The SCIAA Digital Archive Collection of South Carolina's Archaeological Resources
All archaeological grey literature and data relating to the state of South Carolina within the past 50 years. The information found here is held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology and has been deemed accessible and usable for public research.
Site Name Keywords
38AK276 •
38AK660 •
38AK505 •
38AK506 •
38AK510 •
38AK512 •
38Ak507 •
Site No. 38BU2223 •
Site No. 38BU2224 •
St. George's Dorchester Parish
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Artifact Scatter •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Domestic Structures •
Isolated Artifact •
House •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Settlements •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Non-Domestic Structures
Other Keywords
Aiken County •
Residual Sherds •
Brick Fragments •
Coastal Plains Chert •
Archaeological Survey •
Whiteware •
Whiteware Sherds •
Quartz •
Porcelain •
Olive Green Glass Bottle Fragments
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Mississippian •
Late Archaic •
Middle Woodland •
African American •
Early Woodland •
Late Woodland
Investigation Types
Systematic Survey •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Historic Background Research •
Archaeological Overview •
Consultation •
Architectural Survey •
Heritage Management •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Environment Research •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Metal •
Chipped Stone •
Shell •
Fauna •
Human Remains •
Wood •
Fire Cracked Rock
Temporal Keywords
Pre-Contact Period •
Post-Contact Period •
Postcontact Period •
Historic Period •
Precontact Period •
Prehistoric Period •
Historic •
Antebellum Period •
American Civil War •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
South Carolina (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
Aiken County (County) •
Aiken County •
Charleston County (County) •
Beaufort County (County) •
Charleston (County) •
Dorchester County (County)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 207)
Cultural Resources Survey of the Levesque Tract (2007)
"On October 9, 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the Levesque Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina. This survey was conducted for Mr. Steven Levesque in compliance with the requests of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH), prior to the construction of a proposed dock on the southern edge of the tract. To assess the potential for the undertaking to affect historic...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Line 1 Replacement Project (2012)
"In November 2011, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resource survey of an 8.1-mile section of an existing natural gas pipeline right-of-way (ROW) near the city of Aiken in Aiken County, South Carolina. The current ROW is 50 feet wide. No new ROW is anticipated for the project. This work was conducted for the Carolina Gas Transmission Corporation through GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc. to determine if the project would affect any historic properties. The project was conducted in...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Line 1 Replacement Project (2012)
In November 2011, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resource survey of an 8.1-mile section of an existing natural gas pipeline right-ofway (ROW) near the city of Aiken in Aiken County, South Carolina. The current ROW is 50 feet wide. No new ROW is anticipated for the project. This work was conducted for the Carolina Gas Transmission Corporation through GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc. to determine if the project would affect any historic properties. The project was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Maybank Highway Tract (2006)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 16- acre Maybank Highway Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina, 20 January 2006 for Brentwood Homes of Charleston, South Carolina. The cultural resources survey includes a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations near the tract, and the excavation of shovel tests at 100-foot intervals across the tract. This cultural resources survey was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Military Utilities Consolidation Corridor (2009)
In July and October 2008 Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the proposed Military Utilities Consolidation project corridor in Beaufort County. This project was carried out for Sligh Environmental Consultants, Inc., on behalf of the Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority, in partial fulfillment of guidelines established by the US Army Corps of Engineers for general and nationwide permits. This investigation examined an 8.1-mile-long segment of the...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Morgan Tract (2008)
"Investigators identified 14 sites (38JA410–38JA423) and 11 isolated finds (Isolates 1–11) during the survey of the Morgan Tract. We recommend sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and Isolates 1–11 not eligible for the NRHP. No further management consideration of sites 38JA410–38JA415, 38JA417, and 38JA420–38JA423 and the isolated finds is warranted. Although we recommend the site containing a cemetery (38JA421) not eligible for the NRHP, ground disturbance in and near the...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Morgan Tract G-1E Parcel and Road A-2 (2007)
"In May 2007, investigators with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the Morgan Tract G-1E Parcel and Road A-2 in Jasper County, South Carolina. The surveyed areas include the 154-acre G-1E Parcel, as well as a proposed road (Road A-2) which connects the G-1E Parcel to the previously surveyed connector Road A-1 and US Highway 278 to the north. The investigations were conducted for MFM Properties, LLC, and Thomas & Hutton Engineering Company to provide...
Cultural Resources Survey of the NHC Tract (2006)
"In July 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 22-acre NHC Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina. This work was conducted for JL Woode Limited of Charleston, South Carolina, in compliance with state laws and regulations concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) affected by...
Cultural Resources Survey of the North Augusta Greeneway, Aiken County, South Carolina (2002)
"This study reports on an intensive cultural resources survey of a 33 acre tract in the western portion of Aiken County, in the town of North Augusta, South Carolina. The work, conducted for Mr. Skip Grkovic of the City of North Augusta, is meant to assist the client in complying with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the regulations codified in 36CFR800. The tract is to be used by the City of North Augusta for the construction of an extension of the North Augusta...
Cultural Resources Survey of the North Columbia Quarry Tract (2010)
"Between April 20 and May 1, 2009, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 315 uplands acres of the 508-acre North Columbia Quarry project tract in Richland County, South Carolina. The project tract was divided into 315 acres of uplands, consisting of ridges and drainages, and 193 acres of the Broad River and Nipper Creek floodplains. Geoarcheology Research Associates conducted the geoarchaeological survey of the floodplains. This work was...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Northeast Sanitary Landfill Tract (2005)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the 40 hectare (100 acre) Northeast Sanitary Landfill Tract in Richland County, South Carolina, 24-28 January 2005 for Northeast Landfill, LLC. The cultural resources survey includes a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations near the tract, and the excavation of shovel tests at 30 meter intervals across the tract. This cultural resources survey was undertaken to...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Olde Mill Run Tract (2005)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the Olde Mill Run Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. The project tract is located north of SC Route 46 near Pritchardville. Archaeological investigations involved systematic shovel testing of the 102 hectare tract. This work was done in compliance with state and federal regulations concerning the management of cultural resources affected through development activities in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina. The...
A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Bridge Replacement on Road S-254 (Langley Dam Road), over Horse Creek, Aiken County, South Carolina (1997)
"On November 25, 1997, I was assigned the above mentioned project. That afternoon, I perfonned a historical architectural search for any previously recorded sites within a two mile radius ofthe proposed project area. There were no previously recorded architectural sites. On December 1, 1997, I examined the State Site Files located at the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, to search for any previously located archaeological sites. There were no previously recorded sites...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Bridge Replacement on SC-421 over Little Horse Creek, Aiken County (2005)
"The Department proposes to replace the concrete tee beam bridge, originally constructed in 1957 and reconstructed in 1972, along SC 421 over Little Horse Creek, Aiken County. Structure No. 024042100100 is located one mile east of Clearwater. The existing bridge is 65 feet in length with a curb-to-curb width of 48 feet. In the immediate vicinity ofthe bridge, the current right of way is 150 ft total (75 feet to each side). West of the bridge (where the houses are located) the existing...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Improvements to the Intersection of US 76 at US 123, Westminster (2005)
"... Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of proposed improvements to the Intersection of US 76 at US 123, Oconee County, South Carolina. We identified one isolated find and notes the presence of a burned down historic home, altered by the addition of modern architectural features during the archaeological survey. We identified 14 historic architectural resources (0050-0062) during the survey. We recommend Resources 0050, 0052.00, 0053, and 0060...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Lee Nuclear Station (2007)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., completed a cultural resources survey of Duke Energy’s proposed William S. Lee III Nuclear Station (LNS) in March and April 2007. The survey was designed to assess the potential for the project to affect historic properties within the portion of the overall 2,000-acre tract that will be developed. This includes (1) the 750-acre former Cherokee Nuclear Station site, (2) a five-acre bluff on the Broad River for a proposed water intake, and (3) proposed road...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed New Radar to Beaulieu 115kV Transmission Line, Aiken County, South Carolina (2001)
"This study reports on an intensive cultural resources survey of a 2.95 mile transmission line in the north central portion of Aiken County, South Carolina. The work was conducted to assist Central Electric Power Cooperative comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the regulations codified in 36CFR800."
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Old Railroad Bed Road Extension and Temperance Connector, US Highway 17 Bypass and SC Route 707/Farrow Parkway Interchange Improvement Project (2010)
The report deals with the results of an archaeological survey conducted by Brockington and Associates, Inc. for the South Carolina Department of Transportation in compliance with state and federal requirements for roadway expansion in Horry County, South Carolina. Brockington conducted the survey in 2010 and found that should the proposed construction proceed no archaeological sites would be impacted.
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed S-42-605 Bridge Replacement Over Fairforest Creek Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina (2005)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources investigation of the proposed replacement of a bridge along S-605 over Fairforest Creek, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is currently developing plans to replace the existing 75-foot long by 44-foot wide bridge over Fairforest Creek in Spartanburg County as part of the FHWA Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. This work was conducted through CECS, Inc., and the...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed SC Route 165 Improvement Project (2007)
"In April-June 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed SC Route 165 Improvement Project in Dorchester County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through Davis & Floyd, Inc., for the Dorchester County Sales Tax Authority (DCTA) in advance of bridge replacement and road improvement activities along this portion of SC Route 165. ..."
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed SC Route 642 Improvement Project (2007)
"... We identified five new historic architectural resources (Resources 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, and 1151) within the architectural survey universe. We recommend Resources 1147-1151 not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No further management consideration of these resources is warranted. In addition, we reassessed Resource 491 1047 (Salters Cemetery) because of its proximity to the project. Since the cemetery is not eligible for the NRHP and the current plans call...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project (2007)
"In July–August 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed US Highway 78 Improvement Project in Dorchester County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through Davis & Floyd, Inc., for the Dorchester County Sales Tax Authority in advance of road improvement activities along this portion of US Highway 78. The project corridor is approximately 39.6 kilometers (24.6 miles) long. The proposed project is located along existing US...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Wells Crossroad to Holly Hill Reach Water Transmission Mains (2011)
"Archaeological survey through surface inspection and systematic shovel testing at 30-meter intervals identified six sites (38OR331, 38OR332, 38OR333, 38OR334, 38OR335, and 38OR336) and one isolated find. Five of these sites contain remnants of nineteenth- to twentieth-century farmsteads or tenant farms. One site contains Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic artifacts. We recommend all of these sites and the isolated find not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). We also...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Wells Crossroad to Holly Hill Reach Water Transmission Mains (2012)
"Archaeological survey through surface inspection and systematic shovel testing at 30-meter intervals identified seven sites (38OR331, 38OR332, 38OR333, 38OR334, 38OR335, 38OR336, and 38OR341) and one isolated find. Six of these sites contain remnants of nineteenth- to twentieth-century farmsteads or tenant farms. One site contains Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic artifacts. We recommend all of these sites and the isolated find not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). We...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Road S-104/Horse Creek Bridge Replacement Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (2004)
"The Department proposes to replace the existing 90 by 26-foot obsolete bridge, built in 1968, with a modern reinforced concrete flat slab bridge 100 feet in length and having a 44-foot clear roadway width. The new bridge is expected to be supported on cast-in-place reinforced concrete bent caps and pre-stressed concrete pile foundations. The existing bridge will be removed and the new roadway section will be placed on the existing horizontal alignment and the vertical alignment will be raised...
Cultural Resources Survey of the S-45 and S-901 Intersection Improvements Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (2010)
"The project is for proposed improvements to the S-45 and S-901 intersection in North Augusta, South Carolina. The S-45 and S-901 Intersection Improvements Project includes the realignment of S-901 into S-45, the installation of left and right tum lanes on S-45, the clearing of vegetation, and the removal of existing pavement. These improvements, proposed by the Department Traffic Safety Office, are designed to reduce the numbers of rearend crashes and to improve traffic flow at the...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Sage Mill 115kV Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (2006)
"This study reports on an intensive cultural resources survey of a 6.1 acre substation in the northwest portion of Aiken County, near the village of Graniteville, South Carolina. The work was conducted to assist Central Electric Power Cooperative in complying with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the regulations codified in 36CFR800."
Cultural Resources Survey of the Sandhill Road Mine Tract (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader
"Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Sandhill Road Mine Tract in Dorchester County, South Carolina, on October 1–8, 2007, as requested by Austin Construction Company, Inc. ... There are no standing structures on the tract. We identified four archaeological sites (38DR350–38DR353) and eight isolated finds (Isolates 1–8) during the field investigations. Site 38DR350 is a small, nondiagnostic Pre-Contact ceramic and lithic...
Cultural Resources Survey of the SC-118 and S-895 Intersection Improvements Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (2010)
"The project is for proposed improvements to the SC-118 and S-895 intersection in Aiken, South Carolina. The SC-118 and S-895 Intersection Improvements Project includes the installation of left tum lanes on all approaches. These include new rights-of-way (ROW) extending approximately 500 feet north, south, east, and west of the intersection. These improvements, proposed by the Department Traffic Safety Office, are designed to reduce the numbers of rear-end crashes and to improve traffic flow at...
Cultural Resources Survey of the SC-4/302 Bridge Approaches over the South Fork Edisto, Aiken County, South Carolina (2005)
"The Department proposes to replace two bridges located on S.C. 4/302. The project corridor is located 1.5 miles south of SC302. The first bridge, ID number SN 024000400200, is situated over the South Fork Edisto River and is located approximately 10 miles east of the city of Aiken. The existing 60l-foot x 28-foot bridge was constructed in 1958, and is a steel continuous stringer type structure. The replacement bridge will be a reinforced concrete flat slab and prestressed concrete Type III beam...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Sea Island Healthcare Tract (2006)
In March 2005, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 36-acre Sea Island Healthcare Tract, located south of Fenwick Crossroads on Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. The tract lies between Angel Oak Road, Maybank Highway (SC Route 700), and Bohicket Road.
"This study reports on an intensive cultural resources survey of an approximately 12 mile corridor in Aiken County, South Carolina. The work was conducted to assist Central Electric Power Cooperative comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the regulations codified in 36CFR800."
Cultural Resources Survey of the South Rhett Tract (2007)
"In May 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 28-acre South Rhett Tract located in North Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina. The project tract is bounded to the east by South Rhett Avenue, to the north by the North Charleston Terminal Railroad Line, to the south by Noisette Creek, and to the west by a private neighborhood. At the time of this investigation, vegetation within the tract consisted of mixed hardwood forest,...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Stratford Parcel 13 Tract (2009)
"During November and December 2008, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 342-acre Stratford Parcel 13 Tract in Jasper County, South Carolina. The investigations were conducted for SLF III-Hardeeville, LLC, to provide compliance with state and federal regulations concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., sites, buildings, structures, objects, and districts eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP])...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Tansyleaf Place Tract (2011)
On 17-21 July 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 9.0-acre Tansyleaf Place Tract on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were completed for D & N Partnership of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We investigated this tract for the presence of historic properties (sites, buildings, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places). This survey...
Cultural Resources Survey of the U.S. Route 278/Hollow Creek Bridge Replacement Project, Aiken County (2003)
"The Department proposes to replace the existing 101 by 24-foot obsolete bridge with a modern reinforced concrete flat slab bridge 104 feet in length and having a 44-foot clear roadway width. The new bridge is expected to be supported on pre-stressed concrete pile foundations and cast in place concrete bent caps. The new· bridge will be constructed on the same vertical and horizontal alignment. The approach roadway section will be 28· feet of pavement with eight-foot grassed shoulders. Approach...
Cultural Resources Survey of the US-76/US-378 Eastbound Bridge Replacement over Mill Creek/Caughman’s Pond (2011)
"On February 26, 2011, archaeologists consulted the ArchSite program to determine if previously identified archaeological sites are located in the project vicinity. No previously identified archaeological sites are located within 0.5 mile of the project. Also on February 26, 2011, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) files of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH) were searched for previous investigations and previously identified resources using the ArchSite...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Waterloo Estates Tract (2007)
"In October 2006, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 161-acre Waterloo Estates tract on Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. The Waterloo Estates tract is located on the west side of River Road in the north-central portion of the island. At the time of this investigation, vegetation within the tract consisted of mixed mature hardwood and pine forest, fallow horse pasture covered in high weeds, low and wet areas covered...
Cultural Resources Survey of the William Trask Tract Beaufort County, South Carolina (2006)
Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted a cultural resources survey of the 31.5-acre William Trask Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina, in January, February, and March 2006. The work was conducted on behalf of the owner, Harold Trask. We identified one archaeological site and one isolated find during the field investigations. The isolate consists of one chert flake. Further management of this resource is not warranted. Site 38BU2177 is a Woodland/Mississippian artifact scatter,...
Cutltural Resources Survey of the Stono View Tract (2005)
In August 2005, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the 51.2 hectare Stono View tract, located on Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. This survey included a background review and the systematic excavation of shovel tests at 15 and 30 meter intervals across the upland portions of the project tract. All dirt roads on the tract were visually inspected. No extant buildings or structures are located on the project tract. Three houses (297...
Data Recovery Excavations at Wood Pottery (38AK493/931) (2010)
Between May 23 and June 3, 2005, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at the Wood Pottery locus of site 38AK493/931 (Federal Aid Number: STP-UR02 [008], State File Number: 2.156B, PIN 30611) in Aiken County, South Carolina. These investigations were carried out under the Treatment Plan approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), and the South Carolina State Historic...
Data Recovery Excavations at Wood Pottery (38AK493/931) Aiken County, South Carolina (2010)
"Between May 23 and June 3, 2005, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at the Wood Pottery locus of site 38AK493/931 (Federal Aid Number: STP-UR02 [008], State File Number: 2.156B, PIN 30611) in Aiken County, South Carolina. These investigations were carried out under the Treatment Plan approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), and the South Carolina State Historic...
Data Recovery Investigations at 38BU1904 and 38BU1905 Indian Springs Development Tract, Daufuskie Island (2010)
Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted data recovery investigations at sites 38BU1904 and 38BU1905 in the Indian Springs Tract on Daufuskie Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina, during March 2005–September 2009. These investigations were conducted for Dolphin Management Company, Inc. Archaeological survey by Markham et al. (2001) and testing by Stanyard et al. (2001) documented the presence of 38BU1904 and 38BU1905, and determined these sites eligible for...
Data Recovery Investigations at Waterford Plantation (38GE550) (2005)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at portions of site 38GE550 in the Allston Bluffs tract, Georgetown County, South Carolina in February through April 2003....These investigations recovered considerable information about the colonial and antebellum occupations of 38GE550. We employed this information to address all of the research questions outlined in the approved Treatment Plan for 38GE550, as well as other issues that the data provided...
Geoarchaeological Testing Investigations of the North Columbia Quarry Tract (2011)
"Between September 14 and 24, 2010, investigators from Brockington and Associates, Inc., and Geoarcheology Research Associates conducted a geoarchaeological testing investigation of 62 floodplain acres within the 508-acre North Columbia Quarry project tract in Richland County, South Carolina. This project was completed for Martin Marietta Materials, Inc., in preparation for the proposed development of quarrying operations and the construction of a new plant. The project was completed in...
Good Times at Short Timer Archaeological at the Short Timer Site (38BU1787) May River Neck, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2007)
From July to September 2002, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at the Short Timer site (38BU1787), May River Neck, Beaufort County, South Carolina. Short Timer is a multi-component prehistoric site situated in the middle of a broad sandy terrace on a large meander bend of the May River. Cultural materials recovered from the site date from the Ceramic Late Archaic through the Mississippian period.The site was originally recorded by...
GPR Investigations at 38CH895 I’On Cemetery (2007)
"Brockington and Associates, Inc., was contracted by the I’On Group to conduct a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the I’On Cemetery (38CH895). The site is located one-half mile northwest of the I’On Village complex."
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Portions of the Old White Meeting House Cemetery (2007)
"In June 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey of portions of the Old White Meeting House Cemetery in an effort to mitigate any adverse effects on archaeological resources that may result from the proposed widening of SC Route 642 (Dorchester Road). This work was conducted through Davis & Floyd, Inc., for the Dorchester County Sales Tax Authority (DCTA) in advance of road improvement activities along this portion of SC Route 642. This...
An Intensice Archaeological and Architectural Survey of the Proposed U.S. 25 Improvements, North Augusta, Aiken County, South Carolina (1995)
"An intensive archaeological and architectural survey was conducted for the U.S. 25 improvements in Aiken County, South Carolina. The purpose of this survey was to locate and identify any archaeological and/or historic sites which would be affected by the proposed federally assisted undertaking. Located sites were then to be assessed according to criteria for eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. This survey resulted in the identification of seven architectural...
Intensive Archaeological and Architectural Survey for the S-22 (Veteran’s Road)/South Fork Edisto River Bridge Replacements in Aiken County, South Carolina (2005)
"This report provides the results of the archaeological and architectural survey for the proposed S-22 (Veteran’s Road)/South Fork Edisto River bridge replacements in Aiken County, South Carolina (Figure 1). The project is located about 8 km (5 mi) west of the town of Salley. The survey was conducted by Legacy Research Associates, Inc. (Legacy) of Durham, North Carolina, on behalf the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)."
An Intensive Archaeological and Architectural Survey of the Proposed S.C. 302 (Pine Log Road) Widening Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (1994)
"An intensive archaeological and architectural survey was conducted for the S.C. 302 road widening project in Aiken County, South Carolina. The purpose of this survey was to locate and identify any archaeological and/or historic sites which would be affected by the proposed federally assisted undertaking. Located sites were then to be assessed according to criteria for eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. This survey resulted in the identification of nine...
Intensive Archaeological and Historical Architectural Survey for an Intersection Improvements Project, Aiken County (2001)
"The Department proposes to construct a turn lane along SC19 at S-600 and realign S-1303 to align S-600 in order to improve this intersection safety."
Intensive Archaeological and Historical Architectural Survey of SC Route 191 (Old Graniteville Highway) over Bridge Creek, Aiken County (2001)
"The Department proposes to replace the existing 42 by 24 feet deficient concrete flat slab bridge (built in 1956) with a triple 12 by 11 by 36 feet reinforced concrete box culvert providing a minimum 34 feet of clear roadway between guardrails. The vertical elevation and horizontal alignment of the existing roadway will be maintained. The approach roadway section will be 22 feet of pavement with 6 feet grassed shoulders. Approach work will include the necessary guardrail and surfacing work to...
Intensive Archaeological Survey of Intersection Improvements, Aiken County (2000)
"The Department proposes to improve the.....intersection by eliminating the "Y" intersection and creating a "T" intersection. This will be accomplished by moving the intersection....approximately 500 feet to the east."
Intensive Archaeological Survey of the S-779 Improvements, Aiken County, South Carolina (1992)
"This survey, conducted by the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public Transportation for the Federal Highway Administration, is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards and Guidelines (published in the Federal Register, September 29, 1983). This report also conforms to the Guidelines and Standards for Archaeological Investigations published by the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (1991). The purpose of the survey was to locate and identify any...
Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Sweetwater Junction Tract, Aiken County, South Carolina (2001)
"Palmetto Research Institute, Inc. conducted an intensive archaeological survey of a 64.I6-acre tract in Aiken County, South Carolina. The client was Mr. Harry Miller of B&H Land Company of North Augusta, who wishes to develop the property. An 8.26-acre Carolina Bay situated within the tract triggered the necessity for a Corps of Engineers permit, which in turn required compliance under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966...Both 30-meter interval shovel testing and...
Intensive Architectural Survey Report For Palmetto Parkway (I-520) Phase 2 From US 1 To I-20 Aiken County, South Carolina (2003)
"Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. conducted an intensive survey of historic architectural resources for the proposed Palmetto Parkway (1-520) Phase 2 from US 1 to Interstate 20 in Aiken County, South Carolina. This report presents the findings of the intensive study. Twenty-seven (27) resources were recorded (Aiken County survey site numbers 2727 to 2753). The majority of the properties surveyed in the project corridor are houses dating between 1920 and 1950, although three stores and two...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey and Selected Archaeological Testing of 38BU290 Rose Island (2008)
The Final report of cultural resources survey on Rose Island. Two previous sites were opened back up only to find more material and one new site was established.
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of Church Point School Tract Beaufort County, South Carolina Final Report (2008)
On May 27–29, 2008, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 25-acre Church Point School Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were completed for Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung. This survey was requested in compliance with state laws concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, or districts listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of Mims Branch/Little Horse Creek Regional Sewer System Improvements, Aiken County, South Carolina (2004)
"In response to continuing population growth, the City of North Augusta (CNG), together with Edgefield County Water and Sewer Authority (ECWSA), is installing a new force main and gravity sewer within the jurisdiction of the Aiken County Public Service District (ACPSD) in northeast Aiken County, South Carolina (Rg. 1). This regional infrastructure improvement project will be carried out under US Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) permit, administered by SC Department of Health and...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the 10-Acre Shoofly Mine Tract (2007)
"...The survey involved a review of historic maps and plats of the region, a review of the listings of identified archaeological sites at the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) and historic properties (sites, buildings, structures, objects, districts, or landscapes listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History (SCDAH), and systematic examination of the proposed 10-acre mining area....
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Argent East Tract (2003)
"In October 2002, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 2,553 hectare Parcels A-K Portion of the Argent Tract (Argent East) in Jasper County, South Carolina. The project tract lies north and west of US Route 278 and Route S-27-141, and east of the Great Swamp. This survey provides compliance with local, state, and federal regulations concerning the management of cultural resources in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina. Archaeologists...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Beaufort River Parcel (2007)
On 24–26 January 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 7.13-acre Beaufort River Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted for Main Street Realty of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The cultural resources survey includes a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations on and near the tract, examination of architectural resources on the tract,...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Carsons Tract (2007)
In August 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources investigation of the Carsons Tract in Beaufort County, South Carolina. The project tract is located southwest of Beaufort, east of SC Route 280, overlooking the marshes of Battery Creek. This survey includes a review of the history of land ownership and use through public documents, a review of the previous investigations within one mile of the project tract, and the results of the excavation of...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Clam Farm Tract (2005)
In October 2005, Brockington and Associates, Inc., surveyed 12 acres of uplands associated with the Clam Farm Tract for Interlink Development, LLC. This survey included a review of the history of land ownership and use through public documents, a review of previous investigations in and near the project area, and the excavation of shovel tests at 30 meter (100 foot) intervals along the project tract. Shovel tests were also excavated immediately around the clam farming facilities. An...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Dillon Frontage Road Project (2004)
"In December 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed Dillon Frontage Road project in Dillon County, South Carolina. These investigations entailed background research, architectural survey, and intensive archaeological survey. We identified two architectural resources (033 0029 and 033 0030) in the survey universe and one archaeological site (38DN130) in the Area of Project Effect. Resource 033 0029 is an early twentieth century...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Doar Road Mine Tract (2007)
"Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the Doar Road Mine Tract in Charleston County, South Carolina, on 2-9 January 2007 as requested by Bridge Creek, LLC."
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Folly Road/Camp Road Intersection Improvements Project (2008)
"In March 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed Folly Road/Camp Road Intersection Improvements Project in Charleston County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through STV/Ralph Whitehead Associates, Inc., in advance of road improvement activities in the project area. This survey provides compliance with federal regulations concerning the management of historic properties (sites, districts, buildings, structures, or...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Hampton RMC Tract (2006)
"Investigators with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed Hampton Regional Medical Center (RMC) Tract in Hampton County, South Carolina, on 4 November 2005 as requested by WPC, Inc. The survey examined an area proposed for the expansion of the Hampton Regional Medical Center. ... ...The cultural resources survey of the Hampton RMC Tract included background research, architectural survey, and archaeological survey. ...Background...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the I26/SC Route 302 Interchange Modification Project (2004)
"In January 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed I-26/SC Route 302 Interchange Modification project in Lexington County, South Carolina. Investigations included background research, architectural survey, and intensive archaeological survey. The Architectural Historian identified six historic architectural resources in the survey universe. One of these resources is a 1950s-era gas station (063 0350); the remaining five resources...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the John N. Hardee Connector Supplemental Project (2004)
"In August 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources investigation of the John N. Hardee Connector Supplemental project. The LPA Group, Inc., and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) sponsored these investigations in advance of proposed construction activities. This survey provides partial compliance with federal regulations concerning the management of historic properties (sites, districts, buildings, structures, or objects listed on or...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Marshfront Tract (2007)
In August 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 9.04-acre Parcel R800 024 0037 at the Marshfront Tract on Daufuskie Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted for Dolphin Management, Inc., of Bay Shore, New York. The cultural resources survey included a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations on and near the tract, examination of...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Old Fort Drive Extension (S-18-662) (2007)
"In April 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of the proposed Old Fort Drive Extension Project in Dorchester County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) in advance of road construction activities. ... The Senior Architectural Historian conducted an intensive architectural survey of all buildings and structures within a 300-foot-wide area to each side of the proposed centerline...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Pappy’s Landing Tract (2007)
In March 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of approximately 9.0 acres within the Pappy’s Landing Tract on Daufuskie Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted for Dolphin Management, Inc., of Bay Shore, New York. The cultural resources survey includes a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations on and near the tract, examination of architectural...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Ravenel Mine Tract (2006)
"Archaeologists with Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted and intesive cultural resources survey of the proposed Ravenel Mine in Charleston County, South Carolina, on 18-20 October 2005 as requested by Frazier Construction Company. ...The survey examined the expansion and existing mine site. The survey involved a review of historic maps and plats of the region, a review of the listings of identified archaeological sites at the SC Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) and...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the US Highway 17 and SC Route 61 Improvements Project (2007)
"In March 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed US Highway 17 and SC Route 61 Improvements Project in Charleston County, South Carolina. This work was conducted through THE LPA GROUP, INC., in advance of road improvement activities in the project area. This survey provides compliance with federal regulations concerning the management of historic properties (sites, districts, buildings, structures, or objects listed on or...
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of the Whistle Stop Tract Daufuskie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina (2007)
In March 2007, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of approximately 4.0 acres within the Whistle Stop Tract on Daufuskie Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted for Dolphin Management, Inc., of Bay Shore, New York. The cultural resources survey includes a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations on and near the tract, examination of architectural...
Intersection Improvements at SC 191 and Canal Street in the Town of Graniteville, Aiken County, South Carolina (2006)
"The purpose of the project is to eliminate two dangerous railroad crossings by constructing a new location roadway at SC 191 and Canal Street and a new safer crossing. In addition to the intersection improvement at SC 191 and Canal Street (see sheet number 9), a new curb will be placed in the two areas where the existing crossings will be eliminated (see sheet number 8). New 2' curb and gutters will be placed at several other crossings (see sheet numbers 7-8). New railroad signalization and...
Investigations at the Historic Mitchelville Site
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader
All archaeological grey literature and data relating to the historic Mitcheiville site on Hilton Head Island in Beaufort County in South Carolina within the past 50 years. The information found here is held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology and has been deemed accessible and usable for public research.
Management Summary of the Archaeological Survey of the RSR Corporation Facility Area Tract, Aiken County, South Carolina (1993)
"The investigation of the proposed RSR Corporation facility area tract was conducted by Ms. Natalie Adams of Chicora Foundation, Inc. for RSR Corporation, Dallas, Texas. The approximately 440 acre tract has a slight "S" shape..."
''Meet, O Lord, On the Milk-White Horse'' Archaeological Data Recovery at Rephraim Plantation sites 38BU1385 and 38BU1803 (2005)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted archaeological data recovery investigations at sites 38BU1385 and 38BU1803 between 27 January and 14 February 2003. Archaeological sites 38BU1385 and 38BU1803 are located in the Palmetto Bluff Phase I Development Tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted under the Treatment Plan (approved by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History) in partial fulfillment of the stipulations of a Memorandum of...
Metal Detector Investigations of the Beach City Place Tract (2008)
On 12 February–6 March 2007, trained metal detector operators from Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook intensive metal detector investigations at the Beach City Place Tract on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. These investigations supplemented the survey and testing investigations previously conducted at the tract (Fletcher et al. 2006).
“My Heart Is Still in My Old House”: Archaeological Investigation at Hartstene’s Chinquapin Hill Plantation (38BU1768) Beaufort County, South Carolina (2008)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted Phase III archaeological data recovery excavations at 38BU1768 in July and August 2003. Archaeological site 38BU1768 is located in the Palmetto Bluff Phase I Development Tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted under the Treatment Plan approved by South Carolina Department of Archives and History on October 23, 2002, and in partial agreement of the stipulations of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the State...
North Columbia Quarry Tract Survey
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader
All archaeological gray literature held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthroplogy relating to the North Quarry Tract in Richland County, South Carolina.
"S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of Wyatt Realty Investment Opportunity Fund, has completed a Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 338 acres in Areas A, B, and D and Phase II testing at sites 38AK940 and 38AK1015 at the Sage Mill/Pine Tree Tract in Aiken County, South Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). Phase I fieldwork for the project was conducted from October 19 through November 8, 2011. Phase II fieldwork was conducted from December 12–17, 2011. This work was done in anticipation of...
Phase I Archaeological Investigations for the North Augusta Water Treatment Plant Expansion Aiken County, South Carolina (2013)
"S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of URS Corporation (URS), has completed a Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 6.8 acres at the proposed North Augusta Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Expansion in Aiken County, South Carolina. The project area is located immediately west of the Savannah River and north of the existing water treatment facility in North Augusta (Figures 1 and 2). This work was done in anticipation of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966,...
A Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the, Fox Creek High School Property (2008)
" On December 26-30, 2007 and January 14, 2008, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a Phase I archaeological resources survey of the approximately 63-acre Fox Creek High School property in Edgefield County, South Carolina. The project area is located North-Northwest of North Augusta, South Carolina, and approximately 2,000 feet West of US Highway 25/ SC Route 121. Archaeological investigations included the excavation of systematic shovel tests across the entirety of the project area...
"S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of the Economic Development Partnership, has completed a Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 161 acres at the Sage Mill Industrial Park in Aiken County, South Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). Fieldwork for the project was conducted intermittently from May 21 through June 14, 2012. This work was done in anticipation of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and was conducted in general accordance with S&ME...
"During April 11–21, 2005, TRC conducted an intensive Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 360 acres at the Pine Tree Tract, located one mile northwest of the community of Vaucluse in Aiken County, South Carolina. The project area is bound by Sage Mill Branch on the west, Interstate-20 on the south, State Highway 105 (Old Vaucluse Road) and the headwaters of Camp Branch to the east, and other portions of the Pine Tree tract to the north. The project area is a 360-acre portion of a...
"On behalf of Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A., S&ME has completed a Phase I archaeological survey of approximately 44 acres in Area E of the Sage Mill/Pine Tree Tract for Project Hercules in Aiken County, South Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). Fieldwork for the project was done in anticipation of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and was conducted in general accordance with S&ME Proposal Number 1616-8318-11, dated August 16, 2011."
Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the York Street Bridge Replacement Project, City of Aiken, Aiken County, South Carolina (2011)
"New South Associates, under subcontract to Davis & Floyd, conducted a Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the proposed replacement of the York Street (S-2-31) bridges over the Norfolk Southern Railroad cut in response to a request by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). The proposed project, located within the Aiken Winter Colony Historic District II, would remove the existing low profile pair of wooden bridges and replace them with a one, two-lane concrete and masonry...
Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of US 278 (Williston Road) over Three Runs Creek, Aiken County, South Carolina (2011)
"The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) plans to replace the existing bridge on US 278 over Upper Three Runs Creek (Bridge 1D #00000220027800500), which will include improvements to the existing road (Figure I). The project area extends 890 feet north and 610 feet south and 1,700 feet east and 1,470 west of the bridge over the Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is 300 feet either side of the existing centerline. The project area extended...
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Phase II Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Bridge Replacement Along Road S-19 Over the Little River (2006)
"... This survey was conducted on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) in Columbia, South Carolina. These investigations were conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) by personnel qualified under 36 CFR Part 61, and consistent with guidelines developed by the SCDAH. The goals of this investigation were to identify archaeological sites and architectural resources (e.g., standing structures) within and immediately...
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of 1.47 miles on SC 125 in North Augusta, Aiken County, South Carolina (2012)
"An approximately 1.47 mile long by 120 foot wide corridor on SC 125 (E. Buena Vista and Atomic Rd) in North Augusta. Proposed improvements include the addition of a center tum land, improved turning radii, a planted median and sections of new curb and sidewalk. The survey corridor includes commercial and residential areas as well as a government complex and public recreational facilities. Substantial drainage improvements are located along E. Buena Vista where an unnamed drainage parallels the...
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of SC 126, Aiken County, South Carolina (2013)
"This project consisted of background research, archaeological field survey, architectural field survey, and assessment of all archaeological sites and architectural resources for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The area of potential effect (APE) is defined as the construction limits and the view shed, which is 300 feet beyond the existing right-of-way (ROW). The area of archaeological emphasis in the APE is defined as 100 feet from the existing ROW. For...
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Southern Natural Gas Company Graniteville Pipeline Expansion Project, Aiken County, South Carolina (1995)
"Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed 5.6 km (3.5 mil Southern Natural Gas Company Graniteville Pipeline Expansion Project was conducted by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., from February 8 through May 3 1995. This project was undertaken in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The proposed project corridor originates at an existing Southern Natural Gas Company pipeline located southeast of Warrenville, South Carolina,...
"In October 2004, the City of North Augusta contracted with TRC to conduct Phase II archaeological investigations on portions of 38AK276, also known as Campbellton. The site was originally recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) subsequent to a Phase I cultural resources survey conducted by AF Consultants (Drucker and Barr 2004). AF Consultants recommended either avoidance or additional investigations if avoidance was not possible. The City of North...
Plantations Without Pillars: Archaeology, Wealth, and Material Life at Bush Hill
"The results of archaeological investigations conducted at Bush Hill plantation (site 38AK660) by personnel with the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program are summarized in the following monograph. Bush Hill plantation is located near Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County, South Carolina on the Savannah River Site, a nuclear research facility operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. Data recovery excavations were conducted at the site between 1996 and 1999 in response to the...
Plantations Without Pillars: Archaeology, Wealth, and Material Life at Bush Hill Volume 1 Context and Interpretation (2004)
"The results of archaeological investigations conducted at Bush Hill plantation (site 38AK660) by personnel with the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program are summarized in the following monograph. Bush Hill plantation is located near Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County, South Carolina on the Savannah River Site, a nuclear research facility operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. Data recovery excavations were conducted at the site between 1996 and 1999 in response to the...
Plantations Without Pillars: Archaeology, Wealth, and Material Life at Bush Hill Volume 2 Technical Description of Excavations, Features, and Artifacts (2004)
"The following document is Volume 2 of the report of investigations conducted at Bush Hill plantation (site 38AK660). A technical description of the excavation methods used at the site and the archaeological features encountered during fieldwork are discussed in this volume. The volume also contains a detailed description of the artifacts recovered from the site. The methods used to analyze archival information associated with the study area is also presented in this document. The technical...