Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,101-2,200 of 3,720)

  1. Frozen Ground (2015)
  2. Pollen Record Formation Processes in Temperate Zone Archaeological Sites (2015)
  3. Fires, Landslides, and All Manner of Varmints: site formation processes at high elevations in the VCNP (2015)
  4. Hunter-Gatherer Storage and Settlement: A View from the Central Sierra Nevada (2015)
  5. The Past, Present, and Future of Archaeological Investigation on the BLM: An Introduction to Public Research on Public Lands. (2015)
  6. Digital Data Collection, D-Stretch And Databases: New Approaches To Recording Rock Art In Lincoln County (2015)
  7. Volcanic Tableland Rock Art: Research and Management in the Western Great Basin (2015)
  8. Setting and Function of the Pahranagat Valley, NV, Petroglyphs: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives (2015)
  9. Pay Dirt in the Mojave Desert: An Assistance Agreement between Cal Poly Pomona and the California Bureau of Land Management (2015)
  10. Paleoindians and Rockshelters in the Middle Rocky Mountains (2015)
  11. Evaluating Land Use in the Mojave Sink: Survey Data from Afton Canyon, San Bernardino County, California. (2015)
  12. The Complex Story of Complex Beads: Elemental Analysis of Some Early Types from the Southeastern US (2015)
  13. Glass Beads from Igbo Olokun, Ile-Ife: Chemical composition, production, and regional interaction (2015)
  14. Chemical Analysis of Chinese and other Lead Glass Beads from Songo Mnara, Tanzania (2015)
  15. LA ICP-MS Analysis of Glass Beads from 17th Century Huron-Wendat Sites in Ontario (2015)
  16. The Technology and Trade of Glass in SE Europe: Analysis of 12th-9th c. BC beads from Lofkënd and Methone (2015)
  17. Answering Chronological and Regional Interaction Questions via pXRF and LA-ICP-MS Analyses in the Interior Southeast (2015)
  18. Regional connections identified through the analysis of glass beads from Samdzong, Upper Mustang, Nepal, CE 500 (2015)
  19. Elemental composition of Iron Age glass beads from Myanmar (2015)
  20. Forget Me Nots: Smaller Collections Need Archaeologists Too (2015)
  21. It Takes a Village to Curate Burro Flats (2015)
  22. Turning "Crisis" into Opportunity: Rediscovering and Reconnecting with a Colonial Era California Collection (2015)
  23. Understanding Island Tongva Villages: Results From the Catalina Island Museum's Toyon Collection (2015)
  24. Addressing the Curation Crisis through Research in University Legacy Collections (2015)
  25. Examination of an archaeological legacy collection from San Fernando Mission, California. (2015)
  26. Forgotten Finds: Updating Existing Collections for Modern Research (2015)
  27. Ethical Consumption and Archaeological Ethics: a case study in the responsible treatment of cultural collections and the resulting lessons learned (2015)
  28. Excavating the Collections: Redefining Archaeological Practice in the 21st Century through Utilizing Existing Assemblages (2015)
  29. A "Lost" Collection Makes Its Way Home: The Long Road of the Lost Village of Encino (2015)
  30. Legacy Collections in Public Education (2015)
  31. An Exploration Into a New Method of Skeletal Inventory in a Curatorial Setting (2015)
  32. Unearthing the Mysteries of the Frank Palmer Archaeology Collections (2015)
  33. Trends in late Holocene Climate Change in Central Mexico (2015)
  34. La cerámica monocroma Coyotlatelco, una realidad arqueológica (2015)
  35. La vida cotidiana a través de las vasijas ofrendadas en el contexto doméstico en Santa Cruz Atizapán y San Mateo Atenco, Estado de México (2015)
  36. Análisis de redes haplotípicas del DNA mitocondrial (parcial) de los pobladores del Valle de Toluca. (2015)
  37. Apropiación de recursos naturales, configuración territorial y paisajística en torno al río Lerma, Zona Metropolitana La Piedad-Pénjamo (2015)
  38. Death, ritual, and social space in the Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacán, México. (2015)
  39. La interacción cultural en la cuenca alta del río Lerma: las subcuencas de Ixtlahuaca-Atlacomulco y Temascalcingo (2015)
  40. El rio Lerma en la región de Angamacutiro en el pasado reciente (2015)
  41. Transformaciones e historia entre Michoacán y Guanajuato a partir de las plantas hidroeléctricas en el siglo XX (2015)
  42. A Local Expression of "Salado" in Tonto Basin (2015)
  43. Technology and Typology in the Upper Gila: Flaked Stone from the 3-Up and Fornholt Sites, Mule Creek, New Mexico (2015)
  44. The Salado Preservation Initiative: Combining Research Investigations with Regional Preservation Planning (2015)
  45. Reading between the Lines: Salado Polychrome and (In)organic Paint Variability (2015)
  46. Experimental Archaeology: Insights from the Construction of an Adobe Room (2015)
  47. Twenty Years of Studying the Salado (2015)
  48. Ground Stone as a Migration Marker: Using Finger-Grooved Manos and Fully Grooved Axe-Heads to Trace Kayenta Influence at Salado Sites. (2015)
  49. Renegotiating Identity in a Cultural Crossroads: Salado in the Safford Basin (2015)
  50. True Facts About the Dinwiddie Site: Surprising Results from Limited Testing in a Disturbed Site (2015)
  51. Temporal and Spatial Variability in Roosevelt Red Ware Painted Decoration (2015)
  52. Applying Innovation Diffusion Theory to Archaeology: a Case Study on the Rise of Iron Technology in Western Asia (2015)
  53. Reverse Engineering Ancient Pyrotechnologies (2015)
  54. Horseback riding and the unintended consequences of innovation (2015)
  55. Invented, Adopted, Shared, Acquired, Inspired? Technological Change and the Talc-Faience Complexes of the Indus Valley Tradition (2015)
  56. Bodies of Technology: Dress in Colonial Peru (2015)
  57. Beyond Provenance: Using the chemical composition of copper-alloys to explore technology and metal flow (2015)
  58. Investigating the Social Dynamics of Iron Age Copper Production: Preliminary Results from New Excavations at Khirbat al-Jariya, Jordan (2015)
  59. Lithic technology transfer and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the South Caucasus (2015)
  60. Large-scale Prehistoric Water Management Projects by Small Cooperating Corporate Groups in Mexico and Arizona (2015)
  61. Social Processes and Technological Change (2015)
  62. Carnelian Beads of the Indus Tradition and West Asia circa 2600-1900 BC: A comparative study of technological stability and change (2015)
  63. First Contact: Friend or Foe? (2015)
  64. The Geopolitics of Conquest: The Mixtón War and the Caxcan Diaspora (2015)
  65. "They Had So Many Stones to Hurl": Evidence of Inter-Indigenous Conflict on the Vázquez de Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542 (2015)
  66. The (beginning and) end of the world as we know it: The multiple makings and un-makings of the indigenous past in Huarochirí, Peru (2015)
  67. Conquistadores, Colonists, and Chiefdoms in Northern La Florida: Artifacts and Architecture at the Berry Site in Western North Carolina (2015)
  68. Ordering Buildings, Building Order: Place Production in a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru (2015)
  69. Pre-Columbian Exchange Systems and the Colonization of Northern New Spain (2015)
  70. The Caxcans of Nueva Galicia, Nahua Warriors of the Northern Mesoamerican Frontier (2015)
  71. A’tzi-em and Po-ya-o-na: archaeological and historical insights into the native-Spanish encounter in New Mexico’s Piro province, 1581-1681 (2015)
  72. In the Shadow of the Moor: An Archaeology of Pueblo Resistance in Colonial New Mexico (2015)
  73. Symbols of the Spanish Conquest: Early Colonial period figurines from the Basin of Mexico and the Michoacán (2015)
  74. Seas of Change: Overfishing and Colonial Encounter in the Gulf of Maine (2015)
  75. Archaeology and the Common Core: Bay Farm School and UC Berkeley (2015)
  76. Project Archaeology in the Classroom: Aptos Middle School and the Presidio (2015)
  77. Making History Relevant and Sustainable: Listening to Descendant Communities through Collaboration and Partnership (2015)
  78. Project Archaeology’s Role in the Rise of Heritage Education in the United States (2015)
  79. What Could Archaeology’s Impact Be On Education? (2015)
  80. National Network: the Strength of Project Archaeology (2015)
  81. Where Are We Going? The Impact of Project Archaeology on the Profession, Past and Future (2015)
  82. The Times Are Changing: Project Archaeology Makes a Difference (2015)
  83. Language contact and intergroup interaction in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (2015)
  84. Interaction as Movement, Movement as Interaction: The Tripod Vessel in the Maya Region (2015)
  85. Round and Round We Go: Cholula, Rotating Power Structures and Social Stability in Mesoamerica (2015)
  86. Formative Period Interregional Interaction and the Emergence of Mesoamerican Scripts (2015)
  87. Variation and Similarity in Obsidian Tool Styles and Technologies at the Zaragoza-Oyameles Source Area, Puebla, Mexico (2015)
  88. Systemic Interdependencies in the Mesoamerican World System (2015)
  89. Metal Trade and Interregional Dynamics of the Mesoamerican Late Postclassic Period (2015)
  90. Losing Ground but Gaining Data: Erosion and Archeology in Badlands Parks (2015)
  91. Recent Archaeological Studies in National Parks of the Northeast Region (2015)
  92. Overview of Archaeological Research in the NPS Alaska Region (2015)
  93. Where the Buffalo Still Roam: Archeology of a Buffalo Jump and Prehistoric Village Site at Wind Cave National Park (2015)
  94. Challenges and opportunities of archeology in urban parks: An example from the Arch (2015)
  95. Archaeology of the Nez Perce War of 1877 in Yellowstone National Park, WY. (2015)
  96. The Promise and Pitfalls of Geophysical Survey at Valley Forge NHP (2015)
  97. Mystery in Grapevine Canyon: Gender and Ethnicity in a Historic Period Site. (2015)
  98. Searching for King Opessa's Shawnee Town in the Mountains of Maryland (2015)
  99. The Intersection at Biscayne National Park of Looting as a Traditional Form of Recreation, Submerged Cultural Resources, and Management Practice (2015)
  100. Preservation Practice at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site - Using New Planning Frameworks to Identify and Address Impacts to an Archeological Landscape. (2015)