This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,501-2,600 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
- Archaeological Monitoring within AZ T:12:70 (ASM)/Pueblo Patricio and AZ T:12:217 (ASM)/the Dennis Addition, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring within AZ U:9:67 (ASM)/La Lomita, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring Within the Area Bounded by 12th Street for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Monitoring within the Area Bounded by 7th Avenue for a Water Main Replacement and Fire Hydrant Installation Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
- Archaeological Monitoring Within the Area by Broadway Road for a Water Main Replacement and Fire Hydrant Installation Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Monitoring within the Fowler Ruin, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Monitoring within the Southwest Germann Site, Former Williams Air Force Base, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
- Archaeological Palynology and Correspondence Analysis: A Case Study (1996)
- Archaeological Phase I and Phase II Data Recovery at Portions of AZ U:10:60 (ASM)-The In-Between Site-Williams Gateway Airport, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
- An Archaeological Reassessment and Evaluation of Eight Site Clusters Around Horseshoe Reservoir, Tonto National Forest (1993)
- Archaeological Research at Pueblo la Plata: Surface Collection and Excavation (2004)
- Archaeological Research Design for the Proposed Rancho Sahuarita Development, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
- Archaeological Resource Report: Arizona Highway Department Project F-043-1 (1), Hohokam Freeway (1973)
- An Archaeological Resurvey and Assessment of 15 Previously Recorded Sites on the Bureau of Reclamation Right-of-Way Along the Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project Canal, Located in La Paz County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Site Boundary Testing and Data Recovery Plan for Dutch Canal Ruin Within the NANT Property, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
- Archaeological Site Boundary Testing for Dutch Canal Ruin, AZ T:12:62 (ASM), within the Consolidated Campus Building 1 Property, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Site Evaluation La Paloma Project Area Tucson, Arizona (1984)
- Archaeological Site File Search and Testing/Monitoring Plan for the Hope VI Housing Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- Archaeological Site Identification and Site Boundary Testing at the Northwest Corner Interstate 10, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
- An Archaeological Site Near Gleeson, Arizona (1940)
- Archaeological Site Significance Evaluations for Cienega Ventana Project (1984)
- Archaeological Studies at Az BB:13:223 (ASM) and Nearby Sites in the Santa Cruz Industrial Park Tucson, Arizona (1986)
- Archaeological Studies of the Avra Valley, Arizona For the Papago Water Supply Project, Vol. 2: Archaeological Site Descriptions (1987)
- An Archaeological Survey Along a Proposed City of Peoria Utility Pipeline Alignment, Near Jomax Road, Peoria, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
- An Archaeological Survey Along the NEXRAD Utilities Access Lines to Williams Air Force Base, Maricopa County, Arizona (1993)
- An Archaeological Survey and Assessment of the Desert Mountain Properties, North Scottsdale, Arizona (1993)
- Archaeological Survey and Identification Testing Results and Data Recovery Plan for the Proposed Santa Cruz Interceptor: Phases II and IIl (2007)
- Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Survey and Treatment Plan for the Installation of Utility Poles within the Hog Farm Ball Court Site, AZ AA:11:12(ASM), near Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2009)
- Archaeological Survey at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona: A Class III Inventory (1993)
- Archaeological Survey for Expansion of a Material Source Facility, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2000)
- Archaeological Survey for the Bureau of Land Management AZA 35754 Right-of-Way Renewal, Pima County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Survey for the Dove Valley Ranch Project, North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
- Archaeological Survey for the Grand Valley Circuits 13 and 14 Upgrade, Pima County, Arizona (2013)
- An Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Rancho Vistoso Neighborhood 5 Middle School, Pima County, Arizona (2007)
- Archaeological Survey in Catalina State Park with a Focus on the Romero Ruin (1987)
- An Archaeological Survey of 12.5 Acres for CPC Southwest Materials, Inc., Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2008)
- Archaeological Survey of 13.46 Acres for the Proposed Fry's # 83 Shopping Center in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2015)
- An Archaeological Survey of 208 Acres in the Northern Portion of Neighborhood 12, Rancho Vistoso, Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2003)
- An Archaeological Survey of 5.8 Miles of Sanitary Sewer Line Right-of-Way, Old Nogales Highway Colonia, Pima County, Arizona (1999)
- Archaeological Survey of 7.4 Acres for the Proposed Pinkering Fence Line and Corral Project in Pinal County, Arizona (2015)
- An Archaeological Survey of 780 Acres for the Proposed Bridges at Maricopa, Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
- An Archaeological Survey of a 6.13 acre Parcel, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
- An Archaeological Survey of an Approximately 500-Acre Parcel of Land for the Proposed Town of Marana Regional Park, Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2007)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 160 Acres Near the Anthem Way Interchange on Interstate 17, Maricopa County, Arizona and A Testing Plan for Site AZ T:4:253 (ASM) (1999)
- Archaeological Survey of Approximately 20 Acres along Swan Road, Pima County, Arizona (2009)
- An Archaeological Survey of Approximately 265 Acres for the Valencia Road Improvement Project, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
- Archaeological Survey of Burnt Mountain and Agua Fria Tunnels, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1978)
- An Archaeological Survey of Four Acres Near Wyatt Drive, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2002)
- An Archaeological Survey of Indian Bend Wash (1973)
- An Archaeological Survey of Nearly 1000 Acres for the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
- An Archaeological Survey of One-Half Acre, Town of Marana, Arizona (2000)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Buttes Reservoir, Vol. 1 (1976)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Buttes Reservoir, Vol. 2 (1976)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Cave Buttes Dam Alternative Site and Reservoir, Arizona (1974)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Marsh Station Traffic Interchange on U.S. Interstate 10 East of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Orme Reservoir (1975)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Reach 10 Realignment of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1976)
- Archaeological Survey of the Salt River and Windy Hill Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project 12kV and 22kV Distribution/Transmission Line System, Tonto Basin, Arizona (2001)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Lower Buckeye Road Canal Relocation Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1988)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Verde Circuit 12kV Distribution Line from Saguaro Lake to Granite Reef Dam, Maricopa County, Arizona (1999)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Salt River Project Verde Circuit 12kV Distribution Line from Saguaro Lake to Granite Reef Dam, Maricopa County, Arizona, Draft Report (1998)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Santa Cruz River Valley from the Headwaters to the Town of Tubac in Arizona (1941)
- Archaeological Survey of the Schoolhouse Point, Cottonwood Wash, and Indian Point Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
- An Archaeological Survey of the Wheeler-Evergreen 69 kV Transmission Line (1991)
- An Archaeological Survey of Two Arizona River Crossings Along the All-American Pipeline (1984)
- Archaeological Test and Data Recovery Program at Site AZ T:12:220 (ASM) (Las Cremaciones) (2006)
- Archaeological Test Excavations along the Santan Expansion Project Pipeline Corridor from Gilbert to Coolidge, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2003)
- Archaeological Test Excavations and Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
- Archaeological Test Excavations at AZ T:12:191 (ASM): A Hohokam Limited Activity Site Located Just North of Las Cremaciones, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
- Archaeological Test Excavations at La Ciudad de los Hornos: The Casa Fiesta Location (1990)
- Archaeological Test Excavations at Pueblo Salado, Area 6, and a Data Recovery Proposal, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Test Excavations at the Valencia Site, AZ BB:13:15 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1991)
- Archaeological Test Excavations for the Water Plant No. 1 Expansion, Historic Block 138, City of Tucson (1993)
- Archaeological Test Excavations in Sunset Park, Tucson, Arizona (1995)
- Archaeological Testing And Burial Removal Of Unit 11 At Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM), DMB Property, 44th And Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1998)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at AZ BB:13:784 (ASM), Historic Block 208, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at AZ EE:1:221 (ASM) and EE:1:222 (ASM), Rancho Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona (1999)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at Portions of AZ U:10:2 (ASM) in South Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at Portions of AZ U:10:2(ASM) in South Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at the Florence Prison, Pinal County, Arizona: The SMU (Special Management Unit) Project (1994)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at Two Sites in the Proposed Prison Facility ASPC--EYMAN--Meadows Unit Near Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (1993)
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery of Burials at Lombeye Ruin, AZ T:12:109 (ASM) in South Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
- Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of AZ U:9:48 (ASU): A Prehistoric Hohokam Habitation Site in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona (1986)
- Archaeological Testing and Monitoring for Phase 1 Construction of the 32nd Street Multi-Use Trail and Street Improvements Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2016)
- Archaeological Testing and Monitoring of the Reclaimed Pipeline Project (Phase 1) (1998)
- Archaeological Testing and Recommendations for Data Recovery at AZ U:9:73 (ASM), Located at Sheepherder's Park, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (1989)
- Archaeological Testing and the Lombeye Ruin and Adjacent Areas, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
- Archaeological Testing at a Portion of La Ciudad de Los Hornos: The Superstition Freeway and Priest Drive Locale (AZ U:9:48 ASM) (1991)
- Archaeological Testing at a Portion of the Site of Los Aumentos (AZ T:12:178 [ASM]), Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ AA:12:352 (ASM): The Schomac Parcel (2019)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ DD:4:141 (ASM): A Prehistoric Site in the Tinaja Hills Pima County, Arizona (1989)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ EE:1:2 and :218 (ASM), "Frick's Sahuarita Sites" and "John Brown's Homestead Site", Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Arizona (2001)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ EE:1:225 and :226 (ASM), Rancho Sahuarita, Sahuarita, Arizona (2000)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ T:16:152 (ASM) and AZ T:16:153 (ASM), El Rancho Santa Rosa Residential Development, Maricopa, Arizona (2005)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ T:7:149 (ASM), AZ T:7:150 (ASM), and AZ T:7:151 (ASM) within the Dos Rios Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ T:7:178–181 (ASM) in the Proposed Cortessa Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
- Archaeological Testing at AZ U:10:91 (ASM), in Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2001)