Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,201-3,300 of 3,720)

  1. Ritual in the "Great Household": Termination Deposits in Classic Maya Royal Residences (2015)
  2. House Ritual in Chaco Canyon: Scale, Context, Emergent Differentiation and Inequality (2015)
  3. Issues of Function and Scale as Viewed through Possible Ritual Structures at the Late Archaic Site of Huaricanga, Peru (2015)
  4. Critter Caching: Animals in Household Rituals at the Maya Site of Ceibal, Guatemala (2015)
  5. Aboriginal Sociopolitical Groups in California and the Great Basin: The Rise of Orderly Anarchy (2015)
  6. Paleoindian Use of the Lake Fork Valley, Southwest Colorado (2015)
  7. Idaho's Radiocarbon Record and the Challenges of Chronometric Hygiene (2015)
  8. Exploring Prehistoric Resource Distribution in the Black Mesa Region: A Plains- Montane Ecotone in Cimarron County, Oklahoma (2015)
  9. Out of Ice: A Review of Greater Yellowstone Area Ice Patch Hunting Technology (2015)
  10. The Landscape Archaeology of the Northwestern Plains: Problems and Potential (2015)
  11. Geographic and Chronological Differences in Lithic Raw Material Use by Hunter-Gatherers in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (2015)
  12. Archaic Women in the High Country: an Ethnoarchaeological Framework (2015)
  13. Multidisciplinary Reconstruction of Interactive Change in Holocene Treeline, Paleoclimate,and High Altitude Hunting Systems in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (2015)
  14. The Beaucoup Site: A Bison Kill in Northeastern Montana (2015)
  15. A Multi-Scalar Chipped Stone Analysis in the Northern Rocky Mountains: Comparing the Bridger Mountains, Montana to the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming (2015)
  16. Anzick Site Lithics: A Study of Concave Margin Scrapers as an Integral Part of the Clovis Tool Kit (2015)
  18. Embedded Activities: Preliminary Analysis of Landscape Use and Mobility Patterns in Colorado National Monument (2015)
  19. Addressing Surface Site Palimpsests with GIS and Lithic Technology (2015)
  20. The American Falls obsidian source: near, far, or unknown? (2015)
  21. Rock Art Research and Ethnohistory on the Northwestern Plains and Adjacent Rocky Mountains (2015)
  22. Harrison's View: The Importance of Small Scale Analyses in Maya Archaeology (2015)
  23. Vision and Revision in the Use of Residential and Non-Residential Space at Middle Preclassic Maya Sites: A View from Pacbitun, Belize (2015)
  24. Diversity of Wetland Form, Historical Ecology, and Human Use in the Maya Lowlands: The View from the Yalahau Wetlands (2015)
  25. Swamp, settlement, and society: Maya archaeology at Pulltrouser and Cuello in 1979. (2015)
  26. Compiling Tikal Report 15 (2015)
  27. Remembrances of Things Past: Peter D. Harrison and Maya Archaeology (2015)
  28. A Tale of Two Projects: Comparative Findings of the CRAS and Yalahau Projects (2015)
  29. The Role Of Environment In The Collapse Of The Ancient Maya (2015)
  30. Monuments as Artifacts: The Significance of the Hiatus at Tikal, Guatemala (2015)
  31. Into the Unknown: The Uaymil Survey Project 1972 - 1976 (2015)
  32. Peter Harrison: Remembering a Friend and Colleague (2015)
  33. "He Entered the Water" … Maya Wetlands and Their Caretakers (2015)
  34. Tikal in Environmental Context: Peter Harrison and Ancient Maya Water Management and Subsistence (2015)
  35. Iconographic Portraiture and Political Implications: Peter Harrison’s Contribution to Mayanists’ Understanding of Site Q (2015)
  36. CRM as Heritage in Communities on the Great Plains: Northern Cheyenne and Spirit Lake Nations (2015)
  37. Minding the Ideological Gap in Consulting Archaeology (2015)
  38. On the Front Line: Collaborative Archaeology between CRM Archaeologists, Academics and First Nations Communities. (2015)
  39. Applying North American Approaches to Community Archaeology in Khirbet al-Mukhayyat, Jordan (2015)
  40. Collaborative Archaeologies in Transformation: Preliminary Results from a Social Network Analysis of Archaeological Practice (2015)
  41. Federal Agency and Alaska Native Co-Management of the Sqilantnu Archaeological District, Alaska (2015)
  42. Consultants Are People Too: Meaningful Consultation and Archaeology (2015)
  43. Local Contexts, Global Application - A Comparative Analysis of Collaborative and Community Archaeology Projects in Western Australia, British Columbia and Alaska. (2015)
  44. Collaborative and Community-based Archaeology (Heritage) – Introduction to the Session and Some Views on Successfully Partnering with Indigenous and Local Communities. (2015)
  45. Methods for the Analysis of Structural Wood and Some Examples from NW Mexico – A Paper in Honor of Tomas C. Windes (2015)
  46. An Examination of Gallina Utility Ware: Vessel Morphology and Function (2015)
  47. Windes Was Here (2015)
  48. The Social Value of Ornaments from Pueblo Bonito and Aztec Ruin (2015)
  49. Tom Windes and Southwestern Dendroarchaeology (2015)
  50. Still High on Pueblo Alto: Tom Windes’ Mounds of Accomplishment (2015)
  51. Chaco Legacy Studies: Archival Research, Archeomagnetic Dating, and the Role of Turkeys (2015)
  52. Woodrats Rule! Climbing and Coring in Southeast Utah Cliff Dwellings (2015)
  53. Beyond the Dates: Reconstructing the Social Histories of Southeastern Utah Cliff Dwellings with Tom Windes (2015)
  54. Tom Windes: Celebrating 40 Years of Innovative Research on the Colorado Plateau. (2015)
  55. Tree-Ring Dating the Gallina: The herb dick collections and Beyond (2015)
  56. Windes Matters (2015)
  57. Friends in High Places: Windes, Shrines, and Lines of Sight (2015)
  58. Tracing the Growth of Historic Preservation in the U.S. and the Arc of Tom Windes’s Career (2015)
  59. Architectural Wood Use in Chaco Kivas (2015)
  60. In Search of Something Better (2015)
  61. Pirates of the North Sea? The Viking ship as political space (2015)
  62. The 'Bare Branches' of Scandinavian Society and the Origins of Viking Raiding (2015)
  63. Viking skeletal remains in northern Europe: a survey (2015)
  64. The Evolution of the Qijia Culture and its contacts with other cultures (2015)
  65. Radiocarbon dating of Qijiaping site in Gansu Province, China (2015)
  66. Ritual animal use of "Qijia Cultural", evidence from Mogou Cemetery, Lintan County, Gansu province, China (2015)
  67. The Cemetery at Qijiaping: New insights into the production and use of ceramics vessels (2015)
  68. Cereal cultivation shift during Qijia culture period in Gansu and Qinghai Province, NW China: Archaeobotanic evidence (2015)
  69. Early Bronze Age Animal Use at Lajia, a Qijia Culture Site in Qinghai Province, China. (2015)
  71. A Technical Study of Casting and Inlay on Chinese Ceremonial Weapons at the Harvard Art Museums (2015)
  72. Turquoise Ornaments and Inlays Technology in Qijia Culture -- A Comparative Study of Qijia Culture and Erlitou Culture (2015)
  73. Preliminary bioarchaeological analysis of the Qijia culture Mogou site (2400-1900 BCE), Gansu Province, China. (2015)
  74. New research at Qijiaping (2015)
  75. Dietary shift and cultural evolution relation to intercontinental cultural exchanges and climate change in the Hehuang and contiguous regions, northwest China ~3600 years ago: Evidence from Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopic Analysis (2015)
  76. Not That Stable, Not That Durable, But Very Dynamic: Political Geography and Geopolitical Dynamics in the Río Champotón Drainage, Campeche, Mexico (2015)
  77. Territorial Boundaries and the Northwestern Peten: the View from Jaguar Hill (2015)
  78. Preclassic Roots of Well-Trodden Routes in the Central Maya Lowlands of Belize (2015)
  79. A Multiproxy Investigation of Maya Socio-political Territories: A Case Study from the Yalahau Region, northern Quintana Roo, Mexico (2015)
  80. With Turkeys on Spears and Maize on Arrows: Defining and Defending the Province of Chetumal (2015)
  81. Incorporation and Independence in the Preclassic Western Maya Lowlands: Integrating Local and Regional Traditions at Rancho Búfalo, Chiapas, Mexico (2015)
  82. Territorial Organization in the Upper Belize River Valley: Multi-Scalar Settlement Patterns at Baking Pot (2015)
  83. Between earth and sky: the social and political construction of ancient lowland Maya territories (2015)
  84. Preclassic Maya Territories and Boundaries (2015)
  85. El Tintal in the Late Classic and Territorial Implications (2015)
  86. Crossing Ancient and Modern Borders: Territoriality in the Three Rivers Region (2015)
  87. Shifting Allegiances at Yaxuna during the Early to Late Classic: Territory and the Loss of Independent Rule (2015)
  88. Holy lords and holy lands: territory in Classic Maya inscriptions (2015)
  89. The Land of the Windy Water Lords: Secondary Centers in the Motul de San Jose Polity, Guatemala (2015)
  90. The Relationship between Violence and Geographic Origins at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico: Preliminary Results from Strontium Isotope Analyses (2015)
  91. Pre-Columbian Human Mobility and Interaction in the Caribbean: A Zooarchaeological and Ancient DNA Study of Guinea Pigs (2015)
  92. Forager Mobility in Constructed Environments (2015)
  93. Assessing Mobility and Social Interactions through Integrated Analyses of Complicated Stamped Pottery in the American Southeast (2015)
  94. Prehistoric Population Mobility in the Caribbean: Genetic and Isotopic Investigations at Grand Bay, Carriacou, West Indies (2015)
  95. Fighting the Tigers: Chinese Mobility as Resistance During the Exclusion Era (2015)
  96. Forests, Fires and People: Reconstructing Human-Natural Interactions on the Jemez Plateau, New Mexico With Tree Rings (2015)
  97. Modeling ecological resilience and human-environment interactions in engineered landscapes of the prehistoric American southwest (2015)
  98. Toward a Sovereignty-Driven Paradigm for Transdisciplinary Research on Social-Ecological Systems (2015)
  99. Multi-Millennial Fire Histories from Sedimentary Archives: Human and Climate Impacts (2015)
  100. Fire Adds Richness to the Land: Ethnographic Research for the FHiRE Project (2015)