This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,601-4,700 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
Pueblo Blanco Archaeological Project
PROJECT [not managed]
Archaeological investigations by Arizona State University in 1999-2000, directed by Katherine Spielmann and Billy Graves
Pueblo Blanco Ceramic Data (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the ceramics recovered during the 1999-2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco ceramic portion (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviations in the part column of the Pueblo Blanco ceramic database. It is the same as the Quarai ceramic portion coding key except that it translates capitalized entries
Pueblo Blanco ceramic surface codes (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviations in the surface column of the Pueblo Blanco ceramic database. It is the same as the Quarai ceramic surface coding key but translates capitalized entries.
Pueblo Blanco ceramic vessel form (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translate the abbreviations in the form column of the Pueblo Blanco ceramic database. It is the same as the Quarai ceramic form coding key but translates capitalized entries.
Pueblo Blanco ceramic ware types (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key provides translations for the abbreviations of ware type in the Pueblo Blanco ceramics database. It is the same as the Quarai ware coding key but translates capitalized entries.
Pueblo Blanco chipped stone raw materials (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the material type abbreviations in the Pueblo Blanco lithics and projectile point databases. It is the same as the Quarai lithics material type coding key but translates capitalized entries.
Pueblo Blanco Cortex (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding sheet translates the cortex codes in the Pueblo Blanco lithics dataset.
Pueblo Blanco faunal data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
Excavations at Pueblo Blanco by Arizona State University resulted in the recovery of a large faunal assemblage containing a total of 64,733 specimens (Table 2). Approximately 32 percent of the assemblage, or 20,621 specimens, are considered identifiable. In this analysis, mammalian, avian, and reptilian fauna are classified as “identifiable” if the specimen can be classified to an order. Given the highly fragmented nature of fish bone, these remains are only identified to the class level.
Pueblo Blanco Faunal Report (2004)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Report on the fauna excavated from Pueblo Blanco in 1999 and 2000.
Pueblo Blanco Ground Stone (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the ground stone artifacts recovered from the ASU 1999 and 2000 excavations at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Ground Stone Condition (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This brief coding key provides the translation for the information in the condition column of the Pueblo Blanco Ground Stone dataset. It is the same as the Quarai Ground Stone Condition coding key but translates capitalized codes.
Pueblo Blanco ground stone material types (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviated material type entries in the Pueblo Blanco ground stone dataset. It is the same as the Quarai ground stone material types coding key, but the entries are capitalized.
Pueblo Blanco ground stone type (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding sheet translates the entries in the type column of the Pueblo Blanco Ground Stone dataset. It is similar to the Quarai ground stone type coding key except that it translates capitalized codes and modified stone was coded as MD instead of MS.
Pueblo Blanco Lithics (2015)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the chipped stone lithics recovered from Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico in ASU's 1999 and 2000 field seasons.
Pueblo Blanco Lot, Period, Context (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset provides square, level, temporal, and context information for each of the lot numbers assigned during the 1999-2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Mineral Artifacts (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the mineral 'artifacts' that were recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Miscellaneous Artifacts (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on miscellaneous artifact types, largely historic, recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Pot Lid Material Type (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key is for the material column in the Pueblo Blanco Pot Lid dataset
Pueblo Blanco Pot Lids (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the pot lids (limestone disks) recovered during the 1999 and 2000 ASU excavation seasons at Pueblo Blanco, New Mexico.
Pueblo Blanco Projectile Point Condition (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key is for the condition variable in the Pueblo Blanco projectile point dataset.
Pueblo Blanco Projectile Points (2015)
DATASET [not managed]
This database contains information on the projectile points recovered in the 1999-2000 ASU excavations at Pueblo Colorado, New Mexico. The dataset creator is actually JS. The database was maintained by Graves.
Pueblo Blanco Species codes (2010)
CODING SHEET [not managed] Uploaded by: Katherine Spielmann
This coding key is for the Pueblo Blanco fauna
Pueblo Blanco Temporal Codes (2010)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key provides the labels for the temporal codes in the Pueblo Blanco databases.
Pueblo Colorado Archaeological Project
PROJECT [not managed]
Arizona State University field project directed by Katherine Spielmann in the summer of 1989.
Pueblo Colorado faunal data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
Faunal data from the Pueblo Colorado archaeological project
Pueblo Colorado Glaze Ware (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains the counts and weights of glaze ware sherds recovered from ASU's 1989 excavations at Pueblo Colorado, New Mexico.
Pueblo Colorado Ground Stone Dataset (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains information on the ground stone excavated at Pueblo Colorado, New Mexico by ASU in 1989.
Pueblo Colorado Groundstone condition (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This brief coding key translates the entries for condition in the Pueblo Colorado ground stone database.
Pueblo Colorado Lot, Period, and Soil Volume (1990)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset provides the provenience information (e.g., square and level) for each Pueblo Colorado lot number, the period assigned to that context if known, and the soil volume for that context. Note that numbers 249-278 were never used.
Pueblo Colorado Temporal Periods (2010)
CODING SHEET [not managed] Uploaded by: Katherine Spielmann
This key identifies the temporal periods and contexts used in the analysis of the Pueblo Colorado materials.
Pueblo Colorado Utility (Plain) Ware (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains the counts and weights of plain (utility) ware sherds from the 1989 ASU excavations at Pueblo Colorado.
Pueblo Colorado White Ware (2003)
DATASET [not managed]
This dataset contains counts and weights of white ware sherds recovered during the 1989 ASU excavations at Pueblo Colorado.
Pueblo Corner Construction Data (Pueblo de las Mujeres, Pueblo la Plata, and Richinbar Ruin) (2012)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Room corner construction data for the sites of Pueblo de las Mujeres, Pueblo la Plata, and Richinbar Ruin
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)) Soil Systems, Inc. Master Provenience Table: Projects, Unit Numbers, and Feature Numbers (2008)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This document contains two tables that serve as a guide to the archaeological projects conducted at Pueblo Grande from 1990 to 2008. The tables contain information on the post-Hohokam Expressway projects from SSI's Pueblo Grande Cultural Park Testing project to ACS' Lightrail Preconstruction project. The Master Provenance Table lists project names and numbers, the unit number(s) for each project, the provenience designation (PD) numbers used during each project, and the feature numbers used...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Project
PROJECT [not managed]
During July 1994, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted an archaeological data recovery project at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM). The project area was immediately west and north of the original Pueblo Grande museum building. The data recovery project carried out by SSI was conducted under contract to the City of Phoenix and was associated with the expansion of the museum facilities at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park, which are administered by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Faunal (FAUNAL) data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's additional recovery work in Unit 8 of Pueblo Grande. The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides the feature number and...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery Field Specimen data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during this investigation (SSI Project No. 94-11) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable), and Vessel ID (if applicable)...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Flotation (FLOTATION) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery flotation data sheet provides data on botanical remains that were recovered from flotation samples (or other environmental samples) during the project. It presents the taxon of remains, the condition and completeness, and the weight and volume. The data set also offers data on the samples from which the remains were recovered. Please the Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery final report ( for a...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project (SSI Project No. 94-11). It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the PG Museum Expansion data recovery effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. Please see the Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery final report ( for a full discussion of all excavated...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Rough Sort Ceramic (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the PG Museum Expansion data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens. Please see the Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery Project final...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Rough Sort Lithic (RS_LITHICS) Data (1994)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery project rough sort lithic data set presents basic information on the chipped and ground stone artifacts recovered during this investigation. It provides information about the artifact type, the lithic raw material type, and the lithic condition (whole or fragmentary) for sets of lithic artifacts.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery
PROJECT [not managed]
Between 4 and 28 April, 1997, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists completed archaeological test excavations (SSI Project No. 97-02) in an 8.42-ac (34.07 ha) area (Unit 11) northeast of the corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Arizona for the DMB Corporation. Based on previous research, the parcel lies along the north edge of the large Hohokam urban site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM], see Bostwick and Downum 1994a; Downum and Bostwick 1993; Breternitz 1994). Because archaeological...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the DMB testing and data recovery project (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements when possible.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The DMB Testing and Data Recovery: Faunal (FAUNAL) Data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's testing and data recovery projects (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides the...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The DMB Property Field Specimen Data sheet contains basic data on the artifacts recovered during this project's testing and data recovery efforts at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It presents data by artifact type for each PD unit (and associated feature). It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande DMB Testing and Data Recovery Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during this testing and data recovery project (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the DMB property testing and data recovery project. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: Kitchell Development Testing Project
PROJECT [not managed]
Pueblo Grande Unit 12 (Gateway Lot 4 at the southeastern corner of Gateway Blvd and 44th Streets) is a 3.8 ac parcel that was scheduled for commercial development in 1997. The parcel is located less than 300 ft (91 m) northeast of Unit 7 of the prehistoric site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), where archaeological features including burials had been encountered (Breternitz et al. 1990). Because of its proximity, there was a likelihood that archaeological remains including burials would also be...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: SSI Kitchell Testing, Photography Log (PHOTO) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, 48th and Washington; Kitchell Testing: Photography Log (PHOTO) Data sheet contains basic information about the photographs taken during the testing phase of the Kitchell project at Pueblo Grande. The data set may be used to locate photographs for additional research. The Kitchell Testing photographs are curated at the See Archaeological Testing at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation, Washington...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: SSI Kitchell Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The Kitchell Testing Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during a preliminary testing phase of a parcel of land owned by the Kitchell Development Co. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the Kitchell testing program. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. Subsequently, SSI conducted additional testing and full data recovery at a nearby parcel (Unit 15) for the Kitchell Development Co. and the Lauth...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI AZ Federal Credit Union Testing, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The AZ Federal Credit Union project Field Specimen (FS) Data sheet contains basic artifact data for the cultural material recovered in each PD unit. It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). Please note that a combination of a PD number AND FS number is necessary to identify an artifact specimen. The table then provides data on artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI AZ Federal Credit Union Testing, Photography Log (PHOTO) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The AZ Federal Credit Union Testing Photography Log (PHOTO) Data sheet contains basic information about the photographs taken during this testing project at Pueblo Grande. The data set may be used to locate photographs for additional research. The photographs are curated at Pueblo Grande Museum.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI AZ Federal Credit Union Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The AZ Federal Credit Union Testing provenience designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project's data recovery efforts. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the AZ Federal Credit Union testing effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Utility Trench Monitoring, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1998)
DATASET [not managed]
The DMB Utility Trench Monitoring project Field Specimen (FS) Data sheet contains basic artifact data for the cultural material recovered in each PD unit. It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). Please note that a combination of a PD number AND FS number is necessary to identify an artifact specimen. The table then provides data on artifact type, lithic material (if applicable),...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Utility Trench Monitoring, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1998)
DATASET [not managed]
The DMB Utility Trench Monitoring Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project's data recovery efforts. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the DMB trench monitoring effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, Northeast Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. AZ Federal Credit Union Testing and Data Recovery Project
PROJECT [not managed]
Between 22 April and 8 May 1997, personnel from Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) completed archaeological test excavations on a 3.26-acre parcel, scheduled for commercial development by the Arizona Federal Credit Union (AFCU) at the northeast corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets in Phoenix, Arizona. The archaeological work was conducted under SSI Project No. 97-09. Based on previous research, the parcel was believed to be located near the northwest edge of the large Hohokam village site of Pueblo Grande...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, Northeast Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. DMB Utility Trench Monitoring
PROJECT [not managed]
In March 1998, Soil Systems archaeologists monitored and inspected the construction of three utility lines for the DMB Corporation on a parcel of land (in Unit 13 of Pueblo Grande) east of 44th Street and north of Van Buren Street, along the northern margin of the Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), in Phoenix, Arizona. The utility lines (a water line, a sanitary sewer, and a storm sewer) were intended to service a newly constructed street and/or two newly constructed buildings on the...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development and Ruby Tuesdays: Soil Systems, Inc. Sun America Data Recovery and Burial Removal
PROJECT [not managed]
in progress
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The Sun America Data Recovery and Burial Removal project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the Sun America data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Faunal Data (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The Sun America Data Recovery and Burial Removal Faunal (FAUNAL) Data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's data recovery work in Unit 14 of Pueblo Grande (Soil Systems Project No. 97-24). The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The Sun America Data Recovery and Burial Removal Field Specimen Data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during the Sun America data recovery effort (SSI Project No. 97-24) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable), and...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Photography Log (PHOTO) Data (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The Sun America Data Recovery and Burial Removal Photography Log (PHOTO) Data sheet contains basic information about the photographs taken during the Sun America data recovery effort at Pueblo Grande. The data set may be used to locate photographs for additional research. The Sun America Data Recovery photographs are curated at the Arizona State Museum.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The Sun America, Inc. Data Recovery and Burial Removal Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the Sun America data recovery project (SSI Project No. 97-24) at Pueblo Grande. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the Sun America data recovery effort. Thus, the data set provides data not only for the PD's excavated during the original data recovery project, but also for the contexts excavated during the Ruby Tuesday's data recovery and burial...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. Kitchell Development Testing and Data Recovery (The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation)
PROJECT [not managed]
Between March 1999 and March 2000, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists completed a partial data recovery and burial removal project (SSI Project No. 99-01) for Kitchell Development Co. on a parcel (Unit 15) along the east side of the large Hohokam village site Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)) in Phoenix, Arizona. The data recovery fieldwork was preceded by a two-phase testing project (SSI Project No. 97-08) designed to identify and locate subsurface cultural remains. Phase 1 testing...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. Lauth Property Group Data Recovery Project
PROJECT [not managed]
From February to April 2007, Soil Systems archaeologists completed an archaeological data recovery and burial removal project (SSI Project No. 06-03) on a parcel of land (Unit 15) along the east side of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)). SSI performed the archaeological clearance for the Lauth Property Group, LLC. SSI's previous work in this same parcel under Project Nos. 97-08 and 99-01 resulted in the archaeological clearance of a section of the property for the Kitchell Development Co. (see...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Kitchell Data Recovery, Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
The Kitchell Data Recovery project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the Kitchell data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens. See Partial Data Recovery and Burial Removal at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1 (ASM)): Unit 15,...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Kitchell Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
The Kitchell Data Recovery Field Specimen Data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during the Kitchell data recovery effort (SSI Project No. 99-01) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable), and Vessel ID (if applicable)...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Kitchell Data Recovery, Photography Log (PHOTO) Data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1 [ASM]): Unit 15, 48th and Washington; Kitchell Data Recovery: Photography Log (PHOTO) Data sheet contains basic information about the photographs taken during the Kitchell data recovery effort at Pueblo Grande. The data set may be used to locate photographs for additional research. The Kitchell Data Recovery photographs are curated at the See Partial Data Recovery and Burial Removal at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Kitchell Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (2000)
DATASET [not managed]
The Kitchell Data Recovery Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the Kitchell data recovery project (SSI Project No. 99-01) at Pueblo Grande. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the Kitchell data recovery effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. See Partial Data Recovery and Burial Removal at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation,...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Faunal Data (1997)
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The Lauth Data Recovery Faunal (FAUNAL) Data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's additional recovery work in Unit 15 of Pueblo Grande. The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides the feature number and feature type. The data sheet...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
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The Lauth project Field Specimen (FS) Data sheet contains basic artifact data for the cultural material recovered in each PD unit. It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). Please note that a combination of a PD number AND FS number is necessary to identify an artifact specimen. The table then provides data on artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The Lauth project Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project's data recovery efforts. It is the master list for all excavated contexts (i.e., trenches, excavation units, features, sub-features, etc) in the Lauth data recovery effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Rough Sort Ceramic (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1997)
DATASET [not managed]
The Lauth project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the Lauth data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens.
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15: SSI Lauth Data Recovery_Feature 8251 (2008)
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From February to April 2007, Soil Systems archaeologists completed an archaeological data recovery and burial removal project (SSI Project No. 06-03) on a parcel of land (Unit 15) along the east side of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)). SSI performed the archaeological clearance for the Lauth Property Group, LLC. SSI's previous work in this same parcel under Project Nos. 97-08 and 99-01 resulted in the archaeological clearance of a section of the property for the Kitchell Development Co. (see...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park and Washington St: Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project
PROJECT [not managed]
In 1990, Soil System's archaeologists completed a testing project (SSI Project No. 90-08) within the Pueblo Grande Cultural Park to help prepare development plans for a museum expansion. The project was conducted for the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department. SSI tested an area west of the original museum building and public parking lot (in Units 08 and 09 of Pueblo Grande). The testing project included both backhoe trenching and stripping. Eight backhoe trenches 182 m in...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1990)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Field Specimen (FS) data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during this investigation (SSI Project No. 90-08) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable),...
Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1990)
DATASET [not managed]
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during SSI Project No. 90-08 in the Pueblo Grande cultural park. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the monitoring and testing effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. The data derived from this testing project were used to plan the placement of three new buildings in areas that would have the...
Pueblo Grande Field Report, Site No. 62 (1939)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: system user
Pueblo Grande Field Report for site 62, owned by the Salt River Indian Reservation, and includes the features: trashmounds, sherd areas, house mounds, a ball court and Old Pima Round Houses and artifacts like: tin, porcelain recovered and construction material.
The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Project (1995)
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During July 1994, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted an archaeological data recovery project at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM). The project area lies immediately west and north of the original museum building. The data recovery project carried out by SSI was conducted under contract to the City of Phoenix and was associated with the expansion of the museum facilities at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park, which are administered by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library...
Pueblo Grande Parcher Guide (1946)
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Parcher Guide on Pueblo Grande Museum and the report "The Vanished People" by Charles C. DiPeso that provides information on the Hohokam site, Pueblo Grande, located in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Pueblo Grande Project: An Analysis of Classic Period Hohokam Mortuary Practices (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Ceramics and the Production and Exchange of Pottery in the Central Phoenix Basin, Part One (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Ceramics and the Production and Exchange of Pottery in the Central Phoenix Basin, Part Two (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Environment and Subsistence (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Feature Descriptions, Chronology, and Site Structure (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Introduction, Research Design, and Testing Results (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: Material Culture (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
The Pueblo Grande Project: The Bioethnography of a Classic Period Hohokam Population (1994)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts
Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...
Pueblo Grande Site Map, with Spatial Unit Numbers and Well-Defined Cultural Features/Areas (2012)
IMAGE [not managed]
This composite map depicts the entirety of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)) in Phoenix, AZ. The map shows the locations of the spatial units that SSI and other cultural resource firms defined to bound their archaeological projects and associated cultural features. In addition, the map displays the locations of well-defined prehistoric cultural features (platform mound, ballcourt, compounds) and areas (habitation areas, burial groups) within the known site boundaries. Finally, the map depicts modern...
Pueblo la Pato Agave Analysis (2005)
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A data table pertaining to 100 agave plants at Pato Pueblo, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo la Plata Agave Analysis (2005)
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A data table pertaining to 231 agave plants at Pueblo la Plata, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo La Plata Site 1 Agave Data, with Means and Medians (2005)
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Measurements taken from agave plants at Pueblo la Plata, Site 1, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo La Plata Site 2 Agave Data, with Means and Medians (2005)
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Measurements taken from agave plants at Pueblo la Plata, Site 2, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo la Plata Site 3 Agave Data, with Means and Medians (2005)
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Measurements taken from agave plants at Pueblo la Plata, Site 3, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo la Plata Site 4 Agave Data, with Means and Medians (2006)
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Measurements taken from agave plants at Pueblo la Plata, Site 4, Perry Mesa.
Pueblo Viejo: Archaeological Investigations at a Classic Period Cemetery in El Reposo Park, Phoenix, Arizona (1993)
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The City of Phoenix sponsored a voluntary archaeological project at the proposed location of a new recreation building. The project area is within the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73(ASM). The village was occupied from the Colonial period through the Classic period and covers about 640 acres. Field work at the site was conducted between March 30 and April 14, 1992, by a crew of four. Post-excavation monitoring of utility trenches by a single archaeologist took place September...
Qualitative Temper Characterization of Potsherds from the West Branch Site, Tucson, Arizona (1993)
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Five hundred and twenty-two sherds recovered from excavations at the West Branch site were submitted for temper characterization. Temper source characterization was based on Lombard's (1987c) reconnaissance mapping of temper resource compositional zones, or petrofacies, in the Tucson Basin and Avra Valley; and incorporates refinements to the Tucson Basin model made by Lombard (1987a, 1987b, 1987d, 1990) and Heidke (1994); and refinement of the Avra Valley model made by KamiUi (1994). Samples...
Quarai Archaeological Mineral Specimens (2003)
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This dataset contains information on mineral artifacts from the 1992-93 ASU excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico
Quarai ceramic portion (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviations in the part column of the Quarai ceramic database.
Quarai ceramic surface codes (2015)
CODING SHEET [not managed]
This coding key translates the abbreviations in the surface column of the Quarai ceramic database.