Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,501-1,600 of 21,939)

  1. Arqueología histórica del colonialismo en contextos insulares: Chiloé y su jurisdicción (siglos XVI-XVIII) (2024)
  2. Arqueología para reivindicar: Huellas de africanía en la producción alfarera de Cartagena de Indias (S. XVI-XVIII) (2021)
  3. Arqueología Preventiva en México: experiencias, alcances, limitaciones y propuestas (2019)
  4. Arqueología y geofísica en Chicoloapan, México: Estudios colaborativos de la vida cotidiana y la organización comunitaria después de Teotihuacan (2024)
  5. Arqueología y manejo patrimonial en San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Oaxaca. (2016)
  6. Arquitectura Habitacional: Sistema Constructivo y Organización Espacial en el Sitio Finca 6, Delta del Diquís, Costa Rica (2018)
  7. Arquitectura mudéjar en la Nueva España, un problema arqueológico (2023)
  8. Arquitectura Preclásica en el Grupo Balam Acrópolis Central de El Mirador, Peten (2015)
  9. Arrangement of the Handicraft Industry at the Site of Taijiasi in the Shang Dynasty (2019)
  10. The Arrival of Belief:religion and art at the extremities of the Silk Roads, AD 500-800 (2017)
  11. The arrival of the Incas and it consequences in the transformation of the sociopolitical landscape of the lower Lurin valley (2015)
  12. Arriving at a Meaningful Rock Art Interpretation (2019)
  13. #arrowheads: Instagram as a Creative, Social Media-Based Approach to Public Archaeology (2015)
  14. Arroyo Pesquero y su "otra" ofrenda (2018)
  15. "An Arson, A Wig, and a Murder": The Search for Particia Calloway (2017)
  16. Art and Experience in Chichen Itza (2021)
  17. Art and Interregional Interchange in the Huasteca (2016)
  18. The Art and Light of Paint Rock, Texas (2024)
  19. Art and the Ancestors: Sculpture from the Cave Complex at Quen Santo, Guatemala (2015)
  20. Art in the Time of Promontory Cave: Enhancement of Rock Art Figures Using DStretch (2017)
  21. Art Objects Don’t Make Themselves! A Consideration of the Ik’ Style from the Petén Lakes Region (2016)
  22. The Art of Footwear, Footwear as Art: Thirteen Hundred Years of Twined Sandal Production in the Northern Southwest (2015)
  23. The Art of Interconnection: Chichen Itza and the Gulf Coast (2023)
  24. The Art of Noise at Teotihuacan: The Conch Shell Motif in the Classic Period (2015)
  26. The Art of Survival: Mitigating the Impacts of PTSD and Combat Stress through the Manipulation of Moral Status and Identity in the Colonial-Era Rock Art of Southern Africa (2023)
  27. Art, Archaeology, and Archives: Pañamarca at Midcentury (2019)
  28. Art, Archaeology, and Chronology Building: Recent Investigations at Fracción Mujular (2019)
  29. Arthur C. Parker: Legacies of a Seneca Archaeologist (2019)
  30. Articulating Economies in the Land of the Ik’ Lords: Evidence for Marketplaces and Multiple Modes of Exchange in the Late Classic Motul de San José Polity (2016)
  31. Articulating the Big Bend of Florida (2023)
  32. The articulation of the dead; understanding expatriation, materiality and voice in the process of repatriation. (2019)
  33. Artifact Boxes and Cans of Worms; Navigating the 87 Church Street Legacy Collections (2019)
  34. Artifact Density and Population Density in Bronze Age China (2023)
  35. Artifact Density and Predictive Modeling in Old Kiyyangan Village (2017)
  36. Artifact Distribution Patterns Among Aztec Period Households in the Coatlan del Rio Valley, Morelos, Mexico (2015)
  37. Artifact Distributions, Interaction Networks, and Social Complexity: Middle Preclassic development at Cahal Pech from a small-world perspective (2016)
  38. Artifact Geographies of the Viking Age (2017)
  39. Artifact Highlights from the Yeo Site (23CL199): A Kansas City Hopewell Site (2018)
  40. Artifact Networks, Cultural Transmission, and Polynesian Settlement (2015)
  41. Artifact Ubiquity as an Index of Ancient Maya Socioeconomic Variability at Actuncan, Belize (2018)
  42. Artifact-Based Measures for Scaling Research in the Rio Grande Pueblos (2017)
  43. Artifacts Addicts Anonymous: The Road to Recovery from Negative Data (2018)
  44. Artifacts and Lesson Plans: Using 3D Technologies to Teach Archeology (2019)
  45. Artifacts of Motherhood: Revisiting the AUB Museum Collection (2024)
  46. Artifacts Talk Back: Technological Analysis of Flakes and Flake Scars (2017)
  47. Artifactual Composition of Terminal Deposits from the Classic Maya site of Baking Pot, Belize. (2017)
  48. Artificial cranial modifications of human remains from archeological sites in China (2017)
  49. Artificial Lines in Saltwater and Sand: Boundaries, Borders, and Beaches in Oceania and Australia (2019)
  50. Artificial Pools at Middle Preclassic period Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala (2024)
  51. Artiodactyl Exploitation in Northeastern California during the Terminal Prehistoric/Protohistoric Time Periods: Evidence of Environmental Rebound? (2017)
  52. Artisan Communities, Regional Interaction, and Identity in Eastern Honduras (2024)
  53. Artisan production and morphological changes in skeletons from San Jose de Moro (North coast of Peru) (2017)
  54. Artisanal Diversification or “Multi-crafting” as Economic Strategy among Upper-Class Extra-household Groups at Cotzumalhuapa (2021)
  55. Artisanal Lineages, Communities of Practice and Learning Traditions in Muisca otive goldwork (Colombia): An Initial Exploration (2019)
  56. Artistic Currents in Late Paleolithic Times: An Approach from the Northwest of Iberia (2024)
  57. Arts and Sciences of Ancient Plants at McMaster University (2017)
  58. Arukhlo: Neolithic Settlement and Ritual Place in Georgia, Southern Caucasus (2017)
  59. Aryballos, Bowls, and Bolas: Examining the Distribution of Provincial Inka-Style Pottery in the Threatened Borderland Region of the Valles Cruceños (2019)
  60. Arybolas, amphoras and Manteño Ordinario: The production and significance of Ecuadorian transport vessels (2015)
  61. As Good as it Sounds: Archaeology of Las Delicias, Managua, Nicaragua (2015)
  62. As the ancestors were laid to rest: preliminary results from the archaeobotanical analysis of burial soils from the Yukisma Site (CA-SCL-38) (2016)
  63. "…As the Waves Make Towards the Pebbled Shore": Site Formation Processes on Drowned Coastal Sites and Implications for Preservation, Discovery, and Interpretation (2019)
  64. The As(h)cendant: Cosmological Work of Material Traces of Burning in the American Southeast (2018)
  65. Asa T. Hill, the WPA, and the Fluorescence of Systematic Archaeology in Nebraska (2015)
  66. Ascendancy through Ancestry: Evidence of Late Classic Sociopolitical Change at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize (2017)
  67. Ash Deposition and Community Building in the Mississippian World: A Case Study from the Yazoo Basin (2018)
  68. Ash Matters: The Ritual Closing of Domestic Structures in the Mimbres Mogollon Region (2018)
  69. Ashes in Western US Rockshelters (2018)
  70. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust : the role of wood in ancient maya funerary sequences (2017)
  71. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust in Caddoan Mortuary Ritual (2018)
  72. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" –Natufian Cemeteries and Human Perceptions of Nature (2017)
  73. Ashes, Arrows, and Sorcerers (2018)
  74. Asiatic Echoes - The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing, 3rd edition 2021 (2021)
  75. Asking New Questions to Central Nicaraguan Pottery (2015)
  76. The ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiative: Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria and northern Iraq (2016)
  77. Aspectos bioarqueológicos de los grupos prehispánicos del semidesierto queretano durante el Epiclásico (2017)
  78. Aspectos constructivos del Grupo Cascabel (2021)
  79. Aspectos de aprovisionamiento y uso de la obsidiana en Chicoloapan Viejo, un asentamiento Epiclásico en la Cuenca de México (2021)
  80. Aspects of Carved Paddle Stamped Designs from the Middle Mississippi Period (2017)
  81. Aspects of ritual and domestic life in first farming village (PPNB period) : Contribution to Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley Syria) (2015)
  82. Aspects of Site Formation Processes at the Paleolithic site of La Ferrassie (Dordogne), France (2015)
  83. Assemblage formation and Paleolithic variability in the Middle Prut Valley region (Romania) (2015)
  84. Assemblage Perspectives on Salado Polychrome (2016)
  85. An Assemblage-Level Comparison of Silcrete Flake Attributes across Three Methods of Heat Treatment: Preliminary Results from Actualistic Experiments (2023)
  86. Assemblages and Power in the Casas Grandes Region. (2019)
  87. Assemblages of Stone Artifacts in the Region of Shuiyang River, South China: LCTs and Model 2 (2019)
  88. Assembling an Architecture of the Ayllu: Political Sequence, Historical Process, and Emergent Institutions at the Middle Horizon Site of Tecapa, Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2021)
  89. Assembling Bodies: Multimediality in Nahua Precious Costumery (2021)
  90. Assembling conceptual tools to examine the moral and political structures of the past (2017)
  91. Assembling Empire: Continuity and Change in the Long-Term Development of the Inca Empire (2018)
  92. Assembling Infrastructure, Detotalizing Communities: Provincial Infrastructure as Situated History and Landscape in British Columbia (2018)
  93. Assembling the Dead and the Living: Funerary Practices within Eastern Populations of the Southern Andes (Tucumán, Northwestern Argentina) (2023)
  94. Assembly sites: arenas of interplay between the elite and wider community in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (2017)
  95. Assessing 60 Years of North Carolina Dugout Canoe Research (2024)
  96. Assessing a Minimally Invasive Method for Ancient DNA Sampling of Paleolithic Bone and Antler Tools by Micro-CT Scan and Density Measurements (2023)
  97. Assessing Age Related Changes in the Strength of Relationship for Dental, Skeletal, and Chronological Age using Bivariate Correlations. (2017)
  98. Assessing Agricultural Intensification in Greater Chiriquí during the Aguas Buenas Period (2021)
  99. Assessing Agricultural Strategies in Prehistoric Korea through Climate and Landscape Models (2019)
  100. Assessing Ancient Vertical Integration: Copper Production in Early Bronze Age Southern Levant (2015)