Arnold Air Force Base Cultural Resources Archive

Part of: Air Force - East

Collection of documents, data, and images generated from and/or related to archaeological resource and investigations on the Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee. The collection was created by tDAR under contract with the USAF and is intended to organize documents, images, and other data from the Arnold Air Force Base. Some of the digital resources are organized under several sub-collections, which group together documents from particular investigations or related to certain sites or parts of the base. Other digital objects are included individually. Due to the potential sensitive information included in these documents, users that wish to access documents and images without redaction should contact the cultural resources office at the Arnold Air Force Base.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-72 of 72)

  • Documents (72)

  1. The 2006 Phase I Archaeological Survey of 597 Acres Within Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2007)
  2. The 2008 Phase I Archaeological Survey of 1,018 Acres Within Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties Tennessee (2009)
  3. The 2008 Phase II Investigation of Five Historic Sites within Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee County, Tennessee (2009)
  4. Applied Archaeology: Removal and Relocation of a Small Historic Period Cemetery on Elder Island in Woods Reservoir, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Franklin County, Tennessee (1998)
  5. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Combined Humvee Egress Assistance Trainer and Interceptor Body Armor Issuance Building, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  6. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Heavy Equipment Transport Truck Maintenance Building Project, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  7. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Improvements to the Industrial Area Interior Perimeter Road at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  8. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Kiosk Placement and Parking Lot at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  9. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Marksmanship Training Facility, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  10. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Recovery Well Replacement at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  11. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Tactical Training Base, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  12. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Underground Cable Installation Project, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  13. Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Water Line, Tennessee Army National Guard, at Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  14. Archaeological Investigations for the Proposed New Location of the Tennessee Army National Guard Hand Grenade Qualification Course on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  15. Archaeological Investigations for the Proposed Tree Clearing in the Tennessee Army National Guard Drop Zone on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  16. Archaeological Investigations In Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Improvement Area for Fam Camp on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  17. Archaeological Shovel Testing Along Unsurveyed Portions of Proposed Walking Track Improvement Area for Military Family Housing on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  18. Archaeological Shovel Testing Along Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Emergency Access Road Between Family Housing and Pumping Station Road on Arnold Air Force Base (2005)
  19. Archaeological Shovel Testing Along Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Sewage Line for Military Family Housing on Arnold Air Force Base (2006)
  20. Archaeological Shovel Testing Along Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Track Improvement Area for Military Family Housing on Arnold Air Force Base (2007)
  21. Archaeological Shovel Testing at the Crossing at Crumpton Creek Tributary for the Hawkersmith Drainage Pipe Installation (2005)
  22. Archaeological Shovel Testing at the East Tennessee Natural Gas (ETNG), M&R Station at the Corner of Elk River Dam Road and Morris Ferry Road (2005)
  23. Archaeological Shovel Testing for a Proposed Segment of Road near the Retention Reservoir on Arnold Air Force Base: A Negative Findings Report (2005)
  24. Archaeological Shovel Testing for the Proposed Dock Facility in the Military Family Housing Area on Arnold Air Force Base: A Negative Findings Report (2006)
  25. Archaeological Shovel Testing for the Proposed Tennessee Army National Guard Shoothouse on Arnold Air Force Base: A Negative Findings Report (2005)
  26. Archaeological Shovel Testing for the Proposed Well Access Road on Arnold Air Force Base: A Negative Findings Report (2006)
  27. Archaeological Shovel Testing in the Morris Ferry Dock Area for the Proposed Placement of a New Power Pole on Arnold Air Force Base (2005)
  28. Archaeological Shovel Testing in Unsurveyed Portions of the Proposed Wingo Inn Parking Area on Arnold Air Force Base (2008)
  29. Archaeological Survey and Inventory of 16,825 Acres Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee, Volume 1 and 2 (2010)
  30. An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Construction Area of the Aero propulsion Systems Testing Facility, Arnold Engineering and Development Center, Coffee County, Tennessee (1977)
  31. An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Elk River Basin (1973)
  32. Archeological Assessments Report No. 300: Consultation with the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer for the Management of Cultural Resources within Selected Management Units at the Arnold Air Force Base (2003)
  33. Building Demolition and Soil Removal at 40CF241, the Incinerator for Camp Forrest Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2009)
  34. Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Airfield Reopening and Expansion, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee County, Tennessee (1999)
  35. A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume I: Project Results - Final (2014)
  36. A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume II: Building Descriptions - Final (2014)
  37. A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume III: Appendices - Final (2014)
  38. Department of Defense letter to the Tennessee Historic Commission: National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Eligibility Facility 516 and Facility 2328 (2018)
  39. Evaluation of Historic Buildings Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2008)
  40. Facility 2328, Shipley/Rutherford Cemetery, Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form (2018)
  41. Facility 516, Water Storage Tank, Tennessee Historical and Architectural Resource Form (2018)
  42. A Final Report on Phase I Survey for Archaeological Resources of 16,188 HA (40,000 Acres) at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1997)
  43. Final Report: A Cultural Resources Survey of Cold War Era Resources at Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Volume IV: Addendum (2017)
  44. Final Report: Archaeological Site Evaluation – Native American (2002)
  45. Final Report: Historic Archaeological Site Evaluation - Pre 1941 (2002)
  46. Final Report: Historic Building Survey and Evaluation Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2002)
  47. Final Report: Phase II National Register Eligibility Assessments at Twelve Archaeological Sites, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2017)
  48. Final: Decision Full Report Facility 607 Von Karman Facility Intermittent Test Building Renovations Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2016)
  49. Geophysical Investigations at Huffar Cemetery Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Final Report (2010)
  50. Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee (2005)
  51. Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee: Final Version 2016-2020 (2016)
  52. Letter Report Phase I Archaeological Survey Along Additional Portions of State Route 127 on Arnold Air Force Base (2014)
  53. Memorandum of Agreement Between Arnold Air Force Base and the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Renovation of Facility 1504 (Water Treatment Plant Building) Coffee County, Tennessee (2017)
  54. Memorandum of Agreement between Arnold Engineering Development Complex And the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Modification of Facility 760 Von Karman Facility Model Installation Building Coffee County, Tennessee (2016)
  55. Memorandum of Agreement between Arnold Engineering Development Complex and the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding the Renovation of Facility 1478 (Base Civil Engineering Building) Coffee County, Tennessee (2017)
  56. National Register of Historic Places Significance Evaluation of the African-American Barracks Locale (8.3 Acres) at Camp Forrest (40CF310) Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (Draft Final Report) (2010)
  57. Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for Cultural Resources of 184 HA (455 Acres) On Industrial Site A, 162 HA (400 Acres) on Industrial Site B, and 0.7 HA (1.7 Acres) at the Location of the Trenton Transition Test Cells W1 and W2, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1995)
  58. Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for Cultural Resources of Selected Areas with the Former Camp Forrest World War II Military Training Base, Arnold Air Station, Coffee and franklin Counties, Tennessee (1995)
  59. Phase I Archaeological Survey Along State Route 127 on Arnold Air Force Base (2013)
  60. Phase I Archaeological Survey and Limited Phase II Archaeological Testing of Select Timber Harvest Areas at Arnold Air Force Base (AEDC), Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1996)
  61. Phase I Archaeological Survey of 250 Acres at the Arnold Engineering and Development Center, Coffee County, Tennessee (1994)
  62. Phase I Archaeological Survey of Timber Harvest and Thinning Areas Scheduled for 1997 and Phase I 'Plus' Archaeological Investigations of Site 40CF247 at Arnold Air Force Base (AEDC), Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1997)
  63. Phase I Archaeological Survey of Timber Harvest and Thinning Areas Scheduled for 1997 and Phase I 'Plus' Archaeological Investigations of Site 40CF247 at Arnold Air Force Base/ Engineering Development Center, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1998)
  64. Phase I Archaeological Survey of Timber Harvest and Thinning Areas Scheduled for the Calendar Years 1998 Through 2000 Arnold Air Force Base/Engineering Development Center, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (1998)
  65. Phase I Archaeological Survey on 100 Acres of the Tennessee Army National Guard Tullahoma Volunteer Training Site in Coffee County, Tennessee: Revised Final Report (2006)
  66. Phase I Survey of Approximately 8.5 Acres at Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee County, Tennessee (2009)
  67. A Phase I Survey of Two Temporary Evapotranspiration Monitoring Stations (2004)
  68. Phase II Archaeological Test Excavations at Sites 40CF305, 40CF306, 40FR237, and 40FR506 Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Revised Draft Report (2010)
  69. Phase II Archaeological Testing at 10 Historic Sites at Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee (2022)
  70. Phase II National Register Eligibility Assessments at Twelve Archaeological Sites Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee County, TN (2016)
  71. Recordation For Facility 1077 Mark I Engineering Lab 12V High Bay Interior Lighting Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee - Final Archival Copy (2013)
  72. Shovel Testing of the Proposed Earth Day Boy Scout Tree Planting Site (2005)