 by archaeologists from Brockington and Associates, Inc. Site 38CH679-3 occupies 0.55 ac/0.22 ha between the Charleston Country Club Golf Course and the existing McLeod Plantation complex, Charleston, South Carolina. The work was carried out under contract with Hawthorne Properties, Ltd. of Charleston, South Carolina, and funded by Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF). Investigations were undertaken at...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Archaeological Sites 38DR60/81 and 38DR192: The Appian Way Development Tract (2003)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Joshua N. Fletcher. Kristrina Shuler. Ralph Bailey.

    Archaeological data recovery investigations were conducted at 38DR60/81 between 9 November and 10 December 1999. Archaeological data recovery investigations were conducted at 38DR192 between 19 November 1999 and 14 January 2000. These investigations were conducted as per the Treatment Plan and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Sailford Land Company, L.L.C., the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the South Carolina Bureau of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM). The...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Colleton River Plantation (38BU647) Beaufort County, South Carolina: A Study of an Early Nineteenth Century Slave Settlement (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Marian Roberts.

    Data recovery investigations were conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at 38BU647, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The investigations proceeded in two phases; Phase A was conducted during February 1993, and Phase C was conducted during April 1993. The work was conducted in compliance with state regulations regarding impact to cultural resources as a result of development activities along the coast of Beaufort County. Proposed construction activities at the Colleton River Development...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Long Point Plantation (38CH321) Mark Clark Expressway (I-526), Charleston County, South Carolina (1991)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric c. Poplin. Michael C. Scardaville.

    This report documents limited data recovery activities undertaken at Long Point Plantation (38CH32l), in Charleston County, South Carolina by Brockington and Associates, Inc., for the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public Transportation. The site contains the remains of an eighteenth and nineteenth century plantation that evolved through several phases of operation related to contemporary economic conditions. The site was originally defined during the initial cultural resources survey...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at River Club (38BU880), Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina: A Study in Late Eighteenth/Early Nineteenth Century African American Lifeways (1993)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Marian Roberts.

    Archaeological data recovery investigations were carried out by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at both the historic and prehistoric components of 38BU880, during July and August 1992. This work was conducted in compliance with Federal, State, and the Town of Hilton Head legislation regarding the impact to cultural resources as a result of development in the coastal zone of South Carolina. 38BU880 is located in the River Club development tract, adjacent to Broad Creek, on Hilton Head Island,...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Riverfront Village (38AK933): A Mississippian/Contact Period Occupation (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Whitley. Jana Futch. Kandice Hollenbach. Jon Bernard Marcoux. Kim Wescott. Maggie Needham. Jessica Allgood.

    In 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc., was asked by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to carry out Phase II Testing for the Georgia Avenue Extension Project (GAEP) in North Augusta. The GAEP was an undertaking that entailed design and construction of new roadway associated with the City of North Augusta’s planned riverfront revitalization. More than one year earlier, the city teamed with the Leyland Alliance (a private development partnership) to design and build a...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 38BU1294, Cane Island, South Carolina (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Tina Rust. Bruce G. Harvey. Dawn Reid. Bobby G. Southerlin.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc. undertook archaeological data recovery investigations at 38BU1294 in August 1995. This site occupies approximately 2.2 acres on the western edge of Cane Island along the eastern bank of the Beaufort River. Survey and testing conducted at 38BU1294 in 1992 revealed two intact occupation middens containing a diverse and dense artifact assemblage dating to the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century (Espenshade and Kennedy 1992:53). Data recovery excavations...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 38CH1511, The Ellis Tract, Charleston County, South Carolina (2003)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric Poplin. Carol Poplin. Tina Rust. Ralph Bailey.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc. undertook data recovery investigations at 38CH1511 in June and July 1998. This site contains remnants of a former building associated with an eighteenth-century plantation settlement. Eubanks et al. ( 1994) recommended 38CH1511 eligible for the National Register of Historic Places after encountering intact structures and cultural deposits during survey and testing investigations. Following the data recovery excavations at 38CH1511, archaeologists identified the...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 9GE2178 Greene County, Georgia (2008)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jannie Loubser. Thomas G. Whitley.

    9GE2178 (UTMZone 17, E292662, N3704897) is a Lamar period Mississippian artifact scatter on a ridge top edge, ranging in height between 462 and 472 feet above mean sea level (141-144 m amsl). Located barely 100 meters west of Lake Oconee’s high water shore line (formerly Richland Creek), the approximately 4,048-square-meter (93 m E/W x 55 m N/S) site is covered by a moderately dense growth of pines and a few young hardwoods with variable ground cover. Much of the slope directly to the south,...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery Investigation of the Shade Tree Tract (38CH2048), Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jana Futch. Carolyn Rock. Meagan Brady. C Partridge. Charles F. Philips. C.S. Butler.

    The data recovery investigations at 38CH2048 detail a large sample of post-contact material recovered from the site, as well as hundreds of identified cultural features. The long occupation span of the site, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, combined with the activities of generations of occupants has resulted in mixed contexts. While these mixed contexts obscure straightforward interpretations, the data recovered and analyzed during this Phase III project has contributed to our...

  • Archaeological Data Recovery Investigations at Edwards Plantation (38BU1), Lot 9, Old Boathouse Lane, Spring Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2016)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Larry James. Ralph Bailey. Colin Brooker. Charlie Philips.

    Stonemark Construction Management contracted Brockington and Associates, Inc. on behalf of the owners, Susan and Ronald Morrow, to conduct data recovery investigations at Lot 9, Old Boathouse Lane, on Spring Island, located near Beaufort, South Carolina. Lot 9 partially encloses the northern portions of archaeological site 38BU1. Site 38BU1 has been identified as the site of the eighteenth- through nineteenth-century Edwards Plantation complex. Site 38BU1 was first recorded by R.L. Stephenson in...

  • Archaeological Excavations At 38CH884 Longpoint Development, Charleston County, South Carolina (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. James B. Legg. Bobby G. Southerlin. Christopher Espenshade. Carol J. Poplin.

    Archaeological data recovery excavations were undertaken at site 38CH884 in Charleston County, South Carolina. Site 38CH884 is a small shell midden including deposits from the Woodland and Mississippian Periods. The site was discovered by Trinkley (1987) and recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places because of its research potential. Archaeological data recovery was carried out to mitigate impact of future house construction at the site. A primary focus of the data...

  • Archaeological Investigation of 38CH1025 at the Pointe at RiverTowne Country Club, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina (2002)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Kara Bridgman. Patrick Sievert.

    From June 1999 through March 2002, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted data recovery investigations at 38CH1 025 at the Pointe at RiverTowne Country Club on Parkers Island in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The site is located in Charleston County and was intermittently occupied from the Ceramic Late Archaic through the Late Woodland periods. Wando ceramics define the primary occupation of the site. Two of three oyster shell refuse middens at 38CH1025 display distinct strata that...

  • Archaeological Investigations at Site 38JA272 Jasper County, South Carolina (2004)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric D. Sipes. Eric C. Poplin.

    In July 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted excavations in the portion of 38JA272 that will be affected by the construction of Phase I of the South Carolina Pipeline Company’s (SCPC) 82-mile South System Loop Natural Gas Pipeline near Ridgeland in Jasper County, South Carolina. Archaeological monitoring of construction activities at 38JA272 was conducted in November 2003. Archaeological 38JA272 is a possible Civil War rifle trench with a surrounding surface and subsurface...

  • Archaeological Investigations of Two Turn of the Century Farmsteads (38BU966 and 38BU967), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (1991)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Ramona Grunden.

    Archeological investigations were conducted at two late nineteenth/early twentieth century farmsteads (38BU966 and 38BU967), on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Work was conducted on 38BU967 in October of 1989, followed almost a year later b¥ excavations at 38BU966 during September 1990. Block excavation proceeded in 10 and 15 em, arbitrary levels, and was controlled by 2 by 2 m excavation units. All fill was screened through 0.25 inch screen. All cultural material was retained. Samples of...

  • An Archaeological Study of the Minim Island Site: Early Woodland Dynamics in Coastal South Carolina (1989)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Paul E. Brockington, Jr..

    Data recovery excavations and analyses were undertaken at the Minim Island Site, 38GE46, Georgetown County, South Carolina. Excavation at this Early Woodland site consisted of a three by nine meter block with a maximum depth of 2.2 meters below surface. Ten cm arbitrary levels were excavated, and the general level fill was screened through 0.25 inch mesh. Fill from features and six 50 by 50 cm column samples per level was saved for flotation separation. Specialized analyses were undertaken to...

  • Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery Excavations at Bulloch Hall (9FU255), Fulton County, Georgia (2000)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Butler. Alison Sluss. Connie Huddleston. Dawn Reid.

    In March and May 1998, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological testing and data recovery excavations in specific areas at Bulloch Hall (9FU255), Fulton County, Georgia. Other excavations completed by volunteers during the last two years are also described in this report. These excavations were conducted in anticipation of interpretive reconstructions on the grounds of Bulloch Hall, which is now a house museum. The reconstructions consist of a five-hole privy, a dogtrot slave...

  • Archaeology Data Recovery at 38BK1627, Daniel Island, South Carolina (2009)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Alys Spillman. Charles F. Philips. Nicole Isenbarger.

    Data recovery investigations in Locus 2 of 38BK1627 examined archaeological artifacts and deposits associated with two Post-Contact occupations of the site. Originally thought to represent an isolated slave settlement and later freedman’s tenant settlement, Locus 2 proved to contain the remnants of an early-eighteenth-century occupation of descendents of Robert Daniell as well as an extensive postbellum tenant occupation.

  • Bolton on the Stono: Data Recovery Investigations at 38CH2017 Charleston County, South Carolina (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text David Franz. Andrew Agha. Charles F. Philips. Kandice Hollenbach. Judith Sichler. Ralph Bailey.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook data recovery investigations at archaeological site 38CH2017, a National Register of Historic Places eligible property and Geographical Area of Particular Concern located on the Beazer Bolton Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina, from March 2006 through June 2007. Site 38CH2017 is a Post-Contact site containing a late seventeenth-/early eighteenth-century plantation complex, a mid-nineteenth-century plantation slave row, and a late...

  • The Buffalo Creek Archaeological Project, Volume 1: Background and Testing at 3MS346 and 3CG847 Mississippi and Craighead Counties, Arkansas. The Buffalo Creek Archaeological Project, Volume 2: Excavation of the Steele Site (3MS351), Mississippi County, Arkansas (1992)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. A. Merrill Dicks. Wayne P. Glander. Soil Systems, Inc.

    This report describes archaeological test and data recovery excavations at three prehistoric sites in Mississippi and Craighead counties in northeast Arkansas sponsored by the Memphis District, Corps of Engineers. Archaeological site studies were carried out in advance of construction of the Buffalo Creek Diversion Canal and were designed to provide detailed evaluation of the sites' data content and to develop data recovery plans as necessary. Field research was carried out in the summer of...

  • Cemetery Relocation at Site 38CH1648: Johnson Hagood Stadium, The Citadel, Charleston County, South Carolina (2005)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kristrina Shuler. Eric C. Poplin. Ralph Bailey.

    Between May-September 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted monitoring, excavations, and on-site relocation of graves from Johnson Hagood Stadium, site 38CH1648. The site contains at least three historic cemeteries. The Area of Project Effect (APE) is a fenced area on the west side of Johnson Hagood Stadium. This area will be impacted by ground disturbing activities during the construction of a new stadium at this location. Identification of graves was conducted through backhoe...

  • Contraband, Refugee, Freedman: Archaeological and Historical Investigation of the Western Fringe of Mitchelville, Hilton Head, South Carolina (1991)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Ramona Grunden.

    Archaeological data recovery excavations were undertaken in the western fringe of the former freedmen village of Mitchelville (established 1863), Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The research included: archival research; the excavation of 50 by 50 cm units on a 10 m interval over a 12-acre area; the excavation of blocks of 64 square m at each of three house loci; excavation of a block of 128 square m at a fourth house location; controlled stripping and feature excavation of a two-acre portion...

  • Crossing the Combahee: Mitigation of the Combahee Ferry Historic District (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brockington and Associates, Inc.. Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc.. Eric C. Poplin. Gordon Watts. Edward Salo. Kristrina A. Shuler. Dave Baluha. Emily Jateff. Nicole Isenbarger. Charles F. Philips.

    Archival research focused on the role of ferries in the development of the colony and state of South Carolina, and the particular role of the Combahee Ferry in the region. This included the development of infrastructure within the region and state, military operations during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and the development of rice plantations along this portion of the Combahee River. Particular attention was given to the June 1-2, 1863, Combahee River Raid, conducted by the 2nd South...

  • Data Recovery At 38CH940 Historic Locus, Charleston County, South Carolina (1989)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Lawrence E. Abbott, Jr..

    Beginning November 28, 1988, archaeologists from Brockington and Associates in Atlanta, Georgia, began the fieldwork phase for data recovery at the historic locus of 38CH940, Charleston County, South Carolina. This work was initiated to partially fulfill the terms of a Memorandum of Agreement between Charleston National Golf Club and the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, under the direction of the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. The site was initially recorded...

  • Data Recovery at the 38BU1302 Shell Midden, Belfair Plantation Tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina (1998)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bobby G. Southerlin. Marian D. Roberts. Connie Huddleston.

    Site 38BU1302 is a prehistoric shell midden located in the northwest portion of the Belfair Plantation Tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina, on a terrace adjacent to the marshes of the Colleton River. This site was discovered and evaluated during an archaeological survey of the Pecan Grove tract (Adams et al. 1992). Adams et al. (1992) recommended the site as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]; this recommendation received concurrence from the State Historic...

  • Data Recovery Excavations at 38BU1419: A Historic Site on Belfair Plantation, Beaufort County, South Carolina (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Marian Roberts. Connie Huddleston. M. Virginia Markham.

    Site 38BU1419 was identified during the June 1994 survey of the Belfair Plantation Tract, conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc. Testing to refine the site's NRHP status was conducted in October 1994. Artifacts recovered during testing suggested high status and considerable wealth for the site occupants. The site was recommended as eligible for the NRHP, and a data recovery plan was developed. Data recovery investigations were carried out in 1995. Archival research revealed the occupants...

  • Data Recovery Excavations at 38BU832. A Wilmington Phase Oyster Station, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (1992)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Bobby G. Southerlin. David R. Lawrence.

    Data recovery investigations were undertaken at the Wilmington phase shell midden, site 38BU832, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. A four by four m block and a two by eight m block were excavated. Column samples (50 by 50 cm) were taken from each 10 cm level of each two by two m unit. The laboratory analyses included: a detailed oyster shell study; an examination of the stylistic and technological variability in the ceramics; zooarchaeological and ethnobotanical analysis; and an assemblage...

  • Data Recovery Excavations at 38UN989 on the SC Route 72/121/215 Bridge Replacement Project Over the Broad River at the Chester / Union County Line (2006)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kara Bridgman Sweeney. Meagan Brady. Dea Mozingo. Eric Poplin.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted data recovery investigations at 38UN989 on the SC Route 72/121/215 Bridge Replacement Project (PIN 26316) in Union County, South Carolina, in December 2004. The site is located on a relict river levee west of the Broad River. The South Carolina Department of Transportation contracted Brockington and Associates, Inc., to mitigate the effects of bridge construction on portions of 38UN989 in the new right-of-way that contain intact cultural deposits...

  • Data Recovery Excavations at Dublin/Richmond Plantation, (Sites 9BN44, 9BN174, 9BN177), Bryan County, Georgia (2003)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Butler. Joseph Charles. Connie Huddleston. Heather Mauldin. Whitney Olvey. Jennifer Webber.

    Proposed development at the Ford Plantation L.L.C. will impact archaeological sites 9BN44, 9BN174, and 9BN177 (Dublin/Richmond Plantation). Archaeological survey (Wapora 1983) and testing (Whitley et al. 1999) investigations determined these sites contain significant archaeological research potential. Sites 9BN44, 9BN174, and 9BN177 are located within the Henry Ford National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) District (listed under Criteria B and C). These archaeological sites were also...

  • Data Recovery Investigation of Clay Hill Plantation (38DR375), Dorchester County, South Carolina (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brockington and Associates, Inc.. Dave Baluha.

    Archaeological investigations at 38DR375-Locus 1 identified two distinct occupations: an early eighteenth- to mid-nineteenth-century occupation related to Clay Hill Plantation activities and a late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century tenant farm settlement. These investigations identified multiple activity areas, including six distinct structures (Structures 1-6), across 38DR375-Locus 1, all of which formed part of the former Clay Hill Plantation settlement. These structures include a privy...

  • Data Recovery Investigations at 38BU165, Bloody Point, Daufuskie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Linda Kennedy. Marian D. Roberts. C.S Butler. Connie Huddleston.

    Data recovery investigations were carried out by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at archaeological site 38BU165 during January 1992. This work was conducted in compliance with federal and state legislation regarding impact to cultural resources as a result of development. Site 38BU165 is located at Bloody Point on the southern end of Daufuskie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The proposed selling of lots for development would have resulted in impact to 38BU165. Mitigation of the...

  • Data Recovery Investigations at 38DR480 Laurel Hill Plantation: A Look at Settlement Indians of the Inland Lowcountry (2023)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeff Sherard. Ralph Bailey.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted archaeological data recovery at Laurel Hill Plantation (Site 38DR480) in 2021 and early 2022. Brockington is supporting True Homes in the treatment of this and other cultural resources that are being managed through the OCRM CZC Certification for their Hwy 165 Clusters Corner project and Homecoming residential community. This site provides a rare glimpse into lives of a small group of Settlement Indians at Laurel Hill, a remote, inland rice plantation...

  • Data Recovery Investigations at Site 38DR245: A Late Woodland Camp at the Headwaters of the Ashley River, Dorchester County, South Carolina (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Ralph Bailey. Larry James.

    Investigators excavated 652 shovel tests and over 334 m2 at Site 38DR245. The investigations have resulted in the identification of five cultural features and approximately 14,000 artifacts. In addition, archaeologists generated three radiocarbon dates from this site. Data recovery at Site 38DR245 has generated important information related to the Deptford culture in South Carolina. All of these data provide a rare look at the Late Woodland period in a region that lies between the Deptford sites...

  • Data Recovery Investigations in the Marsh Lots of the Callawassie Burial Mound and Village Site (38BU19), Callawassie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (1998)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bobby G. Southerlin. Dawn Reid. Christopher T. Espenshade. Thomas W. Neumann. Gary Crites.

    Site 38BU19 is a large prehistoric site located on Callawassie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The two most pronounced features of 38BU19 is a burial mound and numerous shell middens scattered across the site; it has been assumed that the shell middens represent the remains of an associated village. The research potential of the site has been recognized for over 100 years, and the site has been recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, at the national level...

  • Data Recovery Investigations of 38BU791, Bonny Shore Slave Row, Spring Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Elsie Eubanks. Marian Roberts. Linda Kennedy.

    Archaeological data recovery investigations were conducted at 38BU791 on 12-21 April1993 by archaeologists from Brockington and Associates, Inc. 38BU791 is located on the southern portion of Spring Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The work was conducted in compliance with Federal and State agencies regarding the impact to cultural resources as a result of development in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina. The proposed residential development of the Spring Island Company would have...

  • Data Recovery Investigations of Four Wilmington Phase Sites (38BU132, 38BU372, 38BU1236, and 38BU1241), Beaufort County, South Carolina: A Study in Middle Woodland Subsistence Strategies (1992)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy.

    Data recovery investigations were carried out by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at four Wilmington phase shell midden sites located in the Colleton River Plantation tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The field work was initiated during October 1990 and was completed April 1991. The field investigations consisted of the excavation of 1 by 1 m units, excavated in arbitrary 10 cm levels. Samples were retained for flotation analysis. Zooarchaeological, ethnobotanical, radiocarbon, and...

  • A Few Visits in Prehistory: Data Recovery Excavations at 9RH18, Randolph County, Georgia (1992)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Eric C. Poplin.

    Data recovery investigations were conducted at the multicomponent prehistoric site, 9RH18, Randolph County, Georgia. The May 1992 excavations were conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc., for the Georgia Department of Transportation in anticipation of site impact through construction of the Cuthbert bypass. The investigations included: full site coverage through 50 by 50 cm units excavated on a 10 m interval; the computer assisted plotting of the 50 by 50 cm unit results; the excavation of...

  • The Ford Plantation Project: Archaeological Data Recovery at Cherry Hill Plantation (9BN49/56/57), Bryan County, Georgia (2003)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas G. Whitley. Connie M. Huddleston. Jennifer J. Webber. Dea Mozingo.

    The Ford Plantation Development includes an area of roughly 720 hectares (1800 acres) in Bryan County, Georgia, along the south bank of the Ogeechee River. The residential community and recreational complex now occupies land that first saw European settlement in the 1730s and has long been the domain of both prehistoric and historic period Native American occupations. In 1998 Brockington and Associates, Inc., was contracted to conduct a Phase I Archaeological and Historic Architectural Survey of...

  • The Ford Plantation Project: Archaeological Data Recovery at Silk Hope Plantation (9BN58 & 9BN176), Bryan County, Georgia (2003)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas G. Whitley. Connie M. Huddleston. Jennifer J. Webber. Dea Mozingo.

    The Ford Plantation Development includes an area of roughly 720 hectares (1,800 acres) in Bryan County, Georgia, along the south bank of the Ogeechee River. The residential community and recreational complex now occupies land that first saw European settlement in the 1730s and has long been the domain of both prehistoric and historic period Native American occupations. In 1998 Brockington and Associates, Inc., was contracted to conduct a Phase I Archaeological and Historic Architectural Survey...

  • Furman Shoals in Prehistory: Archaelogical Data Recovery At Site 9BI69, Lake Sinclair Project, Baldwin County, Georgia (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. John Foss. Linda Kennedy.

    Archaeological data recovery was conducted in 1993 and 1994 at site 9Bl69, a stratified prehistoric site on the Oconee River Fall Line, Baldwin County, Georgia. The site had previously been recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and the data recovery was necessary to mitigate the impact of erosion and site vandalism. Site 9Bl69 is situated within the Lake Sinclair project lands of the Georgia Power Company. The excavations consisted of two blocks, each four by ten...

  • Glass Beads, Pearlware, and Red Fliming: Exploring MAterial Cultural of the South Carolina Inland Lowcountry Settlement Indians (2023)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeff Sherard. Ralph Bailey.

    Artifacts from the Laurel Hill Plantation site in southern Dorchester County, South Carolina, suggest an early 19th -century Settlement Indian occupation. These indigenous groups were forced to adapt and utilize new strategies to cope with the onslaught of European colonization. They found themselves betwixt and between political economies marred by enslavement and changing cultural and geographic realities, obscuring traditional practices. We explore these connections through a native-produced...

  • The Grand Strand Frontier: Native American Occupation at the Fairway Site (38HR258), Horry County, South Carolina (2000)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bobby G. Southerlin. Dawn Reid. Connie Huddleston. Marian Roberts. Irvy R. Quitmeyer. David Lawrence. Lesley Ramer.

    Site 38HR258 is a prehistoric site located on the east side of a small interior wetland on Little River Neck. A preliminary assessment of site components indicated that (Ceramic) Late Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian/Proto historic components were present. The most intensive component at 38HR258 is the Middle Woodland occupation, and research questions focused primarily on this component. Field investigations employed a series of methods meant to successively refine areas of particular...

  • Investigation of a Slave Row at Spanish Wells Plantation: Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BU869, Spanish Pointe, HIlton Head Island, South Carolina (1993)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Espenshade. David C. Jones. Marian D. Roberts. Eric C. Poplin. Connie Huddleston.

    Data recovery excavations and archival research were conducted at site 38BU869, Spanish Pointe residential development tract, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The research was conducted to comply with federal, state, and Town of Hilton Head regulations regarding archaeological cultural resources. The site includes a former slave row of Spanish Wells Plantation and a Civil War picket post. The proposed development in the site area will include road construction and low density residential...

  • "Let Me Tell You About the Very Rich." Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BU1788 and 38BU1804 Palmetto Bluff, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2004)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey W. Gardner. Joshua N. Fletcher. Carol Poplin. Eric C. Poplin.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at 38BU1804 between 26 June and 2 August 2002 and at 38BU1788 on 2-12 December 2002 under the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Palmetto Bluff, LLC, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and the SC Bureau of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) for each site. The investigations at both sites were conducted in partial fulfillment of the stipulations of the MOA, under Treatment Plans...

  • Limited Data Recovery Excavations at 16MO103 And 16MO060 Morehouse Parish, Louisiana (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Espenshade. B. G. Southerlin. Cheryl A. Holt. T. A. Rathbun. Michael Trinkley.

    Archaeologically controlled stripping and feature documentation were undertaken at 16MO60 and 16MO103, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, as data recovery prior to pipeline construction.

  • Material Culture and Consumer Choices at Tech Flats: Archaeological and Historical Investigations of the Techwood/Clark Howell Urban Revitalization Tract, Atlanta, Georgia (1998)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey W. Gardner. Connie Huddleston. Dawn Reid. Bobby G. Southerlin.

    Archaeological survey and data recovery were conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at the Techwood/Clark Howell Homes Urban Revitalization Tract, in Atlanta, Georgia. Fieldwork within the 50 acre development tract was conducted in three phases over a period of approximately two years (between June 1995 and May 1997). Funding for these investigations was provided under a federal Housing and Urban Development Block Grant to the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta (HACA) through...

  • Midway: Archaeological Profile of a Nineteenth Century Rice Plantation on Waccamaw Neck (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Eric C. Poplin.

    Midway Plantation is a former rice plantation on Waccamaw Neck, Georgetown County, South Carolina. Established in the late eighteenth century, rice production as pursued throughout the nineteenth century through slave and tenant labor. Three components of the site were identified as significant and/or sensitive cultural resources. These include 38GE362 (the Midway manor house/main residential complex and a prehistoric campsite), 38GE363 (the slave/tenant village and prehistoric components), and...

  • Montpelier Plantation (38BU1789) Antebellum Life at Palmetto Bluff (2004)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric C. Poplin. Pat Hendrix. Connie Huddleston. Alana Lynch. Charles Philips Jr.. Catharine Runyan.

    Archaeological data recovery investigations at 38BU1789 encountered the remnants of the colonial and antebellum settlement of Montpelier Plantation. Excavations in the preservation area exposed the remnants of the planter’s house and a nearby outbuilding. Excavations to the west of the preservation area recovered a sample of artifacts associated with a postbellum occupation, possibly a tenant or squatter, but encountered no definite evidence of a former building. In total, we excavated 621.65 m2...

  • "My Heart is Still in My Old House" Archaeological Investigation at Hartstene's Chinquapin Hill Plantation (38BU1768), Beaufort County, South Carolina (2008)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey W. Gardner. Alexander Y. Sweeney. Carolyn Rock. Charles Philips Jr.. Meagan Brady. Alana Lynch. Dea Mozingo.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase III archaeological data recovery excavations at 38BU1768 in July and August 2003. Archaeological site 38BU1768 is located in the Palmetto Bluff Phase I Development Tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted under the Treatment Plan approved by South Carolina Department of Archives and History on October 23, 2002, and in partial agreement of the stipulations of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the State...

  • Particpants and Presence: Examining Late 17th and Early 18th Century Indigenous and European Trade Along Charleston's Frontier (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeff Sherard. Dave Baluha.

    In 2018, Brockington and Associates archaeologists conducted data recovery excavations focusing on site 38DR87, representing Andrew Percival’s late 17th -century Weston Hall, located in southern Dorchester County, South Carolina. In 1674, Lord Ashley Cooper appointed Percival to oversee trade with Indigenous groups and construct Ashley’s plantation, St. Giles Kussoe. By 1691, after a falling-out with Lord Ashley, Percival began living at Weston Hall. The former home is positioned on a high...

  • Phase II Testing and Phase III Data Recovery of Site 220K908, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi (1999)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Gilberti. Homes Hogue. Justine McKnight. David Pettry. Dawn Reid.

    In late March 1998, the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) contracted with Brockington and Associates, Inc., to conduct Phase II archaeological testing on site 220K908 (the Curr Dog site), in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). This site was located within the proposed right-of-way for the Mississippi Highway 12 Relocation Project (MDOT Project No. 79-0018-03-018-10) in Starkville, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. The Phase II testing was...

  • Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery At The Chandler Site ( 40CH74), Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee (1998)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Gilberti. Steven Bozarth. Andrea Shea.

    In August 1997, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase III data recovery excavations of the northeast portion of the Chandler Site (40CH74) in Cheatham County, Tennessee. The site is located on a T1 terrace directly adjacent to Sycamore Creek, which empties into the Cumberland River. This data recovery was designed to ensure that no human burials would be impacted by the proposed construction of a raw water intake structure, access road, and parking lot on portions of the site. The...

  • Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery at the Wallys Leg Site (9GN203), St. Simons Island, Glynn County, Georgia (2008)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Terry G. Powis. Kim Richards. Alana Lynch. Dea Mozingo. Dave Lineberry.

    The Sea Island Company has considerable land holdings on St. Simons Island, Glynn County, Georgia. The long term development plans of the Sea Island Company include proceeding with due caution and awareness of the rich cultural heritage of the island (see Southerlin et al. 1998:1). In October 1997, Brockington and Associates, Inc., was contracted to provide Sea Island Company with an inventory of all cultural resources located within a large tract on the northern part of the island, encompassing...

  • Phase III Data Recovery Excavations at St. Anne’s Slave Settlement (9GN197), Glynn County, Georgia (2005)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Meg Moughan

    From 17 March to 25 April 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase III archaeological data recovery excavations at the St. Anne’s site (9GN197). The site overlaps 9GN203, a prehistoric Late Woodland habitation area. Phase III archaeological data recovery investigations at 9GN203 are reported by Powis (2005), and all prehistoric materials recovered during the St. Anne’s study are discussed in his report. This study was completed for planning purposes for the Sea Island Company....

  • Phase III Investigations at Three Sites (9CB127, 9CB549 and 9CB567) in the Riverwood Plantation Development (2006)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Butler. Joseph Charles. David Jenkins. Patricia Stallings.

    From 20 to 31 January 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted limited Phase III archaeological investigations at three sites located in the Riverwood Plantation development tract in Columbia County, Georgia. The tract, totaling some 1,200 acres, is situated along the west bank of the Savannah River, between Kiokee Creek to the north and Yuchi Creek to the south. The present investigations are a result of Phase II testing conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc., from November 2001...

  • Relocation of a Portion of Hampstead Cemetery, 46 Reid Street, Charleston, South Carolina (2009)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Ralph Bailey. Gwendolyn Moore. Lenna Nash. Charles F. Philips.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., completed the excavation and relocation of 437 graves from a portion of the former Hampstead Cemetery in Charleston, South Carolina. The excavations were limited to the vacant lot known as 46 Reid Street (TMS 459-09-02-013) (38CH2026) in Charleston’s East Side. The work was completed for the Charleston Housing Authority, the owners of the lot. The project allowed for the collection of rare archaeological and osteological data for nineteenth-century...

  • Removal and Relocation of the Handsmill Cemetery, York County, South Carolina (2009)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brent Lansdell. Joan Gillard.

    Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted excavations associated with the relocation of a historic cemetery (38YK357) and reburial of recovered remains to a prepared site (38YK358) located on the Handsmill tract in York County, South Carolina, on September 2–5, 2008, as requested by Handsmill Enterprises.

  • Savannah Lots (9CH1094) Data Recovery, City of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia (2009)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kimberly Smith. Will Brockenbrough. Scott Butler.

    Beginning January 2, 2006, and continuing over a period of fourteen discontinuous weeks, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an archaeological and historical data recovery of the Lamar Ward tract archaeological Site 9CH1094 in the City of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. These archaeological investigations were undertaken for Ambling Inc. in compliance with a Programmatic Agreement (DA Permit #200500443) between the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District,...

  • Slaves as Individuals: Variability in Status and Identity Among the Field Slave Houses at Colonels Island Plantation, Georgia (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn Rock.

    In 2015, Brockington and Associates conducted data recovery at a middle-nineteenth century field slave settlement within the Colonel’s Island Plantation in Glynn County, Georgia.This site provided an opportunity to investigate a slave community in which most of the residential footprints were still intact.This paper presents a discussion of slaves as individuals by examining different artifact assemblages among the field houses in a small six-cabin slave settlement on a sea island cotton...

  • A Tale of Two Cisterns: Data Recovery Investigation at 31NH684, New Hanover County, North Carolina (1990)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Rita Folse Elliott.

    Data recovery investigations were conducted for proposed development by Landmark Organization, Inc. in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina. Research centered on the excavation and sampling of two brick cisterns at site 31NH684. Initial work consisted of the excavation of 15 square meters in the form of a 3 by 5 square meter unit, later expanded to include a previously undiscovered cistern. Approximately two-thirds of Cistern 1 was excavated, while Cistern 2 was sampled with a 50 square...

  • Traditions in Rice and Clay: Understanding an Eighteenth-Nineteenth Century Rice Plantation, Dean Hall Plantation (38BK2132), Berkeley County, South Carolina (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew Agha. Nicole Isenbarger. Charles Philips. Kandice Hollenbach. Eleanora A. Reber. Jessica Allgood.

    Data recovery investigations of 38BK2132 examined archaeological artifacts and deposits associated with the circa 1790s-1900 Dean Hall Plantation slave settlement. Archival and archaeological research identified this portion of Dean Hall as the location that Alexander Nisbett, grandson of original settler Alexander Nisbett, moved the settlement to from its original location first established around 1725. This move occurred in the 1790s, and after Alexander’s death, the property was sold to...

  • Transitions Archaeological Data Recovery at the Shell Crescent Site (38BU1791) Palmetto Bluff, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2004)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Dea Mozingo. Connie Huddleston. Alana Lynch. Meagan Brady.

    Palmetto Bluff, LLC, proposed to develop the Palmetto Bluff Phase I Development Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. Previous archaeological investigations by Brockington and Associates, Inc., documented significant archaeological sites within this tract (Poplin 2002). The Shell Crescent site (38BU1791) was designated as a Geographic Area of Particular Concern (GAPC) by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Office of Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) for its Woodland and...

  • True Blue Plantation, Archaeological Data Recovery at a Waccamaw Neck Rice Plantation (1989)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul E. Brockington, Jr.. Eric C. Poplin.

    True Blue Plantation, a nineteenth century rice plantation in Georgetown County, South Carolina, currently lies within the on-going development area of Heritage Plantation, a recreational and residential resort community near Pawleys Island. Archaeological data recovery activites were undertaken at True Blue Plantation (38GE372) prior to the development of this portion of the Heritage property. Exploratory excavations were conducted in four separate areas within the site that were previously...

  • The Twelfth Street Extension Archaeological Data Recovery Project: Investigations at the Godley (38LX141) and Manning (38LX50) Sites, Lexington County, South Carolina (2000)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bobby G. Southerlin. Dawn Reid. Connie Huddleston. Caleb Smith. David Leigh. Thomas Neumann.

    Construction of the Twelfth Street Extension Project was funded by the South Carolina Department of Transportation, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration. This project is part of the Columbia Area Transportation Study and will provide access from the City of Cayce to U.S. Interstate 77. The planned Twelfth Street Extension corridor crosses two archaeological sites, the Godley site (38LX141) and the Manning site (38LX50). Each of these sites had been investigated to varying...

  • Wando Shipping Terminal Expansion: Archaeological Data Recovery at 38CH351, Charleston County, South Carolina (2010)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon Bernard Marcoux. Edward G. Salo. David S. Baluha.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at Site 38CH351 between August 20 and December 21, 2009. These investigations were conducted for the South Carolina State Ports Authority (SCSPA). Archaeological survey by Bailey and Ellerbee (2007) and testing by Marcoux and Salo (2008) documented 38CH351 and determined the site eligible for the National Register of Historic Places based on its research potential. This report details field investigations and...

  • What is a Shell Midden? Data Recovery Excavations of Thom's Creek and Deptford Shell Middens, 38BU2, Spring Island, South Carolina (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Espenshade. Linda Kennedy. Bobby G. Southerlin. David Lawrence. David C. Jones.

    Data recovery excavations were conducted at five shell midden loci of site 38BU2, Spring Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The excavations included: four by four m blocks in three Deptford phase middens; a four by four m block in a Thom's Creek midden; a six by six m block in a Deptford midden; and two exploratory one by one m units in other Deptford middens. The analyses included detailed zooarchaeological and ethnobotanical studies, an investigation of oyster source environment and...

  • The Archaeology of Belfair Plantation
    PROJECT Bobby G. Southerlin. Paul E. Brockington, Jr..

    Belfair Plantation tract is located in Beaufort County, South Carolina, that features prehistoric and historic sites. 38BU1419 is a historic eighteenth/nineteenth century plantation. It also has a small multi-component prehistoric occupation at the site. Artifacts recovered indicate continuous, though intermittent, use of the site from the Early Archaic Period through the Woodland Period. 38BU1302 is a prehistoric shell midden.

  • The Archaeology of Hampton Plantation, Glynn County, Georgia
    PROJECT Scott Butler. Terry G. Powis. The Sea Island Company (Sea Island, Georgia).

    A study of Hampton Plantation, located in Glynn County, Georgia. Hampton Plantation was a part of the vast Pierce Butler estate, which also encompassed Butler Island. Approximately 300 enslaved laborers resided at Hampton alone, with another 500 persons at Butler Island. This was one of the largest slave operations ever conducted in the antebellum South. In the fall of 2002, the Sea Island Company contracted with Brockington and Associates, Inc., to carry out intensive Phase II testing at three...

  • The Archaeology of Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina
    PROJECT Uploaded by: Meg Moughan

    Four reports on date recovery investigations undertaken by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at Palmetto Bluff, near Beaufort, South Carolina. Investigations at sites 38BU1768, 38BU1789, 38BU1791, 38BU1788, and 38BU1804 occurred between 2002 and 2004.

  • The Archaeology of Riverfront Village (38AK933), a Mississippian/Contact Period Occupation, Aiken County, South Carolina
    PROJECT Thomas Whitley.

    Starting in 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc. carried out Phase II Testing for the Georgia Avenue Extension Project (GAEP) in North Augusta. The GAEP was an undertaking that entailed design and construction of new roadway associated with the City of North Augusta’s planned riverfront revitalization. More than one year earlier, the city teamed with the Leyland Alliance (a private development partnership) to design and build a planned mixed residential and commercial community known as...

  • The Archaeology of Spring Island, South Carolina
    PROJECT Christopher T. Espenshade. Spring Island Plantation.

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook archaeological excavations at Spring Island, Beaufort County South Carolina. The proposed residential development of the Spring Island Company would have resulted in impact to sites 38BU791 (Bonny Shore Slave Row) and 38BU2 (Thom’s Creek and Deptford shell middens). Mitigation of the potential adverse effects of this impact was achieved through data recovery.

  • Edwards Plantation
    PROJECT Ralph Bailey.

    Archaeological data recovery at a portion of 38BU1 on Spring Island, South Carolina.

  • The Ford Plantation Project, Georgia
    PROJECT Thomas G. Whitley. Scott Butler. The Ford Plantation L.L.C. (Richmond Hill, Georgia).

    Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive Phase I cultural resources survey and Phase II testing project in 1998, for the Ford Plantation Development, in Bryan County, Georgia. The project encompassed approximately 720 hectares (1,800 acres). Survey consisted of background archival research (to locate previously identified cultural resources and to assess the potential for new discovery), fieldwork (excavation of shovel test probes, pedestrian reconnaissance, and 2 by 2 meter test...

  • Shade Tree
    PROJECT Uploaded by: Ralph Bailey

    Archaeological investigations associated with the Shade Tree Tract, also known as Cane Slash Plantation on Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.