Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,601-1,700 of 3,720)

  1. Climate, resources and strategies: simulating prehistoric populations in semi-arid environments (2015)
  2. You go first. An agent-based model of mating-migration between early farming and foraging societies (2015)
  3. Embedding Artificial Intelligence in Agent-Based Models (2015)
  4. Land use patterns in the arid Eurasia. Models and historical examples (2015)
  5. Modelling group formation in small scale societies (2015)
  6. Neolithic transitions: demic or cultural? (2015)
  7. Linking Chronology, Culture History, and Culture Process in Moche Studies. (2015)
  8. A Fortified Frontier - LIP Defensive Settlement in the Moche Valley (2015)
  9. Reassessing the Late Andean Period in the Moche Valley: the View from Cerro Huancha (2015)
  10. Irrigation Systems as a Chronological Proxy? Continuous Occupation at the Valley Edge, Chicama Valley, Peru. (2015)
  11. La Poza de Huanchaco: A Late Early Horizon – Early Intermediate Period Fishing Community: social and material culture interactions between Salinar and Gallinazo (2015)
  12. Anchoring the Absolute to the Relative: Recent Chronological Research in the Virú Valley, Peru (2015)
  13. To Live and Die in the City: Investigations of Health at the Huacas de Moche (2015)
  14. Ceramic Petrography and Early Intermediate Period Interaction in the Moche Valley, Peru: Current Understanding and Future Research (2015)
  15. Southern Moche Politics Reevaluated: The Reconciliation of Relative (ceramic chronologies) and Absolute (radiocarbon) Dates. (2015)
  16. There's No App for This: The Value of Archaeology and Experiential Education in a Digital Universe (2015)
  17. The Countless Perceptions of Archaeology in Archaeological Societies: A Case Study Involving the Oklahoma Anthropological Society (2015)
  18. A Way Forward with Public and Professional Archaeology: The Exploring Joara Foundation in North Carolina. (2015)
  19. The Public Swinging Detectors: Interaction With Professional Archaeologists (2015)
  20. Keeping Up with the Times: Evolving Programs and Publics (2015)
  21. Learn by Doing: Sharpening Understanding of Archeologists and Sites Among Diverse Publics with Hands On Activities in Arkansas (2015)
  22. Experiencing the Past through "Digifacts" (2015)
  23. State, Local and Individual Perceptions of Archaeology as an Economic Asset (2015)
  24. Shifting Perceptions of Local Heritage: Community Archaeology in Aguacate village, Toledo district, southern Belize (2015)
  25. The Pros and Cons of "Public Archaeology Days" (2015)
  26. Engaging the Public Through Women's Emergence in Archaeology (2015)
  27. Moctezuma, King David, and a Gentile Meet on a Mountain: Religious Factionalism and Indigenous Perceptions of Archaeological Sites, Archaeology, and Archaeologists (2015)
  28. Public Perceptions of Archaeology and its Impact on Archaeological Resource Preservation: A Case Study from Western Canada (2015)
  29. To Retest or Not To Retest: A Case Study at Wide Ruins (2015)
  30. Ceremonially and Ritually Associated Archaeofaunal Remains from Two Sites Near Wide Ruins, Arizona (2015)
  31. The Public Benefit of Archaeology: An Economic Perspective from the Wide Ruins Community. (2015)
  32. "Soundcheck": On the Status of Native American Oral Histories in Archaeological Practice (2015)
  33. Health and Mortuary Analysis of the Transbay skeleton (2015)
  34. A Burial in the Bay: Evidence for Environment and Diet 7500 Years Ago (2015)
  35. A Life History of the Transbay Man as Reconstructed through Stable Isotope Analysis (2015)
  36. Genetic data from the Transbay Man (2015)
  37. Who Goes There? Tracing San Pedro Phase Migration and Social Dynamics in the Borderlands with a Revised Projectile Point Typology (2015)
  38. Vertebrate Faunal Assemblages and Bone Tool Use in the Early Agricultural Period (2015)
  39. Agriculture at Las Capas: Tales Told by the Canals (2015)
  40. Environmental History of an Early Agricultural Period Irrigation Canals Network at Las Capas (Site AZ AA:12:753 [ASM]), Tucson, Arizona (2015)
  41. Refinement of Early Agricultural Site Chronology in the Tucson Basin (2015)
  42. The Use of Shell Ornaments at Las Capas, an Early Agricultrual Site in Southern Arizona (2015)
  43. Phytolith Analysis of Sediments from Early Agricultural Fields at Las Capas, Arizona (2015)
  44. Figurines and Farmagers (2015)
  45. Farmaging and the Limitations of Storage during the Early Agricultural Period at Las Capas (2015)
  46. Bioarchaeology at Las Capas: Uniformity and Continuity within the Early Agricultural Period (2015)
  47. Exploring Early Agricultural Technological Traditions at Las Capas with Experiments (2015)
  48. Anthropogenic Effects on Soil Quality of the Las Capas Irrigation System (2015)
  49. The Aferlife of Archaeometry; the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Database Project (2015)
  50. A Digital Approach in Consultant Archaeology: PaleoWest at the Ironwood Village Site (2015)
  51. Digging without Getting Dirty: Making use of Archival Data to Explore Variations of Labor Costs in Hohokam Residential Architecture at Pueblo Grande. (2015)
  52. DINAA and Bootstrapping Archaeology’s Information Ecosystem (2015)
  53. Two archaeologies? Costly signaling and human behavioral ecology in archaeology (2015)
  54. Big House on the Prairie?: Signal Quality across Multi-ethnic Homesteading Contexts in the Central Plains (USA) (2015)
  55. That Complex Whole: Hierarchies, Sorts, and Punctuation (2015)
  56. Roman Baths at Antiochia ad Cragum: A Preliminary Evaluation of Bath Architecture as Costly Signals in the Ancient Mediterranean (2015)
  57. Costly signaling and the dynamics of consumption in the early-modern Atlantic world:the case of clay tobacco pipes. (2015)
  58. Signaling Entitlement: the Behavioral Ecology of Conspicuous Consumption (2015)
  59. Renaissance Florentine Palaces, Costly Signaling, and Lineage Survival (2015)
  60. Macroevolutionary Achaeology in 2015: Testing Historical and Evolutionary Hypotheses, for example, about Arctic Migration Pulses (2015)
  61. A Sacred and Defensible Hill and the Memory of Ruler 12 in Late Classic Copan, Honduras (2015)
  62. Identity on the Edge of the Kingdom: the Artifacts, Residences, and Ritual Areas of Río Amarillo, Copan (2015)
  63. A Bioarchaeological Approach to Diversity and Complexity of Ancient Maya Society at Copan: Results from New Strontium and Biodistance Data (2015)
  64. Exhibiciones fotográficas en el pueblo de Copán Ruinas: Arqueología y Comunidad desde 1890 hasta hoy día (2015)
  65. Retos de la conservación arqueológica: Una vista desde Copan (2015)
  66. Aplicación de la topometría digital en conservación e investigación de los monumentos mayas (2015)
  67. New approaches in archaeological research, heritage management and community engagement for the Copan Valley (2015)
  68. Human/animal interactions in the Copan Valley from the beginning to the end of the Copan dynasty: Stable Isotope Analysis of the Felids from Altar Q and the Motmot dedicatory offerings (2015)
  69. Residue analysis of ceramic vessels from the Copan sub-stelae cache offerings (2015)
  70. Engaged Investigation: Archaeology within Copán’s past and contemporary neighborhoods (2015)
  71. Re-discovering the Copan Sub-Stelae Caches: A Collection Stewardship and Re-Identification Project (2015)
  72. Overview: MayaArch3D - A Web-based 3D-GIS for the Analysis of the Archaeology of Copan, Honduras (2015)
  73. An Interactive Map of Honduran Archaeological Sites (2015)
  74. MayaArch3D: 2D and 3D Visualization and Analysis Platform (2015)
  75. Applying Digital Technologies to Older Sets of Data: A Study of the Spatio-Temporal Distribution, Design and Function of the Carved Stone Altars at Copán (2015)
  76. MayaArch3D: System Architecture, Admin and Security Features, Attributes and Maya Calender Translation Services. (2015)
  77. Virtual Copan - From 3D data collection to analysis inside a web visualization tool (2015)
  78. A Transparent 3D Model of Temple 18 at Copán for Visualization and Research (2015)
  79. Show Me the Data!: Structuring the MayaArch3D Digital Collections for Research Queries in a 3DWebGIS (2015)
  80. A 3D Landscape Analysis of Stelae Visibility at Copan, Honduras (2015)
  81. San Catequilla de Pichincha and Catequil, the cult to Lightning (Illapa) in the context of Inca expansion (2015)
  82. Settlement Patterns Study in the Lake San Pablo Area, Northern Highland Ecuador: Preliminary Results (2015)
  83. Late Formative Craft Production and Interregional Interaction at Las Orquideas, Imbabura, Ecuador (2015)
  84. Excavaciones arqueológicas en la pirámide de Huataviro (2015)
  85. Message in a Bottle: Assessing the Impacts of Looting on the Archaeological Record of the Jama River Valley, Coastal Ecuador. (2015)
  86. Local Communities, Ceramic Use, and the Uneven Development of Social Complexity in the Late Valdivia Period of Coastal Ecuador (2015)
  87. Patrimonio, Políticas de Estado y Arqueólogos. La Experiencia del Ecuador en los Últimos Cuarenta y Cinco Años (2015)
  88. Las Voces del Barro y el Paisaje Manteño en Hojas-Jaboncillo, Manabí Central (Ecuador) (2015)
  89. Fiestas and funerals? Possible uses of a rectangular platform mound in Yumbo territory (2015)
  90. Forgotten mummies. Reflections on the management of human remains exhibits in Ecuadorean museums. (2015)
  91. An Analysis of Architectural Form and Function at Cahal Pech, Belize: The Case of Structure B7 (2015)
  92. The Role of Offerings in interpreting Architecture: Evaluating Human Remains at Xultun, Peten, Guatemala (2015)
  93. Maya Graffiti and Sacred Spaces (2015)
  94. Keeping it Natural: Ancient Maya Modifications of the Ritual Landscape Outside of Caves (2015)
  95. Ritualized Shatter: An Introduction of Obsidian to La Mipla, Belize (2015)
  96. Ritual constructions of the Mesoamerican Underworldview in the Caves and Cavates of the Southern Mexican Highlands: an exploration of changing functions and meanings. (2015)
  97. The Pyramid 12H3 Xultun Archaeological Site, Peten. Transition from the Preclassic to Classic (2015)
  98. The Development and Modification of a Hydraulic Urban Space at the Classic Maya site of Xultun, Guatemla. (2015)
  99. Preliminary Results of Wood Charcoal analysis for Household groups in San Bartolo (2015)
  100. Public or Private: Adaptations in the Use of Public Space During the Maya Late Classic Period (2015)