Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,201-1,300 of 3,720)

  1. Colour signature analysis: A new refitting method (2015)
  2. Mössbauer, XRD and XRF study of Roman amphorae and amphora kilns from the Roman provinces of Baetica and Lusitania andclays (2015)
  3. Unit-Stamped Red Jars in the Southern Lowlands: New Insights into Ceramic Production and Exchange (2015)
  4. Understanding the Health of the People of Pender Island (B.C.) Through Portable X-ray Fluorescence of Human Remains (2015)
  5. Digging into the Mesoamerican history in the Huastec region (2015)
  6. A Chronological and Functional Analysis of Pottery from the HO-Bar Site: A Mogollon Early Pithouse Period Site in West-Central New Mexico (2015)
  7. Tethered Nomadism, Logistical Mobility, or Sedentism: Wetland Resources and Territoriality among Oneota Populations at Lake Koshkonong, Southeastern Wisconsin (2015)
  8. Social interaction through structured use of space in the early Hawaiian Household (2015)
  9. Three-dimensional osteometry: A comparative study of 3D model generation techniques for cranial osteometry (2015)
  10. Creative Mitigation: Archaeological Site Monitoring on Military Lands in Central Alaska (2015)
  11. Predicting the Past: GIS Weighted Modeling on the Carrizo Plain National Monument (2015)
  12. In this Chapel of Ritual: The Life and Death of Temple XIX at Palenque, Chiapas. (2015)
  13. Bashing Bones – Experimental Archaeology and its Application to the Carter/Kerr-McGee Site (2015)
  14. La Florida/Namaan: a Classic Maya River Port (2015)
  15. Using spiked, fired clay samples for developing robust quantification algorithms for pXRF of pottery (2015)
  17. Patterns of Grapheme Innovation in the Classic Maya Script (2015)
  18. Colonization Models of Iceland: new Archaeological and Environmental Data (2015)
  19. Black Pitch, Carved Histories: Prehistoric wood sculpture from Trinidad’s Pitch Lake (2015)
  20. A Winter at Akulivik: Faunal Analysis of a Thulean House at the site of Kangiakallak-1 (Nunavik, Québec) (2015)
  21. Publishing masterclass (2015)
  22. The Faunal Assemblage from the Cañada Alamosa, New Mexico (2015)
  23. Developmental stress and disease susceptibility: the association between skeletal indicators of leprosy and other physiological stressors (2015)
  24. Archaeological and paleo-environmental investigations in the Aitape area of northern Papua New Guinea, 2014 (2015)
  25. Using X-radiography to Reveal an Ancient Zapotec Urn (2015)
  26. Assessing the Efficacy of Lesson Modules as a Public Education and Outreach Strategy for Archaeology (2015)
  27. What the Imagery Offers: Rock Art in the Study of Ancient Chacoan Culture (2015)
  28. Reinterpreting the rise of the state in Mesopotamia as a self-organizing process engendered by the interaction of interpersonal behavior and religious eschatology (2015)
  29. Cahokia’s Western Frontier: Consolidation and Collapse as viewed from the Big River Valley, Missouri (2015)
  30. Dating ancient field walls in karst landscapes using differential bedrock erosion. (2015)
  31. Chijipata Alta: Tracing A Genealogy of Potting Practice in the Lake Titicaca Basin (2015)
  32. Site Formation and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at a Terminal Archaic/Woodland Period Site in Central Nova Scotia, Canada. (2015)
  33. Late to Terminal Classic Period Obsidian Exchange and Regional Interaction in the Belize Valley (2015)
  34. Determining Construction Materials and Soil Formation Processes at a Burial Mound in Northwest Mexico Using Soil Micromorphology (2015)
  35. Talking Heads of a forgotten Civilization (2015)
  36. Archaeological Project Amacuzac, Morelos and Guerrero Mexico. (2015)
  37. The Structure A-15 Maneuver: A Novel Application of Structure from Motion Mapping at Chan Chich, Belize (2015)
  38. Shared Practices and Identities in the Northern Settlement of Actuncan, Belize (2015)
  39. Documentation of Missouri White-tailed Deer Chronoclines: Implications for Archaeology, Paleoecology, and Conservation Biology (2015)
  40. Artifact Distribution Patterns Among Aztec Period Households in the Coatlan del Rio Valley, Morelos, Mexico (2015)
  41. Neolithic voyages to Cyprus: Wind patterns, routes and mechanisms (2015)
  42. Possible Images of Theobroma cacao in the Prehispanic American Southwest (2015)
  43. Towards a Socio-Ecological Understanding of Agrarian-Based, Low-Density Urbanism in Early Tropical State Formations (2015)
  44. Work and Models of Efficiency in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Sugar Factories: A Caribbean Case Study. (2015)
  45. Good Things Come in Small Packages: Acheulian Small Tool Assemblages from the Shishan Marsh site (Jordan). (2015)
  46. Color Symbolism of U.S. Southwest Jewelry (2015)
  47. What Goes Up Must Come Down: The Contribution of Upland Archaeology in Connecticut's Trap-Rock Ridges to Late Archaic Cultural Prehistory (2015)
  48. Communities of Archaeological Inquiry: Documenting a German Neolithic Landscape in Cooperation with Avocational Archaeologists (2015)
  49. New Methods for Rock Art Recording at Petrified Forest National Park (2015)
  50. Testing the Utility of Rib Histology Methods in Age Estimation in Fragmentary Remains from Maya Rockshelter Burials (2015)
  51. The diet and subsistence system of Yuan-Shan People in Taiwan (2015)
  52. Testing the Association of Chipped Stone Crescents with Wetlands and Paleo-Shorelines of Western North America: A GIS-based Spatial Analysis (2015)
  53. From Rags to Riches: The Class, Status, and Power of Clothing Among Ancient Maya Women (2015)
  54. Ceramic Distribution, Migration, and Social Interaction at Mine Wash, a Late Prehistoric (1300-200 BP) Seasonal Habitation Site in San Diego County, California (2015)
  55. Zelia Nuttall and The Vexed Question: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (2015)
  56. Rainfall and conflict among the Lowland Classic Maya (2015)
  57. The 2014 Excavations at the Early Horizon Period Ceremonial Complex of Cosma, Ancash, Peru (2015)
  58. Interactions during the Iron Agein the Lower Khabur Basin of northeastern Syria: Insights from ceramic petrography (2015)
  59. Goods that moved between the forest and the highland Andes in the Inca state.The eastern valleys of north Argentina (2015)
  60. Investigating Prehistoric Obsidian Source Utilization in Birch Creek Valley, Eastern Idaho (2015)
  61. Quaternary Chronostratigraphy and Archaeology of Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, USA (2015)
  62. Modeling the Potential Effects of Cooking on Neanderthal Hunting Efficiency (2015)
  63. Cultural survivals and social memories. (2015)
  64. Neglect of Significant World Heritage - Villa D'Elbeuf Portici Italy (2015)
  65. Temple, Tavern, and Table: Zooarchaeology at the Area Sacra di Sant'Omobono from the 7th century BCE to the 13th century CE (2015)
  66. Not All Archaeology for the Public is Public Archaeology (2015)
  67. Geology, Historical Contingency, and Ecological Inheritance in California's Southern Sierra Nevada (2015)
  68. The caribou didn't come back: Modelling human migration variations through local ecological changes (2015)
  69. Zoning Regulations and Comprehensive Plans: Bringing Historic Preservaion Home (2015)
  70. Interpreting the Fifty-Year Rule: How A Simple Phrase Leads to a Complex Problem (2015)
  71. Exchange and Interaction in the Caribbean: The View from Two Collections of the Smithsonian (2015)
  72. Elemental and Isotopic Variability in Mogollon-Datil Province Archaeological Obsidian, Western New Mexico (2015)
  73. The Inglewood Mammoth (Maryland) and Others Like It (2015)
  74. Entangled Pasts and Futures: Historical Archaeologies in and of the Indian Ocean (2015)
  75. Alero las Quemas, a key site for the study of human occupations of Andean forest in Patagonia (Aisén, Chile). (2015)
  76. The Southern Hummingbird, Give Me Five (2015)
  77. The Study of an Inca Huaca in a Modern Context (2015)
  78. Geometric morphometric assessment of cranial shape change in trigonocephaly (2015)
  79. Archaeological Survey through the use of Remote Sensing (LiDAR, Photogrammetry and Satelital Imagery) and GIS (2015)
  80. Dating the Early Stone Age site of Isimila, Tanzania. (2015)
  81. Good Fare and Tribal Affairs: The George and Saleechie Colbert Site (2015)
  82. Agriculture and Inter-village Space in the Ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) World (2015)
  83. An Attribute Approach to Differentiating Artifacts from Geofacts (2015)
  84. Sacred Artifact or Personal Totem: Results of an Analysis of a Carved Animal Sacrum Discovered Off the Oregon Coast (2015)
  85. Application of end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) of grain-size distributions to characterize site formation processes of Rimrock Draw Rockshelter (35HA3855), Harney Basin, Eastern Oregon (2015)
  86. Direct evidence of milk consumption from ancient human dental calculus (2015)
  87. Salt Production and Economic Specialization at Drake’s Salt Works (2015)
  88. Alone in the Deep Blue Sea: A comparison of Indonesian Colonial Period nutmeg plantations and New World plantations (2015)
  89. Sight Communities in the American Southwest (2015)
  90. Kneeling difficulty and osteoarthritis: what data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative can tell us about prehistoric Californians (2015)
  91. The History of Tefinagh Inscription (2015)
  92. Addressing Anthropogenic Safety Concerns in the Archeological Workplace: A Case Study (2015)
  93. Neanderthals on Naxos? New work at the early prehistoric chert source of Stélida (2015)
  94. The Rights of Construction Design for Ancient Architecture Wah-ho-ga Village Traditional Ceremonial Structure of the Seven Affiliated Tribes of Yosemite (2015)
  95. Cave Vodou in Haiti: An Ethnoarchaeological approach. (2015)
  96. ADS 3D Viewer: an example of open 3D real-time visualization system in archaeology (2015)
  97. Opening the Black Box: Enabling Transparency in Scientific Computation (2015)
  98. Tools for Transparency and Replicability of Simulation in Archaeology (2015)
  99. Encouraging Open Methods via Data Repositories (2015)
  100. Compendia and Collaboration: A Case Study from Hawai`i (2015)