School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,901-5,000 of 5,282)

  • Rio Nuevo Archaeology, 2000‐2003: Investigations at the San Agustín Mission and Mission Gardens, Tucson Presidio, Tucson Pressed Brick Company, and Clearwater Site (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text J. Homer Thiel. Jonathan B. Mabry.

    Between October 2000 and January 2003, Desert Archaeology, Inc., conducted archaeological investigations at seven locations for the City of Tucson as part of the Rio Nuevo Archaeology project. The City of Tucson plans to revitalize the downtown area, including the re-creation of the historic San Agustín Mission and the Spanish Presidio fortress, as well as the construction of new homes and businesses. Excavations were conducted to either provide basic data for planned reconstructions, or to...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 1 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Margaret C. Nelson.

    Unit 1 is a portion of a room located on the east end of the three contiguous rooms excavated to floor this field season. Unit 3 is directly west and Unit 2 is diagonally to the southwest. To the east is a badly looted room and the room to the north may be mostly intact. Unit 1 and the other two excavated units are located at the highest point on the block of rooms that forms the pueblo. We selected these rooms for excavation because we wanted to understand the construction sequence in the...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 10 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell. Sarah Klassen.

    Unit 10 consists of a two story pueblo room near the center of Roadmap Village. No hearth or other domestic feature was encountered in Unit 10, suggesting that the room (or at least its first story) was not residential in nature. Vented V-seams were found in the north and east walls, suggesting some social connection between the residents of Unit 10 and those of the rooms to the east (not excavated) and north (Unit 7). A partially filled doorway was encountered in the room’s west wall. Unit 10...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 101 Summary (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer. Margaret C. Nelson.

    Unit 101 is a trench excavated at Roadmap Village, LA 45157, during the 2008 field season of the Mimbres Prehistoric Landscapes Project. It exposes part of an outdoor plaza area (Locus 3) and part of a pueblo room (Locus 2). We excavated the trench in order to determine where the large northern plaza at the site articulated with the pueblo rooms to the south, information that would help us locate and define rooms to focus on for more complete excavation.

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 102 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    Unit 102 is a 1 m by 2 m test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project.This unit is situated as close to the center of the site's northern plaza as could be determined. The unit’s long axis was oriented to true north. The width of Unit 102 was eventually widened, forming a 2 m by 2 m area. Excavation encountered evidence of two temporal components. The earliest, represented by Surfaces C and C+, may constitute part...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 105 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    Unit 105 is a test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project. The unit is located in the approximate center of the small plaza. This unit placement was chosen for two reasons: (1) identify any surfaces and/or features associated with the small plaza; and (2) determine the depth of the B horizon including the clay strata observed in Units 104 and 106 located in extramural areas to the west of the small plaza....

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 106 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    Unit 106 is a test unit excavated at Roadmap Village (LA 45157) during the 2012 field season of the Mogollon Prehistoric Landscapes Project. The unit is in an extramural area located west of the most western roomblock within Roadmap Village. This unit placement was chosen for two reasons: (1) recover refuse associated with the roomblock that forms the western edge of the small plaza for relative dating and determining the activities associate with the western roomblock; and (2) determine the...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 3 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Matthew Peeples.

    Unit 3 is located in the southern portion of the Roadmap site near the highest point on the rubble mound. Unit 3, along with other adjacent rooms, was selected for excavation for a number of key features. Firstly, unit 3 was located on the highest point on the rubble mound and would thus be the most likely two story section. Secondly, unit 3 was chosen for excavation because the west, south, and east walls were relatively well defined rock alignments on the surface. Two nearby rooms (unit 1 to...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 4 Summary (2007)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker. Will Russell.

    Unit 4 is the western-most unit of the room block excavated at the site of LA45157 (Roadmap). The unit was selected to be excavated due to its location and relative completeness. Based on the visibility of wall alignments on the ground surface, four areas thought to be rooms at LA45157 were excavated during the 2007 field season. Surface depressions indicated that the site had suffered from extensive looting in the past, though is appeared that Units Three and Four were victim to less damage...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 5 Summary (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

    Unit 5 is a centrally located room and is the highest in elevation of the excavated units. In 2008, we selected rooms for excavation with surface indications of long occupations, hoping to find trash fill and a high number of artifacts. Ceramics, lithics, flotation, and faunal remains were collected from the excavated rooms in order to further understand the prehistoric landscape. The rooms selected for excavation during the 2008 field season were chosen due to their proximity to the plaza, the...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 6 Summary (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Will Russell.

    Unit 6 contains the eastern portion of a partially excavated, groundfloor room and portions of a second-story or roof level. This room is located on the southern edge of the pueblo’s northern plaza. In relation to other excavation units, Unit 6 lies immediately north of Unit 5 and shares its southern wall with that structure. Just east of Unit 6 is a room partially exposed in Unit 101, Locus 2. Unit 7 lies to the southeast of Unit 6. Prior to the discovery of the room in Unit 101 Locus 2, Unit 6...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 7 Summary (2008)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Stephanie Kulow.

    Unit 7 at Roadmap Village is located on the south side of the main plaza and was selected for excavation not only because of its proximity to the plaza but also because it had little evidence of looter disturbance visible on the surface. Surface alignments suggested the presence of room walls, and therefore a well-preserved pueblo room, which also made the unit a good candidate for excavation. Boundaries were set for the west and north walls based on surface rock alignments, and the south...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 8 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Garrett Trask.

    Unit 8, excavated in the 2012 field season, measured 3.5 meters by 3.2 meters and consisted of the abandoned and collapsed remains of a two-story pueblo room. The room was located near the center of Roadmap Village just east of the smaller west plaza and north of Unit 1, which was excavated in 2007. The room was excavated 1.7 meters below the ground surface to its lowest cultural surface—the floor of the first story. Below this was 20cm of cultural fill on top of “sterile” or B-Horizon. A high...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 9 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Andrea Torvinen.

    Unit 9 is a two-story pueblo room located near the center of Roadmap Village and the presence of a well-preserved hearth in this room suggests it served a residential function. Unit 9 shares a wall with Unit 8, which is located directly south of it, and the northeast corner of Unit 9 is adjacent to the southwest corner of Unit 10. Similar to the other units excavated at Roadmap Village, Unit 9 was oriented slightly west of true north and the dimensions were 3.78m (N) by 3.83m (E) by 3.55m (S) by...

  • Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Units 103, 107, and 108 Summary (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer. Sarah Klassen.

    Units 103, 107, and 108 are 1x2m excavation units located in sheet trash near the north end of the site of Roadmap Village. South of these units, the northern arm of the pueblo consists of eight or more unexcavated rooms. The focus of our excavations in 2007, 2008, and 2012 was on pueblo rooms in the main roomblock, south of the main plaza; we know little about the rooms in the other roomblocks. Units 103, 107, and 108 were excavated in order to gain some insights about the northern roomblock,...

  • Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
    DATASET [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata

  • Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Richinbar Ruin (2004)
    DATASET [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Richinbar Ruin

  • Rock Art in Arizona (1995)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text J. Homer Thiel.

    In 1993, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State Parks, funded a historic context statement and overview of the state's rock art sites. Desert Archaeology personnel searched through archives for site records, visited libraries to uncover rock art reports, and identified current research topics pertaining to the state's sites. This volume presents the findings of that study. More than 2,300 rock art sites were identified; however, site records were found to vary in quality,...

  • Rock Island Complex Data, AZ U:8:400(ASM): Strata (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...

  • Rock Island Complex Data, Bass Point Mound: Strata (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)).The Rock Island Complex table Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex table Groundstone from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the groundstone artifacts recovered from...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex table Lithics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from excavated,...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Material Types from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Lithic Material Types from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the lithic...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Size Class Data from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex table Lithic Size Class from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the size grades of the lithic artifacts...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Shell Taxa from All Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts recovered...

  • Rock Island Complex Data: Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or...

  • Rock Island Complex: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex table Ceramic Bowls and Jars from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the basic ceramic vessel forms -...

  • Rock Island Complex: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1995)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Rock Island Complex Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at sites in the Rock Island Complex, primarily Bass Point Mound (AZ U:8:23(ASM), AR-03-12-06-177(USFS)) and AZ U:8:400(ASM)(AR-03-12-06-863(USFS)). The Rock Island Complex Data table Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts...

  • Rockpile Areas and Other Specialized Activity Sites on the Gila River Terrace: An Appraisal of Hohokam Auxiliary Agricultural Strategies near Florence, Arizona (1992)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Rein Vanderpot.

    This report presents the results of an archaeological survey of an 150-acre parcel for a proposed Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) facility near Florence, Arizona, and a testing program at AZ U:15:171, a site found within this parcel during preliminary survey. The project area is located on a slightly sloping alluvial terrace between 1 and 2 km north of the Gila River. Numerous minor drainages dissect this terrace environment, creating a system of irregularly shaped low ridges....

  • Rocks in Space (2004)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Steven Metzger.

    Data tables pertaining to rock coverage along transects at Pueblo la Plata, Perry Mesa

  • The Roeser Park Archaeological Project: Investigations in a Portion of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73 (ASM), a Hohokam Site in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Thomas E. Wright.

    In May 2004, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) conducted a phased data recovery program in part of a large prehistoric Native American village called Pueblo Viejo in southern Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The site is also known as AZ T:12:73 (ASM) in the Arizona State Museum's site numbering system; the site’s name and number are used interchangeably in this report. The City of Phoenix Archaeology Office has assigned the following project number to the work performed at Pueblo...

  • The Roosevelt Bajada Survey, Tonto Basin, Gila County, Central Arizona (1991)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard V. N. Ahlstrom. Mark L. Chenault. Kirk C. Anderson.

    Between October, 1990, and January, 1991, SWCA, Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological survey of approximately 1,800 acres of Tonto National Forest land in the Roosevelt Basin, central Arizona. This project, the Roosevelt Bajada Survey, was done to provide survey data on portions of the Basin that are not being investigated by Arizona State University (ASU) as part of its Roosevelt Lake Project. The survey recorded 111 new sites and rerecorded five previously known sites; four...

  • Roosevelt Community Development Study - Laboratory Manual (1992)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Norma Ajeman. Lisa Epply. Martina LaVelle. Douglas Craig. James Heidke.

    This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 1: Introduction and Small Sites (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz.

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Desert Archaeology, Inc. to complete the research for...

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 2: Meddler Point, Pyramid Point, and Griffin Wash Sites (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz. Douglas B. Craig. Jeffrey J. Clark.

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Desert Archaeology, Inc. to complete the research for...

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 1: Stone and Shell Artifacts (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Alaina Harmon

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) involved the testing and excavation of 27 sites in the Lower Tonto Basin of central Arizona. This is one of three related data recovery projects undertaken in the Tonto Basin for the Bureau of Reclamation prior to the raising of the Roosevelt Lake dam. The results of the RCD project are presented in four Anthropological Papers of the Center for Desert Archaeology: Anthropological Papers No. 12 is the research design; Anthropological Papers No. 13...

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 2: Ceramic Chronology, Technology, and Economics (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Desert Archaeology, Inc. to complete the research for...

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 3: Paleobiological and Osteological Analyses (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Alaina Harmon

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) involved the testing and excavation of 27 sites in the Lower Tonto Basin of central Arizona. This is one of three related data recovery projects undertaken in the Tonto Basin for the Bureau of Reclamation prior to the raising of the Roosevelt Lake dam. The results of the RCD project are presented in four Anthropological Papers of the Center for Desert Archaeology: Anthropological Papers No. 12 is the research design; Anthropological Papers No. 13...

  • The Roosevelt Community Development Study: New Perspectives on Tonto Basin Prehistory (1995)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Francis McManamon

    The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) involved the testing and excavation of 27 sites in the Lower Tonto Basin of central Arizona. This is one of three related data recovery projects undertaken in the Tonto Basin for the Bureau of Reclamation prior to the raising of the Roosevelt Lake dam. The results of the RCD project are presented in four Anthropological Papers of the Center for Desert Archaeology. This volume synthesizes data recovered from the RCD excavations to provide a more...

  • Roosevelt Platform Mound Study
    PROJECT Arleyn Simon. Peter McCartney. Glen Rice. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office. Charles Redman. Brenda Shears.

    The Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) was one of three mitigative data recovery studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with the Arizona State University Office of Cultural Resource...

  • Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS): Access Database (2014)
    DATASET Uploaded by: adam brin

    The RMPS Database is the centralized database for project information and for excavation and laboratory results. This relational database stores two primary data types and the relationships among them. It houses RPMS provenience data (i.e., where artifacts and samples were located horizontally and vertically within the archaeological contexts). The database also contains information about the artifacts and sample collected during the archaeological investigation. The database structure centers...

  • Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Faunal Data (2015)
    DATASET Katherine Spielmann.

    This dataset provides faunal information for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study in the Tonto Basin, Arizona.

  • Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Laboratory Manual: A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research (2000)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Arleyn Simon.

    The Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) Lab manual entitled "A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research" (2000) represents the final, principal guide for the study's artifact processing, identification, and specialized analyses. In the opening chapter, the manual describes artifact processing and documentation procedures. The second chapter describes the RPMS database and data documentation procedures. In the remaining chapters, the manual details the artifact processing and specialized analyses...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 1: Research Design (1990)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ciolek-Torello. Steven D. Shelley. Jeffrey Altschul. John R. Welch.

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc. to conduct this study. The RRS was...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Maria Molina

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRSS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc., to conduct this study. The RRSS...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc. to conduct this study. The RRS was...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Maria Molina

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRSS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc., to conduct this study. The RRSS...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc. to conduct this study. The RRS was...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Maria Molina

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRSS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc., to conduct this study. The RRSS...

  • The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Keith Kintigh

    The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study (RRS) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Statistical Research, Inc. to conduct this study. The RRS was...

  • Roots of Sedentism: Archaeological Excavations at Valencia Vieja, a Founding Village in the Tucson Basin of Southern Arizona (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Henry D. Wallace.

    The archaeological research reported in this volume was conducted under contract with the Desert Vista Campus, Pima County Community College District. The contract provided for data recovery excavations at two sites located on portions of the campus property: AZ BB:13:15 (ASM) and AZ BB:13:74 (ASM). Both sites had been tested using backhoe trenching in 1992 (Huckell 1993), and had been found to have significant subsurface remains. While we were aware of the research potential of the portion of...

  • RSA ceramics (DAI) (2005)
    DATASET [not managed] T. Kathleen Henderson.

    Rohrig Substation (a locus of the Southwest Germann Site) ceramic data, as supplied by Kathy Henderson of Desert Archaeology, Inc. in May 2011.

  • Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP)
    PROJECT [not managed] Arizona Game and Fish.

    The Rudd Creek Archaeological Project was an Arizona State University Summer Archaeological Field School Project, sponsored in part by Arizona Game and Fish. It resulted in an exhibit at the visitor center for the ranch.

  • The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 1: Introduction and Site Descriptions (1992)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Mark Elson. Douglas B. Craig.

    The Rye Creek Project involved testing and data recovery at 19 archaeological sites within the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona. The project area is situated along a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87, approximately 10 miles south of the town of Payson, Arizona, within the boundaries of the Tonto National Forest. The project was undertaken for the Arizona Department of Transportation prior to the realignment and expansion of State Route 87. Thirteen sites were tested and then...

  • The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 2: Artifact and Specific Analyses (1992)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Mark Elson. Douglas B. Craig.

    The Rye Creek Project involved testing and data recovery at 19 archaeological sites within the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona. The project area is situated along a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87, approximately 10 miles south of the town of Payson, Arizona, within the boundaries of the Tonto National Forest. The project was undertaken for the Arizona Department of Transportation prior to the realignment and expansion of State Route 87. Thirteen sites were tested and then...

  • The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 3: Synthesis and Conclusions (1992)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Mark Elson. Douglas B. Craig.

    The Rye Creek Project involved testing and data recovery at 19 archaeological sites within the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona. The project area is situated along a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87, approximately 10 miles south of the town of Payson, Arizona, within the boundaries of the Tonto National Forest. The project was undertaken for the Arizona Department of Transportation prior to the realignment and expansion of State Route 87. Thirteen sites were tested and then...

  • S.R. 260-Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Kohls Ranch Segment (2001)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Herr. Pat H. Stein.

    Over the next several years, State Route 260 (S.R. 260) from Payson, Arizona to Heber, Arizona will be realigned and improved by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). This includes the construction of 45.8 mi of highway between Mileposts (MP) 256.2 and 302. Archaeological sites are found only in the western 22 mi of highway below the Mogollon Rim. Archaeological data recovery has been completed for the Preacher Canyon (Herr, Stein, and Cook 2000) and Christopher Creek segments (Herr...

  • S.R. 260-Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing in an Additional Portion of the Kohls Ranch Segment (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Sarah Herr. Pat H. Stein.

    State Route 260 (SR 260) from Payson to Heber, Arizona, is being realigned and improved by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). This includes construction of 45.8 mi of highway between mileposts (MP) 256.2 and 302. Archaeological sites are found in only the western 22 mi of highway below the Mogollon Rim, on Tonto National Forest (TNF) and private land. Construction below the Mogollon Rim is being staged in six segments. From west-to-east, these segments are: Lion Springs, Preacher...

  • Saguaro National Monument an Archeological Overview (1975)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text V. K. Pheriba Stacy. Julian Hayden.

    A number of archeological surveys and excavations have been carried out within Saguaro National Monument near Tucson, Arizona, over the years, but the field work generally has been neither problem-oriented nor carried out in accordance with a suitable research design. Much of it, therefore, must be considered incomplete in terms of modern archeological theory and methods. Archeological activity both inside and outside the monument, however, has resulted in delineation of the cultural history for...

  • Salado Ceramics and Social Organization: Prehistoric Interactions in Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Claudine Gravel-Miguel

    This report is the second synthesis volume of the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS), a multi-year archaeological research project in Tonto Basin of central Arizona that began in April of 1989. This report examines ceramic types as a means of investigation community and social relationships among and between the ceramic producers and users. Stylistic, mineralogical, and chemical analyses are used to investigate these topics. The RPMS was funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Department...

  • Salado Ceramics and Social Organization: Prehistoric Interactions in Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Saarah Munir

    This report is the second synthesis volume of the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS), an nine-year archaeological research project in Tonto Basin of central Arizona that began in April of 1989. It was funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, and conducted by the Office of Cultural Resource Management in the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University. The work was preformed under a permit from the Tonto National Forest. The research for the RPMS project was...

  • A Salado Platform Mound on Tonto Creek, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Cline Terrace Mound, Cline Terrace Complex (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text David Jacobs.

    This report is the fifth site description volume for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study and describes archaeological investigations at Cline Terrace Mound. Cline Terrace Mound is part of the Cline Terrace Complex, which is located at the northwestern end of the Tonto Basin, along the eastern bank of Tonto Creek. Cline Terrace Mound is the largest site in the complex and is located in its middle, with many other sites in the areas to the northwest and southeast along Tonto Creek. The smaller...

  • Salado Residential Settlements on Tonto Creek, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Cline Mesa Sites, Cline Terrace Complex, Parts 1 and 2 (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Theodore J. Oliver. David Jacobs.

    This two-part report is the seventh and final site description volume for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, an eight-year archaeological research project in the Tonto Basin of central Arizona that began in April 1989. It was funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, and was conducted by the Office of Cultural Resource Management in the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University. The work was performed under a permit from the Tonto National Forest. The...

  • Salinas chronology (2015)
    ONTOLOGY [not managed] Katherine Spielmann.

    This chronological ontology distills information from Spielmann's individual site reports for Gran Quirivia, Quarai, Pueblo Colorado, and Pueblo Blanco. Chronological data in those reports include radiocarbon dates, limited numbers of tree ring dates, stratigraphy and especially glaze rim sequences due to the large standard deviations associated with radio carbon dates from these sites (and these centuries in general). In those reports periods were designated by labels rather than date ranges....

  • Salinas, New Mexico Settlement Database (2007)
    DATASET [not managed] Matthew Peeples. Rachel Johnson.

    This database contains information on all likely habitation sites with available data from the Salinas region of central New Mexico dating ca. AD 1100-1670.

  • Salt Gila Aqueduct Fauna (1984)
    DATASET [not managed] Christine Szuter.

    This dataset includes fauna that was recovered as part of the Salt Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project. The fauna was analyzed by Christine Szuter using the National Park Service comparative collection housed at the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona.

  • Salt River Project Pinnacle Peak to Papago Buttes Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1985)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Richard W. Effland.

    Salt River Project (SRP) proposes to construct a 230 kV transmission line to connect the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Buttes substations. Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) was contracted to perform an assessment of impacts to cultural resources that would be caused by the project. ACS is responsible for assessing potential impacts to historical and archaeological sites as well as architectural resources in the vicinity of the new right-of -way. One hundred percent survey of the...

  • Salt River Project: Superior to Silver King 115kV Transmission Line Reroute, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text WIlliam L. Deaver.

    Salt River Project (SRP) plans to reroute a segment of the Superior-Silver King 115 kV transmission line that crosses lands owned by Resolution Copper Mining (Resolution) west of Superior, Pinal County, Arizona. The transmission line draws power from the existing SRP Silver King to Kyrene East End Transmission System (SKKEETS). The transmission line is located entirely on lands owned by Resolution, and the project is the relocation of an existing 115 kV line segment. The relocation of the power...

  • Salt River Valley Canal System (1966)
    IMAGE [not managed] Frank MIdvale.

    This image is a map of the prehistoric irrigation system of the Salt River Valley by Frank Midvale. The map shows how the canal system branches from the Salt River and where the river connects to the Gila River. The individual canals are named and listed and the prehistoric cities and important geographical locations are listed and named as well.

  • San Carlos Reservoir Study, Cultural Resources: Current Status, Needs, and Recommendations: Report (1998)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jon Czaplicki.

    At the request of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and in collaboration with the Bureau of Indian Affairs' San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) undertook a Class III cultural resources inventory on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in the vicinity of San Carlos Reservoir, developed a cultural affiliation statement for human remains and associated objects encountered within the project area, and prepared an overview and needs assessment for cultural...

  • A San Pedro Phase Agricultural Field and Early Ceramic Period Occupations in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley, Southern Arizona: Investigations at the Stewart Brickyard and Rillito Loop Sites (2013)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

    Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) proposed widening Interstate 10 (I-10) in northern Pima County, Arizona. Desert Archaeology, Inc., was contracted to mitigate the potential effects construction would have on significant cultural resources. A phased data recovery program was completed that addressed construction impacts at five archaeological sites along the l-10 corridor. Phase 1, exploratory trenching, tested for subsurface deposits at AZ AA:12:51 (ASM), AA:12:252 (ASM), AZ AA:12:486...

  • The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume I (2001)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text A.C. MacWilliams.

    The foremost goal of this project was recording all archaeological and paleontological finds in the riparian corridor the Santa Cruz River, on the San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant. Results of this full-coverage survey are intended to be useful for determining land management in the corridor. Observations about site boundaries, disturbance and potential for in-place buried deposits contribute to meeting these objectives. At the same time, these results are intended to provide information from a...

  • The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume II: Site Maps (2001)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text A.C. MacWilliams.

    The foremost goal of this project was recording all archaeological and paleontological finds in the riparian corridor the Santa Cruz River, on the San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant. Results of this full-coverage survey are intended to be useful for determining land management in the corridor. Observations about site boundaries, disturbance and potential for in-place buried deposits contribute to meeting these objectives. At the same time, these results are intended to provide information from a...

  • Santa Cruz Bike Path Data Recovery (2001)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Michael L. Brack.

    The City of Tucson, Arizona has proposed the construction of a recreational bike path paralleling portions of the Santa Cruz River. Previous investigations identified two archaeological sites that will be affected by the undertaking: AZ BB:13:95 and AZ BB:13:96 (ASM). These sites meet eligibility requirements for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and Desert Archaeology, Inc. was contracted to complete data recovery programs at the sites to mitigate the effects of...

  • Santa Cruz River Stabilization at Valencia Road: Archaeological Testing at the Valencia Site (1985)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Allen Dart.

    On April 15 through 17, 1985, the Institute for American Research conducted emergency archaeological testing and mitigation for a bank stabilization project along the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. It encompasses both banks of the Santa Cruz River, from Project Station 37+00 to Station 57+00. Elevation ranges from 2438 to 2462 feet. Locations to be affected by construction consist mostly of floodplain silt and sand deposits, overlying a sand and gravel river terrace stratum....

  • Satellite Image of Perry Mesa, Showing Locations of Pueblo la Plata, Pueblo Pato, and Richinbar Ruin (2005)
    IMAGE [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Satellite Image of Perry Mesa, Showing Locations of Pueblo la Plata, Pueblo Pato, and Richinbar Ruin

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1997)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Ceramic Bowls and Jars from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the basic ceramic vessel forms - bowls and jars - recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of decorated ceramic vessels recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The table lists designated...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Groundstone from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Groundstone from All Contexts presents a summary of the groundstone artifacts recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Groundstone from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the groundstone artifacts recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The table lists designated...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Lithics from All Contexts presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Lithic Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Lithics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the lithic artifacts recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The table lists designated archaeological...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the plain ware ceramic vessels recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The table lists...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Shell Artifacts from All Contexts presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table lists designated...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the shell artifacts recovered from excavated contexts that are screened. The table lists designated archaeological...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Shell Taxa from All Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at the site. The table...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts presents a summary of the shell taxa of the shell artifacts recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. The table lists...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Special Artifacts from All Contexts presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from all contexts (both screened and unscreened) at...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The Schoolhouse Point Mound Data tables provide a summary of the artifacts recovered during Arizona State University (ASU), Office of Cultural Resource Management's (OCRM) Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) excavations at Schoolhouse Point Mound (AZ U:8:24(ASM), AR-03-12-06-13a(USFS)). The Schoolhouse Point Mound table Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts presents a summary of fine, elaborate, rare, and/or otherwise special goods recovered from excavated contexts that were screened. In...

  • Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Strata (1996)
    DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

    The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...

  • Seasonality and Ecosystem Response in Two Prehistoric Agricultural Regions of Central Arizona (2011)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Jolene Trujillo.

    Around the globe, prehistoric agriculture has impacted the environment in ways that are observable today. Prehistoric farmers in the Southwestern US modified the landscape with rock alignments to support rain fed agriculture in this semi-arid region. Numerous studies have shown that former agricultural fields are ecologically different than areas that have not been farmed. This thesis explores the independent effects of the manipulation of rocks into alignments, prehistoric farming, and season...

  • Series of Plan Maps Showing Construction Episodes at Pueblo la Plata (2005)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sara Mapes.

    Series of plan maps showing construction episodes at Pueblo la Plata

  • Settlement and Demography in the Greater Mimbres Region (2007)
    DATASET [not managed] Matthew Peeples. Karen Schollmeyer.

    The database presented here contains information on all major habitation sites and smaller habitation sites from major surveys across the most densely populated portions of the Mimbres region (Mimbres Valley, Eastern Mimbres area, and the Upper Gila). The database is relatively complete for sites that date between AD 1000 and 1450 but also includes limited information on major earlier components dating between AD 200-1000.

  • Settlement Dynamics on a Transitional Landscape: Investigations of Cultural Resources for the State Route 77 - Snowflake Passing Lanes Project, Navajo County, Arizona (2016)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

    Settlement Dynamics on a Transitional Landscape: Investigations of Cultural Resources for the State Route 77 - Snowflake Passing Lanes Project, Navajo County, Arizona describes the results of investigations of seven prehistoric and historic sites along State Route 77 north of Snowflake, in Navajo County, Arizona. Between August 2009 and June 2012, fieldwork was conducted in three phases in advance of the construction of passing lanes and culvert extensions. Seven sites, with artifacts or...

  • Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 3: Material Culture and Special Analyses (2003)
    DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

    Excavations at sites along the State Route 88-Wheatfields (SR 88-Wheatfields) section documented a 2,500-year cultural sequence (600 B.C.-A.D. 1950) that revealed use of the area in the Late Archaic, Early Formative, Late Formative, Classic, and Historic periods, the last involving Euroamerican and Apache occupations. The SR 88-Wheatfields project documented a range of human adaptations to the complex landscapes along the middle Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, near present-day Miami in Gila...