Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 401-500 of 3,720)

  1. The Uses of Platform-Mound Summits at a Coles Creek Site in Southwest Mississippi (2015)
  2. Farming the Great Sage Plain: Mesa Verde Loess, Soils, and Agriculture (2015)
  3. Biogeography of Neandertals: The Southern Italian Middle Paleolithic (2015)
  4. An Archaeology of Skiing (2015)
  5. 14C and Maya Long Count dates: using Bayesian modeling to develop robust site chronologies (2015)
  6. Assessing Ancient Vertical Integration: Copper Production in Early Bronze Age Southern Levant (2015)
  7. Craft Production and Specialization in the Transcaucasian Early Bronze Age: A View from Köhne Shahar, NW Iran (2015)
  8. Inferring the functionality of three prehistoric structures in Rio Blanco Ecuador (2015)
  9. Think Small: What charcoal fragments and tiny sites teach us about indigenous land modifications and farming around Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. (2015)
  10. The Geoarchaeology of Late Prehistoric Irrigation in Central Utah (2015)
  11. Production and Distribution of Fishing Artifacts on Mussel Shells (Choromytilus chorus) during the Middle Holocene on the coast of Taltal, Atacama Desert, Chile. (2015)
  12. Vocablos nahuas aplicados al proceso constructivo de los edificios prehispánicos del Altiplano Central (2015)
  13. Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Ecological and Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2015)
  15. The Intersection of Identity, Labor, and Racism in Washington State Company Towns (2015)
  16. Can commingled human remains be useful in reconstructing life during the Neolithic? A case study from Xemxija, Malta. (2015)
  17. Archaic and Formative Period Obsidian Exchange on the coast of Guerrero, Mexico (2015)
  18. At the Edge: Jamaican Amerindians and the Colonial Encounter. (2015)
  19. Historical Marine Ecology in Northwestern Greenland: Insight from Stable Isotope Analysis (2015)
  20. Accuracy and Precision of 3D Modeling in Lithic Analysis (2015)
  21. The Appropriation of Native American Cultural Property: Comparing the U.S. and French Contexts (2015)
  22. A Reexamination of Human Remains from Late Prehistory in the Alabama River Valley (2015)
  23. Representations of Looting and Bad Practices as Entertainment (2015)
  24. Home on the Range: An Environmental History of Land Use Changes at Paa-ko, New Mexico (2015)
  25. The Application of X-Ray Diffraction to the Characterization of Clay Samples from the Tuxtla Mountains, México (2015)
  26. The Performativity of Measurement (2015)
  27. Fish heads that turn heads: catfish from Cabeçuda shell mound (2015)
  28. The Benefits of Virtual Offices for a 21st Century Cultural Resource Management Consulting Firm (2015)
  29. #arrowheads: Instagram as a Creative, Social Media-Based Approach to Public Archaeology (2015)
  30. New perspectives on Native American occupation of the Puget Lowlands of Washington during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition from the Bear Creek Site (45KI839). (2015)
  31. Location, Location, Location: Multi-scalar Investigations into the Unexpected Timing and Length of Occupation of a Late Woodland and Early Mississippian site in the Lower Mississippi Valley (2015)
  32. Mapping Abydos: Bridging the Gap Between Legacy Data and Modern GPS Survey Methods in Egypt (2015)
  33. Faux for Fact: An Experimental Ceramic Restoration Process (2015)
  34. Mortuary Archaeology of Burials from Two Swahili Stone Towns, Mtwapa and Manda, Dated to Circa 1600 CE. (2015)
  35. The Alluvial Geochronology of Pharo Village and Implications for Cycles of Site Occupation and Abandonment (2015)
  36. What were they thinking? Using electroencephalogram (EEG) to map brain activations during stone tool manufacture. (2015)
  37. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Archaeological Survey: Results from Portugal and Mozambique (2015)
  38. Interpretations of the Use of Avian and Mammalian Fauna at Sapa’owingeh (LA 306) (2015)
  39. The Earliest Known Occupations of the Globe Highlands in Central Arizona (2015)
  40. Rethinking and Refining the Activities Associated with the Monumental Compounds of Jatanca, Peru (2015)
  41. Archaeology of the 18th-Century French Colonial Metoyer Land Grant Site, Natchitoches, Louisiana (2015)
  42. Preliminary Testing of Facial Approximation Methods for finding the Pronasale in Children (2015)
  43. Small Sacred Spaces: The Results of Investigations into Subterranean Features at N950 and Grupo Agua Lluvia in northwest Belize. (2015)
  44. The Forgotten King (2015)
  45. 49ers and Firm Foundations: A Short Archaeological History of San Francisco’s Civic Center (2015)
  46. Red and Yellow Tracks in the Aurignacian: The Spatial Distribution of Colorants at Abri Castanet (Dordogne, France) (2015)
  47. Comparative Social Inequality and Class Structure in Ancient Cities (2015)
  48. Colorful pictures: Understanding the material of the Mesoamerican precolonial codices (2015)
  49. Early Cultural Developments and Adaptations in Hunter/Gatherer Communities: A Case Study from Keatley Creek on the Canadian Plateau (2015)
  50. Chemical residue and microbotanical analyses in the Royal Kitchen at Kabah, Yucatan. (2015)
  51. Exploring Technological Organization through Time: Mimbres Pottery Production (2015)
  52. Possible Functions of a Late Prehistoric Coarseware from the Estuary Zone of Eastern Soconusco (2015)
  53. An integrated digital approach for ceramic analysis at Baita Semati, northern Ethiopia (2015)
  54. Fortified lookouts and border patrol in the Late Intermediate Period Colca Valley, Peru (2015)
  55. The Taphonomic Study of Small Fauna Gruta da Nova Columbeira (Portugal) (2015)
  57. Elemental and microscopic characterization of quartzite stone discs and knives from the Slocan Narrows Pithouse Village, Upper Columbia River Region. (2015)
  58. Relatedness and Social Organization at the Ray Site (11BR104): Biological Distance Analysis of a Middle Woodland Ridge Top Cemetery (2015)
  59. Archaeological and Geomorphic Investigations of Paleoindian Sites near Smith Mountain, VA. (2015)
  60. Danish Colonial Health Policy and Practice on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (2015)
  61. Modeling sea level rise and shoreline change in a complex sedimentary environment: Case study from Chesapeake Bay (2015)
  62. Can government be self-organized? A mathematical model of the collective social organization of ancient Teotihuacan, Central Mexico (2015)
  63. Documentation Of Lithic Artifacts Using An Inexpensive Reflectance Transformation Imaging System (2015)
  64. Plants in a Day: A Cost Distance Analysis of Single Day Distance to Floral Resources of the Ancestral Puebloans at Goat Springs Pueblo (LA 285) (2015)
  65. Lithic Technological Organization at Last Supper Cave: Reconstructing Paleoindian Mobility and Landscape Use at an Upland Site in Northwestern Nevada (2015)
  66. Spatial and chronological components of Middle Stone Age artifact assemblage variability in deeply buried alluvial fan contexts (2015)
  67. Recent Excavations and Current Research at Spiro Mounds (2015)
  68. A Hunter’s Paradise: a zooarchaeological analysis of hunting practices in the Kankakee Marsh (2015)
  69. Relations in the Zuni Region: A Comparative Study of Ceramics (2015)
  70. Inscribed Places: Examining Rock Art Sites on the Pajarito Plateau (2015)
  71. Searching for Continuity in the Hinterlands: Households at Rancho San Lorenzo’s Floodplain North Settlement Cluster, Belize (2015)
  72. 3D Scanning of Bronze: Repeatability and Reliability across scanners. (2015)
  73. The use of geochemical analysis and visual methods for understanding raw material acquisition around Amud Cave, Israel (2015)
  74. Forensic Archaeological Research in the Recovery of WWII MIA’s on a Pacific atoll: Tarawa (2015)
  75. Macro-regional cultural development of the Interior Columbia Plateau (2015)
  76. A Tale of Two Styles: A Geoarchaeological Investigation into Lima & Ychsma Construction Materials at Cajamarquilla, Peru (2015)
  77. The Kashaya Pomo Cultural Landscape Project: A Community-Based Approach (2015)
  78. Oneota Subsistence Practices at the Christenson Site (13PK407) (2015)
  79. In the Twilight of a Brave New World: From Multimedia Work Areas to Material Transformations in the Late Chalcolithic and Neolithic in Bulgaria and North Greece (2015)
  80. Redefining Configurations of Urban Settings in Steppe Societies (2015)
  81. Catholic Burial as Native Resistance in Post-Dissolution Ireland (2015)
  82. Granite and pXRF: An Experimental Approach to Nondestructive Sourcing of Ground Stone Tools (2015)
  83. Internally Divided: An Archaeological Investigation of a Jamaican Slave Village, 1766 to 1838 (2015)
  84. Starch and Ceramics: Dietary Transition and Technology in the Sigatoka Valley, Fiji (2015)
  85. On The Waterfront...Or Not: Investigating the Relationship Between Late Archaic Landuse Patterns and Hafted Biface Curation in the Midsouth (2015)
  86. Isotope diachronic changes in Armenia during Neolithic and Chalcolithic period: Environment, herding strategies, human dietary practices (2015)
  87. Loon, Fish, and Beaver: Inland Lake subsistence and settlement from the northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan (2015)
  88. Macrobotanical Investigation of Sonaji, Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia (2015)
  89. Slippery Oysters & a Cold Beer: Incorporating Food into Archaeology Education (2015)
  90. The Micro Seriation of Chupadero Black-on-White (2015)
  91. Holocene Precipitation Variability in Northern Baja California: Correlating Lithic Abundance and Climatic Change from Scorpion Shelter (2015)
  92. The complete genome sequence of a 45,000-year-old modern human from Eurasia (2015)
  93. Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Chemistry and Maize Beer Consumption in the Prehistoric Andes: An Experimental Pilot Study (2015)
  94. Quantifying Pre-Industrial to Mid-Late 20th Century Anthropogenic Lead and Mercury Pollution in Caribbean Marine Environments (2015)
  95. The Ancient Methone Intensive Survey Project: New Research at a Harbor City in the North Aegean (2015)
  96. Us vs Them: Identity Formation in Pre-Hispanic Tlaxcala (2015)
  97. Archaeological Landscapes and Districts and Section 106 of the NHPA - Examples from California (2015)
  98. Bosutswe Landscapes: Defining African Complexity through Spatial Archaeometry (2015)
  99. Illicit Trade Networks in Spanish Texas (2015)
  100. Ground-penetrating radar and terrestrial laser scanning reconstruction of the prison and Civil War era historic fortifications on Alcatraz Island (2015)