Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) - Cultural Resource Report
Part of: Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) Cultural Resource Archive - Documents, Images, and other Data
This is a collection of reports, generated by, or in support of, the Vandenberg Space Force Base (formerly Vandenberg Air Force Base) Cultural Resource Program.
Site Name Keywords
CA-SBA-503 •
CA-SBA-209 •
CA-SBA-550 •
CA-SBA-609 •
CA-SBA-210 •
CA-SBA-612 •
CA-SBA-655 •
CA-SBA-793 •
Swordfish Cave •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Artifact Scatter •
Midden •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Rock Art •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Governmental Structure •
Other Keywords
Shovel Test Pits •
Prehistory •
Archaeological Survey •
Significance / Management •
shovel test pits (STPs) •
Flakes •
Archeological Survey •
Field Reconnaisance--Sampling •
Section 106 •
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Culture Keywords
Chumash •
Historic •
Archaic •
Purisimeno Chumash •
Indigenous •
Late Archaic •
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians •
Middle Archaic •
Historic Native American •
U.S. Army
Investigation Types
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Historic Background Research •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Systematic Survey •
Heritage Management •
Consultation •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Architectural Survey
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Shell •
Fauna •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone •
Glass •
Metal •
Building Materials •
Ceramic •
Monterey Chert
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Late Period •
Middle Period •
Historic Period •
Early Period •
Protohistoric Period •
Archaic •
Middle–Late Transitional Period •
Middle Horizon
Geographic Keywords
California (State / Territory) •
Santa Barbara (County) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California •
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base •
Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) •
California •
USA (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 289)
- Documents (289)
VAFB-1999-22: Results of Radiocarbon Dating for Three Shell Samples Collected on Vandenberg Air Force Base (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a letter report presenting the radiocarbon dating results for three shell samples which were received on November 21 (740-70a-3, 740-72b-3 and 740-97a-1). Two samples were analyzed using AMS while the other was analyzed radiometrically. The method for each analysis is denoted on the report sheet. An invoice is enclosed within the letter. The letter is included in VAFB-2000-02 as Appendix A.
VAFB-2000-02: National Register of Historic Places Eligibility and Effects Determination for CA-SBA-740, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2000)
This document is a report that presents the National Register of Historic Places evaluation and effects determination for a project involving archaeological site CA-SBA-740 on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County, California. This study was performed in support of the installation of a retaining wall along Point Sal Road. Altogether, 15 shovel test pits, 1 column sample, and 4 test excavations units were used to gather data for site evaluation, resulting in a total excavated volume...
VAFB-2000-03: Eligibility Testing at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 for El Nino Related Road Repairs, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2000)
This document is a report detailing archaeological investigations at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 that were prompted by proposed repairs to a road that cuts through these sites. The intent of this study is to define site boundaries, evaluate significance, and assess potential effects from the road repairs. Testing at CA-SBA-935 included 197 shovel test pits and 14 test excavation units, as well as 9 surface-collected artifacts. Four spatially distinct artifact concentrations were identified....
VAFB-2000-04: Archaeological Survey of the Azalea and Halloween Wildfire Areas on North Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report detailing an archaeological investigation completed on Vandenberg Space Force Base following two wildfires (Azalea and Halloween wildfires). This effort included a records and literature search at the base and at the Central Coast Information Center of the California Historical Resource Information System at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB); a pedestrian survey of the burned areas; documentation of all previously unknown sites; inspection of previously...
VAFB-2000-05: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2000: Sensitive and Threatened (2000)
This report documents the condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources examined during the third quarter of FY2000. Chapter 1 of this report lists the sites examined and briefly describes methods specific to the inspection of sensitive and threatened sites. The condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources is summarized in Chapter 2. Recommendations for the inspected sites are included in Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 summarizes the results. Chapter 5 is a list of references...
VAFB-2000-06: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2000: Zone 3 (2000)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological site condition assessments in Zone 3 on Vandenberg Air Force Base during Fiscal Year 2000. Chapter 1 describes the zone and lists the sites that were examined. Methods used during field work are briefly described in Chapter 2. Results of condition assessments are reported in Chapter 3, and detailed management recommendations are included in Chapter 4. Conditions and management recommendations for all examined resources are...
VAFB-2000-07: Archaeological Investigations for the North Vandenberg, Lions Head, and CITS Fiber-Optic Cable Systems, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report that presents the results of an archaeological investigation for the North Vandenberg, Lions Head, and CITS Fiber-Optic Cable Systems Project on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Limited testing at 12 archaeological sites within the project area found no intact cultural deposits, although artifacts were found at 6 of the sites in disturbed contexts. More extensive testing was carried out at CA-SBA-3036 to evaluate the site for the National Register of Historic...
VAFB-2000-08: The Pu'ukaPele Rock Wall Complex, Supplemental Archaeological Inventory Survey, USAF Molokai Receiver Station, Island of Moloka'i, Maui County, Hawai'i (TMK: 5-2-06:63, 69) (2000)
This document is a report that describes an archaeological investigation of a rock feature at the Molokai Receiver Station in Moloka'i, Hawai'i. The report describes the inventory survey results, assesses the significance of the findings, and makes recommendations for the treatment of the newly identified historic property.
VAFB-2000-09: Archaeological Excavation and Stabilization at Swordfish Cave (CA-SBA-503), Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report that describes excavation and stabilization efforts at Swordfish Cave (CA-SBA-503), a rock art site on Vandenberg Space Force Base. Chapter 1 is an introduction that summaries previous work at the site and outlines the scope of work. Chapter 2 provides a context for site interpretations by summarizing the area's natural and cultural setting. The research design prepared and approved prior to field work is included in Chapter 3. Methods used for both the archaeological...
VAFB-2000-10: Compilation of a Database for Isolated Artifacts on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report that includes an inventory of isolated artifacts on Vandenberg Air Force Base and an associated database incorporated into GIS. This list and database serve as a comprehensive review of all sources of isolate data at the 30th Civil Engineering Squadron, Environmental Flight Cultural Resources Section (30 CES/CEVPC), including the existing GIS, multiple sets of site location base maps, existing isolate records and cultural resource field forms, cultural resource reports,...
VAFB-2000-11: Stabilization of Four Archaeological Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report that describes stabilization measures implemented at four sites on Vandenberg Space Force Base. Chapter 1 summarizes the scope of work. Stabilization methods common to all sites are described in Chapter 2; site-specific stabilization measures are documented in Chapter 3. The stabilization effort is summarized and assessed in Chapter 4. Updated site records are included in Appendix A (CA-SBA-908), Appendix B (CA-SBA-1040), Appendix C (CA-SBA-1135), and Appendix D...
VAFB-2000-12: Collection and Management of Radiocarbon Data During Fiscal Year 2000, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This document is a report that describes the procedures and results of compiling a collection of radiocarbon data from archaeological sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base. Chapter 1 introduces the project and Chapter 2 describes procedures used to collect additional radiocarbon data. Results of the radiocarbon analysis are presented in Chapter 3 and the radiocarbon database itself is summarized in Chapter 4. A printout of the comprehensive radiocarbon database is attached as Appendix A;...
VAFB-2000-13: Final Limited Archaeological Testing for New Maintenance Facility Construction at Marshallia Ranch Golf Course, VAFB, SB Co., CA. (2000)
This document is a report that describes limited archaeological testing at the Marshallia Ranch Golf Course for the development of a new maintenance facility. A total of 20 shovel test pits were excavated and a small quantity of lithic debitage and historic artifacts were found in disturbed soils. No further archaeological studies were recommended for the project due to a lack of integrity.
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Roscoe Loetzerich
This document is a Section 110 report that is characterized as a historic sites management notebook and is the result of a historic resources inventory and evaluation carried out on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) between 1998 and 2000. Standing buildings and structures were the focus of the project. High-priority sites such as the Marshallia Ranch, Sudden Ranch, and Coast Guard Lifeboat Rescue Station received thorough recordation. This included site mapping, photography, pedestrian survey,...
VAFB-2000-16: Preliminary Draft Archaeological Survey of San Antonio Creek Cutbanks, VAFB, SB Co., CA. (2000)
This document is a report that describes cultural resource investigations for the El Rancho Road Bridge Project. A total of 19 cultural resources were identified in the project area. Survey was completed at cut-banks along San Antonio Creek in the vicinity of the proposed bridge. One new site, CA-SBA-3511, was identified during the survey.
VAFB-2000-17: Final Cultural Resource Studies in Support of the El Rancho Road Bridge Project, Including an Archaeological Survey of the San Antonio Creek Cutbanks Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2000)
This report documents results of cultural resources investigations completed as part of the project's environmental studies. Specifically, the results of a records search at the Central Coastal Information Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara and at the 30th Civil Engineer Environmental Management Office are reported. In addition, the results of an archaeological survey of erosional cutbanks along San Antonio Creek are described.
VAFB-2000-19: Survey and Testing of Proposed Bore Site Location, Vandenberg Air Force Base, South of San Antonio Creek (2000)
This brief letter report details the results of a cultural resource inspection performed on 31 July 2000 for a proposed bore site and access within the Union Pacific railroad right of way.
VAFB-2001-02: Archaeological Testing in Firebreaks and Access Roads on Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2001)
This document is a Section 110 report supporting the development of a Fire Compartmentalization Plan to guide fire protection and suppression activities relative to cultural resources in conjunction with the Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP), Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The base maintains a comprehensive system of firebreaks and access roads, and a number of known archaeological sites are intersected by elements of that system. Many of these firebreaks and access...
VAFB-2002-05: Inventory and Assessment of Historic Properties for the Providence Landing Project Drainage Route Alternatives A - F, at the Antennae Farm, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, CA (2002)
This document addresses the potential for effects to occur to significant historic properties as a result of a proposal to channel storm water from the Providence Landing Project onto and across the Antennae Farm on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, CA.
VAFB-2002-07: Final Report: Presence / Absence Testing and Boundary Delineation at Site CA-SBA-707 (2002)
This document presents the results of absence/presence testing at CA-SBA-707 for the Level 3 fiber-optic project.
VAFB-2002-08: Collection and Management of Radiocarbon Data during Fiscal Year 2002 Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2002)
This report documents collection and management of the radiocarbon database during FY 2002. Archaeological reports filed with 30 CES/CEVPC since FY 2000 were examined and radiocarbon data contained in those reports were added to the existing database. In addition, staff at 30 CES/CEVPC were consulted regarding selection of additional radiocarbon samples for processing, analysis, and inclusion in the database. As a consequence, 43 samples were selected from the existing CA-SBA-1010 collection to...
VAFB-2002-11: Vandenberg Air Force Base Rock Art Sites Assessment and Management Recommendations (2002)
This document is a report documenting field investigations of the eight identified rock art sites on the base, including condition assessment and management recommendations for each site, developed in partnership with the Santa Ynez Chumash Tribal Elders Council. The report also contains recommendations for the identification and protection of rock art sites, base-wide.
VAFB-2002-20:Emergency Archaeological Testing for Utility Pole Replacement Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2002)
This document is a report that documents the excavation of two test units at archaeological sites CA-SBA-1013 and CA-SBA-3615 on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). During September 2000, approximately 9,000 acres on VAFB were burned in the Harris Wildfire. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) utility poles damaged during the fire had to be replaced in order to provide the U.S. Air Force with continued support. Background research and an archaeological survey of the transmission line...
VAFB-2003-17: Cultural Resources Condition on Vandenberg Air Force base Fiscal Year 2003: Sensitive and Threatened Sites with Cultural Resource Condition Reports (2003)
During fiscal year 1996 (FY96), the 30th Civil Engineering Squadron, Environmental Management Flight (30 CES/CEV) on Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) established a program to periodically examine the condition of known cultural resources under its jurisdiction. The base was divided into 10 zones of approximately equal size (Figure 1-1 ), with the intent of inspecting all cultural resources in each zone on an annual, rotating basis over the course of 5 years. In addition, 25 sites were identified...
VAFB-2005-02: Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Missile Transport Bridge on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County, CA (2005)
This report documents archaeological studies at CA-SBA-1036, -1037, -1172/704, 1565, and -2448. All five sites are located along El Rancho Road as it crosses San Antonio Creek on Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). El Rancho Road is a crucial primary transportation route on North Vandenberg AFB, providing necessary redundant access for mission-related activities. However, sedimentation has raised the level of the San Antonio Creek streambed and severely reduced the flood...
VAFB-2005-04: Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Military Family Housing Expansion Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA (2005)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaoelogical investigations for the Military Family Housing Expansion Project. The study included (1) survey, (2) absence/ presence testing, and (3) National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility testing. The three phases of investigation were designed to identify archaeological resources in the vicinity, determine the extent of identified archaeological resources, and evaluate selected resources for significance according to...
VAFB-2005-11: Archaeological and Native American Monitoring for the MCI Microcable Installation Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2005)
This report presents the results of archaeological monitoring conducted by Garcia and Associates (GANDA) along the entire length of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) passing through Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), a distance of approximately 30 miles. Between April 27 and June 30 2004, GANDA monitored ground disturbances associated with the installation of MCI's microduct and microcable. The project purpose was to replace the obsolete fiber optic cable with a microduct and cable. It was...
VAFB-2005-13: Archaeological Investigations Supporting Consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer for the Heritage Launch Program Demolition on Vandenberg AFB (2005)
This document is report that presents the results of Section 106 and 110 investigations for the Heritage Launch Program Demolition project on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The purpose of investigations varied by location, including (1) absence/presence testing at three different isolated artifacts recorded near Building 946; (2) assessing potential adverse effects at archaeological site CA-SBA-1891 near the Santa Ynez Water Treatment Plant; (3) assessing potential adverse effects at...
VAFB-2005-14: Historic Landscape Inventory and Evaluation, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2005)
This document is a report that presents the results of a cultural landscape survey and evaluation of Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
VAFB-2005-22: Cultural Resources Site Condition Assessment Database Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2005)
This document is a report that includes a brief letter and a print out of the archaeological site condition assessment database as it appeared in 2005.
VAFB-2005-24: Cultural Resources Report for the Combat Information Transport System, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2005)
This document is a Section 106 inventory report for the Combat Information Transport Systems (CITS) Project. All archaeological resources were avoided.
VAFB-2006-04: Report of Curation of Artifacts Stored at Vandenberg Air Force Base (2006)
This report documents the curation of artifacts that had previously been stored at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB). Over the years, the 30 CES/CEVNC has temporarily stored miscellaneous artifacts that were collected on the Base. Most of these artifacts were objects such as projectile points collected from the surface by Base personnel (primarily 30 CES/CEVNC staff) out of concern that they would have been illegally collected. However, Vandenberg AFB lacks an appropriate curation facility....
VAFB-2006-08: Archaeological Survey of the Coastline and Lower Drainages, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2006)
This document is a report for Vandenberg Air Force Base pertaining to a Section 110 inventory specifically focused on sea cliff and erosional cut banks that were not the focus of the base-wide survey completed in the 1990s. It was a required deliverable that documents Æ’s archaeological survey of the coastline and waterways as specified in the scope of work. Following the introduction, Chapter 2 synthesizes the natural and cultural setting of Vandenberg AFB. Chapter 3 discusses survey methods,...
VAFB-2008-01: Archaeological Investigations for the Missile Defense Agency Ground-Based Midcourse Defense Diverse Communication Fiber-Optic Installation on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2008)
The Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) proposes to install new fiber-optic connector lines on north Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) to tie in existing segments of the base communications system, an undertaking referred to as the MDNGMD Diverse Communication Project. The communication lines are to be installed at six locations with a total distance of approximately 30,000 linear feet. All six lines are on the Casmalia, CA 7.5' USGS quadrangle. The archaeological...
VAFB-2008-05: Archaeological Investigations for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense Diverse Communications Fiber-Optic Installation on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2008)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological investigations for the Missile Defense Agency’s installation of communication line segments on north Vandenberg Air Force Base. The segments are at six widely scattered locations and have a total distance of about 30,000 linear feet. Eight archaeological or historical sites (CA-SBA-592, -733, -1926, -2696, -2887, -3040, -3288H, and -3527H) are within 30 meters of the proposed lines. All of the project locations were examined...
VAFB-2008-11: Report of Pre-Repatriation Inventory of Human Remains and Associated Materials from VAFB Sites Curated at the UC Santa Barbara Repository Ossuary (2008)
This document is a report on the Pre-Repatriation Inventory of Human Remains and Associated Materials from Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Sites, currently curated at the UC Santa Barbara Ossuary. The purpose of this project is to document the collections from VAFB archaeological sites that include human remains, and repatriate them to Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (SYBCI). As part of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, in 1995, the Repository completed an inventory...
VAFB-2009-02: Vandenberg Air Force Base Rock Art Monitoring and Maintenance Reports, June 2008 - June 2009 (2009)
This document is a report that presents the findings, actions, and recommendations developed in a year of monitoring and maintenance at 14 sensitive rock art sites at Vandenberg Air Force Base, from June 16, 2008 to June 2009. The report continues the rock art monitoring program established in 1997. The report details the ongoing assessment of the rock art condition at each archaeological site and makes recommendations for preserving the sites where appropriate. This program is instrumental in...
VAFB-2009-14: Macrobotanical Analysis of Soil Samples from CA-SBA-658, Santa Barbara County, California (2009)
This document is a report of the results of a Macro botanical Analysis of Soil Samples from CA-SBA-658. This analysis suggests that the inhabitants of site CA-SBA-658 collected plants from Honda Creek, nearby grasslands, and scrub/chaparral to obtain food and firewood. Some of the recovered taxa were also used for medicinal and utilitarian purposes. Extremely poor preservation conditions at both sites have greatly hampered our understanding of how their inhabitants interacted with the plant...
VAFB-2010-02: Collection and Management of Radiocarbon Data: Fiscal Years 2003-2009, Including Excavations at CA-SBA-612, -760/761/1748, -2322, -2919, -3328, and -3949 (2010)
This document is an Archaeolgical Evaluation Report on the results of analyses on the samples taken from six different sites within Vandenberg Air Force Base boundaries. In Fiscal Year 2000 Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) began a program to periodically collect and manage radiocarbon data. In 2003, as part of that program the 30th Civil Engineer Squadron, Cultural Resources Section (30 CES/CEVPC; now 30 CES/CEANC) requested collection of radiocarbon data by excavating a small number of test...
VAFB-2010-06: Rock Art Monitoring and Maintenance Reports Oct 2009 - July 2010 (2009)
This document is a Rock Art Monitoring Report for the 14 rock art sites that exist with Vandenberg Air Force Base boundaries. The purpose of Rock Art Monitoring is to 1) ensure Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) Compliance, 2) preserve and protect the unique cultural resources, and 3) monitor any threats to the rock art sites and recommend maintenance responses. The assessment report presents the findings, actions, and recommendations developed through scheduled monitoring and...
VAFB-2010-07: Condition Assessment of Port Petrol Historic Site (CA-SBA-3288/H), Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, CEV Project No. XUMUOS570008 (2010)
Port Petrol is a former historic marine oil transport terminal, designated archaeological site CA-SBA-3288/H, on North Vandenberg Air Force Base (Vandenberg AFB), approximately three miles south of Point Sal, in northern Santa Barbara County. The scope of work was to perform archival research; complete a field survey; assess the current site boundaries as mapped; and evaluate the significance of the Port Petrol Marine Terminal and related features. Other tasks included an update of the...
VAFB-2011-05: Rock Art ARPA Compliance 2011 (2011)
This document is the 2011 Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1970 Rock Art Compliance Report. The goals of this project specifically include monitoring of three well-known and regularly visited rock art sites: Honda Ridge (CA-SBA-550), Window Cave (CA-SBA-655) and Swordfish Cave (CA-SBA-503). There are a total of 14 rock art sites that are monitored within Vandenberg Air Force Base boundaries. This report is one component of a continuing effort by the United States Air Force to protect...
VAFB-2011-10: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Adverse Effects: K1, K4, K6, K7, and K8 Feeder Line Replacement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2011)
This document is a Section 106 report on the Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Adverse Effects for the K1, K4, K6, K7, and K8 Feeder Line Replacement Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), Santa Barbara County, California. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) was defined and delineated by VAFB archaeologists. An Area of Direct Impact (ADI) was developed to include those areas that would sustain ground disturbance during demolition and construction. The APE contained 17...
VAFB-2012-09: Historic Properties Identification And Assessment of Adverse Effects Demolition of Four ICBM Launch Facilities In Support of New START (2012)
This document is the Historic Properties Identification and Assessment of Adverse Effects at the Demolition of four Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launch Facilities (LF) in Support of New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). The Area of Potential Effect was delineated to encompass all foreseeable project-related, ground-disturbing activities. Four underground missile silos at Vandenberg Air Force Base, no longer needed for ICBM test launches, will be rendered inoperable by...
VAFB-2012-21: Section 106 Consultation Package for the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians, Demolition of Four ICBM Launch Facilities in Support of New START, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2012)
This document is the Section 106 consultation package prepared for the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for the New START Treaty. It contains the same information as the Historic Property Inventory Report.
VAFB-2013-02: Condition Assessment of Sensitive and Threatened Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2013 (2013)
This document is a report that assesses the condition of sensitive and threatened sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Fiscal Year 2013.
VAFB-2013-15: Vandenberg Air Force Base Rock Art ARPA Compliance 2013 (2013)
This document is a report of the 2013 Vandenberg Air Force Base Compliance with the Archaeological Resources Protection Ace of 1970. The aim of this project was to make scheduled visits to each site, assess the nature, size, and rate of any impacts observed, and to implement site-specific management measures deriving from prior year recommendations as described within the statement of work. No serious impacts to the rock art were noted during the period of this project, with the exception of an...
VAFB-2013-17: Supplemental National Register of Historic Places Evaluation Report for Union Pacific Railroad, Santa Barbara Subdivision, Milepost 291.33, Narlon Bridge Replacement Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2013)
This document is the Supplemental National Register of Historic Places Evaluation Report for Union Pacific Railroad, Santa Barbara Subdivision, Milepost 291.33, Narlon Bridge Replacement Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. This project proposed replacing the existing Narlon Bridge, built in 1896, and its adjacent access bring. Consultation between VAFB, the SHPO, and the ACHP led to a revision of the APE to include privately-owned UPRR land. This revision incorporated three...
VAFB-2013-21: Section 106 Consultation Package For The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Temporary Construction Easement Grant For The Union Pacific Railroad’s Narlon Bridge Replacement Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2013)
This document is the Section 106 consultation package submitted by Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians for the Union Pacific Narlon Bridge Replacement Project. VAFB applied the criteria of adverse effect and determined granting a temporary construction easement to the UPRR to support their replacement of the Narlon Bridge would not alter, directly or indirectly, any of the characteristics of the historic properties within the APE that qualify those...
VAFB-2014-06: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Adverse Effects N5, N9, N10 Feeder Lines Replacement Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2014)
This document is a Section 106 archaeological inventory and effects testing report in support of the N5, N9, N10 Feeder Lines Replacement Project. The purpose of this report is to 1) delineate the project the area of direct impact (ADI) and area of potential effect (APE), 2) identifies the historic properties that may be impacted by the project including CA-SBA-662, -663, -1679, -1148h, -2032, 3) provides details about each of the resources, and 4) discusses the results of the effects testing...
VAFB-2014-07: Identification of Historic Properties East Housing Area Solar Energy Project (2014)
This document is a Section 106 report on the Identification of Historic Properties for the East Housing Area Solar Energy Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), Santa Barbara County, California. VAFB personnel determined that 1) there are no historic properties directing with the Area of Direct Impact (ADI), and 2) there are two resources close enough to the ADI to warrant inclusion in the Area of Potential Effect (APE). The two sites were identified as CA-SBA-3270 and CA-SBA-3487. The...
VAFB-2015-01: Assessment of Archaeological Site Conditions on Vandenberg AFB, Fiscal Year 2015, Zones 4 and 5 (2016)
This document is a report documenting the FY15 site condition assessments in Zones 4 and 5, using the previous systems setup by Applied EarthWorks, Inc. The condition assessments effort was split between CH2M HILL (CH2M) and Albion Environmental, Inc. (Albion) in the interest of completing work within the period of performance. Sites in Zones 4 were assessed by CH2M and sites in Zone 5 were assessed by Albion. This report documents the results from the condition assessments and provides a...
VAFB-2015-11: Archaeological Survey Report and Avoidance Plan for Snowy Plover Habitat Restoration Project Phase II, Purisima Point and Minuteman Beach, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California XUMUOS069714 (2015)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological field survey to define the extent of archaeological sites (and the extent of artifact concentrations within larger sites) within the habitat restoration areas that are part of the Snowy Plover Habitat Restoration Phase II undertaking at Vandenberg AFB. Vandenberg AFB cultural and natural resources personnel delineated the Area of Potential Effects (APE). As part of compliance with Section 106, the study included pedestrian...
VAFB-2016-09: Condition Assessment of Sensitive and Threatened Archaeological Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2015 (2016)
This document is a report documenting the condition assessments of sensitive and threatened sites on Vandenberg AFB using the new approach. FY15 is the seventh evaluation of sensitive and threatened sites using the approach developed in 2009 (Lebow and Mirrow 2009a; Lebow and Mirrow 2009b). In addition to this report, a site condition geodatabase and digital photographs were submitted to 30 CES/CEANC.
VAFB-2016-10: Vandenberg Air Force Base Fiscal Year 2015-16 Vandenberg Rock Art Monitoring (2016)
This document is a report on the monitoring of rock art sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) during the fiscal year of 2015-2016. This report is abridged notes to what could be a detailed instruction to manage the rock art on VAFB. Continued annual monitoring and site maintenance using similar methods developed by 30th Space Wing CES (Cultural Resources) will help in preserving the rock art of the prehistoric Chumash culture on VAFB.
VAFB-2017-02: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Effects, Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Outdoor Recreation Cabins Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Outdoor Recreation Cabins project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...
VAFB-2017-03: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Adverse Effects: In Support of Infrastructure Improvements at the Vandenberg Tracking Station, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a Section 106 report. The 30th Space Wing of the United States Air Force, Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), proposes a series of infrastructure improvements at the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS) in the North Base area of VAFB in Santa Barbara County, California (Figure 1, Figure 2). Four different tasks are proposed as part of the VTS Infrastructure Improvements Project (hereafter “Project”): 1) install fixed base intrusion detection system (IDS); 2) install water lines; 3)...
VAFB-2017-07: Identification of Historic Properties, B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the B7, B10, and K5 Feeder Lines Replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings...
VAFB-2017-08: Identification of Historic Properties, Space Launch Complex (SLC)-4 East Flame Trench Catchment Area Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Space Launch Complex (SLC)-4 East Flame Trench Catchment Area Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the SLC-4 East flame trench catchment area project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the...
VAFB-2017-12: Identification of Historic Properties, Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a Section 106 report on the Identification of Historic Properties Hot Shots/Wildland Fire Team Training Center Renovation at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Santa Barbara County, California. VAFB delineated an Area of Direct Impacts (ADI) and an Area of Potential Effects (APE). VAFB identified one historical-age built-environment resource with the ADI, along with other cultural resources within the APE. The purpose of this project is to renovate the Wildfire Team Training...
VAFB-2017-15: Archaeological Investigations Supporting Section 106 Compliance for Demolition of the Antenna Farm in the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This contractor generated Section 106 and 110 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Demolition of the Antenna Farm in the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County in California. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Demolition of the Antenna Farm in the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District project as a single...
VAFB-2017-16: Condition Assessments of Archaeological Sites and the Canyon Fire on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2016, USAF Contract No. GS10F0059N, XUMUOS9115 (2017)
This report documents the FY16 condition assessments of sites in Zones 10a, 9a, 9b, and 8b (Tables 1, 2, and 3) using the previous systems setup by Applied Earthworks. The zones selected for FY16 were in response to the Canyon Fire of September 2016. The Canyon Fire burnt approximately 12,742 acres on South Base across sites in Zones 10a, 9a, 9b, and 8b (Figure 1-5). The condition of sites within the burn area were assessed for direct and indirect impacts as a result of the fire. CH2M completed...
VAFB-2017-17: Vandenberg Air Force Base Fiscal Year 2016 Vandenberg Rock Art Monitoring (2017)
This report outlines condition assessment data for all known rock art sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) for Fiscal Year 2016. The effort for assessing conditions of rock art assists with the requirement for the United States Air Force (USAF), 30th Space Wing for Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Details about work tasks are outlined in Statement of Work XUMUOS9115.
VAFB-2017-18: Inventory and Evaluation of Six Titan I and II Launch Complexes (OSTF 8, SLTF, 395-A, 395-B, 395-C, and 395-D), Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This report documents the methods and results of a study to inventory and evaluate a total of six Titan I and Titan II Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launch complexes on the northern portion of Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in Santa Barbara County, California. The 30th Civil Engineer Squadron Installation Management Flight, Environmental Section, Environmental Assets (30 CES/CEIEA) at Vandenberg AFB initiated a study performed by Applied EarthWorks, Inc. to identify the historical...
VAFB-2017-19: Identification of Historic Properties, B10 Feeder Lines Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the B10 Feeder Lines Replacement Project. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the B10 Feeder Lines replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings...
VAFB-2017-20: Determination of No Adverse Effect, Replacement of Damaged Circuit N6 Electrical Poles, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This document is a government generated Section 106 report that consists of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Replacement of Damaged Circuit N6 Electrical Poles Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the replacement of damaged Circuit N6 electrical poles project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic...
VAFB-2017-21: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2017)
This document is a contractor generated letter report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015 project. The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Remediating Contaminated Groundwater at Site SD015 project as a single Section 106 report. Arcadis U.S., Inc. (Arcadis) was retained by the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) offices...
VAFB-2017-22: Archaeological Study for the Proposed Perimeter Civil Structure, Space Launch Complex 4E, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2017)
This contractor generated letter report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the proposed Perimeter Civil Structure at Space Launch Complex 4E on Vandenberg Air Force Base. Vandenberg AFB determined that this project is an undertaking subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended). The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the proposed perimeter civil...
VAFB-2017-23: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Installation Restoration Program Site 13C Remediation, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (Project ID 897584) (2017)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Installation Restoration Program Site 13C Remediation. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Installation Restoration Program Site 13C remediation project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the...
VAFB-2017-25: Condition Assessment of Sensitive and Threatened Archaeological Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2016 (2017)
This document is a report that documents the condition assessments of sensitive and threatened archaeological sites for FY2016.
VAFB-2018-01: Identification of Historic Properties, Oak Mountain Solar Farm Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Oak Mountain Solar Farm Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Oak Mountain Solar Farm project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...
VAFB-2018-02: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Adverse Effects Site 32 Cluster Remediation Project Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Site 32 Cluster Remediation Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Site 32 Cluster remediation project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and determinations for...
VAFB-2018-03: Identification of Historic Properties, Coast Road Culvert Repair Project 2018, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (VAFB Log ID 1035138; 813-18-014) (2018)
This document is a government generated Section 106 report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Coast Road Culvert Repair Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Coast Road culvert repair project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...
VAFB-2018-04: Supplemental Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Western Range Instrumentation Modernization at the Vandenberg Telemetry Receiving Station, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Western Range Instrumentation Modernization at the Vandenberg Telemetry Receiving Station Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Western Range Instrumentation Modernization project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic...
VAFB-2018-05: The Honda Ridge Pilot Project: Digital Microscopy and Stratigraphic Analysis of Paint Layer Sequences Within the Honda Ridge Main Panel, Volumes I & II, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, Contract No. XUMU OS 100316, USACE-Omaha Task Order 14 (2018)
This document is a report that details the stratigraphic findings of the Honda Ridge Pilot Project, beginning with a background on the Honda Ridge rock art site and three proposed site use interpretations proposed by researchers. Recent stratigraphic analysis applications in rock art research are discussed, followed by an explanation of the Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center’s digital microscopy methods and stratigraphic analysis process, and how these methods were adapted to...
VAFB-2018-06: Installation Remediation Program Site ST171 Remediation Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Installation Remediation Program, Site ST171 Remediation Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Installation Remediation Program, Site ST171 Remediation project as a single Section 106 report. Applied EarthWorks was tasked with supporting the 30 CES/CEIEA Section 106 compliance effort through...
VAFB-2018-07: DRAFT Vandenberg Air Force Base Historic District Inventory (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a DRAFT report. The draft version of this report has been uploaded here because a final version has not been identified. The draft version of this report will be replaced with the final when the final version has been identified. This DRAFT report describes the project areas and provides historical overviews, research design, and project methodology. The results are then summarized, followed by a comprehensive survey log that presents the survey conclusions for each historic...
VAFB-2018-08: Supplemental Identification of Historic Properties in the Willow Riparian Mitigation Area, In Support of San Antonio Road West Bridge Erosion Protection System Maintenance, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the San Antonio Road West Bridge Erosion Protection System Maintenance. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the San Antonio Road West Bridge erosion protection system maintenance as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer...
VAFB-2018-09: Identification of Historic Properties, American Water Operations Center Construction Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the American Water Operations Center Construction Project. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the American Water operations center construction project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project...
VAFB-2018-10: Installation of Optical Tracking System At The Tranquillon Peak Optical and Radar Tracking Station (2018)
This document is a Section 106 report of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Installation of the Optical Tracking System at the Tranquillon Peak Optical and Radar Tracking Station Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Installation of the Optical Tracking System at the Tranquillon Peak Optical and Radar Tracking Station project as a single Section 106 report. This report...
VAFB-2018-11: Extended Phase I Testing Results for the South Base Utility Underground Project (XUMU 12-1276B) at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2018)
This contractor generated letter report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Extended Phase I Testing Results for the South Base Utility Underground Project (XUMU 12-1276B). The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Extended Phase I Testing for the South Base Utility Underground project as a single Section 106 report. The CAPE Environmental Management, Inc. (CAPE) contracted with Albion to...
VAFB-2018-15: Vandenberg Air Force Base: Fiscal Year 2017 Vandenberg Rock Art Monitoring (2018)
This report documents and outlines the condition assessment of each rock art site on VAFB for Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17). This report lists information about each site and brief summaries about common impacts, tasks, and specific observations at sites. Information in this report focuses on areas at rock art sites with significant impacts, high-risk areas for impacts, and professional insight to help understand the sensitivity of sites and implemented management strategies. This report outlines...
VAFB-2018-16: Extended Phase I Testing Results for the ATV/Obstacle Course Improvements Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2018)
This contractor generated letter report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)/Obstacle Course Improvements Project. The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the ATV/Obstacle Course Improvements project as a single Section 106 report. To support Section 106 compliance requirements, CAPE Environmental Management, Inc. (CAPE) contracted with Albion to complete this...
VAFB-2018-17: Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the San Antonio Road West Bridge Maintenance at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (CMMP) provides the concepts and direction for implementation and maintenance of the mitigation required to compensate for impacts to California State Waters associated with repairs to the San Antonio Road West Bridge. The site is dominated by riparian vegetation within the channel, throughout the bridge gabions, and on the creek banks. Due to the nature of the proposed action, the requirement for riparian vegetation removal, and subsequent maintenance to keep...
VAFB-2018-18: Appendix B - Memorandum Report: Pictograph Possibly Representing Chumash Harpoon Toggle Point on Panel 3, SBA-503 (Swordfish Cave), Vandenberg Air Force Base (2018)
Appendix B is a memorandum report that outlines a potential unrecorded pictographic element in the rock art at Swordfish Cave (CA-SBA-503). Jon Picciuolo has submitted the memorandum as a record of the observation of the possible unrecorded pictographic element at Swordfish Cave. The memorandum outlines the element as possibly representing a Chumash harpoon toggle point. The element is on Panel 3 of the rock art at Swordfish Cave. The memorandum includes a description of the element and...
VAFB-2018-19: Assessment of Potential Adverse Effects to CA-SBA-689 in Support of Remediation at IRP Site 171, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2018)
This document is a contractor generated letter report consisting of a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Remediation at IRP Site 171 Project. The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the remediation at IRP Site 171 project as a single Section 106 report. To support their National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 compliance requirements, the 30th Civil Engineer Squadron, Installation...
VAFB-2018-20: Historic Properties Evaluation of the BOMARC CQM10A/B Target Drone Launch Complex at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This report provides an evaluation of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility for Boeing Michigan Aeronautical Research Center (BOMARC) CQM10A/B target drone launch complex at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). It has been prepared pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in support of the proposed demolition of the former BOMARC launch complex. The BOMARC CQM10A/B target drone launch complex is made up of three buildings: Facilities 1815, 1816, and...
VAFB-2018-21: Appendix D - Microscopic Analyses of Wildfire Effects to the Honda Ridge Rock Art Panel, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, Contract No. XUMU OS 100316, USACE-Omaha Task Order 14 (2018)
In September 2016, the Canyon Fire burned approximately 12,742 acres on southern Vandenberg Air Force Base. The wildfire impacted three rock art sites, but most negatively affected the Honda Ridge rock art site (CA-SBA-550). The northeastern side of the pictograph panel took the brunt of the fire impacts, resulting in extensive carbon deposits, micro- and macro spalling, and possibly host rock discoloration (Murphy 2017). This study, more broadly situated within the Honda Ridge Pilot Project,...
VAFB-2018-22: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Effect United States Marine Corps' Amphibious Vehicle Testing Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
This document is a Section 106 report on the Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effect United States Marine Corps’ Amphibious Vehicle Testing Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California. Potentially impacted sites are identified within the report, as are the boundaries of both alternative sites. This document 1) delineates the Area of Direct Impact (ADI) for this project to be the footprint for all foreseeable project-related ground-disturbing...
VAFB-2018-23: Archaeological Survey of a Segment of the South Loop 2 Power Circuit, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a Section 106 inventory letter report that was generated as a part of the Canyon Fire Damage Repair Project while supporting the upcoming repair and replacement of the South Loop 2 power line. Therefore, the survey considered the impacts of the demolition of the existing power line, construction of the new line, and improvements to access roads that will be used for construction activities. The report provides details about the previous cultural resource work performed in...
VAFB-2018-24: Condition Assessment of Archaeological Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2017 (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This report documents the conditions assessments of archaeological sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base during FY17.
VAFB-2018-26: Archaeological Survey, Extended Phase I, and Archaeological Evaluation Report, P-42-001010 (CA-SBA-1010), San Antonio Creek Bridge Scour Mitigation Project, Santa Barbara County, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is an Archaeological Survey Report (ASR), Extended Phase I report, and an Archaeological Evaluation Report (AER) for the San Antonio Creek Bridge Scour Mitigation project.
VAFB-2018-27: Condition Assessment of Sensitive and Threatened Archaeological Sites on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Fiscal Year 2017 (2018)
This document presents the results of sensitive and threatened archaeological site condition assessments for fiscal year 2018.
VAFB-2018-28: RE: Extended Phase I Testing Results for the South Base Water Treatment Plant Project (XUMU 11-1055B) at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document is a letter report that presents the results of surface and subsurface survey for the South Base Water Treatment Plant Project. The study was done for Section 106 compliance, and no archaeological deposits were found.
VAFB-2018-29: RE: Utility Underground XP1 Status Update (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document presents the results of extended phase 1 excavations at CA-SBA-1145/H for an underground utility project. Historic artifacts were found and assumed to be associated with the Honda Section House, however it was not clear if the artifacts were in a disturbed context.
VAFB-2019-01: Identification of Historic Properties, IRP Site SD024 Base Laundry Demolition and Soil Remediation Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (Log ID 1102583, WO# 48042) (2018)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Base Laundry Demolition and Soil Remediation Project. The purpose of the document is to identify historic properties and compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Base Laundry and Soil Remediation project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to...
VAFB-2019-02: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, N4 Manholes and Conduit Replacement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (813-17-001) (2019)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the N4 Manholes and Conduit Replacement Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the N4 Manholes and Conduit Replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and...
VAFB-2019-03: Identification of Historic Properties And Assessment of Effects, Vandenberg Operational Lightning Tracking System (VOLTS) Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (813-17-060) (2019)
This document is a Section 106 historic property inventory report and an assessment of adverse effects for the Vandenberg Operational Lightning Tracking System (VOLTS) Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Vandenberg Operational Lightning Tracking System (VOLTS) project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project...
VAFB-2019-04: Archaeological Investigations Supporting Section 106 Compliance for the Narlon Bridge Replacement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (2019)
This document is a Section 106 report for an archaeological investigation and an assessment of adverse effects in support of the Narlon Bridge Replacement Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Narlon bridge replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and determinations for individual...
VAFB-2019-05: Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects, Temporary Construction Area License For Union Pacific Railroad's Narlon Bridge Replacement, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (813-12-016) (2019-UPRRN) (2019)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the Narlon Bridge Replacement Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the bridge replacement project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation Officer to concur on the project findings and determinations for individual...