Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,001-1,100 of 3,720)

  1. Geochemical Characterization of Anthropogenic Sediments through EA-IRMS from Slocan Narrows Pithouse Village (2015)
  2. Illuminating identity with mortuary features at Slade Ruin (AZ Q:15:1 [ASM]), a Pueblo III site in east-central Arizona (2015)
  3. Oh What a Tangled Web: The Symbolic Use of Road Trash to Advertise Drug Sales (2015)
  4. Understanding Oneota Stone Tool Functions: A Case Study of Precision and Accuracy in Use-Wear Analysis (2015)
  5. Bioarchaeology and Looting: A Case Study from Sudan (2015)
  6. Sub-Pixel Detection of Obsidian at Glass Mountain Site Using NASA Satellite and Aircraft Data (2015)
  7. Mammoth Bone from Hell Gap (2015)
  8. The symbolism of Prehispanic twins from Ñuu Savi, Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca (2015)
  9. Geophysical investigation of the Slaven’s Roadhouse Site, Yukon-Charley National Preserve, Alaska (2015)
  10. CAMOTECCER: Beyond the shard. Modeling and simulating variability in Central Asian pottery technology (2015)
  11. Paleoindian Use of the Western Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma (2015)
  12. Using GIS to Re-Associate Commingled Skeletal Remains (2015)
  13. Mortuary Practices of the Pre-Latte and Latte People of Guam Based on Data from the Naton Beach Site (2015)
  14. Stable oxygen isotopic evidence of mobility and site seasonality on the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA (2015)
  15. Pre-Columbian Vertebrate Remains from the Coconut Walk Site, Nevis, West Indies (2015)
  16. Oxen at Oxon Hill Manor: Identifying Draught Cattle from the Archaeological Record of Colonial Maryland (2015)
  17. The Intensification of Indigenous Sealing in Southeast Alaska: A 19th Century Camp Complex at Yakutat Bay (2015)
  18. "Where the Mountains Meet the Plains": Plains-Pueblo Connections on the Park and Chaquaqua Plateaus During the Diversification Period, AD 1050-1450 (2015)
  19. Documenting Variability Among a Geographic Cluster of Paleoindian Sites on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation in Southeastern Connecticut (2015)
  20. Geometric morphometrics of California and bay mussels: an analysis using 3D geometric morphometric techniques (2015)
  21. Pottery on the Periphery: Postclassic Ceramics from La Laguna, Tlaxcala, Mexico (2015)
  22. Exploring Human-Canid Interactions among the Dorset Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis (2015)
  23. Oxygen Isotope Variability in Water Sources on the Colorado Plateau: Preliminaries to Stable Isotope Models of Prehistoric Irrigation (2015)
  24. Neutron Activation Analysis of San Juan Red Ware Pottery (2015)
  25. Transformation in Daily Activity at Tsama Pueblo, New Mexico (2015)
  26. SMELTING AND THE SCARED AT DOS CRUCES: Technological and ritual activity at a Chimu era smelting site (2015)
  27. Theoretical and Practical Advances in Underwater Regional Survey (2015)
  28. Late Holocene dietary variation along the central California coast: Isotopic evidence for marine dependence (2015)
  30. A Study of the Role of Cannibalism in Aztec Culture (2015)
  31. Neanderthal mobility in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: the patterns of chert exploitation at the Abric Romaní rock-shelter (2015)
  32. Engaged Anthropology at Cuyamunge, New Mexico (2015)
  33. Taking High Tech Back to Basics: GIS and the Three Dimensions of Archaeology (2015)
  34. Multispecies Archaeology (2015)
  35. Religious and Mortuary Landscapes in Archaic Cyprus (2015)
  36. Hellenistic and Roman Votive Sculptures as Markers of Foreign Influence on Cyprus (2015)
  37. The Domestication and Migration of Zea mays L. in Association with Holocene Climatic Variance (2015)
  38. Tomb of the Goblets: Revisiting a Middle Bronze Burial from Pella in Jordan (2015)
  39. Building and Debating National Identity: Three Case Studies of the Ownership of Ancient Artifacts (2015)
  40. Anglo-Saxon and Viking Ship Burials as Indicators of Rank and Wealth (2015)
  41. Postconquest Figurines from Central Mexico: Aspects of Phenotype and Artifice (2015)
  42. Resignification: Public Ritual and Changing Cultural Landscapes at Actuncan, Belize (2015)
  43. Uncovering New Opportunities: Community Colleges and Archaeological Lab Experience (2015)
  44. Exchanges in Stone: Tracing the influence of Amazonian peoples on Andean ones as expressed in the rock art of Huánuco, Peru (2015)
  46. Zooarchaeological Fish Remains and Signals of Resource Depression from Jamaica and Beyond (2015)
  47. The Archaeology of a Russian Period Alutiiq Work Camp on Kodiak Island, Alaska (2015)
  48. Black Rocks Beyond the Border: Obsidian in the Casas Grandes World (2015)
  49. Eagle Rock: a brief look at cultural changes in one rock shelter between 13,000 and 6,000 BP (2015)
  50. Hun Tun: Household Context and Social Complexity in Northwestern Belize. (2015)
  51. Lithic assemblages in NW Turkey during the 7-6 mill BC (2015)
  52. Technological Organization Strategies during the East African Late Stone Age: Blade Production and the Evolution of Standardized Technology (2015)
  53. Systematic Butchery of Small Game at Kephalari Cave (Peloponnese, Greece) (2015)
  54. Obsidian Provenance Studies of Sites in Northern Utah (2015)
  55. "Unsavory the qualities of that soup": Diet and Foodways at Old New-Gate Prison and Copper Mine, East Granby, Connecticut, 1790-1819 (2015)
  56. Bioarchaeological evidence for matrilineal descent in a 13th century Native American village (2015)
  57. The Lower-Middle Paleolithic transition(s) – Between Southern and northern France a look from the Bifacial technologies perspective (2015)
  58. The World of Secret Societies: Dynamics from the Northwest (2015)
  59. A Global Classification System for Cultural Dental Modification: Created and Assessed (2015)
  60. Osteoarthritis in the elbow and knee from a modern documented cemetery collection in Cyprus: Using "new" bones to understand "old" ones (2015)
  61. Out With The Old and In With The New: The Termination and Reoccupation of Outlying Temples at Ceibal, Guatemala (2015)
  62. Adoption of Ceramic Technology: Case Study from Incipient Jomon of Southern Kyushu (ca. 13,500/14,000 – 12,000 cal yr BP) (2015)
  63. The Shipwrecks of Pisa: Management, Professional Optimism, and Bureaucratic Myopia (2015)
  64. In Smaller Things Forgotten: Using microdebris to enhance our understanding of Middle Islamic Dhiban (Jordan) (2015)
  65. Historic Pueblo Canteens: How were they made and how were they used? (2015)
  66. Testing the greasy lustre: a Mass Gloss Analysis of coarse grained silcrete from the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area, south-eastern Australia (2015)
  67. Casting Technology and Craft Production of Bronze Wares in the Central Plains of China in Late Shang Dynasty (13thBC-11th BC) (2015)
  68. Early Settlement of Atolls in Eastern Micronesia: Investigations on Mwoakilloa Atoll (2015)
  69. Pleistocene maritime economies of northwest Australia (2015)
  70. The origins of stone tool reduction and the transition to knapping: An experimental approach (2015)
  71. Investigating Ancient Beverages from Cerro Maya, Belize through Chemical Residue Analysis. (2015)
  72. Incorporation of new raw materials by hunter gatherers in Patagonia since the XVIth century. (2015)
  73. Holocene transitions in highland Papua New Guinea: linking climate change to changes in subsistence and mobility with new models and data (2015)
  74. Persistence and Change: Evidence from the Indian Rancheria at the Third Mission Santa Clara de Asis (2015)
  75. X-Ray Analysis of Mandibles from a 2000 Year-Old Bison Kill Site in Western Oklahoma (2015)
  76. Decisions in the Desert (2015)
  77. A Comparative Analysis of a Potential Tavern Site in Jackson, North Carolina (2015)
  78. Resource Intensification, Sedentism, Storage, and Ranking: A Visual Synopsis of Pacific Northwest History and Theory (2015)
  79. The Nature and Extent of Chacoan Hegemony in the Middle San Juan Region. (2015)
  80. Companions or Counterparts: Considering the Role of Animal Depictions in Moche Ceramics from Northern Peru (2015)
  81. Beyond the Mission Walls: Faunal analysis of an Alta California mission ranchería feature (2015)
  82. Los murales de El Tajin. Excavaciones en un antiguo edificio pintado. (2015)
  83. "An Out-Of-The-Way Little Place"? Global And Local (Dis)Connections At St Lawrence, Queensland, Australia. (2015)
  84. Examining the Ceramic Assemblage from Washington Mounds: An Early to Middle Caddo Site in Southwestern Arkansas (2015)
  85. Esnesv Stories: Muskogee Oral Traditions, Trader-Diplomats, and Sacred Landscapes (2015)
  86. Three Dimensional Modeling in Archaeological Interpretation: A Case Study from the Pacific Northwest (2015)
  87. Questioning Technological and Economic "Decline" in the Medieval Rural Levant (2015)
  88. Studying Debitage, Analyzing Behavior (2015)
  89. Modeling the Replacement of Atlatl by Bow Weaponry: Technological Learning Curves and Task Differentiation in Prehistory (2015)
  90. Burial Mound as Palimpsest (2015)
  91. A Deeper Look at Lake Jackson: New Insights into Settlement Patterns and Ritual Space at a Florida Mississippian Center (2015)
  92. The faces behind the façade: monuments and their associated practices in Neolithic Britain (2015)
  93. Archaeological Investigation of the Stone Feature Located at Area 12, Gault Site Bell County, Texas (2015)
  94. Black Mesa Cultural Resources: An Update (2015)
  95. Dynastic traditions and patterns of ritual variation in Classic Maya writing (2015)
  96. The Smoking of Bones: An Ethnographic Examination of the Maya’s Use of Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes (2015)
  97. Challenges in Integrating Archaeology into Late-Period Preservation Projects: An Example from Menorca, Spain (2015)
  98. The Butana Group in Comparison with the Predynastic and Late Neolithic Groups in the Nile Valley and Adjacent Areas of the Sahel and Sahara: A Look at How Ceramics Can be Used to Differentiate Socioeconomic, Ethnic, and Political Differences (2015)
  99. Assessment of projectile use at Aduma (Middle Awash, Ethiopia) (2015)
  100. Archaeological Excavations at Hacienda La Esperanza, Manatí, Puerto Rico (2015)