Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) - Cultural Resource Report
Part of: Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) Cultural Resource Archive - Documents, Images, and other Data
This is a collection of reports, generated by, or in support of, the Vandenberg Space Force Base (formerly Vandenberg Air Force Base) Cultural Resource Program.
Site Name Keywords
CA-SBA-503 •
CA-SBA-209 •
CA-SBA-550 •
CA-SBA-609 •
CA-SBA-210 •
CA-SBA-612 •
CA-SBA-655 •
CA-SBA-793 •
Swordfish Cave •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Artifact Scatter •
Midden •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Rock Art •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Governmental Structure •
Other Keywords
Shovel Test Pits •
Prehistory •
Archaeological Survey •
Significance / Management •
shovel test pits (STPs) •
Flakes •
Archeological Survey •
Field Reconnaisance--Sampling •
Section 106 •
Vandenberg Air Force Base
Culture Keywords
Chumash •
Historic •
Archaic •
Purisimeno Chumash •
Indigenous •
Late Archaic •
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians •
Middle Archaic •
Historic Native American •
U.S. Army
Investigation Types
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Historic Background Research •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Systematic Survey •
Heritage Management •
Consultation •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Architectural Survey
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Shell •
Fauna •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Ground Stone •
Glass •
Metal •
Building Materials •
Ceramic •
Monterey Chert
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Late Period •
Middle Period •
Historic Period •
Early Period •
Protohistoric Period •
Archaic •
Middle–Late Transitional Period •
Middle Horizon
Geographic Keywords
California (State / Territory) •
Santa Barbara (County) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California •
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) •
Vandenberg Air Force Base •
Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) •
California •
USA (Country)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 289)
- Documents (289)
Identification of Historic Properties and Assessment of Effects TP-01 Improvements Supporting Future Ballistic Missile Test Launches (2019)
This government generated Section 106 report is a historic property inventory and assessment of adverse effects associated with the TP-01 Improvements Supporting Future Ballistic Missile Test Launches Project. The purpose of the document is to compile any prior or currrent studies performed in support of the TP-01 improvements supporting future Ballistic Missile Test launches as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation...
Identification of Historic Properties National Reconnaisance Office's Western Processing Facility Construction Project Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (2019)
This document is a government generated Section 106 historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects report associated with the National Reconnaissance Office's Western Processing Facility Construction Project. The purpose of this document is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the Western Processing Facility construction project as a single Section 106 report. This report provides the information needed by the California State Historic Preservation...
Results of Archaeological Subsurface Survey Excavations in Support of the Proposed Expansion of the Gaseous Nitrogen Production Facility, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2020)
This document is a contractor generated letter report for a historic property inventory and an assessment of adverse effects associated with the proposed expansion of the current Gaseous Nitrogen Production Facility (Building 539). The purpose of the letter is to compile any prior or current studies performed in support of the facility expansion project as a single Section 106 and 110 compliance report. To support Section 106 compliance requirements, the 30th Civil Engineer Squadron,...
VAFB-1969-01: Archaeological Survey of Sudden Flats and Associated Canyons, Vandenberg A.F.B (1969)
This document is a report that details the archaeological survey of Sudden Flats and associated canyons. The reconaissance survey represented the beginning of a larger project to be conducted at a future date. The project was completed during the month of August, 1969 and consisted of 1. Determination of size and location of shell middens and other cultural materials in the survey area; 2. Determination and classification of the ecological aspects of the survey area; 3. Minor surface collection...
This document is a report that summarizes activities carried out on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, during the summer of 1969, under a Federal Antiquities Act Permit issued to Dr. Claude N. Warren of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara by the National Park Service as part of early inventory efforts at VAFB. Goals included locating archaeological sites between Shuman Canyon and Pt. Sal in the north and Sudden Flats in the south and filling out...
VAFB-1973-01: Excavations at the Barka Slough Site, SBA-1010, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, a Preliminary Report (1973)
This document discusses the emergency excavations conducted at SBA-1010 the Barka Slough Site. The excavation yielded stratified cultural deposits buried five feet below the surface. The occupational sequence, with an estimated age of between 3000 B.C. and A.D. 500, produced abundant remains of what appear to be those of Canadian Elk, along with Mule Deer and other mammals. The artifact assemblage suggests hunting, butchering, and hide processing activities at the site which was probably...
VAFB-1974-01: Air Force Space Transportation System, Vandenberg AFB, Santa Barbara County, California, Testing and Evaluation of Archaeological Sites: A Preliminary Report (1974)
This document is a preliminary report that presents the details of mapping 80 sites (maps not included) known in the project area, brief descriptions, and an initial evaluation of the significance of each site tested in the project area. Only 32 of the 80 sites were tested. As such this report was not considered adequate to provide supporting data for a draft EIS for the proposed Space Transportation Systems (STS) facilities at VAFB. A comprehensive final report on all aspects of field and lab...
VAFB-1974-02: Archaeological Survey of Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California, 1971 to 1973 (1974)
This report is a document that describes the results of an archaeological survey that has been conducted at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (see Map 1) over the last three years by the author while working in the capacity of Research Assistant and Research Anthropologist for the University of California at Santa Barbara. Two separate contracts funded by the U. S. Air Force and administered by the National Park Service have helped to support an on going archaeological inventory survey of...
VAFB-1975-01: Letter Report: REF: Purchase Order No. F04684 76 31076; dated 09 Dec 75 for Archaeological Survey and Report (1975)
This document is a letter report for the archaeological survey and subsurface testing conducted by Laurence Spanne on December 5, 1975 to determine the impact of the installation of a cable trench near Launch Facility No. 23 on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The archeological survey focused on the east and northeast margins of CA-SBA-733, a previously recorded prehistoric site. The report also provided four recommendations in order to avoid or mitigate project impacts.
VAFB-1975-02: Archaeological Impact Statement for the Proposed Construction of an Antenna Base Adjacent to Building 23251 (1975)
This document is a letter report that serves as an Archaeological Impact Statement for the proposed construction of an antenna base immediately adjacent to Building 23251 at its western edge. According to information provided by the Federal Electric Corporation, sponsors for the construction, the proposed effort would involve emplacing a five foot square concrete pad to a depth of one foot at this location. No additional disturbance of the surface would result. Construction is located near...
VAFB-1976-01: Evaluation of Archaeological Sites On Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California: Final Report (1976)
This document is a Section 106 report that discusses a project that was designed to collect planning information for location of the Space Transportation System (STS) facilities on VAFB. This study was to include a survey or inventory of archaeological resources within the project area defined as a twenty-one mile long, 3,000' wide, coastal corridor extending from just north of the Santa Ynez River to a point south of Point Arguello. In addition, selected sites were to be tested, mapped, and...
VAFB-1976-02: Archaeological Impact Statement In Fulfillment Of Purchase Order No. F 04684 76 31539 (1976)
This document is for visits made on 6 February and again on 11 February, 1976, Laurence Spanne to the site of the proposed location for a new cable trench between Bear Creek, Old Surf and Coast Roads on South Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The proposed route for the cable trench was found to transect archaeological site CA-SBA-549 for a distance of approximately 1250 feet along a line beginning at a point about 300 feet southwest of the inter section of Bear Creek and Old Surf Roads...
VAFB-1977-01: Final Report: An Intensive Archaeological Survey of Five Areas On Vandenberg Air Force Base Santa Barbara County, California (1977)
This document is a report that presents the results of an intensive archaeological survey of five separate areas on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, that range in size from approximately one to 400 acres. Based on information collected in a 1974 survey of other portions of the base, two sites were predicted to be present in the largest of the areas and one site in another. The survey failed to locate any sites, but isolated finds of three chert flakes and a flake tool in the localities...
VAFB-1978-01: An Inter-Tidal and Underwater Archeological Survey of the Point Arguello Boathouse Area, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1978)
This document is for an inter-tidal and underwater archaeological survey of the VAFB Boathouse embayment conducted April 28-29, 1978. This survey was undertaken to obtain additional cultural resources data for the Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO) and to complete a Phase I archaeological survey and resource evaluation. No cultural resources were located within the project area, and additional underwater survey work is not recommended. Intertidal survey was a pedestrian survey...
VAFB-1978-03: An Archaeological Survey of U.S. Coast Guard Property at Point Conception, Santa Barbara County, California (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
Archaeological survey of a 29-acre tract of land owned by the US Coast Guard at Point Conception. In addition to the survey, the scope of work included limited testing with a soil auger of a small section of property in which the Coast Guard wished to install a leach line and field. The scope of work also specified that National Register of Historic Places forms be filled out for any cultural resources deemed eligible for inclusion on the Register.
VAFB-1979-01: A Study of Subsurface Archaeological and Paleontological Sites: Occurrence and Probability of Discovery During Construction Periods (1979)
This document is a study that was prepared as part of the archaeological monitoring program for the DOD Space Transportation Systems (STS) Ground Support Systems Integration Environmental Tasks at VAFB. Explains the general and project, or location specific, predictive criteria and ranking system employed for evaluating the probability of encountering subsurface archaeological sites at each Station Set Location. Includes detailed descriptions of previously encountered subsurface sites, and the...
This document is a Section 106 report that was written for public consumption as partial mitigation to minimize the adverse effects from planned Space Shuttle operations on this historical complex located on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Department of the Air Force's Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO), now space Division (SD), commissioned a detailed Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) report on the Boathouse along with this report for the public. The report...
VAFB-1980-08: Cultural Resources Technical Report on the MAB-2 Construction Project, SBA-1176, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1980)
This document is a report that discusses mitigation of impacts to CA-SBA-1176, the MAB-2 site, by construction grading of an access road connecting Pega Road with the Missile Assembly Building. Excavation of twelve cubic meters of soil helped to delineate and define two loci at the site.
VAFB-1980-10: RE: Report on the HDR V Project - SBA-1036 Archaeological Mitigation Definition of the Proposed Gatehouse on El Rancho Lateral Road Associated with the MX Project on Vandenberg Air Force Base (1980)
This document is a letter report to Steve Craig of Henningson, Durham and Richardson, dated 3 July 1980, that reports the results of subsurface testing at CA-SBA-1036 located along El Rancho Lateral Road on VAFB in support of the environmental review process associated with the MX missile program. The purpose of the subsurface testing program was to define the scope of the mitigation required by providing accurate assessments of the depth of constituents and categories of information present...
VAFB-1980-12: Cultural Resources Technical Report, Site Delimitation and Testing for Proposed MX Missiles Systems at Vandenberg Air Force Base (1980)
This document is a report that presents the results of a site survey, delimitation, mapping, and limited subsurface testing program for proposed construction of MX missile test facilities. Six areas of potential cultural sensitivity were investigated to determine their archaeological sensitivity, define site boundaries, and generate preliminary data on site content. The proposed project will likely have adverse effects on SBA-1153, though more thorough investigation would likely be needed.
VAFB-1980-13: Cultural Resource Impact Evaluation and Mitigation Planning for the Mx Missile System Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1980)
The initial fieldwork (1979) was designed to identify areas in which the construction of proposed MX facilities on San Antonio Terrace would result in impacts to cultural resources. Areas of projected impact were systematically surveyed, sites idetified, recorded, and mapped. All the cultural resources identified during this mitigation planning study were sites ranging in size from small lithic scatters on presumed trails to the archaeological remains of major settlements characterized by...
VAFB-1980-14: Comments Relative to Archaeological Sites SBa 1106, 1107 and 1149. GSSI Project- Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. (1980)
This document is a letter report responding to Parson's query about the potential significance of sites CA-SBA-1106, -1107, and -1149 located within the GSSI or Space Shuttle Project area. Previous work at these sites indicated that they likely held limited significance, but that final examination/evaluation and surface collection of artifacts should be conducted prior to construction. Subsurface testing was not previously conducted due to the sparseness of surface materials.
VAFB-1981-04: Union Oil Company of California, Geophysical Evaluation, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California, Environmental Resource Survey (1981)
This document describes how the Union Oil Company of California is proposing to conduct a geophysical data evaluation of reserved mineral lands within VAFB. The collection and compilation of this data entails a seismic survey of approximately 90.3 line-miles (14.5 line-kilometers). Prior to commencing the seismic survey, an investigation of potentially impacted biological and archaeological resources was initiated encompassing a 50-foot (15-m) centerline corridor involving 82.6 miles (132.2 km)...
VAFB-1981-07: Historic Background of Red Roof Canyon (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
During February, 1981, the Office of Public Archaeology undertook a limited historic background study of a historic ranch site (SBa-1148) on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. The purpose of the study was to develop adequate information on the historic significance of the property as part of the Space Shuttle construction program. The study included review of primary and secondary literature sources, a site inspection, and four oral interviews. Historic research...
VAFB-1981-08: Archaeological Salvage Excavations at SBa-534 and SBa-680 for STS 69 KV Transmission Line, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1981)
Archaeological investigations were conducted by the Office of Public Archaeology at sites Sba-534 and Sba-680 in March, 1981, to mitigate impacts resulting from the construction of STS 69 KV Transmission Line on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Excavations in peripheral areas of both sites yielded chipped stone assemblages consisting primarily of chert debitage. Preliminary analysis of these materials suggests that the sites served in part as loci for the maintenance and modification of...
VAFB-1981-09: Range Improvement Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1981)
Archaeological investigations were undertaken by Greenwood and Associates for 12 archaeological sites (CA-SBa-603, 625, 722, 962, 978, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1019, 1020, and 1111) of which four sites are located on South Vandenberg and the remaining eight are located in North Vandenberg. It is the focus of this study to determine if the Range Improvement Project will have an adverse effect on cultural resources located within the project area. The investigations indicated that one site...
VAFB-1981-13: Prehistoric and Historic Land Use Strategies in the San Antonio Terrace: A Research Design to Guide Archaeological Studies in Support of the MX Missile Test Facility on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1981)
This document is a research design prepared in support of archaeological research undertaken relative to construction of the MX Missile test facility on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), Santa Barbara County, California. Archaeological surveys for this development were initiated in April, 1979. The first excavations were performed during the summer of 19S0 and are currently underway. Additional survey, test excavation programs, and mitigation of impact programs are expected to continue through...
This document is a Section 106 report for salvage excavations at CA-SBA-1686 that were conducted to mitigate impacts from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Space Transportation System (STS) related construction of V-33 (External Tank Processing and Storage Facility). The emergency field program resulted in the discovery of a large flaked stone assemblage representing a variety of aboriginal activities including reduction of cores to bifacial preforms, biface thinning, and tool maintenance....
VAFB-1981-18: Subject: Archaeological Evaluation of the Jesus Maria Oilfield San Antonio Terrace, Vandenberg Air Force Base. Ref: Your letter of December 3, 1980. (1981)
This document is a letter report summarizing results of a pedestrian survey of the Jesus Maria Oilfield improvements project area. A single archaeological site (CA-SBA-593) was identified in the vicinity. Trenching was deemed unlikely to have any impacts, but was monitored. A hearth feature was exposed during trenching. Feature was mapped in the trench wall and a sample of charcoal was collected for radiocarbon dating (results not included).
VAFB-1981-19: Summary of HDR Archaeological Testing and Mitigation Excavation Programs in the San Antonio Terrace Dunes, Vandenberg Air Force Base (1981)
This document contains the field notes, graphics, and other records pertaining to archaeological excavations conducted by HDR staff archaeologists for M-X facilities sitings at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (September-December 1980). The original field notes have been edited, supplemented, and typed. Most of the pertinent original graphics, such as profiles, have been reproduced from field copies into final forms and their implications are briefly discussed. However, most of the original...
VAFB-1982-05: Vandenberg Air Force Base, California 1982 Fuels Management Program Cultural Resources Survey/Evaluation (1982)
This document is a report that deals with the results of a cultural resources survey undertaken by personnel of the Office of Public Archaeology (OPA), Social Process Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) during June, 1982. A total of twenty archaeological sites was examined and evaluated during Phase I of the Fuels Management Program Survey at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, including seven new sites (CA-SBa-1738, 1739, 1740,...
VAFB-1982-06: An Addendum to Prehistoric and Historic Land Use Strategies in the San Antonio Terrace: A Research Design to Guide Archaeological Studies in Support of the MX Missile Test Facility on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1982)
This document is a report that outlines an attempt to develop a set of explicit statements for guiding prehistoric research on San Antonio Terrace. These hypotheses fall into three major classes. The first class relates to environmental change with hypotheses linking to specific expectations for the project area, and by extension, to changes in patterns of subsistence and settlement behavior in prehistory. The second class of hypotheses derive from basic anthropological expectations about the...
VAFB-1982-07: Results of Archaeological Subsurface Testing at SBa-1149 (Prehistoric), for the GSSI Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1982)
This document is a technical report discussing a series of 12 shovel test pits excavated along both sides of Coast Road on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The test pits are adjacent to CA-Sba-1149H and yielded 8 chert flakes that were recovered on the west side of the road, within the area recently cleared of brush. Preliminary surface examination indicate a prehistoric archaeological site exists adjacent to the historic site. The majority of debitage <20 mm was deemed "natural" based on a...
VAFB-1982-10: Union Oil Company of California, Seismic Test Monitoring Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California; Cultural and Biological Resources (1982)
A biological and cultural resource monitoring program on VAFB, in conjunction with a seismic survey conducted on behalf of the Union Oil Company. The seismic survey represents a minor variation on a previously completed study (WESTEC 1981). These variations include changes in auger hole depth and frequency, and the use of minisocie vibrating device, did not appreciably alter the anticipated impacts on biological or cultural resources. During the monitoring program, three previously unrecorded...
VAFB-1983-09: The Story of Marshallia Ranch, a History Dating Back to the Olivera Adobe Built in 1837 (1983)
This document is a report detailing the story of the Marshallia ranch house. It is the oldest structure on VAFB, has been a landmark for more than a century, surviving drastic remodellings and the ravages of two fires. Mexicans and Americans, ranchers and missile engineers, wars and depressions, have all played a role in its destiny. Its fate has been linked with the "Rancho de Jesus Maria," which covered nearly one-half of the land on present-day VAFB. The ranch house's history mirrors the...
VAFB-1983-10: Results of Archaeological Monitoring at SBa-1149-P, in Connection with the GSSI Project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. (1983)
This document is a report for the results of the archaeological monitoring in 1982 for the proposed V33 Tow Route identified intact portions of CA-SBA-1149 within the project area. This report summarizes the results of the subsequent monitoring program during construction activities. The construction activities consisted of bulldozers, scrapers, and graders widening and levelling the old Coast Road. A total of 170 isolated artifacts and one feature consisting of a lithic cache of preforms and...
VAFB-1983-11: An Archaeological Survey of Proposed Road and Minuteman Launch Facility Modifications for the Peacekeeper in Minuteman Silos Testing Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1983)
This report documents an archaeological investigation of portions of the San Antonio Terrace and Shuman Canyon was requested in support of proposed undertakings concerning the Peacekeeper in Minuteman Silo Testing Program. Possible modifications of El Rancho, El Rancho Oeste, Pega, Umbra and Point Sal Roads include turnout areas and access roads to launch facilities LF-02, LF-05, and LF-08. Archaeological investigations consisted of a background literature review, field survey, and consultation...
VAFB-1983-13: Unrecorded Historic Anglo and Hispanic Campsites on Vandenberg Air Force Base (1983)
This document provides general descriptions and map locations for known historic Anglo and Hispanic campsites.
VAFB-1983-17: Letter report (testing) to Mr. Howard Watts, Cultural Resources Manager, Environmental Planning Division, U.S. Air Force Regional Civil Engineer dated August 16, 1983 (1983)
This document is a letter report that presents a summary of the methods and results of archaeological testing at CA-SBA-706 in July 1983. The purpose of this testing was to mitigate impacts to the site as a result of construction activities during the repair of damage to Bass Road.
VAFB-1983-18: Study of Shellfish Remains from Archaeological Sites on the San Antonio Terrace (1983)
This document is a report of the analysis of marine shellfish remains recovered in archaeological investigations conducted to mitigate impacts of MX missile development at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California.
VAFB-1984-01: SUBJECT: Draft Final Report on Subsurface Testing at Archaeological Site CA-SBa-1686; GSSI Station Set Location V-33; Vandenberg AFB, Santa Barbara County California (1984)
This document is a report on subsurface testing at CA-SBA-1686 revealing a low density cultural deposit consisting predominantly of Monterey Chert flakes. Testing was concentrated along the alignment of a proposed security fence and associated electrical trench. Datable charcoal and charred bone were collected (no dates reported), along with four chert tools. No features or distinguishable artifact clusters were identified within the area tested. These results are similar to those of previous...
VAFB-1984-04: Letter Report to Stan Johnson, U.S. Prison Farm Office, Regarding Archaeological Survey For Fence Line Project on VAFB (1984)
This document is a letter report that presents the results of archaeological survey for a fence line replacement project at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California that will be completed by the U.S. Prison, Lompoc. Three previously recorded archaeological sites are located along the proposed fence line. No artifacts were observed.
VAFB-1984-07: Archaeological Survey: Vandenberg Space Force Base Space Shuttle Range Support Project, Santa Barbara County (1984)
This document is a Section 106 archaeological survey that was performed to determine if any cultural resources would be affected by proposed modifications to four parcels (59 acres total) on south VAFB. Two previously recorded archaeological sites were in or near the study parcels. CA-SBA-1148 had been previous assessed as not significant and the boundaries of CA-SBA-1149 were unknown. No additional sites or isolated artifacts were discovered during the survey.
VAFB-1984-08: Data Recovery Plan, SBa-1060, Peacekeeper Program, Roads and Utilities, Phase I, Vandenberg AFB, California (1984)
This document is a data recovery plan for CA-SBA-1060 that was affected by the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Program. The program was to construct and operate Peacekeeper Missile Program test facilities includes Roads and Utilities components. Phase 1 involves four elements: 1) the modification of 12 overhead utilities along El Rancho road, 2) upgrading of the El Rancho Road - Umbra Road intersection, 3) construction of an at-grade crossing of the Southern Pacific Railroad by El Rancho Road, and 4)...
VAFB-1984-12: Replacement Cable Project and Fibre Optic Cable Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County (1984)
This document is report for an inventory and limited awareness program that was undertaken to evaluate the potential impacts on cultural resources of two communications cable projects at VAFB. The inventory resulted in the discovery of five archaeological sites (4 prehistoric, 1 historic) and four cultural resource isolates. A limited assessment program was undertaken at the newly recorded sites (CA-SBA-1865H, 1866, 1867, 1868, and 1869) and at five previously identified sites (CA-SBA-513, 939,...
VAFB-1984-13: Results of Archaeological Subsurface Testing at SBa-775 for the V-17 Visual Landing Aids North 6500 Foot Papi Lights, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1984)
This documents describes that an archaeological surface survey was conducted in the vicinity of the proposed V-17 Visual Landing Aids Project's construction of Papi lights at the 6500 foot marker north of the VAFB runway. Two previously recorded archaeological sites (CA-SBA-775 and 776) were noted adjacent to the proposed project area. This report summarizes the results of subsurface testing for the 100x200 foot area that could potentially impact these two sites. Based on a series of 19...
VAFB-1984-14: Archaeological Test Excavation and Monitoring at SBa-939, SBa-512, and SBa-1853, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1984)
This document is a report that summarizes archaeological field mitigation and monitoring on sites SBA-939, 513, and 1853. These studies include excavation of nine trenches at SBA-939, and monitoring the digging of a fiber optics cable trench through all three sites. As part of the Peacekeeper Program on VAFB, fiber optics cables were installed along a main corridor leading from the Installation Checkout Facility (ICF) complex, near the intersection of El Rancho Road and El Rancho Oeste Road;...
VAFB-1984-15: Memorandum RE: Proposed San Antonio Creek Flood Control Project, VAFB, Initial Notes on a Preliminary Archaeological Assessment (1984)
This Memorandum is in reply to a request for a preliminary assessment of archaeological work which may be required for the proposed San Antonio Creek Flood Control Project at VAFB. The project area was as yet undetermined, so mapping and recommendations are aimed at identifying archaeological work that may be needed in the general area. Given the working project boundaries, nine archaeological sites are situated within the project area and will require assessment and evaluation to determine...
VAFB-1984-23: Archaeological Site Modification in Dunes (M.A. Thesis) (1984)
This is a preliminary study of the rates at which the wind alters archaeological deposits on the San Antonio Terrace. The study was undertaken as an adjunct to ongoing archaeological work on the terrace in advance of M-X Missile test facilities construction. The San Antonio Terrace is partially overlain by dunes believed to be less than 2,000 years old (Johnson 1983, Cooper 1967). Johnson labeled the very active dunes near the beach "recent" and the more vegetated dunes farther inland...
VAFB-1984-25: Draft: Preliminary Case Report Peacekeeper Program, Fiber Optics Line Installation Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1984)
This document is a cultural resources evaluation of three archaeological sites located along a proposed fiber optics cable installation route was conducted to determine site characteristics , NRHP eligibility, project effects, and potential mitigation measures. The Air Force has determined that the three sites, SBA-939, 513, and 1853, are eligible for the NRHP. The fiber optics cable installation will adversely affect site SBA-939. SBA-513 will likely not be affected; however, it is of...
VAFB-1984-26a: Archaeological Investigations on the San Antonio Terrace, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, In Connection with MX Facilities Construction (1984)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological research undertaken in support of the construction of MX missile test facilities on northern Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. During 1980-1982, all lands potentially subjected to construction impacts (the project area) were surveyed, and test excavations took place at 24 sites in order to define their boundaries and assess their significance. At eight of these sites excavations were more intensive...
VAFB-1984-26c:Archaeological Investigations on San Antonio Terrace, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, In Connection with MX Facilities Construction: Appendix II: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY AREA (1984)
This document is the historical research report for the MX Missile Test Facilities Project on Vandenberg Space Force Base. It provides a historical overview that is important to understanding the archaeology and historical period sites in the study area.
VAFB-1985-04: Peacekeeper Program, Cultural Resources Testing and Monitoring, Roads and Utilities, Phase I, Vandenberg AFB, California (1985)
This document is a report that describes cultural resources testing and monitoring as part of the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison program, a program to construct and operate Peacekeeper missile test facilities at VAFB. The project included the installation of utilities and modification of roads. A total of 12 overhead utility lines crossing El Rancho and Umbra roads were undergrounded or modified; one was located in a floodplain and three were within or adjacent to a significant archaeological site ...
VAFB-1985-07: Results of Archaeological Testing at SBa-212 and SBa-1145, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. (1985)
This document is a Section 106 report for archaeological testing performed on the site CA-SBA-212 located on Vandenberg Air Force Base. The testing was performed in support of the proposed installation of a communication line between an area near Point Pedernales to an existing line west of Coast Road. The purpose of the testing was to assess the National Register eligibility of CA-SBA-212. The report details the excavation of the site and presents the results. Although the document focuses...
VAFB-1985-09: Environmental Surveillance Report, No. 20, October 1, 1984 through August 15, 1985 (1985)
This report (ESR 20) describes the implementation of the Environmental Surveillance Plan for the STS Program at VAFB and is a continuation of reports No. 1-19. Construction activities continued at Station Sets V23, FY '84 Physical Security Modifications, V32 in Port Hueneme, and V80 (partial) Towroute. New construction began at V33 Harbor Headquarters Refurbishment, V23 Launch Pad Paving/North Access Road and Security Modifications Phase II (Security Patrol Roads) and V17 Visual Landing...
VAFB-1985-12: Archaeological Investigation: Northwest Lompoc / Jesus Maria Project, Union Oil Company of California, Vandenberg Air Force Base (1985)
This document is a study that was conducted for Union Oil Company to identify and evaluate cultural resources which may be affected by their proposed Northwest Lompoc/Jesus Maria Project on VAFB. Union Oil proposes to construct 43 well pads with size ranging from an area of 200x200 to 200x420 feet, combined cable/pipeline corridors 10-15 feet wide, and new access roads 20 feet wide. The inventory resulted in the discover of nine archaeological sites and nine cultural resource isolates (eight...
VAFB-1985-15: Results of Archaeological Monitoring and Limited Subsurface Testing for the V-23 Space Shuttle Launch Site Patrol Roads C and D, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA (1985)
This document is a Section 106 inventory report discusses the results of monitoring and testing for construction activities associated with the V-23 Patrol Roads C and D. A total of 39 stone artifacts were recovered from Road C and 1 stone artifact was recovered from Road D during construction monitoring. A total of 10 shovel test units were excavated in the vicinity of where archaeological materials were unearthed and two new archaeological sites were identified. The two sites probably...
VAFB-1985-17: Cultural Resources Along the Point Sal Grazing Area Fence Line, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1985)
This document is a report that presents the results of an archaeological survey of approximately 12.17 miles of a fence surrounding the Point Sal Grazing Area and of an inspection of historic and prehistoric sites along a previously surveyed portion of this same fence. Seven archaeological sites and two isolates were recorded in the course of a survey o the fence around the Point Sal Grazing Area in the Casmalia Hills on VAFB in preparation for fence repair and replacement. In addition to this...
VAFB-1985-19: Archeological Investigation: Vandenberg AFB Communication Line #1976, Santa Barbara County, California (1985)
This document is a archaeological study undertaken as part of an Environmental Assessment. The purpose was to identify unknown archaeological sites and evaluate emplacement of a buried communication cable (#1976) on Vandenberg Air Force Base. No previously unknown archaeological sites were discovered during the course of this investigation. Two isolated archaeological findings were made, though the materials do not appear eligible for NRHP.
VAFB-1985-20: Archaeological Investigations at the Temporary Storage Facilities (1985)
This document is a letter report describing the results of archaeological investigations conducted for the Temporary Storage Facilities project. An intensive on-the-ground survey was performed but yielded no cultural features or artifacts were observed in the study area. Six shovel test pits were excavated due to the project's proximity to SBA-1686. No subsurface cultural materials were observed.
VAFB-1985-21: Subject: Results and Recommendations of an Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Parking Lot Along the North Access Road (1985)
This document is a letter report summarizing the results of an archaeological survey conducted in a 10-acre area for a proposed parking lot. Two artifacts were located in the survey area, though sites in the surrounding portions of southern VAFB have largely been subsurface, with little surface visibility.
VAFB-1985-22: Subject: Results of Archaeological Surface Survey for the V-33 Security Fence and Parking Lot Extension, Southern Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA (1985)
This document is a letter report outlining survey results associated with the V33 project. Based on an archaeological surface survey and a literature review for the area, no significant archaeological/cultural resources were identified in the V-33 project area. However, because of the proximity of SBA-1686 and the occurrence of buried and isolated cultural artifacts in the general vicinity, it is recommended that archaeological monitoring accompany brush removal and all excavation into the...
VAFB-1985-23: Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigations of SBA-1010 and Nearby Areas, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1985)
This document describes a Phase I archaeological investigation conducted at CA-SBA-1010 and its immediate environs. SBA-1010 (Barka Slough) is a deeply stratified archaeological site buried in the south bank of San Antonio Creek, a major watercourse in VAFB. The project was primarily designed to determine whether cultural resources would be adversely affected if Santa Barbara County rip-rapped San Antonio Creek to prevent future erosion of Highway S-20. The project focused upon defining the...
VAFB-1985-27: Field Notes and Field Maps Compiled During the Union Oil Project Archaeological Surface Survey and Limited Subsurface Testing Done Along the Proposed Routes, Santa Barbara County, CA. (1985)
This document includes documents that were produced as part of the Union Oil Project/ Exxon Project Shamrock and Central Santa Maria Basin Area Study EIS/EIR. They are support material of fieldwork conducted for and related to the Technical Appendix G, Cultural Resources, March 18, 1985. Prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc, Santa Barbara, CA.
VAFB-1986-01: Geomorphology of Spring Canyon, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Roscoe Loetzerich
This report documents preliminary findings of a geoarchaeological reconnaissance of Lompoc Mesa and includes sections on: regional setting, coastal terraces, terrace correlations, faults, dunes, and soil stratigraphy. Also includes change through the Holocene, spatial elements (visibility corridors) for sites, and landscape alterations.
VAFB-1986-02: Phase II Archaeological Investigations and Mitigation Planning, Union Oil Company of California, Santa Maria Basin Pipeline (Platform Irene Project), Northern Santa Barbara County, California (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
This document has two primary purposes. First, it describes the nature and results of a Phase II testing program conducted to evaluate the significance and importance of cultural resources that could be affected by the proposed Union Oil Company of California Santa Maria Basin Pipeline Project (Platform Irene Project). Second, the document present a program design for developing Phase III mitigations for unavoidable cultural resource impacts. Data collectioned during the Phase II...
VAFB-1986-05: Environmental Surveillance Report, No. 21, August 15, 1985 through May 15, 1986, CONTRACT NO. F04701-83-C-0032 (1986)
This report is prepared by the Martin Marietta Corporation (MMC) for the US Air Force to document the Environmental Surveillance activities performed under Contract No. F04701-83-C-0032. Contributing archaeological support is provided by Harmsworth Associates under contract to MMC. The environmental surveillance procedure continually evolves as results of field surveillance provide additional information on impacts of the Vandenberg Space Shuttle Program upon environmental resources of the...
VAFB-1986-08: RE: Archaeological Surface Survey for a Portion of the MPS36 Electrical Power Line Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA (1986)
This document is a letter report outlining results of an archaeological surface survey in the vicinity of a proposed power line between Building 21101 and Sky Screen Road on Vandenberg Air Force Base. Although only a single isolated chert flake was noted adjacent to the proposed power line corridor, vegetation prohibited adequate surface examination. There also exists a possibility of a buried cultural site in the area. At least one archaeological site (SBA)1868) located south of the project...
VAFB-1986-12: Cultural Resources Survey, Proposed Airport Control Tower (P.N. 84014), Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1986)
In August 1986, an archaeologist from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, conducted an intensive pedestrian survey of approximately 40 acres surrounding the U.S. Air Force's proposed control tower location on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The survey was conducted to determine what effects, if any, construction of the proposed facility would have on cultural resources. The survey revealed only a substantially altered roadway that may correspond to a historic period...
VAFB-1986-17: Appendix 2, Draft Historic Overview, Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project, South Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich
This document is an appendix for the No Effects determination for Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project. This literature search of historical records dealing with post-European contact was made to clarify the nature of historical components of sites discovered by archaeological survey teams in the subject project area. Archaeological sites adjacent and near the pipeline corridor north of Honda Creek and south of Spring Canyon displayed Anglo artifacts. This research attempts to provide a historical...
VAFB-1986-19: EXXON Lompoc Pipeline Project Supplemental EIR, Technical Appendix C, Cultural Resources (1986)
This document is the Technical Appendix C for the EXXON Lompoc Pipeline Project Supplemental EIR outlining the impacts to cultural resources for proposed pipeline alternatives for the Project. The appendix addresses cultural resources and contains tables and cultural material information.
VAFB-1987-04: Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Test Areas, San Antonio Terrace, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Arianna Zalud
A cultural resources survey and archival study of areas on VAFB proposed for expansion of testing facilities for Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison programs was conducted. Eighteen archaeological sites were identified during the survey of approximately 1100 acres. This brings to 39 the total number of sites known to exist in the three survey areas. Most of the sites represent camps or projectile-point preparation locations used by prehistoric hunters in...
VAFB-1987-05: Request for Determination of Eligibility: San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Grant Snitker
This Request for Determination of Eligibility for the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District as a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) district is being submitted to facilitate management of cultural resources that could be affected by the construction of Peacekeeper Rail Garrison and Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) test facilities. Flight tests of both the Small ICBM and Peacekeeper Rail Garrison systems will be conducted at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) to verify...
VAFB-1987-10: Results of Archaeological Surface Survey and Limited Subsurface Testing for the Launch Support System Cable, Northern Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, CA (1987)
Archaeological survey and testing for corridors covering proposed installation of approximately five miles of communications cable connecting various launch facilities along Port Sal and Globe roads. A total of 13 archaeological sites were investigated, including three newly identified sites and ten previously recorded sites. Sites and testing efforts are described individually yielding a recommended redesigned cable corridor that will reduce impacts and outlines possible cultural materials that...
VAFB-1987-14: Preliminary Case Report in Support of U.S. Air Force No Effect Determination, Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich
This document is a Section 106 report that addresses the potential for effects to significant archaeological and/or historical properties as a result of the construction of a gaseous nitrogen (GN2) pipeline which requires the excavation of a 1 foot wide trench 3-5 feet deep and will generally occur within 10 feet of existing roadways. During the cultural resource inventory and subsurface testing projects, 10 sites, five prehistoric, two historic, and three multi-component resources, were...
VAFB-1988-06: Archaeological Resources Inventory and No Effects Determination for Proposed Geotechnical Testing, Proposed Space Launch Complex 7, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1988)
This document is a Section 106 inventory report for the proposed construction of a new space launch complex (SLC-7). The report includes geotechnical testing in the vicinity of Cypress Ridge terrace, to assess the viability of the location. Previous geotechnical testing in this area was supported by a No Effect determination. Two archaeological sites have been recorded in the vicinity of the proposed geotechnical testing from archaeological surface surveys and limited subsurface testing as part...
VAFB-1988-07: RE: Results of Archaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Exploration at the Proposed Space Launch Complex 7 (SLC 7) Project Area, Vandenberg Air Force Base (1988)
This document is a monitoring report describing archaeological observation of geotechnical core drilling at the proposed project site of Space Launch Complex 7 (SLC-7). Monitoring of soil core extraction at selected locations was recommended as a result of an earlier intensive cultural resources survey of the SLC 7 project area. During the course of the project a number of lithic artifacts including possibly utilized flakes were observed on the surface in the vicinity of the terrace top just...
VAFB-1988-08: Subject: Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Fence Lines in Santa Lucia Canyon and San Antonio Valley, Vandenberg Air Force Base (1988)
This document is a letter report describing the results of Phase I archaeological surveys along the routes of four proposed fence lines in Santa Lucia Canyon and in the San Antonio Valley and Purisima Hills. One archaeological site and two isolated finds were identified during the survey in Areas 2 and 3. No cultural resources were observed in Survey Areas 1 and 4.
VAFB-1988-11: Santa Ynez Raw Waterline Surface Survey, Raw Waterline Replacement Project, Santa Ynez River, County of Santa Barbara (1988)
An archaeological survey was conducted for the Santa Ynez Raw Waterline project consisting of 3.5 miles of 5' deep trenches which will follow East and West Farm Roads and Terra Road from Well #5A on United States Penitentiary property in Lompoc to the Water Treatment Plant on VAFB. Seven archaeological sites and one isolate were identified during the archaeological surface survey. Three sites had been previously recorded and four new sites were temporarily designated USP-1 through USP-4. Six of...
VAFB-1988-13: Archaeological Testing Program, SBa-793 and SBa-917, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1988)
This document is a report that presents the results of a testing program completed at archaeological sites SBA-793 and -917 by Dames & Moore in October, 1988. The purpose of the work was to: 1) assess potential impacts to the sites from replacement of a security fence surrounding the Vandenberg Tracking Station (VTS), Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California and 2) to gather information necessary to assess the potential eligibility of SBa-917 for inclusion on the National...
VAFB-1988-14: Historic Preservation Plan, San Antonio Terrace National Register District, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1988)
This document constitutes a Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) for the San Antonio Terrace Archaeological District (Figure 1.1-1). This district was created by the Air Force to facilitate management because most archaeological sites in the district contain data relevant to a common research theme. The district includes that part of north Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) which could be affected by the construction and operation of various Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM} test programs....
VAFB-1988-16: Archaeological Investigations at SBa-594: Survey, Testing, and Mitigation (1988)
Before testing and mitigation fieldwork was undertaken at CA-SBA-594 during Phase II of the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison program, it was noted that surface artifact distributions differed from those reported in previous survey and site record forms from 1979. This discrepancy no doubt came about from shifting dune activity exposing alternate areas of site materials through time. As well as distributional variance, surface frequencies appeared higher than initially reported at Locus I adjacent and...
VAFB-1989-03: Historic Structure Report for the Marshallia Ranch House (1989)
This report outlines the eligibility of the Marshallia Ranch House (Building 1338) for NRHP listing. The building is located at the golf course on VAFB (S of Casmalia) and is also known as the Distinguished Visiting Officers Quarters. It is scheduled for minor renovations with a major upgrade planned for FY 1991. The Marshallia Ranch has been subjected to preliminary evaluation as part of the San Antonio Terrace National Register District. The opinion from those documents is that the ranch...
VAFB-1989-09: Power Control Line Surface Survey: Resynchronization of Substation K (1989)
This documents is a Section 106 report for the archaeological survey of a proposed power control line. The line is to allow resynchronization of standby and commercial power at the "K" substation (Building 676) from a remote power plant (Building 525). Three sections of the line will be buried by trenching. Prior to the surface survey, a records and literature search was conducted. No previously recorded archaeological sites lie within the APE, though CA-SBA-1940 runs adjacent to extant power...
VAFB-1989-20: Case Report, Minuteman Launch Support System Upgrade Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1989)
This document is a brief report presenting the results of a Section 106 study for the Minuteman Launch Support System project on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
VAFB-1989-21: Archaeological Test at Titan Pasture A (Gate location) (1989)
This document is a one page report for the excavation of 6 shovel test pits at the Titan Pasture A (Gate location). The report provides a breakdown of the 6 STPS including the artifacts that were observed.
VAFB-1990-12: Cultural Resources Survey and Effect Evaluation for the HAVE STARE Tracking and Imagery Radar System Project, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1990)
This document is Section 106 archaeological inventory and effects testing report for the proposed construction of a test radar facility at one of three alternate project sites. The proposed project, which is primarily a testing and feasibility study, will entail minimal construction and will primarily involve the utilization of temporary test facilities. Since all three alternative project locations had not been previously inventoried for historic properties, an intensive surface survey was...
VAFB-1990-13: Waste Water Treatment Plant Archaeological Testing for Effects at SBA-793, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1990)
This report presents the results of a subsurface archaeological testing program at Sba-793 conducted by the Directorate of Environmental Management in May and June 1990. The purpose of the work was to evaluate the effect of construction of the proposed waste water treatment plant on this National Register eligible site. Despite the disturbed appearance of the ground surface an undisturbed deposit exists within this portion of Sba-793. The deposit, however, does not contain any new or unique...
VAFB-1990-15: The Survey and Inventory of Historic Properties Within the Titan IV/Centaur Launch Complex Study Area, VAFB, SBa Co, CA, Volume I (1990)
This document is an archival research and intensive survey of a 5.26 km2 study area was accomplished in support of the preparation of an environmental impact statement for the Titan IV/Centaur Launch Complex (TCLC) on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. The study area covers a broad expanse of terrain from Honda Canyon south and east to Canada Agua Vina and includes the locations of the four alternative TCLC sites considered--Space Launch Complex 6 (SLC-6), Cypress...
VAFB-1990-20: Power Line to A/D/E Substations Surface Survey, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California; Replace 69KV Power Distribution Line to A/D/E/ Substations (VAB 87-0075) (1990)
This report presents the results of an archaeological surface survey conducted to evaluate the replacement of a proposed 69kV power distribution line for effect on historic properties. The study identified eleven archaeological sites and one isolate within the APE. Nine of the sites are prehistoric and two sites are historic. One of the historic sites is a trash dump, and the other an old road. Eight of the eleven sites are crossed by the power line. However, these eight sites will not be...
VAFB-1990-21: Archaeological Investigations on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Connection with the Development of Space Transportation System Facilities, Volume I (1990)
This report presents the results of archaeological investigations on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, undertaken to mitigate the impacts to three archaeological sites by construction of a shuttlecraft tow route. Included in the analysis of data from these sites are selected data from earlier test excavations at eight other sites near the three that are the main focus of analysis. Analysis and interpretations emphasize reconstruction of subsistence-settlement systems through more than 8500...
VAFB-1990-21b: Archaeological Investigations on Vandenberg Air Force Base in Connection with the Development of Space Transportation System Facilities, Volume II (1990)
This report presents the results of archaeological investigations on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), undertaken to mitigate the impacts to three archaeological sites by construction of a shuttlecraft tow route. Included in the analysis of data from these sites are selected data from earlier test excavations at eight other sites near the three that are the main focus of analysis. Analysis and interpretations emphasize reconstruction of subsistence-settlement systems through more than 8500 years...
VAFB-1991-02: Supplementary Report to Waste Water Treatment Plant Archaeological Testing for Effects at SBA-793, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara, California (1991)
This report was written to supplement an earlier report (Berry 1990) and to address the comments of the California State Historic Preservation Officer SHPO). Several different types of information were requested by the SHPO and will be addressed in the appropriate sections following the format given in the Office of Historic Preservation publication (1989) “Archaeological Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format.” The earlier report can be found at:...
VAFB-1991-08: Cultural Resources Investigations for the Peacekeeper Program San Antonio Terrace Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (1991)
This document is a report that presents the results of cultural resource investigations for the Peacekeeper Rail Garrison Project and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. This report covers additional survey, testing, and data recovery undertaken for the project at 29 archaeological sites.
VAFB-1998-03: Final Technical Report Phase I, II, and III Archaeological Survey for Cultural Resource Inventory, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1998)
This document is a report that describes archaeological survey of the remaining unsurveyed areas of Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) was performed by Chambers Group and its principal subcontractor (SAIC). A total of 63,600 acres were surveyed. Of this total, 5,172 acres ( or 8 percent) were surveyed opportunistically. During the survey, 581 prehistoric sites, 11 historic sites, and 8 sites with both prehistoric and historic components were recorded, making 600 new sites recorded on VAFB. In...
VAFB-1998-10: Vandenberg Air Force Base Specific Site Revisit Project August 3-26, 1998 inclusive Brief Summary (1998)
All sites on the Discrepancy List were re-visited by a crew of four archaeologists and one BTG representative. The BTG representative accompanying the archaeological crew operated a Trimble GPS receiver backpack unit. Sites were relocated using site records, topographic maps and BTG generated maps, referred to as "Grid 46" maps. Upon reaching the general vicinity of the site, we conducted an intensive linear survey at 10 to 15 meter intervals, sweeping back and forth until artifacts described in...
VAFB-1999-05: Final Archaeological Test Excavations at Launch Facility 05 (CA-SBA-1853) Vandenberg Air Force Base, California TA-409C (1999)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological testing at CA-SBA-1853 for a power line replacement project on Vandenberg Air Force Base.
VAFB-1999-08: Archaeological Investigations for the North Base Fiber-Optic Cable System, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California (1999)
This document is a report that presents the results of archaeological investigations for the North Base Fiber-Optic Cable System Project. The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct the North Base Fiber-Optic Cable System on Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed project will involve placement of approximately 23 miles of cable conduit in trenches a maximum of 42 inches deep and 18 inches wide. Archival research identified multiple archaeological sites...
VAFB-1999-09: Central Coast Continuum--From Ranchos to Rockets, a historic overview for an inventory and evaluation of historic sites, buildings and structures, VAFB, CA. (1999)
This document is a historic context for Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. It presents the results of historic resources inventory carried out in 1998 and 1999.
VAFB-1999-10: Cultural Resources Condition of Vandenberg Air Force Base, FY99: Sensitive and Threatened Sites (1999)
This report documents the condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources for FY99. The suite of sensitive and threatened sites was examined during the third quarter and then again during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. Chapter 1 of this report lists the sites examined and briefly describes methods specific to inspection of sensitive and threatened sites. The condition of sensitive and threatened cultural resources examined during the third quarter of FY99 is summarized in...