Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,001-3,100 of 3,720)

  1. Identity Performance and Material Culture: Exploring the Limits of Archaeological Inquiry Into Social Group Identity with a Massive Assemblage of Bar-Associated Trash from Urban America (2015)
  2. Excavating Slow Violence Across the Modern/Premodern Divide (2015)
  3. Crossing the Line (Part II): Taphonomies of toxicity in Contemporary Archaeology (2015)
  4. Prosthetic Angels: Empirical Anxiety and Rationalizing Vision in Archaeology (2015)
  5. Crossing the Line (Part I): Making taphonomy work for social practices in prehistory (2015)
  6. Power and Nature: A Contemporary Archaeology of Yosemite National Park (2015)
  7. Evidence of Specialization and Intensification of Small Seed Exploitation on Santa Cruz Island, California (2015)
  8. Ancient Starch Research In California: Results from CA-SBA-53 (2015)
  9. Plant Remains Assemblage in Santa Clara Valley (2015)
  10. Changes Palates and Resources: Modeling Diachronic Plant Use in Prehistoric California (2015)
  11. Native Irrigation in Owens Valley: The 2000 Year Back-story (2015)
  12. Plant use at Diablo Valdez, Santa Cruz Island: Evidence from macrobotanical and starch grain remains (2015)
  13. Archaeobotanical Evidence and Diachronic Changes in Foodways of Indigenous Groups in the Central Coast and San Francisco Bay Regions, California (2015)
  14. Environmental Constraints and Plant Food Intensification in the Sacramento Valley (2015)
  15. Using Neuroimaging in Archaeology to investigate Cognitive Evolution (2015)
  16. Handedness and the evolution of tool use in humans (2015)
  17. Hominin cognition across the Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition (2015)
  18. The Social Transmission of Oldowan Lithic Technology (2015)
  19. Numbers and time: The role of materiality in numerical cognition (2015)
  20. Learning to think: using experimental flintknapping to interpret prehistoric cognition (2015)
  21. Higher Cognitive Sequelae of the Recently Expanded Parietal Lobes in Homo sapiens (2015)
  22. Prehistoric perspectives on ‘Others’ and ‘Strangers’ (2015)
  23. Stone tool-making and the right cerebral hemisphere (2015)
  24. Finding the Cognitive Neurocognitive Core of Paleolithic Stoneknapping: an ALE meta-analysis (2015)
  25. Visuospatial integration: perspective in cognitive archaeology (2015)
  26. Determining Hominid Handedness in Lithic Debitage: A Review of Current Methodologies (2015)
  27. Primatology, Developmental Psychology, and the Birth of Cognitive Archaeology (2015)
  28. The Handaxe Aesthetic (2015)
  29. Looking at the Cosmopolitan Community of the Pueblo of San Diego in the Mexican Period in California: 1821-1846 (2015)
  30. The Formation of Mission Indian Communities in South Central California: An Ethnohistorical Case Study (2015)
  31. Community Formation and Integration in Colonial Alta California (2015)
  32. The Forging of Communities at Colony Ross (1812-1841) in Northern California (2015)
  33. "A Mourning Dirge was Sung": Community and Remembrance at Mission San Gabriel (2015)
  34. Making Community in the Colonial Hinterland of Coastal Marin County, California (2015)
  35. Maintenance of Tribal Communities in the California Spanish Missions (2015)
  36. The Archaeology of Community at Mission Santa Clara de Asís (2015)
  37. Communal Ritual, Communal Feasting, and the Creation of Community in Colonial-Era Los Angeles (2015)
  38. Where we sleep: Ethnoarchaeological perspectives on the Near Eastern Neolithic House and Households (2015)
  39. The Neolithic Houses of California – An ethnohistoric comparative perspective on household and community organization among complex hunter-gatherers (2015)
  40. The Neolithic Transition in Northern Iroquoia (2015)
  41. Reflections on the origins of the Neolithic "House" in the Near East (2015)
  42. Jomon pit-dwellings, sedentism, and food diversity (2015)
  43. Early village dwellings and the reproduction of South Andean formative communities (2015)
  44. A Historical-Processual Approach to Household Architecture in the Northern U.S. Southwest. (2015)
  45. Patterns of Household Refuse and Socioeconomic Differentiation: A Comparative Analysis (2015)
  46. The Neolithic House, from Anatolia to Central Europe (2015)
  47. Which Neolithic House? Pithouses and Pueblos in the U.S. Southwest. (2015)
  48. Changing House Forms on the Northwest Coast of North America (2015)
  49. The Transition to Home Living in Middle America (2015)
  50. European Neolithic Houses & New-Guinean Contemporary Houses: Toward a Material Culture Theory (2015)
  51. Development and Idea of Neolithic longhouses in Middle Europe (2015)
  52. he Inca Incorporation of the Canete Valley, Part 2: Strategies and Responses, excavations at Huaca Daris (2015)
  53. Characterization of the Cerro de Oro pottery style (2015)
  54. Wari funerary contexts: An elite funerary chamber in Cerro de Oro, Cañete Valley (2015)
  55. The Inca Incorporation of the Canete Valley, Part 1: Conquest or Incanization (2015)
  56. Technique and Style in textiles from the Cerro de Oro site (2015)
  57. Change and continuity in ceramic production at Cerro de Oro, Cañete (2015)
  58. Qhapaq Ñan Project´s research at the Guarco Site, Cañete Peru (2015)
  60. Archaeological data vs Historical Accounts. The Inca occupation of Incahuasi, the New Cusco, Cañete, Peru (2015)
  61. A geoarcheological study of the ancient quarries of Río Bec (Campeche, México) (2015)
  62. Selective use and technology of limestone and lime products employed in mosaic and stucco decorations in Ek´ Balam (2015)
  63. Lime preparation in ancient Roman architectural and marine mortars (2015)
  64. From Quarry to Household: The Economics of Limestone Bifaces among the Classic Maya of Buenavista del Cayo, Belize (2015)
  65. Ring Structures and Lime Production at the Ancient Maya Site of Kiuic (2015)
  66. Archaeometry and the lime kilns (2015)
  67. Dzibanché Stuccos: Arqueomagnetism Dating and Manufature Tecniques. (2015)
  68. Chemical residues as anthropic activity markers. Food production and consumption (2015)
  69. Micromorphological study of concotto surfaces protected by the Avellino Eruption in 3,780 BP at the Afragola village in Southern Italy (2015)
  70. Mercury pollution and the ancient Maya: where, why and how. (2015)
  71. An ethnoarchaeological study on anthropic markers from a shell-midden in Tierra del Fuego: Lanashuaia II (2015)
  72. Where are the lives? Characterising settlements from small artefactual debris (2015)
  73. Past human activities: ethnographic and geostatistical models from North Gujarat (India) (2015)
  74. Nested Proxies: Multi-scalar Approaches to Interpreting Human-Landscape Interactions (2015)
  75. New Perspectives on the use of Yucca in the arid Southwest: archaeobotany and experiment (2015)
  76. Reading memories of past practices in the landscapes of poverty domination: an ethnoarchaeological study in Morelos, Mexico (2015)
  77. Integrated Anthrosol Prospection at Betty’s Hope Historic Sugarcane Plantation, Antigua, British West Indies (2015)
  78. La Tumba 239: Osteobiografias y análisis de un asentamiento del formativo tardío en la periferia de Monte Albán (2015)
  79. Living on the Dead in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca (2015)
  80. Intra-and-inter Regional Variation of Dental Modification and Social Complexity: a Test Case from the Lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca (2015)
  81. Un estudio sobre la iconografía de los huesos grabados de la Mixteca Baja (2015)
  82. The elite of Monte Albán as biosocial group. Methodological considerations. (2015)
  83. Children as social actors within the domestic group at Monte Albán, Oaxaca. Mexico (2015)
  84. The Bioarchaeology of the Cerro de la Cruz Cemetery (2015)
  85. Death on the Early Formative Oaxaca Coast: The Human Remains of La Consentida (2015)
  86. Representación Bioarqueológica de la colectividad funeraria en San Sebastián Etla, Oaxaca. (2015)
  87. The Bioarchaeological paradigm of human remains decay in the Zapotec mortuary and funerary rituals (2015)
  88. Oaxaca and its Eastern Neighbors in Prehispanic Times: Population Movements from the Perspective of Dental Morphological Traits (2015)
  89. The Rio Viejo Weaver: Burial Practices, Osteobiography, and the Early Classic Collapse (2015)
  90. An Osteobiography of a Oaxacan Chontal Young Adult Female (2015)
  91. Mortuary practices in the Nejapa region of Oaxaca, Mexico (2015)
  92. Ancient Caribbean-Mainland Plant and Animal Translocations: Cultural, Biogeographic and Biodiversity Legacy (2015)
  93. Islands and Invasives: The Archaeology of Plant and Animal Translocations (2015)
  94. Invasive or endemic? Management implications of archaeological data in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (2015)
  95. Early Human-Environment Dynamics on the Southwest Coast of Madagascar (2015)
  96. Tracking Translocations: Interdisciplinary approaches to animal translocations on the California Channel Islands (2015)
  97. The complexities and implications of animal translocations in Pacific prehistory (2015)
  98. The Rat’s-Eye View: Tracing the Impacts of the Human-Introduced Pacific Rat (Rattus exulans) on Mangareva through Stable Isotope Analysis and Zooarchaeology (2015)
  99. Animal diaspora and culture change (2015)
  100. Architectural Caves and Glyphic Stepped Platforms (2015)