Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 3,601-3,700 of 3,720)

  1. Contributions of Archaeological Research in Panama to the Early Human History of the American Tropics (2015)
  2. Early Holocene Foraging Strategies in the Eastern United States: A View from Koster (2015)
  3. From Frontier to Forefront: Microbotanical Evidence of Early Holocene Horticulture in the Middle Cauca Valley, Colombia (2015)
  4. Phytoliths and the Development of Agriculture (2015)
  5. Lessons from the Tello Obelisk- domestication and plant use at Chavin de Huantar, Peru (2015)
  6. "Human and Natural Processes Affecting Starch Grain Morphology in Archaeological Contexts". (2015)
  7. The trajectory of early rice intensification and cultural change in the Lower Yangtze Valley revealed by an ecological analysis of archaeological phytoliths. (2015)
  8. Clues to Cacao from the Ecuadorian Upper Amazon (2015)
  9. 3-D morphology of grass short cell phytoliths: Unlocking the evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems (2015)
  10. Contributions of Dolores Piperno to the history and folklore of coastal Ecuador (2015)
  11. Long-Distance Adoption of Exotic Cultigens in Northwest Peru: Problems and Processes (2015)
  12. The Nature and Status of Paleoethnobotany: Methods and Approaches for Understanding Site Formation Processes (2015)
  13. Molecular archaeobotany from its early foundations onward: New questions and perspectives for the genomic era (2015)
  14. The Nature and Status of Paleoethnobotany (2015)
  15. A multi-proxy approach to investigate human-plant interactions in Amazonia: A case study from the Llanos de Moxos (2015)
  16. Paleoethno...What? (2015)
  17. Some Comments on Present and Future Contributions of Paleoethnobotany in the Neotropics (2015)
  18. Current and future directions in archaeobotany (2015)
  19. Reconstructing Agricultural Decision Making from Paleoethnobotanical Remains (2015)
  20. Social Spaces between Diet and Foodways (2015)
  21. Evidence of Precolonial Cosmology from the Philippines (2015)
  22. Global Connections: Beads and the Interaction Network of the Ifugao, Cordillera, Philippines (2015)
  23. Early Maritime Involvement of Butuan with other Southeast Asian Polities and China (2015)
  24. Prehistoric Mobility and Population Movements in Palau: New Data from aDNA and Stable Isotope (Sr, Pb) Analysis (2015)
  25. Islamic Trade and Entrepots in the Second Millennium Philippines Archipelago (2015)
  26. Negotiating Power at the Spanish-Philippine Frontier: What Evidence of Indigenous Prestige Economies Reveals about Indigenous-Colonial Interaction (2015)
  27. Investigating Social Practices, Community and Interaction in the Philippine Islands during the Metal Age (2015)
  28. Rice Terraces as Defensive Structures: Landscape Modeling in Hapao, Ifugao (2015)
  29. In search of Southeast Asia’s trade network: Comparative ceramic analysis (2015)
  30. Infant Health and Burial Practices in Late Prehistoric and Contact Period Kiyyangan, Ifugao (2015)
  31. Ending the Antiquity Debates: The "Short History" Model of the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Philippines (2015)
  32. Masters of the Sea? Examining the Role of Southeast Asians in Fifteenth Century CE Southeast Asian Maritime Trade (2015)
  33. Early Spanish Colonialism in Manila: A Historical Archaeology Viewpoint (2015)
  34. A chronology of generations? A site-based study from the 6-5th Mill. settlement and cemetery of Alsónyék, South Western Hungary (2015)
  35. British Iron Age settlement chronologies: a view from Danebury hillfort (2015)
  36. Modelling the chronology of Neolithic ceramics in eastern France (2015)
  37. Early farmers’ house and household. Interpreting a Bayesian chronology for the Anatolian and Central European Neolithic (2015)
  38. Approaches for Producing Precise Archaeological Chronologies (2015)
  39. Of Braudel & Beams: How Tree-ring Dating Enables the Study of Transformative Social Changes in the Ancient Southwest U.S. (2015)
  40. A History of Convergences: Timescales, Temporalities, and Mississippian Beginnings (2015)
  41. Uniform Probability Density Analysis and Population History in the Tewa Basin, New Mexico (2015)
  42. The long and short of it: timescales for cultural change and transmission in the Vinca complex of SE Europe (2015)
  43. The effects of temporal coarse-graining on inferred networks of human movement (2015)
  44. Locating Events in Process: A Multiscalar Examination of Early Pottery in the Southeastern U.S. Using Bayesian Statistics (2015)
  45. Patch choice model predictions for jackrabbit processing at Antelope Cave, Arizona (2015)
  46. DNA Identification of Prehistoric Puebloan Quids (2015)
  47. Parasites in Antelope Cave (2015)
  48. The Setting: Location, Environment and Excavation History (2015)
  49. Quids with Wild Tobacco (Nicotiana) Flowering Stems Inside (2015)
  50. Dietary Reconstruction Based on Coprolites from Antelope Cave (2015)
  51. Antelope Cave and Far Western Anasazi Lifeways of the Virgin River Region (2015)
  52. Ritual and Divination in Ancient Maya Dice Games (2015)
  53. Acrobatic Games of Mesoamerica (2015)
  54. In the Fields of the Thunder Lord, Playing the Apalachee Ball Game: Archaeological and Ideological Evidence for Its Antiquity (2015)
  55. Mobility, Exchange, and the Fluency of Games: Promontory in a Broader Sociodemographic Setting (2015)
  56. "He must die unless the whole country shall play crosse:" the Role of Gaming in Great Lakes Indigenous Societies (2015)
  57. Ethnographer Stewart Culin and "Games of the North American Indians" (2015)
  58. It's Alive: Gambling, Animatism, and Divination Among the Aztecs (2015)
  59. Reinventing the Wheel Game: Intergroup Trade on the Plains/Plateau Frontier (2015)
  60. Influences of Gaming on Mi'kmaq Culture During the Late Woodland Period (2015)
  61. Rock and Roles: The Chunkey Experience in the Mississippian World (2015)
  62. Sport and Ritual as Social Bonding: The Communal Nature of Mesoamerican Ballgames (2015)
  63. The Biggest Losers: Gambling and Enslavement in Native North America (2015)
  64. Plant food consumption among modern foragers informs Paleolithic dietary ecology (2015)
  65. The Nutritional Context of the Pueblo III Depopulation of the Northern San Juan: Too much maize? (2015)
  66. Diet, Sex, and Fitness: The Nutritional Potential of the Fish Slough Cave Diet Revisited (2015)
  67. An extant example of warm-climate forager gastrophagy and its implications for extinct hominin diets. (2015)
  68. Shellfish and Nutrition in San Francisco Bay: Clues from Seasonality Studies (2015)
  69. PaleoNutrition, Coprolites, and Hemachromatisis: What is the Connection? (2015)
  70. Don’t Drink the Water: Differential Diagnosis of a Pathological Process Present at the Ray Site and Discussion of Environmental Context. (2015)
  71. The Birth of Economic Woman (2015)
  72. Can epigenetic mechanisms illuminate dietary ancestry in populations? (2015)
  73. Paleoethnobotany at LSP-1 Rockshelter, Lake County, OR: Assessing the dietary diversity of plant foods in Holocene diet (2015)
  74. The Nutritional Ecology of Human Obesity (2015)
  75. Analysis of food remains in human coprolites from Furna do Estrago prehistoric site, Pernambuco State, Brazil. (2015)
  76. Childhood Diet and Foraging in Prehistoric Central California (2015)
  77. The Nutritional Value of Pacific Herring: an Ancient Cultural Keystone Species on the Northwest Coast of North America (2015)
  78. Primitive Economic Man: R.I.P. (2015)
  79. Human Ecology and the Economy: Illogical Responses to Resource Risk in Southern Nevada (2015)
  80. James F. O’Connell and Great Basin Archaeology (2015)
  81. A View on Late Pleistocene Megafauna Extinction in Sahul: An Emu Hunt Revisited (2015)
  82. The Faces of Intensification: An Application of Selection Thinking (2015)
  83. OFT and EVO-DEVO: Antithetical or mutually beneficial? (2015)
  84. A Kangaroo Hunt (2015)
  85. Is Bigger Always Better? Body-Size, Prey Rank, and Hunting Technology (2015)
  86. Ethnoarchaeology: More than cautionary tales (2015)
  87. A cross-cultural analysis of the impact of diet breadth on subsistence toolkit richness and complexity (2015)
  88. Archaeological Shellfish Size and Later Human Evolution in Africa (2015)
  89. Overpaid, Over-Sexed and Over Here: O'Connell in Australia (2015)
  90. What if the restaurant isn’t at the end of the universe but in a much nicer place? (2015)
  91. Ethnoarchaeology plus a theory of behavior: Jim O’Connell’s Hadza work (2015)
  92. OFT, BSR, and JOC: James O’Connell’s Contributions to Understanding Broad Spectrum Economies Using Foraging Theory (2015)
  93. Integrating archaeological and genetic data (2015)
  94. Walls Speak: Architectural "Neighborhoods" in Late Intermediate Period Peru (2015)
  95. Neighborhood to National Network: Pyramid Settlements of Giza (2015)
  96. The Preclassic Maya Site of Noh K'uh: A Network of Communities (2015)
  97. Elements of Cahokian Neighborhoods (2015)
  98. Urban Planning, Neighborhoods, and the Organization of Residential Space at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Coastal Ancash, Peru (2015)
  99. Intermediate Scale Socio-Spatial Units, Collective Action, and the State in Cross-Cultural Perspective (2015)
  100. Creating a Community in Confinement: The Development of Neighborhoods in Amache, a WWII Japanese American Internment Camp (2015)