Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

Presenters can access and upload their presentations for FREE. If you would like to upload your presentation, please click here to find out more.

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 20,301-20,400 of 21,939)

  1. UAV-Based Mapping and Public Outreach at Blackwater Draw (2018)
  2. UAVs at Ruwayda, Qatar: photogrammetry and thermal imaging for feature detection and site recording (2015)
  3. UAVs for archaeology: the sky is the limit (2016)
  4. UAVs in Historic Archaeology: Case Studies from Virginia City and Aurora, Nevada (2016)
  5. UAVs, Photogrammetry, and Mortuary Landscapes: A Study of Napatan Cemeteries (2019)
  6. Uaxactun as the Preclassic Dominant of Central Peten (2018)
  7. Uci and Izamal: Influence and Interaction in the Northern Maya Lowlands (2018)
  8. Uintah Basin Basketmaker II Anthropomorphic Style: Antecedent and Ancestral to Classic Vernal Fremont Style Rock Art (2017)
  9. "Um Lugar dos Antigos:" A Tiered Approach to Community-Driven Survey in Cultural Palimpsests of the Brazilian Amazon. (2017)
  10. The Umayyad Grilles of Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi (2021)
  11. Un acercamiento al estudio de las pinturas rupestres en el Cerro Danush, Oaxaca. (2015)
  12. Un acercamiento al pensamiento simbólico de los Huastecos, siglos XV y XVI (2018)
  13. Un balance crítico del estudio del género en la arqueología peruana (2024)
  14. Un basurero prehispánico en el valle intermontano de Maltrata, Veracruz (2023)
  15. Un caso de estudio sostentable en Puerto Morelos: Recursos arqueológicos y naturales en tierras bajas mayas del norte La Riviera Maya (2019)
  16. Un centro secundario Olmeca: Estero Rabón (2019)
  17. Un complejo arqueológico en las márgenes del río Tehuantepec en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca: El caso de Ladchixila (2017)
  18. Un estudio sobre la iconografía de los huesos grabados de la Mixteca Baja (2015)
  19. Un fragmento de estela con la fecha de Bak’tun 7 en Chalchuapa, El Salvador (2021)
  20. ¿Un jorobado enano? Una pintura de bóveda en el sitio arqueológico de Sacnicté, Yucatán (2017)
  21. Un nuevo patrón arquitectónico de la cultura Paracas en la sierra sur del Perú (2015)
  22. Un taller de Spondylus dentro de un edificio ritual en Pachacamac, Costa Central del Perú (ca. 1470-1533 dC) (2024)
  23. Un-entangling Pulse Domestication in South Asia (2015)
  24. Una aproximación histórico-ecológica a los cambios en el paisaje del área costera de Sisal, Yucatán (1807-1990) (2021)
  25. Una experiencia personal en el descubrimiento de la arqueología: mi voz como ciudadano (2015)
  26. Una Frontera Permeable: Multiple Modes of Exchange in Prehispanic Tumbes, Peru (2024)
  27. Una iconografía estelar en figurillas y esculturas de las culturas del Clásico del Centro de Veracruz (2018)
  29. Una perspectiva sobre el empleo del barro cocido en el beneficio del cobre: Caso de Jicalán Viejo, Michoacán (2023)
  30. Una propuesta de estilo entorno a la pintura mural de Ixcaquixtla, Puebla. (2016)
  31. Una síntesis de la historia prehispánica de Michoacán (2018)
  32. Unbinding Diversity Measures in Archaeology using GIS (2019)
  33. Unbounding the Land: Reinterpreting Late Woodland Lenape Villages in the Upper Delaware Valley (2023)
  34. Uncertainty Specialists: A Diversity of Late Upper Paleolithic Adaptations in the Dinaric Alps (2024)
  35. Uncommon Engagement: Integrating Archaeology into High School Education (2016)
  36. Uncommon Scents: The Greco-Roman Fragrance Industry at Thmuis, Tell Timai, Egypt (2021)
  37. Uncovered Features: A Spatial Analysis of Late Woodland to Historic Activity Areas at the Topper Site (38AL23) (2016)
  38. Uncovering a Globalized Past with the Connections Project: Highlighting challenges associated with exploring long-distance interaction between the Southwest US and Mexico (2019)
  39. Uncovering Etzanoa: A Megasite on the Southern Plains (2018)
  40. Uncovering Nashville’s African-American Heritage: The Bass Street Community Archaeology Project (2023)
  41. Uncovering New Opportunities: Community Colleges and Archaeological Lab Experience (2015)
  42. Uncovering the Foundations (Literally) of Higher Education in Michigan: The Discovery of Michigan State University’s First Campus Observatory (2024)
  43. Uncovering the Local Economy: A Ceramic Analysis of Exotic and Local Amphorae at Salemi, Sicily (2016)
  44. Uncovering the Mystery of the Lamar-like Clay Objects (2018)
  45. Under Fire: An Experimental Examination of Heat on Lithic Microwear Evidence (2019)
  46. Under One Roof: The Physical and Digital Reorganization of the Historic St. Mary's City Archaeological Collections (2024)
  47. Under Pressure: Evidence of 'La Vida Cotidiana' in Cranial Shape Typology at Jarana, an Inca Site in Southern Perú (2019)
  48. Under the All-Seeing Eye: The Archaeology of Native Californian Resistance at Mission Santa Clara (2024)
  49. Under the Church Bell: Reducción and Control in Spanish Philippines (2018)
  50. Under the Cover of Night: The Liminal Landscape in Ancient Maya Thought (2016)
  51. Under the Hills: Archaeology of the Quetzaltenango Valley (2019)
  52. Under the Lens: A Preliminary Approach to De "Objectifying" Bone Implements (2024)
  53. Under the Scope: Nondestructive Methods of Analyzing Perishable Artifacts in Legacy Collections (2021)
  54. "Under the Volcano": Assemblages, Causality and Volcanic Matter at San Pedro Aguacatepeque, Guatemala. (2015)
  55. Under Threat of Erosion: Late Prehistoric to Historic Contact Houses near the Native Village of Shaktoolik, Alaska (2015)
  56. The Under-Represented Mullet in SW Florida’s Archaeological Assemblages (2019)
  57. The Underestimated Utilization of Aquatic Resources in Neolithic Northern China: Evidence from Stable Isotopes (2024)
  58. Undergraduate Reflections on Archaeological Ceramics through Experimental Archaeology (2024)
  59. An Underground Home for Earthly Beings. Reconstructing the Archaeological Context of a Lot of Mesoamerican Mosaic Encrusted Artifacts in the National Museum of the American Indian Collections (2018)
  60. Understanding an Alternative Pattern of Coalescence: A Study of Architecture and Organization at a Non-fortified, Pre-Inca Town in Highland Peru (2017)
  61. Understanding Ancestral Wichita and French Trade at the Deer Creek (34KA3) Site (2019)
  62. Understanding Ancient Maya Expedient Lithic Technology: Raw Material, Production, and Use (2024)
  63. Understanding Animal Use at the Wetland Maya Site of Chulub (2018)
  64. Understanding Animal-Human Interactions during the LIP in the Central Coast of Peru (2024)
  65. Understanding Archaeological Site Protection at the Local Level in Florida (2016)
  66. Understanding Archaeology in the Dunes: OSL Dating of the Tolleston Beach at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Its Implications for Interpreting the Archaeological Record (2019)
  67. Understanding Changes in Lagomorph Proportions within the Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster, Northeast Arizona (2018)
  68. Understanding Climatic Condition, Ecosystems, Subsistence Strategies and Human Adaptation thru Micro-Botanical Analysis in Late-Holocene, Northern Mesopotamia (2024)
  69. Understanding Dam Effects on Downstream Archaeological Resources: Lessons Learned from Three Decades of Research Downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona (2019)
  70. Understanding damage due to sea level rise in Orkney: the results of recent work (2016)
  71. Understanding Depositional Processes: A Contextual Analysis of Lagomorph Remains from Aztec and Salmon Ruins (2016)
  72. Understanding Diachronic Patterns of Feasting at the Late Classic Maya Polity of Lower Dover, Belize. (2023)
  73. Understanding Early Archaic Stone Tool Production Practices: A Pilot Study (2019)
  74. Understanding Early Societies and Investigating Early Interactions: Origin, Significance and Transmission of the Bronze Plaques from the Tianshan Beilu cemetery, Eastern Xinjiang (2019)
  75. Understanding Ecological and Social Diversity in the Virgin Branch Puebloan Region (2024)
  76. Understanding Environmental Thresholds through Geoarchaeology: Case Studies from the Maya Lowlands (2016)
  77. Understanding Exchange in Late Pre-Hispanic Central America. Current Thinking on Culture Areas and Ethnicity (2015)
  78. Understanding Food Production in Teotihuacan: New Approaches (2024)
  79. Understanding Formation Processes of Archaeological Sites in Eolian Settings in the Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  80. Understanding Gallina Pitstructures (2019)
  81. Understanding heterarchy: Landscape and community in the northern Calchaquí Valley, Argentina (2016)
  82. Understanding Infrastructural Power, Collective Action, and Urban Form: Situating Neighborhoods and Districts at Caracol, Belize (2018)
  83. Understanding Interactions Between Iron Age Polities in Cyprus through the Microscopic Lens (2017)
  84. Understanding Island Tongva Villages: Results From the Catalina Island Museum's Toyon Collection (2015)
  85. Understanding La Playa through 2,000 Years of Ceramic Production and Exchange (2024)
  86. Understanding Livestock in Political Economies in West Africa: Archaeological Insights Inspired by the Legacy of Richard Redding (2024)
  87. Understanding Manifestations of Public Ritual in Late Mississippian Pottery: A Comparison of Millstone Bluff and Dillow’s Ridge Ceramic Assemblages (2018)
  88. Understanding Maya Rituals of Power in the Candelaria Caves, Guatemala: A View from the Polychrome Ceramics of the Early Classic (2018)
  89. Understanding Multi-sited Woodland Communities of the American Southeast through Categorical Identities and Relational Connections (2021)
  90. Understanding Nasca ‘Trophy Head’ Individuals from the Site of Zorropata in Peru Using Isotopic and Biochemical Methods (2019)
  91. Understanding Oneota Stone Tool Functions: A Case Study of Precision and Accuracy in Use-Wear Analysis (2015)
  92. Understanding Past Human Securities, Sustainability, and Migration for a Climate-Changing World (2023)
  93. Understanding Patterns of Indigenous White-tailed Deer (*Odocoileus virginianus) Exploitation in the North Carolina Piedmont Using Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) Isotope Analysis (2021)
  94. Understanding Pleistocene and Early Holocene faunal exploitation at Barrow Island, North-west Australia (2017)
  95. Understanding Pottery Production at El Campanario (Huarmey-Peru) through Ceramic Paste Analysis and pXRF (2021)
  96. Understanding Prearchaic Mobility and Settlement Patterns: The Role of Theory, Models, and Ethnographic Analogies (2018)
  97. Understanding Quilcapampa (2019)
  98. Understanding Reindeer Riding in the Archaeological Record of Northeast Asia through Ethnoarchaeology (2024)
  99. Understanding Residential Space through Soil Chemistry in the Northern Maya Lowlands (2015)
  100. Understanding Resource Allocation and Dietary Stress through the Presence of Scurvy in Nonadults from Gać and Dzwonowo, Poland (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) (2024)