Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,301-1,400 of 3,720)

  1. Reproducible research in archaeology: Basic principles and common tools (2015)
  2. Scripting the spatial analysis of archaeological datasets (2015)
  3. Physical Characterization of Stoneware Ceramic Materials (2015)
  4. Revised Drying Conditions in Rehydroxylation (RHX) Technique for Dating Ceramic Artifacts (2015)
  5. Multi-Lab Collaborative Experiments with RHX Dating (2015)
  6. Central Plaza Excavations at El Mirador (2015)
  7. Virtual Graphic Representation and Urban Analysis Architectural Grand Central Acropolis: Main Access and Structure 4D1-20 El Mirador, Petén; Guatemala (2015)
  8. The Ceramics of the El Mirador Region: An Update (2015)
  9. Tintal, a Late Preclassic Maya City in the Mirador Basin, Peten, Guatemala (2015)
  10. Las cabezas de estuco, recuperadas en el Grupo Casa del Coral, El Mirador, Peten (2015)
  12. Patrons and Artists: New Information on the Producers of Codex-Style Ceramics of the Mirador Basin (2015)
  13. Arquitectura Preclásica en el Grupo Balam Acrópolis Central de El Mirador, Peten (2015)
  14. Preclassic Causeways of the Mirador Basin, Guatemala (2015)
  15. Non-mounded Architecture, Invisible Housemounds, and the Problem of Settlement Identification and Demographics in the Mirador Basin (2015)
  16. Records of Holocene Biomass Burning, Environmental Change, and Human Occupation in the Southern Maya Lowlands (2015)
  17. A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Remains on the Summit of Tigre Pyramid, El Mirador, Guatemala (2015)
  18. The Mirador Basin: A Synthesis of Research and Conservation Programs in northern Guatemala (2015)
  19. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization in Northwestern California (2015)
  20. Excavations athe Hurdy Gurdy Bridge site (CA-DNO-1028), a Multicomponent Habitation Site in Northwest California (2015)
  21. Lithic Material Sources and Implications for Trade and Travel through the Smith River Basin in Northwest California (2015)
  22. Backed Knives and Subsistence Strategies at the Hurdy Gurdy Bridge Site (2015)
  23. Sourcing Quartzite Projectile Points from 39FA65, The Ray Long Site, Fall River County, South Dakota (2015)
  24. Boots on the Ground and Planes in the Air: Assessing Damage to Archaeological Sites Caused by the 2011 Missouri River Floods (2015)
  25. Buried Middle Archaic Period Occupations on the James River at 39BE122 (2015)
  26. Rocks in Our Heads: Recent Investigations in Knife River Flint Quarry Area (2015)
  27. Occupation Lengths in Middle Missouri Sites (2015)
  28. Revisiting Like-A-Fishhook: Coalescence and Community on the Missouri River, North Dakota (2015)
  29. Where Rivers Flow: Mandan and Hidatsa Subsistence Economies from an Archaeomalacological Perspective (2015)
  30. Remote Sensing Investigations at Midipadi Butte (32DU2) and Nightwalker’s Butte (32ML39), North Dakota (2015)
  31. A Tale of Two Houses: Soil Chemical and Floor Assemblage Evidence of Domestic Activities at the Menoken Site, North Dakota (2015)
  32. Technological Variability in Woodland and Plains Village Period Ceramics from Central and Eastern North Dakota (2015)
  33. Legal responses to the intentional destruction and looting of cultural sites: The paradigm of Syria (2015)
  34. Intentional destruction of cultural heritage: Evidence in Syria and Iraq (2015)
  35. Coursework in disaster preparedness and emergency response in Iraq: Meeting immediate training needs at the Iraqi Institute (2015)
  36. Museums and the destruction of heritage (2015)
  37. Community archaeology and emergency responses to heritage in crisis (2015)
  38. High-resolution satellite imagery for comprehensive monitoring of cultural heritage in conflict: Syria and Iraq methodology (2015)
  39. The Syrian heritage task force and the importance of preserving Syria's cultural heritage (2015)
  40. New observations of looting at archaeological sites in southern Mesopotamia (2015)
  41. Smithsonian's role in cultural heritage disasters (2015)
  42. Emergency care training workshops for Syrian museum collections (2015)
  44. Archaeological Visibility at Stélida, Naxos: Identifying Activity Hubs at a Palaeolithic Chert Quarry in the Cyclades (2015)
  45. Color Matters: The Selection and Use of Lithic Raw Materials in Viking Age and Medieval Iceland (2015)
  46. The Preferential Collection and Use of Ochre Pigments and Iron Ores at Twin Rivers Kopje, Zambia (2015)
  47. An Integrated phytolith and geochemical approach to understanding activity areas and the choice of building materials in Neolithic sites using ethnographic analysis. (2015)
  48. Technological choice or environmental constraints? Fuel use at Boncuklu and Çatalhöyük (2015)
  49. Using networks to investigate material identities in the Epipalaeolithic and early Neolithic of the Near East. (2015)
  50. (Re)Constructing and Using Space in the Epipalaeolithic: Exploring Technologies, Domestic Activities and Communal Living in Eastern Jordan (2015)
  51. Community and Agency in the early Neolithic of SW Asia (2015)
  52. Space and Settlement Across the Painted Desert: Comparing the Land Use Patterns of Preceramic Groups at Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  53. Lithic Analysis from the Rainbow Forest Clovis Site (2015)
  54. All Potted Up: Exploring Seasonality at Small Late Pueblo II and Early Pueblo III Sites at Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  55. Documenting Lithic Landscapes of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (2015)
  56. When in the World? A Comparative Debitage Analysis of Single-component Sites through Time at Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  57. 13,000 Years of History in 990 Square Feet: Recent Undertakings in Public Archaeology at Petrified Forest National Park. (2015)
  58. Pot Hunting, Artifact Collection and Site Destruction: A Study of a Multi Generational Pot Hunting Family on the Colorado Plateau (2015)
  59. Clay Reconnaissance and Suitability Testing within Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  60. Lithic Landscapes and Basketmaker Villages: An Update of the 2014 Petrified Forest Boundary Expansion Survey (2015)
  61. Tree-Ring Analysis at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (2015)
  62. The Impact of Low-Cost, Low-Tech DIY Approaches at the Pompeii Quadriporticus Project (2015)
  63. From Invention to Methodology: the overlooked "DIY" in everyday archaeology (2015)
  64. DIY Digital Archaeoacoustics: Sensory-Spatial Mapping (2015)
  65. More than a picture: Experiments in Terrestrial Lidar documentation in archaeological and architectural management at Texas Army National Guard (2015)
  66. "Got Data, Now What?": Fort Carson's Steps Toward Addressing Data Gaps in Archaeological Research (2015)
  67. The Role of Public Space in Identity Making at Morton Village (11F2) (2015)
  68. Negotiating Migration and Violence in the Pre-Columbian Mid-Continent: A View from the Village (2015)
  69. Understanding settlement organization through geophysical survey at the Morton Village Site, IL (2015)
  70. Introduction to the DMM-MSU Morton Village Project (2015)
  71. The Spatial Distribution of Domestic Facilities in the Multiethnic Morton Village Site (2015)
  72. Coming Together: Evidence of Ritual and Public Space as a Mechanism of Social Integration (2015)
  73. Negotiating Identity through Food Choice in the Pre-Columbian Mid-Continent (2015)
  74. Migration and Cohabitation at Morton Village: Future Research Directions (2015)
  75. Round structures: Their function(s) (2015)
  76. Postclassic Chen Mul Fragments from the Cochuah Region, Quintana Roo, Mexico (2015)
  77. Architecture and Its Reflection of State Organization and Settlement Pattern in the Cochuah Region during the Terminal Classic Period (2015)
  78. The Effect of Missionization on the Itza Maya from Isotopic and Biodistance Evidence (2015)
  79. Conceptualizing Early Pottery Value in the Petén Lakes of Guatemala (2015)
  80. Where is Temple? : Construction and Use of Ceremonial Group at Tayasal (2015)
  81. Muralla de Leon: Exploring the Fortifications (2015)
  82. Postclassic Petén Maya Bow-and-Arrow Use as Revealed by Immunological Analysis (2015)
  83. Postclassic to Contact period Economic Patterns in the Central Peten- The View from Zacpeten (2015)
  84. An Orthogonal Grid at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala (2015)
  85. Ouiatenon and its Informational Analogs: Making Connections in Colonial Archaeology Less Hard to Handle with the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2015)
  86. The modern United States of historical archaeology site reporting: A multi-state analysis of reported historical archaeological sites archived in the Digital Index of North American Archaeology. (2015)
  87. Built to Last: The Paleoindian Database of the Americas (PIDBA) and Openly-shared Primary Data Meet the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) (2015)
  88. Big Data/Big Picture Research: DINAA (The Digital Index of North American Archaeology) and the Things Half a Million Sites Can Tell Us (2015)
  89. Working with the Ejido: Negotiating Archaeology and Local Politics in Michoacán, Mexico (2015)
  90. Parallels between pseudo-cloisonné and Huichol votive gourds: iconography, processing, and disposal (2015)
  91. CONCHITA Y SUS AMIGOS: "un estudio bioarqueológico de los entierros infantiles recuperados en el Salvamento Arqueológico Mina de Peña en la Ciudad de Villa de Álvarez, Colima, 2014" (2015)
  92. Dendro-14C-Wiggle-Match Contributions to Northwestern Mesoamerican Chronology (2015)
  93. Refinement of the La Quemada Chronology and its Implications for Inter-polity Interaction along the Northern Frontier of Mesoamerica (2015)
  94. The archaeological site of Presa de la Luz: New Insights on the relationship between the Altos of Jalisco, the Bajio and the Mexico Basin (2015)
  95. Dinámicas poblacionales durante el Epiclásico (600 a 900 d.C.) entre la vertiente norte del río Verde-San Pedro y el Occidente de México (2015)
  96. Rediscovering the Negative or Resist Decoration Techniques: Last Step of a Millenary Tradition at the Hernández Cano Workshop, Zinapécuaro, Michoacán (2015)
  97. Ireta and Vapatzequa – Applications of the Alteptl Model to the pre-Hispanic P'urépecha (2015)
  98. Ritual Fires and Sacred Hearths: the management of wood resources in Postclassic Tarascan Society of the Zacapu Basin, Michoacán (2015)
  99. Material Culture Change, Continuity, and Innovation at Postclassic and Early Colonial Achiutla, Oaxaca, Mexico (2015)
  100. Examining elite domestic practices in Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico (2015)