Department of the Air Force Cultural Resources Archive


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) is charged by federal law and statutes to identify, evaluate, and protect important cultural and historical properties on DAF land for the benefit of this and future generations of Americans. In executing these mandates, DAF has produced several thousand professional quality monographs, reports, and studies that record valuable data and insights on our Nation’s history and prehistory, as reflected on our installations and ranges. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) has partnered with Digital Antiquity and Argonne National Laboratory to curate these resources in the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR).

Since 2011, Digital Antiquity has worked with Air Force installations to establish a system for digitally curating DAF cultural resources documents and making those documents available to approved users. Installations have the ability to organize their file types in a way that is useful for their needs, while providing controlled levels of access to approved users.

This is the main collection for DAF. Here you can find collections of documents, data, images, and other digital information generated from and/or related to archaeological and other cultural resources and investigations on or nearby DAF facilities. The collection was created by the Center for Digital Antiquity in cooperation with US Air Force, US Space Force, and Air National Guard Cultural Resources Management personnel.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,001-6,100 of 8,594)

Individual Resources
  • LET-373: VAFB Letter to SHPO re Programmatic Agreement for Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Project (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Orville G. Robertson.

    This document is a Section 106 letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison project at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The letter includes the developed Programmatic Agreement (PA) for the project that was modified by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Therefore, the letter seeks the signature of the SHPO on the final version of the PA and pursuant to signing to resubmit it to VAFB.

  • LET-375: VAFB Letter to SHPO re Final Draft of Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for San Antonio Terrace National Register District (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Orville G. Robertson.

    This document is a letter continuing Section 106 consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the review of final draft of the Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the San Antonio Terrace National Register District. The letter states that previous comments from the SHPO, independent reviewers, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and other Air Force reviewers have been incorporated in this version of the HPP. The letter requests that the SHPO...

  • LET-378: Re: Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the San Antonio Terrace National Register District on Vandenberg Air Force Base. (1988)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter from the California State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO) that continues the Section 105 consultation for the Peacekeeper and Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile test facilities on San Antonio Terrace. The letter expresses that the SHPO acknowledges that previous review comments have been addressed and meet the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement. However, the SHPO does suggest that the Air Force review the Historic Preservation Plan in light of...

  • LET-408: SUBJECT: Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement - Vandenberg AFB (1987)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Walter T. Whitman.

    This document is a letter from Regional Civil Engineer, Ballistic Missile Support to HQ SAC re Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement for San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District. Regional Civil Engineer, Ballistic Missile Support, notes that it has participated with VAFB and SHPO in developing a Programmatic Agreement in support of ICBM test activities and the district nomination. The PA is provided for review.

  • LET-410: Memo from HQ SAC to Regional Civil Engineer, Ballistic Missile Support, re Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement (San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District) (1987)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a memo from HQ SAC to Regional Civil Engineer, Ballistic Missile Support, regarding Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement (San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District).

  • LET-435: VAFB Request for SHPO Concurrence for Buried Comms Cable to Mobile Support Van near Point Pedernales (1985)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Rickell D. Knoll.

    Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) requests for California State Historic Preservation Office concurrence for the buried communication cable to a mobile support van near Point Pedernales as part of the Space Shuttle construction program. In view of the minor nature of anticipated impacts to buried cultural resources at CA-SBA-212 and CA-SBA-1145, VAFB has recommended 1) construction monitoring at both sites, 2) determination of antiquity of occupation for three loci tests at CA-SBA-212, and 3)...

  • LET-436: VAFB Request for ACHP Concurrence for Mobile Support Van Skyscreen Project (1985)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Rickell D. Knoll.

    This document is the Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Transmittal Letter seeking concurrence from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the Mobile Support Van Skyscreen Project. This letter includes the selected alternative cable route that was chosen for the installation of a buried communication cable in order to serve a mobile support van. The cable would be buried in an existing unpaved roadway. VAFB is seeking concurrence that the proposed mitigation measures are acceptable and...

  • LET-476: Department of Interior Letter to HQ USAF re Determination of Eligibility: San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jerry L. Rogers.

    This document is a Department of Interior Letter to HQ USAF regarding the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District.

  • LET-477: Headquarters USAF letter to Headquarters Strategic Air Command regarding Determination of Eligibility for San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Headquarters USAF letter to Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC) regarding the Determination of Eligibility for San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District.

  • LET-478: Headquarters USAF letter to VAFB regrading Determination of Eligibility for Historic Register, San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Headquarters USAF letter to Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) regarding the Determination of Eligibility for Historic Register, San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District.

  • LET-479: Headquarter SAC Memo for Record regarding Evaluation of Request for Eligibility Determination, Archaeological Sites, VAFB (San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District) (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC) Memo for Record regarding the Evaluation of Request for Eligibility Determination, Archaeological Sites, Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) (San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District).

  • LET-480: VAFB Letter to Chambers Consultants and Planners regarding the Discontiguous San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Letter to Chambers Consultants and Planners regarding the Discontinuous San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District.

  • LET-481: Chambers Consultants and Planners Letter to VAFB regarding Discontinuous San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Chambers Consultants and Planners Letter to Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) regarding the discontinuous San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District.

  • LET-482 (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a memo to Army Corps of Engineers (COE) from M. Glassow and S. Craig regarding the National Register of Historic Places Update (San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District).

  • LET-483: VAFB Memo for Record regarding the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1981)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Memo for Record re San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District. Memo notes that information requested by Keeper of the National Register has been complied by Chambers Consultants and Planners; material has been reviewed by Cultural Resources Manager - MX; information has been submitted to Environmental Coordinator for review and submission to Keeper.

  • LET-486: Msg from HQ SAC to HQ USAF info VAFB re San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter, in a memo format, from Headquarters (HQ) Strategic Air Command to HQ USAF (AF) regarding the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (SATAD). The document consists of two numbered paragraphs. The first mentions a letter requesting a favorable consideration of a proposal to nominate the SATAD and that this proposal has been presented as part of a briefing. The second paragraph reads that the proposal has bas received concurrence from the Vandenberg Air Force...

  • LET-487: HQ USAF Letter to HQ SAC re Proposed San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter to Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC) from the United States Air Force (AF) regarding the proposed San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District. The letter consists of five bulleted paragraphs . The first states that the letter is written in response to the 4392 Aerospace Support Group letter of 27 June 1980. The second bullet reads that the AF supports the concept of archaeological districts, however, there is concern how such a resource may place land use...

  • LET-488: Letter from HQ USAF to HQ SAC re Establishment of San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter continuing discussion related to the Section 106 consultation between Headquarters (HQ) United States Air Force (AF) and HQ Strategic Air Command (SAC) regarding the establishment of the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (SATAD). The letter consists of two bulleted paragraphs. The first provides concurrence from the AF to the SAC regarding the submission of the draft letter and conditions to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The second paragraph...

  • LET-489: VAFB Letter to HQ SAC and HQ USAF re Determination of Eligibility for Historic Register - San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter that continues Section 106 consultation between Vandenberg Air Force Base and Headquarters (HQ) Strategic Air Command and SAC and HQ United States Air Force regarding the determination of eligibility for the inclusion of the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District in the National Register of Historic Places (NR). The letter informs the recipients that the attached documentation to the letter must be submitted to the Keeper in order to obtain the determination of...

  • LET-490: HQ SAC Ltr to HQ USAF re Determination of Eligibility for Historic Register - San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter continuing Section 106 consultation between Headquarters (HQ) Strategic Air Command to HQ United States Air Force seeking a response for a determination of eligibility for National Register eligibility for the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District. The attached documentation is forwarded for purpose of obtaining eligibility determination for proposed discontiguous archaeological district.

  • LET-491: HQ USAF Ltr to Acting Keeper of National Register of Historic Places re Eligibility Determination for Proposed Discontiguous San Antonio Terrace Archeological District (1980)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert L. Klingensmith.

    This document is a Section 106 consultation letter from the Headquarter United States Air Force to the acting Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places. The letter requests that the Keeper provide a response to the determination of eligibility that was previously submitted for the proposed discontiguous San Antonio Terrace Archeological District.

  • LET-540: SHPO Transmittal Letter for San Antonio Creek Restoration (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Transmittal Letter for the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) about the San Antonio Creek Restoration. The project proposed willow pole planting and container planting of riparian plants within a 12-acre field along the south side of San Antonio Creek as mitigation in support of the San Antonio Road West Bridge Maintenance Project. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) seek concurrence from the SHPO office that 1) VAFB delineated the Area of Potential Effects...

  • LET-541: SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the San Antonio Creek Restoration Project (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) Transmittal Letter for the San Antonio Creek Restoration Project. The project proposed willow pole planting and container planting of riparian plants within a 12-acre field along the south side of San Antonio Creek as mitigation in support of the San Antonio Road West Bridge Maintenance Project. This letter is the initiation of Vandenberg Air Force Base for consultation with the SYBCI on finding no cultural resources...

  • LET-545: SHPO Transmittal Letter for Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015 (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 State Historic Preservation Office Transmittal Letter for Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at site SD015. The project involved remediating groundwater that is contaminated trichloreothene (TCE) in the vicinity of three former missile testing launch facilities on North Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The remedy involves 1) groundwater biological treatment, 2) recirculation and the granular activated carbon treatment water from the source area, mid-plume, and...

  • LET-549: Unauthorized Trenching in Archaeological Site CA-SBA-1866 in the Vicinity of LF-06 (1985)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurence W. Spanne. George Sundstrom.

    This document is a memo Concerning the Unauthorized Trenching in the Vicinity of Archaeological Site CA-SBA-1866. The deviation adversely impacted Archaeological Site CA-SBA-1866, as evidenced by the presence of cultural material consisting of shell and flakes in the trench back fill. The construction crew deviated from the staked route of the cable trench by taking a ‘short cut’ through the corner of the Archaeological Site, CA-SBA-1866. The damage inflicted was relatively minor.

  • LET-551: Section 106 Letter for North Base Commercial Duct Project (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text 30 CES/CEIEA, Vandenberg Air Force Base.

    This document is a Section 106 Letter for the North Base Commercial Duct Project. The purpose of this project is to install a 4-inch communication duct running from Building 15501 to a manhole located near the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 1 and Highway 135. There are two proposed routes; Option 1, and Option 2, to connect the end points of the duct. Option 1 will require approximately 3,650 feet of trenching and the installation of 7 new handholes. Option 2 is shorter running...

  • LET-552: Section 106 Transmittal Letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for Demolition of Buildings 960 and 970 (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) for demolition of buildings 960 and 970. The purpose of the project is to demolish Buildings 960 and 970, because they are vacant and no longer in use. United States Air Force Policy requires the removal of facilities that are no longer in use, or else they will continue to degrade and become a liability. The northeastern part of site CA-SBA-246 extends into the Area of Potential Effects (APE)....

  • LET-553: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Vandenberg Dunes Golf Courses Project (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding the Enhanced Use Lease for the Vandenberg Dunes Golf Course and supporting services on the northern half of the base. The letter 1) defines the project Area of Potential Effect (APE), 2) discusses 21 cultural resources that will be affected by the undertaking, 4) seeks SHPO concurrence for no adverse effect determinations for CA-SBA-594, -1026, -1029, -1027, -1030, -1709, -1019,...

  • LET-554: Transmittal letter for fossil fish transferred to Los Angeles Natural History Museum (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a letter transferring ownership of a fossil fish from Vandenberg Air Force Base to the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. The fossil is an impression on an approximately 9 x 9 x 3-inch block of white chalky shale from Monterey shale formation.

  • LET-556: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the GN2 Tie-in, Vegetation Clearing, and Grading Project (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Benjamin Roope.

    This document is a Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Gaseous Nitrous (GN2) Tie-in, Vegetation Clearing, and Grading Project. The purpose of the Project is to install temporary storage tanks and utilize pump units to transfer GN2 from these tanks to an existing above ground tie-in riser that connects to a pipeline that runs to Space Launch Complex 6. The base archaeologist, in consultation with the project engineer, established the Area of Direct Impact (ADI) based on the maximum...

  • LET-558: SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Vault Project by Fire Station 3 (813-19-051) (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 consultation letter from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California (VAFB) to the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) seeking concurrence for a Section 306108 finding of no adverse effect to historic properties for the Vault Project by Fire Station 3 (Project) proposed by American Waters. The Project constitutes a federal undertaking pursuant to 36CFR800.3 and is subject to Section 306108 of the National Historic Preservation Act. With this letter...

  • LET-55: VAFB Section 106 Request for SHPO Concurrence for Distinguished Visitor Quarters Rear Parking Lot Project (2002)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    The document is a Section 106 transmittal letter from the Department of the Air Force at the Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to request SHPO concurrence with VAFB's determination of No Adverse Effect for construction of the Distinguished Visitor Quarters (DVQ) Rear Parking Lot Project to be located at the Marshallia Ranch on VAFB in Santa Barbara County. VAFB also requests SHPO concurrence with a determination of eligiblity for the...

  • LET-564: Section 106 Transmittal Letter for Space Launch Complex-Three East Conversion, Vulcan Centaur Program, Vandenberg AFB (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Roscoe Loetzerich

    This document is a transmittal letter for the Section 106 consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Space Launch Complex-Three East Conversion, Vulcan Centaur Program, Vandenberg AFB. The letter 1) synthesizes the project activities, 2) briefly discusses the resources considered as part of the cultural resource analysis of the project, and 3) seeks concurrence for the project area of potential effect; the determination that although no sites fall within the...

  • LET-568: SHPO Transmittal Letter for Facility 8337 Paint Booth Removal (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles Hansen.

    This document is a Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Facility 8337 Paint Booth Removal Project. The purpose of this project is the renovation of Facility 8337 to remove paint booths and accommodate the remodel of the building for administrative office space. Vandenberg Air Force Base seeks concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Office that 1) the Area of Potential Effect (APE) is adequately delineated, 2) Facility 8337 does not meet National Register of Historic Places...

  • LET-589: Secton 106 Transmittal Letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians with Continued Consultation for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter from the 30th Space Wing (30 SW) of the United States Space Force (USSF) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) to continue consultation for the proposed Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program that would develop and test a new ICBM system to modernize the United States land-based nuclear arsenal for the purposes of replacing the nation's existing Minuteman II ICBM system. 30 SW...

  • LET-592: RE: USAF_2021_0122_001, Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 letter that continues consultation with both the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regarding the proposed Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program (OHP reference #USAF_2021_0122_001). This letter is in response to SHPO's request for additional information for review in letter dated 25 March 2021. In fulfillment of the request for additional information, the United States Air...

  • LET-595: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Umbra Road and Tod Road Conduit Repair Project (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter initiating Section 106 consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Umbra Road and Tod Road Conduit Repair Project. The letter seeks SHPO concurrence for 1) the delineation of the project Area of Potential Effect, 2) a determination of no adverse effect for archaeological sites CA-SBA-706, -1070/1071, and -3002, 3) a determination that the site CA-SBA-1778 is not a historic property, and 4) the project finding of no adverse effect for...

  • LET-596: Section 106 SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the Umbra Road and Tod Road Conduit Repair Project (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter initiating Section 106 consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) for the Umbra Road and Tod Road Conduit Repair Project. The letter seeks SYBCI comment for 1) the delineation of the project Area of Potential Effect, 2) a determination of no adverse effect for archaeological sites CA-SBA-706, -1070/1071, and -3002, 3) a determination that the site CA-SBA-1778 is not a historic property, and 4) the project finding of no adverse effect for the...

  • LET-597: Section 106 Transmittal Letter for the D1 Circuit Electric Line Replacement Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter from the 30th Space Wing of the United States Air Force, Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the proposed D1 Circuit Electric Line Replacement Project. The letter provides a brief description of the project and seeks concurrence for 1) the project area of potential effect (APE); and 2) numerous determinations of eligibility of National Register (NR) eligible for archaeological...

  • LET-609: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Demolition of Four ICBM Launch Facilities in support of the SMART Program (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard N. Cote.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Demolition of Four Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launch Facilities in support of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (SMART) program. The letter briefly explains the purpose of the project and seeks concurrence for 1) the project Area of Potential Effect, 2) that proposed mitigation measures are sufficient, and 3) the project findings detailed in Chapter 6 of a...

  • LET-610: Section 106 SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the Demolition of Four ICBM Launch Facilities in Support of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter initiating consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) regarding impacts to cultural resources of Tribal concern included as part of the "Demolition of Four ICBM Launch Facilities in Support of the New START" project (Project). The 30th Space Wing of the United States Air Force, Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), in cooperation with Air Force Global Strike Command, proposes to render four intercontinental ballistic missile...

  • LET-613: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Facility 15501 Renovation Project (813-20-021) (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles Hansen.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter initiating consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Facility 15501 Renovation Project. The letter seeks concurrence from the SHPO for 1) the delineation of the project Area of Potential Impact, 2) the determination that Facility 15501 is not eligible for the National Register, 3) the determination that the undertaking will have no impact on any known historic properties, and lastly, 4) that the project...

  • LET-615: Re: Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter providing the California State Historic Preservation Office's (SHPO) comments on the Phase IV information provided to the SHPO by the United States Air Force (USAF) regarding the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program. The letter summarizes the information provided by USAF and provides comments on the information submitted. After reviewing the information provided, the SHPO has no concerns or comments about built environment resources for Phase IV. For...

  • LET-619: Section 106 SHPO Consultation Letter for Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 correspondence letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation project. This letter addresses the following four questions: 1) Is the district eligible? 2) If the district is eligible, does Building 860/861 contribute to the district? 3 ) Is Building 860/861 individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places? and 4) What are the undertaking’s effects on the district? This...

  • LET-620: Section 106 SHPO General Correspondence for Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation (813-17-028) (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 SHPO General Correspondence for Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation. This purpose of this letter is to seek concurrence for the 18 sites that make up the Arguello Boulevard Streetscape. Vandenberg Air Force Base determined that none of the 18 sites meet the National Register of Historic Places criteria, and are therefore not eligible.

  • LET-623: Re: Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program, Vandenberg Air Force Bae, Santa Barbara County (SHPO comment on Phase IV VSFB follow-up for GBSD letter) (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter continuing Section 106 consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) project. The letter provides comment from the SHPO addressing the answers provided to SHPO by the Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) Cultural Resource Manager regarding Phase IV of the project. While the letter also reiterates previous comments for phases I-III, the specific comment for Phase IV reads, "After reviewing the...

  • LET-625: US Army Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) II Test Program Tribal Transmittal Letter (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    The document is a Section 106 tribal transmittal letter for the US Army Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) II Test Program. The letter initiates Section 106 with the Tribe and 1) seeks comment for the project's Area of Potential Effect, 2) indicates four archaeological historic properties that have been previously determined not eligible for the National Register, and lastly, 3) the determination that the project is not an adverse effect to historic properties.

  • LET-626: SHPO Transmittal Letter for the US Army Extended Range Cannon Artillery II Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles Hansen.

    This document is a Section 106 State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Transmittal Letter for the US Army Range Extended Range Cannon Artillery II Test Program. The project involves the implementation of the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA II) Test Program on the northern part of Vandenberg Space Force Base. ERCA II is a multi-element, multi-phase test program of the Army’s next generation artillery systems. Major components of the artillery system include the cannon, gun mount,...

  • LET-630: Section 106 Letter Re-opening Consultation for the D1 Circuit Electric Line Replacement Project (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 letter re-opening consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office in regard to the D1 Circuit Electric Line Replacement Project (Project). Recent changes in the design of the route required VSFB to re-open Section 106 consultation for the Project. The original transmittal letter initiating Section 106 for the Project also included several Determinations of Eligibility (DOE) that were not addressed in the SHPO response. The intent of this letter...

  • LET-632: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the MTRS-2 Dock Station Improvements Project (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Mobile Telemetry Receiving Station (MTRS)-2 Dock Station Improvements Project. The letter seeks concurrence from the SHPO for 1) the delineation of the project area of potential effect (APE), 2) the determination that the project will not have an adverse effect on CA-SBA-793, and 3) the project finding of no adverse effect to historic properties.

  • LET-634: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the TP-01 Improvements Supporting Future Ballistic Missile Test Launches Project (2019)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter initiating consultation for the TP-01 Improvements Supporting Future Ballistic Missile Test Launches Project with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The letter introduces the project and mentions the associated activities including establishing and maintaining a firebreak; replacing the security perimeter fence; minor repairs to the surface of the concrete pad; and installation of a new heating, ventilation, and air...

  • LET-635: Section 106 GBSD Tribal Consultation Letter (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Continued Consultation Letter concerning the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program. This letter initiates consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians regarding proposed activities associated with the GBSD Test Program at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB). The United States Air Force is preparing an Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) under the National Environmental Policy Act. The Tribe will...

  • LET-636: Section 106 Continued Tribal Consult Letter for the GBSD Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 continued consultation letter with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians concerning the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) Test Program. This letter is a response to the tribal comments that were sent back to Cultural Resources in response to the consultation with the United States Space Force regarding the Environmental Assessment for the GBSD Test Program. This letter includes a couple of the comments from the Tribe concerned the GBSD Test Program Project,...

  • LET-637: Section 106 Continued Tribal Consultation Letter on the GBSD Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Continued Consultation Letter concerning the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program (GBSD). This letter is a response to the tribal comments that were sent back to Cultural Resources in response to the consultation with the United States Space Force regarding the Environmental Assessment for the GBSD Test Program.

  • LET-638: Section 106 Continued Tribal Consultation Letter for GBSD Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Continued Consultation Letter concerning the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test Program (GBSD). This letter is a response to the tribal comments that were sent back to Cultural Resources in response to the consultation with the United States Space Force regarding the Environmental Assessment for the GBSD Test Program. This letter was sent with an attachment, a report documenting traditional cultural properties, cultural landscapes, and sacred sites within...

  • LET-639: Section 106 Continued Tribal Comment Letter GBSD Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Comment Letter concerning the Ground Based Strategic Defense (GBSD) Test Program. The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians provided comments following their review of the Section 106 investigation report and the Draft Environmental Assessment for the GBSD project. In response, refinements in the project design have greatly reduced the extent of ground disturbance planned at Launch Facility 04 (LF-04) and within the historic Native American village of Lospe...

  • LET-640: Section 106 Tribal Consultation Letter for GBSD (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Consultation Letter between the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) and Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) concerning the Ground Based Strategic Defense (GBSD) Program. VAFB is responding to the tribe’s concerns expressed in the letter dated March 18th, 2021. Responses within the letter correspond with the same order and numbering as the comments previously offered by the Tribe.

  • LET-641: Tribal Continued Comments Letter for GBSD Project (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Consultation Letter between the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) and Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB). In a previous letter dated from 18 March, 2021, the Tribe provided comments that pointed to a shortcoming in an inventory of the broadest range of cultural resources within the Area of Potential Effects (APE). In response, VSFB expanded their inventory effort to include: traditional cultural properties, cultural landscapes, sacred sites, and...

  • LET-642: Official Tribal Concurrence Letter for GBSD Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 Tribal Concurrence Letter between the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) and Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB). The Tribe had previously responded to VSFB with requests for inclusion of inventory of the broadest range of cultural resources within the Area of Potential Effects (APE). At this time, the Tribe concurs that the effort to identify the broadest range of cultural resources is complete.

  • LET-643: SYBCI Comments Letter for GBSD Test Program (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kenneth Kahn.

    This document is a Section 106 Official Tribal Comment Letter from the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians regarding the Ground Based Strategic Defense (GBSD) Test Program. The Tribe requests 1) review of the Native America Grave Protect and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Plan of Action for the GBSD Test Program, 2) inclusion as a signatory on the NAGPRA Plan of Action for the GBSD Test Program, 3) and concurrent development of the NAGPRA Plan of Action for the GBSD Test Program and the Memorandum of...

  • LET-644: SHPO Transmittal Letter for the American Water Grubbing and Vegetation Removal Behind Building 856 (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

    This document is a Section 106 letter initiating consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding the American Water Grubbing and Vegetation Removal Project. The letter provides details about the project and seeks 1) concurrence for the delineation of the project Area of Potential Effect, 2) that assuming archaeological sites CA-SBA-923 and CA-SBA-3107H are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places is appropriate for the undertaking, 3) that the project...

  • LET-645: SYBCI Section 106 Transmittal Letter for the American Water Grubbing and Vegetation Removal Behind Building 856 Project (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

    This document is a Section 106 letter initiating consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians regarding the American Water Grubbing and Vegetation Removal behind Building 856 Project. The purpose of the letter is to solicit comment pertaining to any concerns the Tribe may have related to the impacts of the project on the archaeological resources CA-SBA-923 and CA-SBA-3107H.

  • LET-646: Section 106 SHPO Continuing Consultation for Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015 Project (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a Section 106 letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in regard to the Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015 project. This letter addresses the United States Air Force's proposal to add two additional temporary monitoring wells that are outside of the original area of potential effects (APE) for the project. This letter is provided for the purposes of revising USAF’s Section 106 finding for the proposed supplemental action from no historic...

  • LET-658: Section 110 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Re-evaluation of the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Test Site (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Maggie McClure

    This document is a Section 110 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Re-evaluation of the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison (PKRG) Site. The PKRG Test Site was never completed, and never served its intended purpose. A re-evaluation of the site, including documents of the U.S. Armed Service Committee and the U.S. Department of Transportation are now available to the public which shed light on the flaws with the project. This re-evaluation has determined that the previous National Register of Historic Places...

  • LET-662: SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the VTS Infrastructure Improvements Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

    This document is a SYBCI transmittal letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) Infrastructure Improvements Project. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the VTS Infrastructure Improvements Project is an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and will comply with Section 106 using the implementing regulations [36 CFR Part 800]. With this letter and its attachment...

  • LET-665: Section 106 SHPO Consultation Letter for the SLC-4 East Flame Trench Catchment Area Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office for the SLC-4 East Flame Trench Catchment Area Project. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the SLC-4 East Flame Trench Catchment Area Project is an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and will comply with Section 106 using the implementing regulations [36 CFR Part 800]. With this letter and its...

  • LET-667: Section 106 Transmittal Letter to the SYBCI for the Facility 1810 Sewer System Replacement Project (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Josh Smallwood.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) from Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) regarding the Facility 1810 Sewer System Replacement Project. The letter introduces the project and 1) provides a brief description of the work to be performed, 2) identifies and provides pertinent information about the two resources identified, archaeological site CA-SBA-1060 and Facility 1810, within the project Area of Potential Effect, and lastly, 3)...

  • LET-678: SHPO Transmittal Letter Continuing Consultation for the D1 Circuit Replacement Project with Draft MOA Attachment (2018)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter continuing Section 106 consultation with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the D1 power line project. This letter presents the SHPO with the draft Memorandum of Agreement for the purposes of resolving adverse effects to 5 historic properties. It further states Vandenberg Air Force Base is looking forward to working with the SHPO to refine the MOA and seeks comment from the SHPO.

  • LET-683: Section 106 SHPO Consultation Letter for the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) Infrastructure Improvements Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a Section 106 SHPO transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) Infrastructure Improvements Project. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the VTS Infrastructure Improvements Project is an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and will comply with Section 106 using the implementing regulations [36 CFR Part 800]. With...

  • LET-686: Section 110 Transmittal Letter for the Evaluation of the Lompoc Landing (CA-SBA-223/H) (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles G. Hansen.

    This document is a Section 110 transmittal letter for submitting a determination of eligibility (DOE) to the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The letter provides an overview of the archaeological work and historic research that has been performed for the site. It further discusses the re-examination of the site by Josh Smallwood in 2022. His additional testing in conjunction with the previous work supported a determination that the site was not eligible under any of the...

  • LET-688: SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Replace 12 kV Switchgear at Switchyard M Project (2019)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jason M. Aftanas.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office for the Replace 12 kV Switchgear at Switchyard M Project. The letter briefly describes the purpose and activities associated with the project. It discusses the presence of archaeological site CA-SBA-2427 and the result of the effort by the base archaeologist to survey a portion of the project area that was not previously examined for the identification of archaeological resources. The letter...

  • LET-68: VAFB Request for SHPO Concurrence on No Adverse Effect for the Golf Course Maintenance Facility Project (2001)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter constituting a request from the Department of the Air Force (USAF) at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) to the Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO) to concur with VAFB's finding of No Adverse Effect for the undertaking described within, the proposed Golf Course Maintenance Facility Project. The proposed undertaking involves the demolition of one metal and two wooden maintenance buildings, and the construction of a new, modern...

  • LET-712: SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Facility 1810 Sewer System Replacement Project (813-21-053) (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles G. Hansen.

    This document is a transmittal letter that initiates the Section 106 process with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the Facility 1810 Sewer System Replacement Project. The letter states that the project is an undertaking subject to Section 106 and provides 1) a brief description of the work and activities associated with the project, 2) explains the effort performed to identify historic properties, 3) a delineation of the Area of Potential Effect (APE), 4) the...

  • LET-714: Section 106 SHPO Consultation Letter for the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jason M. Aftanas.

    This document is a Section 106 transmittal letter to the California State Historic Preservation Office for the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project is an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and will comply with Section 106 using the implementing regulations [36 CFR Part 800]. With this letter and its...

  • LET-715: SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a SYBCI transmittal letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project (Project). Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the Project was an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and would comply with Section 106 using the implementing regulations [36 CFR Part 800]. With this letter and its attachment (Identification of Historic Properties:...

  • LET-716: Section 106 SHPO Transmittal Letter for the Replace Overhead Transmission B6 Power Line Project (2021)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles G. Hansen.

    This document is a letter initiating the Section 106 process with the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the Replace Overhead Transmission B6 Power Line Project. The letter provides a brief justification and description of the undertaking and details the effort to identify historic properties. Specifically the letter 1) delineates the Area of Potential Effect (APE), 2) details the archaeological resources found within 1/4 mile of the project area and more specifically...

  • LET-717: Section 106 SYBCI Transmittal Letter for the Replace Overhead Transmission B6 Power Line Project (2020)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Roscoe Loetzerich.

    This document is a letter initiating Section 106 with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI) for the Replace Overhead Transmission B6 Power Line Project. The letter provides a brief justification and description of the undertaking and details the effort to identify historic properties. Specifically the letter 1) delineates the Area of Potential Effect (APE), 2) details the archaeological resources found within 1/4 mile of the project area and more specifically that fall within the...

  • LET-725: VAFB Requests SHPO Concurrence on the Fiber-Optic Cable System North VAFB Project (2000)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a transmittal letter between the Department of the Air Force at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California and the Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation, requesting concurrence with a finding of No Adverse Effect for the installation of the Fiber-Optic Cable System on North Vandenberg. VAFB also requests concurrence on the finding that sites CA-SBA-935, CA-SBA-2321, and CA-SBA-3503 are eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic...

  • LET-72: VAFB Request for SHPO Concurrence for Construction of the RSA-IIA Weather Profiling Facilities (1999)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document constitutes a request from the Department of the Air Force at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California to the Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation to concur with the determination of No Adverse Effect for construction of the RSA-IIA Weather Profiling Facilities on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The request is made per Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), and Air Force...

  • LET-738: Re: Cultural Resources Investigations in the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District, VAFB (1990)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Gualtieri.

    This document is the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Comments on the Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Report "Cultural Resources Investigations in the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District."

  • LET-747: RE: US Army Extended Range Cannon Artillery II Test Program (2022)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This letter constitutes continuing consultion between the Space Launch Delta 30 (SLD 30) of the United States Space Force at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (Tribe), pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), regarding the proposed US Army Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) II Test Program. SLD 30 carried out a reasonable and good-faith cultural resources investigation that fulfills federal agency responsiblities...

  • LET-753: SYBCI Transmittal Letter Regarding the Proposal to Grant a Temporary Construction Easement to the Union Pacific Railroad for the Purposes of Reconstructing the Narlon Bridge at San Antonio Creek on North Base at Vandenberg Air Force Base (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a SYBCI transmittal letter regarding the 30th Space Wing of the United States Air Force's proposal to grant a temporary construction easement to the Union Pacific Railroad for the purposes of reconstructing the Narlon Bridge as it crosses San Antonio Creek on North Base at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). VAFB determined that the temporary construction easement grant is a federal action subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as...

  • LET-754: SHPO Transmittal Letter Continuing Consultation on the Issuance of a License to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) for the Narlon Bridge Replacement Project (2013)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a SHPO transmittal letter continuing consultation on the issuance of a license to the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), allowing them to use VAFB lands as a temporary construction area during the course of the Narlon Bridge Replacement project. The letter requests concurrence with several federal agency determinations that are outlined in the document and can be found there.

  • LET-762: SYBCI Transmittal Letter for Project XUMU-11-1046B4 D1 Electric Line Replacement Project (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter initiating Section 106 consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians regarding the D1 Power Line Replacement Project.

  • LET-806: Section 106 Letter Continuing Consultation with the SHPO for the D1 Power Line Project (2023)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is a letter from the Department of the Air Force (DAF), operating on Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB), continuing Section 106 consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) for the D1 Circuit Electric Line Replacement Project (Project).

  • LET-838: SYBCI NAGRPA After-Action Report Transmittal (2023)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud

    This document is the transmittal letter to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act After-Action report associated with data recovery excavations at CA-SBA-512 as part of the Sentinel Test Program (Ground Base Strategic Deterrent [GBSD]).

  • LET-989: SYBCI Section 106 Transmittal Letter for the Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project (813-17-033) (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher Ryan.

    This document is a letter initiating Section 106 consultation with the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (Tribe) regarding the Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project (Project). Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) determined that the Project constitutes an undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended. With this letter and the accompanying report, VAFB is initiating consultation with the Tribe regarding eligibility determinations...

  • Letter Concerning Scott Air Force Base Cold War Resources (1993)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott M. Hoversten.

    Correspondence from the director of environmental management at Scott Air Force Base to HQ AMC/CEV regarding Cold War Resources at Scott Air Force Base. They did not find any properties that could be considered eligible.

  • Letter for Proposed Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Car Wash and Equipment Rental Sites on the Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1999)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Ralph Bailey.

    A letter to the South Carolina Department of Archives and History which discusses the draft report of the Car Wash Site on the Naval Weapons Station. No cultural resources were identified in the two proposed construction areas. Ground disturbance in these area was determined to have no effect on significant cultural resources and allowed to proceed as planned. This resource has associated images within the document.

  • Letter From 502 CES/CL to 502 CONS/LGC, Sole Source Justification for Selecting the Center for Archaeological Research JBSF400014 Curation and Inventory, University of Texas at San Antonio, Draft (2017)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer.

    This is a memorandum for 502 CONS/LGC concerning the Center for Archaeological Research, University of Texas at San Antonio. The letter includes the estimated dollar value and justification of the proposed requirement.

  • Letter From 502 CES/CL to 502 CONS/LOG, Memorandum on Sole Source Justification for JBSF400014 Curation and Inventory, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, Template (2012)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Grizer.

    36 CFR 79, Chapter 1 (Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archeological Collections), requires curation and an inventoried database of archeological artifacts be accomplished by an institution capable of doing so in the area, or close to the area where the artifacts were collected. This ensures accessibility to Native American Tribes affiliated to the area where those artifacts were collected, as well as allowing researchers access to those artifacts. The artifacts collected were...

  • Letter from Allen Benefield to F. Lawerence Oaks, Undertakings in Buildings 200 and 671, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2002)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen J. Benefield.

    This correspondence was written by Randolph Air Force Base to bring to the State Historical Preservation Office's attention recent inadvertent actions concerning undertakings in Buildings 200 and 671. These buildings are structures on Randolph Air Force Base and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

  • Letter from Bradford Patterson to Michael Pumohrey, Building 2270 Theater 1, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (2005)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Bradford Patterson.

    The Texas Historical Commission is writing in regards to the proposed undertaking with Theater 1, Building 2270. The letter suggests that a meeting take place to go over differences of opinion concerning the project. Also addressed is the need for clarification of the status of the latest ICRMP/Army Alternate procedures for Fort Sam Houston.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Claudia Nissley, Pre-cast Concrete Fence Plan, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base developed an undertaking to install pre-cast concrete fencing throughout the installation including areas within the proposed historic district. It was determined that the proposed project will have no adverse effect to the buildings or to the surrounding area.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Building 103 Patio Extension, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base is considering an undertaking that may affect Building 103, located on property eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. It has been determined that the undertaking will have “no effect” on the property or the proposed historic district. This letter provides summary documentation for review. Copied to this correspondence is the San Antonio Conservation Society.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Buildings 110 and 120, Randolph (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base is considering an undertaking that may affect Buildings 110 and 120 and has determined that it will have "no effect" on the property. This letter provides summary documentation for review.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Buildings 110, 112, 120, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (Copy) (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base is considering an undertaking to apply a non-slip system to eliminate slippery tile floors in the breezeways of historic buildings 110, 112, and 120. This letter details the obstacles Randolph Air Force Base is having in locating materials for the proposed undertaking.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Chain Link Fencing Building 418 Circle Housing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base developed an undertaking to install a chain link fence at the rear elevation of Building 418, a circle housing unit at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. It was determined that there will be no effect to the building or to its surrounding area.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Fencing for South and West Swimming Pools, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    This correspondence addresses a verbal consultation concerning the replacement of the existing metal fences at both the South and West swimming pools. It was mutually agreed that the fence style replacement would have no effect on the pool areas or the historic district.

  • Letter from Brian Miller to Curtis Tunnell, Half Court Basketball Courts for Circle Housing, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian L. Miller.

    Randolph Air Force Base developed an undertaking to construct, within the Randolph Field Historic District; specifically, in the circle housing area, two half court basketball courts. This letter gives details concerning the Section 106 coordination of the project.