School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 4,901-5,000 of 5,282)

  1. Rio Nuevo Archaeology, 2000‐2003: Investigations at the San Agustín Mission and Mission Gardens, Tucson Presidio, Tucson Pressed Brick Company, and Clearwater Site (2006)
  2. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 1 Summary (2007)
  3. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 10 Summary (2012)
  4. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 101 Summary (2008)
  5. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 102 Summary (2012)
  6. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 105 Summary (2012)
  7. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 106 Summary (2012)
  8. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 3 Summary (2007)
  9. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 4 Summary (2007)
  10. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 5 Summary (2008)
  11. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 6 Summary (2008)
  12. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 7 Summary (2008)
  13. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 8 Summary (2012)
  14. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Unit 9 Summary (2012)
  15. Roadmap Village (LA 45157) - Units 103, 107, and 108 Summary (2012)
  16. Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
  17. Rock and Artifact Data from Transects at Richinbar Ruin (2004)
  18. Rock Art in Arizona (1995)
  19. Rock Island Complex Data, AZ U:8:400(ASM): Strata (1995)
  20. Rock Island Complex Data, Bass Point Mound: Strata (1995)
  21. Rock Island Complex Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
  22. Rock Island Complex Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1995)
  23. Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
  24. Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Material Types from Screened Contexts (1995)
  25. Rock Island Complex Data: Lithic Size Class Data from Screened Contexts (1995)
  26. Rock Island Complex Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1995)
  27. Rock Island Complex Data: Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
  28. Rock Island Complex Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1995)
  29. Rock Island Complex Data: Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1995)
  30. Rock Island Complex: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1995)
  31. Rock Island Complex: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1995)
  32. Rockpile Areas and Other Specialized Activity Sites on the Gila River Terrace: An Appraisal of Hohokam Auxiliary Agricultural Strategies near Florence, Arizona (1992)
  33. Rocks in Space (2004)
  34. The Roeser Park Archaeological Project: Investigations in a Portion of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73 (ASM), a Hohokam Site in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
  35. The Roosevelt Bajada Survey, Tonto Basin, Gila County, Central Arizona (1991)
  36. Roosevelt Community Development Study - Laboratory Manual (1992)
  37. The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 1: Introduction and Small Sites (1994)
  38. The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 2: Meddler Point, Pyramid Point, and Griffin Wash Sites (1994)
  39. The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 1: Stone and Shell Artifacts (1995)
  40. The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 2: Ceramic Chronology, Technology, and Economics (1995)
  41. The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 14, Volume 3: Paleobiological and Osteological Analyses (1995)
  42. The Roosevelt Community Development Study: New Perspectives on Tonto Basin Prehistory (1995)
  43. Roosevelt Platform Mound Study
  44. Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS): Access Database (2014)
  45. Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Faunal Data (2015)
  46. Roosevelt Platform Mound Study Laboratory Manual: A Laboratory Plan for Salado Research (2000)
  47. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 1: Research Design (1990)
  48. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
  49. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1 (1994)
  50. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
  51. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 2 (1994)
  52. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
  53. The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 3: Changing Land Use in the Tonto Basin (1994)
  54. Roots of Sedentism: Archaeological Excavations at Valencia Vieja, a Founding Village in the Tucson Basin of Southern Arizona (2003)
  55. RSA ceramics (DAI) (2005)
  56. Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP)
  57. The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 1: Introduction and Site Descriptions (1992)
  58. The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 2: Artifact and Specific Analyses (1992)
  59. The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, Volume 3: Synthesis and Conclusions (1992)
  60. S.R. 260-Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Kohls Ranch Segment (2001)
  61. S.R. 260-Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing in an Additional Portion of the Kohls Ranch Segment (2003)
  62. Saguaro National Monument an Archeological Overview (1975)
  63. Salado Ceramics and Social Organization: Prehistoric Interactions in Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
  64. Salado Ceramics and Social Organization: Prehistoric Interactions in Tonto Basin, The Roosevelt Archaeology Studies, 1989 to 1998 (1998)
  65. A Salado Platform Mound on Tonto Creek, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Cline Terrace Mound, Cline Terrace Complex (1997)
  66. Salado Residential Settlements on Tonto Creek, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Cline Mesa Sites, Cline Terrace Complex, Parts 1 and 2 (1997)
  67. Salinas chronology (2015)
  68. Salinas, New Mexico Settlement Database (2007)
  69. Salt Gila Aqueduct Fauna (1984)
  70. Salt River Project Pinnacle Peak to Papago Buttes Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1985)
  71. Salt River Project: Superior to Silver King 115kV Transmission Line Reroute, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
  72. Salt River Valley Canal System (1966)
  73. San Carlos Reservoir Study, Cultural Resources: Current Status, Needs, and Recommendations: Report (1998)
  74. A San Pedro Phase Agricultural Field and Early Ceramic Period Occupations in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley, Southern Arizona: Investigations at the Stewart Brickyard and Rillito Loop Sites (2013)
  75. The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume I (2001)
  76. The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume II: Site Maps (2001)
  77. Santa Cruz Bike Path Data Recovery (2001)
  78. Santa Cruz River Stabilization at Valencia Road: Archaeological Testing at the Valencia Site (1985)
  79. Satellite Image of Perry Mesa, Showing Locations of Pueblo la Plata, Pueblo Pato, and Richinbar Ruin (2005)
  80. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Ceramic Bowl and Jar Data from Screened Contexts (1997)
  81. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Decorated Ceramics from All Contexts (1996)
  82. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Decorated Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1996)
  83. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Groundstone from All Contexts (1996)
  84. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Groundstone from Screened Contexts (1996)
  85. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Lithic Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
  86. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Lithic Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
  87. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from All Contexts (1996)
  88. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Plain Ware Ceramics from Screened Contexts (1996)
  89. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
  90. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
  91. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Taxa from All Contexts (1996)
  92. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Shell Taxa from Screened Contexts (1996)
  93. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Special Artifacts from All Contexts (1996)
  94. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Special Artifacts from Screened Contexts (1996)
  95. Schoolhouse Point Mound Data: Strata (1996)
  96. Seasonality and Ecosystem Response in Two Prehistoric Agricultural Regions of Central Arizona (2011)
  97. Series of Plan Maps Showing Construction Episodes at Pueblo la Plata (2005)
  98. Settlement and Demography in the Greater Mimbres Region (2007)
  99. Settlement Dynamics on a Transitional Landscape: Investigations of Cultural Resources for the State Route 77 - Snowflake Passing Lanes Project, Navajo County, Arizona (2016)
  100. Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 3: Material Culture and Special Analyses (2003)