Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 601-700 of 3,720)

  1. Exploring regionality: a chaîne opératoire approach to ‘style’ in the rock art of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa (2015)
  2. Urban Agriculture within the Valley of Oaxaca: Investigations and Implications of Agricultural Terracing at Monte Albán (2015)
  3. Chronology of Ahmarian and Levantine Aurignacian occupations of Manot Cave, Israel (2015)
  4. Exploiting, Exchanging, and Establishing Boundaries: Lithic Trade during the Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain (2015)
  5. Replication of Stone Disk Beads from the Salish Sea Region, British Columbia (2015)
  6. Medicine dog; medicine baboon: images of horses perceived by contact cultures in rock art. (2015)
  7. At Yaxuna X Marks the Spot: Centering across in a Middle Formative Maya Landscape (2015)
  8. Sourcing Interactions: X-Ray Diffraction of Central Plains Tradition Ceramics during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (2015)
  9. The Associations Model for use of Hemphill-Style Engraved Pottery at Moundville (2015)
  10. Archaeology of Fueguian Islands: Tierra del Fuego, Dawson and Navarino, Human Settlement and Cultural Interaction (Patagonia, Chile) (2015)
  11. Archaeological Implications of Vegetation Shifts in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert (2015)
  12. Coffee and captivity in the 19th century Paraíba valley (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Landscape archaeology and phenomenological recording (2015)
  13. Educating Children on Texas Archaeology (2015)
  14. What Once Was…: Taphonomical processes and their implications for understanding Tiwanaku funerary practices and social identities (2015)
  15. The Need for Practice Theory in Unusual Monumental Architecture: A Residential Comparative Analysis (2015)
  16. Rabbit remains analysis in the Upper Paleolithic in Portugal (2015)
  17. Sexual dimorphism and morphological variability with regard to the socio-economic structure of the Early Medieval European Population (6th – 9th century). (2015)
  18. How to use DNA analysis to assess health in the past. Applications for New World soft-tissues. (2015)
  19. The Archaeology of Politics in the Highlands of Persia (2015)
  20. Ethnic Disparity and Stress in Prehispanic Peru: A contextualized analysis of Cranial Pathology and Facial Asymmetry (2015)
  21. Full-coverage survey techniques in the mountains of the Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico. (2015)
  22. Tula 2014: Reexamining Ball Court 2 through Cross-Cultural Comparisons with the Yucatan (2015)
  23. An XRF Analysis of Redware Artifacts from Hanna's Town, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (2015)
  24. Measuring Power and Influence: GIS Modeling of Political Spheres of Influence (2015)
  25. Predicting Archaeological Site Locations in the McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area in Colorado (2015)
  26. Migration Terminus? Late Pleistocene/and Early Holocene Archaeology at Rock Creek Mortar Shelter, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee (2015)
  27. Spatial distribution and site formation of the Schöningen Spear Horizon, Lower Saxony, Germany (2015)
  28. Market Exchange Seen Through the Mist: Network Visualization for Variable Data (2015)
  29. Quantifying the effects of erosional processes on stone artifact concentrations: Implications for site formation at open-air Paleolithic sites (2015)
  30. Starch and Stone: Preliminary Evidence from Jomon Period Ground Stone in Southwestern Hokkaido (2015)
  32. Every end is a new beginning. An adaptive cycle in North-West Europe during the Weichselian Lateglacial (2015)
  33. Borderlands in the Amazon forest: can we draw boundaries? (2015)
  34. Deconstructing Multiple Intersecting Identities and Cremation Ritual among the Preclassic Hohokam of the Tucson Basin (2015)
  35. The Geoarchaeology of two Riverine Sites in New Jersey (2015)
  36. Not Your Ordinary Models: Exploring Time and Space with Ordinal Regression and Other Methods (2015)
  37. Micromorphology of Middle to Later Stone Age sites at Mwanganda's Village, northern Malawi (2015)
  38. Agent Based Modelling on the origins of the sexual division of labour (2015)
  39. Touching the Past in Museums: issues of authenticity and identity for crafted replicas and 3D print facsimiles of rare, perishable and iconic artefacts (2015)
  40. "Of what use is a bear?": Examining Black bears (Ursus americanus) as a Capitalized Resource in Northeastern North America during the Woodland and Colonial Periods (A.D. 1300-1800) (2015)
  41. Interpersonal violence among the prehistoric hunter-gatherers of Cis-Baikal, southern Siberia (2015)
  42. Micromorphological Studies from the Clear Lake Basin California (2015)
  43. Ancient Clam Gardens of the Southern Gulf Islands (2015)
  44. Late Mousterian Industrial Variability in Southwestern France: A Case of Abri Peyrony (2015)
  45. Depopulation and Massacres: Bioarchaeological Evidence of Violence within the Ancestral Pueblo of the Southwest Region of North America (2015)
  46. Remote Sensing at the Buffalo Lake Métis Wintering Site (FdPe-1): Preliminary Results (2015)
  47. Spatial Analysis of Prehistoric Garden Features on Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile) (2015)
  48. Application of Object-based Image Analysis of High Resolution Imagery to Identify Archaeological Features on Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile) (2015)
  49. 3D Photogrammetry and GIS for Tracking Edge Wear Accumulation in Lithic Experiments (2015)
  50. Iron Grinding Technology in the Kofun Period: New Evidence and Research Techniques (2015)
  51. Using LiDAR and Relative Elevation Modeling (REM) to Identify and Analyze Archaeologically Sensitive Alluvial Landforms (2015)
  52. A Biface Cache from Paradise Springs, Central Mojave Desert (2015)
  53. Depictions of Human Facial Decoration on Mimbres Pottery as an Indication of Social Affiliation (2015)
  54. Indigenous Labor and the Hacienda System: Examining Everyday Micropolitics and Global Capitalism at the Historic Hacienda Guachalá, Ecuador (2015)
  55. Material Perspectives on Canal Ceremonialism at Chavín de Huántar (2015)
  56. Projectile Point Temporal Trends During the Mimbres Georgetown Phase (2015)
  57. Seeing Prehistory in Color: Interpreting the Use of Colored Pigments at the Tiwanaku Omo Temple, Moquegua, Peru (2015)
  58. Utilizing Tablets for Mobile Data Recording in a CRM Context (2015)
  59. From Trash Pile to Temple Wall: The distribution of Formative Period sherds in adobes at the Omo M10A Tiwanaku temple (2015)
  60. Infectious Diseases within the Tiwanaku Periphery (2015)
  61. Cultural Landscape Assessment for the San Luis Valley-Taos Plateau (2015)
  62. The Breaking and Making of Ceramics in the Pre-Columbian Caribbean: A Technological Approach to Grog Identification (2015)
  63. Predicting the Location of Human Remains on WWII Bombardment Aircraft Crash Sites (2015)
  64. Resilience and Continuity in Iroquoia: An Analysis of Animal Remains from the 17th-Century Seneca Iroquois White Springs Site. (2015)
  65. Patrones de desecho en los grupos domésticos de la Hacienda San Pedro Cholul. (2015)
  66. Evidence for Climate Change During the 3rd – 5th Century CE: The microvertebrate evidence from Tel Huqoq, Israel (2015)
  67. A Bioarchaeological Investigation of an Explosive Impacted Skeleton from Ifugao, Philippines Cordillera (2015)
  68. New Carbon-14 (14C) Dates on "Old" Cultural Components near Quartz Lake, Interior Alaska (2015)
  69. Human-climate-landscape interactions within the Rio Blanco Basin, Southern Belize (2015)
  70. The Potential Integration of Niche Construction Theory into the Framework of Human Behavioral Ecology (2015)
  71. Coastal Groundwater Seeps on Rapa Nui (2015)
  72. Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene Stratigraphic "Marker Horizons" in North Florida (2015)
  73. Environmental reconstruction at Pueblo Grande, Arizona through stable isotope analysis of Leporid bone (2015)
  74. Expedient Stone Tool Analysis from Tule Creek (CA-SNI-25) (2015)
  75. Prehistoric High Elevation Seasonal Use in Wyoming: Results of Flaked Stone Analysis from High Rise Village (2015)
  76. The Effects of Sampling by Size Class on the Organization of Technology at the Sunrise Ridge Borrow Pit Site (45PI408), Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington (2015)
  77. Paleoarchaic Occupations in the Eastern Great Basin: Results of GIS Predictive Modeling for Identifying Paleoarchaic Sites in Southern Nevada (2015)
  78. Environmental Reconstruction at La Quemada, Zacateca, Mexico Through Stable Isotope Analysis of Leporid Bones (2015)
  79. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Northern Frontier of Mesoamerica: Stable Isotopic Analysis of Lagomorphs from La Ferrería, Durango, Mexico (2015)
  80. Zooarchaeology of the Late Intermediate Period in Minaspata, Cuzco, Peru (2015)
  81. The Potential Role of Water Salinity in Limestone Tempered Logandale Gray Ware Ceramic Production in the Moapa Valley, Nevada: An Experimental Approach (2015)
  82. Learning from the Past: Cinder Mulch Agriculture Past and Present (2015)
  83. Accessing and Assessing Coastal Shell Middens on Private Property in the Pacific Northwest (2015)
  84. Hard Choices Along the Rio Grande: Piro Trade Networks and Decision-Making During the 1680 Pueblo Revolt (2015)
  85. The Late Bronze Age Theran Eruption: A Spatial Analysis Study of Permanent Abandonment Processes (2015)
  86. Idyllic childhood or practical placement: Examining children's homes using GIS, remote sensing, and landscape archaeology (2015)
  87. Best Practices and Community Engagement for Reinternment of CA-LAn-270 (Los Altos Village) Cultural Materials on a National Registry Listed Site (2015)
  88. Reconstructing a Recuay Feasting Event at Hualcayán, Peru through Ceramic Analysis (2015)
  89. Indifference, Inertia, Limited Budgets, and Preservation: Insights from Site Stewardship Programs (2015)
  90. Taking Tech on the Road: Mobile Makerspaces and Archaeological Engagement (2015)
  91. To Snatch the Baby from Its Mother’s Lap: Infant Mortality and Maternal Health at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria (2015)
  92. Symbols of Transformative Power:Wari Split Eye Iconography in the Middle Horizon (2015)
  93. Charcoal Identification as Means of Central California Landscape Reconstruction (2015)
  94. Geospatial Analysis of Material Procurement and Distribution in the Hinterlands of Northwestern Belize (2015)
  95. Moravian Ethnic Diversity: A Faunal Analysis of Northeastern Moravian Missionary Towns in Colonial Americ (2015)
  96. An Analysis of the Factors that Impact Accuracy During the Acquisition of Archaeological Geospatial Data Through the Use of GPS Units (2015)
  97. The UseWear Analysis of the Blue Lake Museum Lithic Collection (2015)
  98. A Story Told Two Ways: Exploring the Intersectionality Between the Archaeological Record and Social Context of Undocumented Female Migrants (2015)
  99. Using Building Information Modeling Programs to Understand the Built Environment of the Virgin Branch Puebloan Culture (2015)
  100. Beings from the Third Dimension: Imaging Weeden Island Effigies (2015)