This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,601-2,700 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
Archaeological Testing at Eight Prehistoric Sites for the Proposed Rancho Sahuarita Golf Course, Pima County, Arizona (1997)
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From January 2 to January 13, 1997, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted preliminary test excavations at eight prehistoric archaeological sites for a planned golf course in the Rancho Sahuarita development located within the incorporated boundaries of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona. All sites appear to be affiliated with the prehistoric Hohokam and date to the Rincon and/or Tanque Verde phases (A.D. 950 to A.D. 1250). Plans for the golf course, which will be the first phase of a...
Archaeological Testing at Eight Sites on the Fetzer Ranch Property, Pima County, Arizona (2000)
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The Fetzer Ranch property is located in the northeastern Tucson Basin. Development of the property by the owner, Saguaro Utah, is subject to cultural resources management for Pima County permitting. A research design and plan of work for archaeological testing at eight sites on the private Fetzer Ranch property was approved by Pima County (Archer 1999). PAST conducted an archaeological survey of the Fetzer Ranch property in 1993 and recorded nine archaeological sites. One site was the subject...
Archaeological Testing at Fillmore Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing conducted on a parcel of land located in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The testing was conducted at the request of the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department prior to proposed housing development within the parcel. The testing was conducted under an on-call archaeological services contract between the City of Phoenix and SWCA (contract no. 90034), and was assigned project number PGM 2000-3 by the City of Phoenix...
Archaeological Testing at Five Sites in North Neighborhood 12, Rancho Vistoso, Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
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In July and August 2003, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a cultural resources survey of 208 acres in North Neighborhood 12 of the Rancho Vistoso development in Oro Valley, Arizona (Hesse 2003). Eight archaeological sites were identified. Following agency review of these findings, four prehistoric sites and one historic site were considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and required additional archaeological work prior to development. A...
Archaeological Testing at Four Sites on the Coyote Creek Property, in the Rincon Valley, East of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1999)
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In April, 1998, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted a cultural resource evaluation of a 979-acre parcel of privately held lands in the Rincon Valley, southeast of Tucson, Arizona. The work was done at the request of Mr. Peter Backus of PB Trading Company, Inc. Most of the area under consideration—approximately 809 acres—had been surveyed as part of a 5,800 acre survey conducted by SWCA personnel in 1988 (Sires and Gregory 1989). The 1998 operation involved the...
Archaeological Testing at Gateway Community College in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1996)
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Archaeological testing was conducted by SWCA, Inc. from May 17 to 23, 1996 on a parcel of land located on the northern portion of the Gateway Community College property in southeast Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The testing was requested by the Maricopa County Community College District to identify any cultural materials prior to proposed development and construction within the area. Seventeen backhoe trenches were excavated within the parcel. A single archaeological feature, a prehistoric...
Archaeological Testing At Gateway Lot 4, Kitchell Development Company Property, 44th Street And Gateway Boulevard, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1997)
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On April 17 and 18, 1997, personnel from Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) completed archaeological test excavations on a 3.8 acre parcel, Gateway Lot 4, scheduled for commercial development. Based on previous research, the parcel was believed to lie near the northwest edge of the large Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM], see Bostwick 1993-4; Breternitz 1994; Kwiatkowski 1996). Archaeological remains incuding burials were previously documented less than 300 ft (61 m) southeast of Gateway Lot 4,...
Archaeological Testing at Las Canopas, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
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Knox Electric is planning to construct a commercial building on a privately owned vacant lot at in Phoenix. The Phoenix City Archaeologist reviewed the application for a building permit to ensure that the proposed development was compatible with historic-, cultural-, and character-preservation goals of the Phoenix General Plan (City of Phoenix 2001:245 248). The review determined that the project is within the mapped limits of a prehistoric archaeological site known as Las Canopas [AZ...
Archaeological Testing at Leo's Site, Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
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Monte Vista Apartments LLC plans to construct two four-unit apartment buildings on adjacent, privately owned vacant parcels. The Phoenix city archaeologist reviewed the application for a building permit to ensure that the proposed development was compatible with goals of the Phoenix General Plan (City of Phoenix 2001:245-248) for preserving the history, culture, and character of the city. The review determined that the project is within the mapped limits of a prehistoric archeological site known...
Archaeological Testing at Loci 2 and 3 of the West Branch Site (AZ AA:16:3 [ASM]) in the Saguaro Knolls Development, Tucson, Arizona (2005)
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Archaeological testing within Loci 2 and 3 of AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), the West Branch Site, took place between October 28 and November 5, 2004. All work was carried out in accordance with the terms of the treatment plan that had been approved by Pima County on October 12, 2004. In total, 250 linear meters of backhoe trenches were excavated in Locus 2 and 810 linear meters of trenches in Locus 3. Generally speaking, high quantities of cultural remains were found at both loci. Thirteen new...
Archaeological Testing at McKinley Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing at McKinley Street in Phoenix. The project area includes an approximately 7000 square foot residential lot. This project was conducted at the request of the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department under an on-call archaeological services contract between the City and SWCA, Inc. (Contract no. 101005) and was assigned project number PGM 2003-38 by the City of Phoenix Archaeology Section. Due to the possible presence of a...
Archaeological Testing at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation, Washington and 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1999)
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Based on existing development plans prepared for Kitchell Development Co. for the parcel containing a former Maricopa County Sheriff’s substation at 48th and Washington Streets, Phoenix, Arizona, two areas were to be excavated below grade for a building foundation and a runoff detention basin. Because this parcel is immediately east of known prehistoric cultural remains that are part of the large Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), backhoe trenching was conducted in the two areas to...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ AA:12:232 (ASM) within the Continental Ranch Development, Town of Marana, Arizona (2002)
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Between November 29 and December 10, 2001, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological testing at Site AZ AA:12:232 (ASM), a prehistoric archaeological site known as the Cortaro Road Site in the Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona. Archaeological testing was related to the construction of a business facility and was conducted at the request of Arizona Pavilions Development, Inc., in order to comply with the Town of Marana Grading Ordinance. Testing...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ AA:12:351 (ASM), Town of Marana, Arizona (2001)
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Between November 7 and 9, 2001, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological testing at Site AZ AA:12:351 (ASM), a prehistoric artifact scatter located in the town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona. Archaeological testing was related to the construction of a retail business, and was conducted at the request of the Powell Development Services, LLC and Snell and Wilmer, LLP, in order to comply with the Town of Marana Grading Ordinance. Testing was...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ AA:12:834 (ASM), The Shamrock Center Property, Pima County, Arizona (1998)
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On July 15, 1998, five test trenches were excavated at Site AZ AA:12:834 (ASM). The site was the excavations were done on behalf of El Dorado Holdings, Inc., the organization that is supervising development of the Shamrock Center development. The site was originally recorded during a 1998 survey as a low-density scatter of sherds, lithics, and groundstone spread over an area about 50 m across. Based on testing results, it appears to actually be somewhat smaller. One archaeological "feature", an...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ AA:2:131 (ASM) for the Proposed Replacement of the Christensen Road Bridge Over the Pima Lateral Canal, Near Coolidge, Pinal County, Arizona (1998)
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In February and March 1998, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) conducted archaeological test excavations in a portion of Site AZ AA:2:131 (ASM) located within the Christensen Road corridor on either side of Pima Lateral Canal Bridge, in Pinal County, Arizona. This investigation, undertaken on behalf of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) (Project No. BRPPN-0(27)P; TRACS No. 0000 PN PPN SB 366 01C), was performed to document the presence or absence, character, and National...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ BB:9:58 (ASM), the Vista Del Rio Site, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
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Between October 19 and 30, 1998, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted an archaeological testing operation at Site AZ BB:9:58 (ASM), the Vista del Rio Site, in Tucson, Arizona. Thirty-six backhoe trenches were excavated on the property; a total of 36 features, including 15 pithouses, 12 pits, 2 thermal features, 4 cremations, and 3 indeterminate features, were identified, mainly in the western half of the site. Based on these numbers and the size of the sample, we...
Archaeological Testing at Site AZ U:9:148 (ASM), Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (1996)
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Archaeological testing was conducted at the Sunset Colony residential development parcel in Mesa, Arizona. Test trenches were excavated to identify the presence and distribution of subsurface features Nine prehistoric features were identified and a site number was assigned to this area. AZ U:9:148 (ASM) The features included 2 pits and 7 irrigation features. One of the irrigation features, a canal, max represent an extension of canal alignments that were documented in the early part of this...
Archaeological Testing at Sites AZ U:1:128 (ASM) and AZ U:1:129 (ASM), North Scottsdale, Arizona (1995)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing, including mapping and surface collections, at two prehistoric sites, AZ U:1:128 (ASM) and AZ U:1:129 (ASM), in northern Scottsdale, Arizona. Previous archaeological work in a 480-acre parcel owned by Desert Mountain Properties, Inc. (Desert Mountain), included a survey (Bilsbarrow and Stone 1994) and a monitoring project (Hampson 1995). The testing project area includes the northern part of the original survey area. These sites are...
Archaeological Testing at Skydive Arizona Near the Eloy Municipal Airport, Pinal County, Arizona (1992)
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During the month of July, 1992, SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, carried out an archaeological testing program at Skydive Arizona. This area is approximately 15 miles due south of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The land is privately owned and located next to a landing strip. The testing was necessary to identify archaeological sites in an area where ground disturbance and construction activities had made surface examination for sites impossible. In the areas where artifacts had been...
Archaeological Testing at the Coolidge Substation, Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
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This report has been prepared by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at the request of Aspen Environmental Group (Aspen) and the Western Area Power Administration (Western) for the archaeological testing of the Coolidge Substation, Pinal County, Arizona. Cultural resources previously known to be present within the substation include one archaeological site, AZ U:14:292 (ASM), a prehistoric artifact scatter in the northwestern corner of the property, and two canals observed in trench w alls w est of the...
Archaeological Testing at the Eastern Margin of the Hodges Site (1995)
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The Flowing Wells Fire District is constructing a fire station and is planning to build an administration building. Archaeological testing was undertaken because the construction parcel lies within the boundaries of a known archaeological site, the Hodges site, AZ AA:12:18 (ASM), and prehistoric remains were uncovered dining preliminary construction activities. Twenty-four archaeological features were recorded during the testing phase. They include 10 pithouses, 4 possible pithouses, 5...
Archaeological Testing at the Massera Ruin: The Meridian Ranch Project, Queen Creek, Arizona (2000)
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This report describes the results of an archaeological testing project at the Massera Ruin (Site AZ U:10:22 [ASM]) in Queen Creek, Arizona. The testing project was conducted at the request of Willis Property Company, L.C., of Mesa, Arizona, who proposes to construct a residential development on the 640-acre project parcel known as the Meridian Ranch. Previous survey data (Wenker 1999) indicated that the Massera Ruin overlapped a 399-acre portion of the Meridian Ranch, but this entire area had...
Archaeological Testing at the Massera Ruin: The Meridian Ranch Project, Queen Creek, Arizona (2000)
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This report describes the results of an archaeological testing project at the Massera Ruin (Site AZ U:10:22 [ASM]) in Queen Creek, Arizona. The testing project was conducted at the request of Willis Property Company, L.C., of Mesa, Arizona, who proposes to construct a residential development on the 640-acre project parcel known as the Meridian Ranch. Previous survey data (Wenker 1999) indicated that the Massera Ruin overlapped a 399-acre portion of the Meridian Ranch, but this entire area had...
Archaeological Testing at the Morocco Ruin and in a Portion of the Alkali Ruin on the Lakin Property in Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing prior to a proposed residential development in Goodyear, Arizona. The project proponent, Sonterra Partners, is planning to develop approximately 800 acres of private land in Goodyear, Arizona for single-family housing. Numerous surface artifacts were identified within the documented boundary of two previously identified large prehistoric Hohokam sites—Alkali Ruin (AZ T:11:24 [ASM]) and the Morocco Ruin (AZ T:11:106 [ASM]) (North...
Archaeological Testing at the Proposed Arena, Historic Block 221, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2008)
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Archaeological testing was conducted at the proposed location of a new arena, located in Pima County, Arizona. The project area was historically known as Lot 2 of Block 221. Desert Archaeology, Inc., personnel conducted the testing at the request of the property owner, the City of Tucson, to determine if any significant cultural resources were located within the remaining unexamined portions of the Catalina Lot, a modern paved parking lot. Cultural resources compliance for City of Tucson...
Archaeological Testing at the Romero Ruin (1991)
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During the fall of 1990, archaeologists from the Center for Desert Archaeology conducted a limited testing program at the Romero Ruin, AZ BB:9:1, a large prehistoric Hohokam village with an overlying historic component, located in Catalina State Park, approximately 10 miles north of Tucson, Arizona. The testing program was undertaken for four reasons: 1) To offset the potential impacts to the archaeological deposits that might result from the construction of a proposed interpretive trail and...
Archaeological Testing at the Romero Ruin: Part 2 (1993)
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Limited archaeological testing was conducted at the Romero Ruin, AZ BB:9:1 (ASM), during the spring of 1993 by archaeologists from the Center for Desert Archaeology. The site is a large prehistoric Hohokam village with an overlying historic component, located in Catalina State Park approximately 10 miles north of Tucson, Arizona. The purpose of the testing program was threefold: 1) to expose archaeological features along the interpretive trail prior to the features' being stabilized, 2) to...
Archaeological Testing at the Sites AZ U:9:134 (ASM) and AZ U:9:67 (ASM), Phoenix, Arizona (1994)
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Archaeological testing was conducted in east-central Phoenix, Arizona. Test trenches were systematically excavated at both schools to identify the presence and distribution of subsurface features. Seven features were identified and a site number was assigned to this area, AZ U:9:134 (ASM). This site roughly corresponds with the location of a map that was created in the early part of this century. The features included a roasting pit, an ash stain with sherds, two large pits or middens, two ash...
Archaeological Testing at the Suns Legacy Hotel Project Parcel in Downtown Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing of the site of the proposed Suns Legacy Hotel in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The testing was undertaken in an effort to determine if significant prehistoric or historic period cultural resources could be adversely affected by the construction of the proposed Suns Legacy Hotel (SLH). The testing was completed under contract to the Tynan Group for the Suns Legacy Hotel Investors, LLC. The SLH project area lies within the general boundary...
Archaeological Testing at the UMOM Property Located in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
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Archaeological testing was conducted in the project area prior to its development. The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological testing be conducted at the location of the proposed UMOM Housing Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files,...
Archaeological Testing at Valencia Vieja West, AZ BB:13:15 (ASM) (1999)
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Archaeological testing was conducted in the northwest portion of the Valencia site, AZ BB:13:15 (ASM), to determine if significant subsurface archaeological remains were present in a City of Tucson parcel that may be acquired and developed by Pima Community College. The information collected from this project contributes to defining Valencia Vieja, the Early Ceramic period occupation of the Valencia site. Fifteen new features were discovered in 1,120 m of backhoe trenches that were strategically...
Archaeological Testing Beneath the Duffield Addition to the Fish-Stevens-Duffield House, AZ BB:13:24 (ASM), Tucson, Arizona (2019)
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In October 1998, Desert Archaeology, Inc. conducted archaeological testing inside the Duffield portion of the historic Fish-Stevens-Duffield House. The structure was until recently the location of Janos restaurant. The restaurant has vacated the structure and the Tucson Museum of Art is planning to convert the area to gallery space. The building is owned by the City of Tucson and leased to the Tucson Museum of Art. Architect Bob Vint performed an assessment of the property in September 1998 and...
Archaeological Testing East of Pantano Road, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
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The City of Tucson is planning to construct a bikeway in northeast Tucson. As part of the planning process, Desert Archaeology, Inc. performed an archaeological survey and records check of the project area (Eppley 1998). The evaluation revealed that a portion of the project area was adjacent to AZ BB:13:444 (ASM), a previously recorded archaeological site. On the basis of the preliminary work, Desert Archaeology recommended that an archaeological testing program be initiated to determine if...
Archaeological Testing for Prehistoric Canals near Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Pinal County, Arizona (2003)
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The report presents the results of archaeological testing for two prehistoric canals presumed to be located within a section of land in Coolidge, Arizona that is proposed for residential development. Hancock Communities, the project proponent, is aware of the archaeological sensitivity of the area surrounding the National Monument and requested that SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conduct archaeological testing to evaluate whether two prehistoric canals located on aerial photographs are...
Archaeological Testing for Prehistoric Canals, Laveen, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
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Archaeological testing was conducted by SWCA, Inc. in an agricultural field near in Laveen, Arizona at the request of Sunny Mesa, Inc. Testing was conducted because there is a known prehistoric site and prehistoric canal in the vicinity of the project area. Previous archaeological research in the area had recorded site AZ T:12:19 (ASU) and Canal Three. One feature, a prehistoric roasting pit, was found but no evidence of the prehistoric canal or cultural artifacts were observed. Although only...
Archaeological Testing for the 12th Street Improvement Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
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Archaeological testing was conducted by SWCA, Inc. along 12th Street at the request of the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department and the City Archaeologist. Testing was conducted because there is a known prehistoric site and prehistoric canals in the vicinity of the project area. Previous archaeological research in the area had designated a site, AZ T:12:54 (ASM), and discovered three prehistoric Hohokam features. Eight backhoe trenches were excavated in the project area comprising...
Archaeological Testing for the Casa de Shanti Project in Phoenix, Arizona (1993)
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The Casa de Shanti project involves new construction on approximately 2 acres of land in South Phoenix. SWCA was requested by Camelot Financial Services, representing the Phoenix Shanti Group, to implement an archaeological testing program for the parcel in order to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that are within the project boundaries. This is required because the project will be wholly or partly funded by federal monies (Department of Housing and Urban Development) and is...
Archaeological Testing for the City of Phoenix Sixty-seventh Avenue Water Transmission Main, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
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The project involves archaeological testing in the Maricopa County right-of-way along the course of the City of Phoenix Sixty-seventh Avenue Water Transmission Main. The work was prompted by the possibility that archaeological remains associated with the prehistoric village of Pueblo Primero would be encountered in the southern portion of the waterline corridor. This report documents the results of archaeological testing activities completed by Desert Archaeology, Inc., along the City of...
Archaeological Testing for the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing at the Consolidated Rental Car Facility in Phoenix, Arizona. Testing was conducted at the request of the City of Phoenix Aviation Department and the City Archaeologist under an on-call archaeological services contract between the City and SWCA, Inc. (Contract no. 90034) and was assigned project number PGM 2001-16 by the City of Phoenix Archaeology Section. SWCA conducted archaeological testing at the Consolidated Rental Car Facility...
Archaeological Testing for the Kyrene Expansion Project (2000)
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Archaeological testing was conducted at the Salt River Project Kyrene Generating Station located east of Kyrene Road between Guadalupe and Elliot roads in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. The testing took place at the site of a proposed new natural gas-fired generating station adjacent to the existing generating station in the Pole and Tank yards of the Kyrene facility. A proposed new and realigned gas line route was investigated also. The purpose of testing was to determine if significant...
Archaeological Testing for the Phillips Road Extension, Sites AZ U:14:95 and AZ U:14:308 (ASM), Pinal County, Arizona (1998)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing within portions of AZ U:14:95 (ASM) and AZ U:14:308 (ASM) in northern Pinal County, Arizona. The sites are Hohokam artifact scatters that are within the proposed Phillips Road extension, SWCA, Inc. conducted the testing at the request of Planning Resources of Tempe, Arizona, to assess the nature and extent of the two sites that are within the proposed right-of-way. Nine previously recorded trail segments within the proposed right-of-way...
Archaeological Testing for the Proposed Hohokam Corporate Center, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing conducted within the proposed Hohokam Corporate Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The testing was requested by V.T., Inc. to assess cultural resources in the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) corridor that exists within the larger parcel. Proposed plans for the parcel include the development of the Hohokam Corporate Center, which would entail ground disturbing activities. The testing program was initiated to identify any cultural properties within...
Archaeological Testing for the Rio del Rey Unit 2 Salt River Project Irrigation Exchange Parcel, Pueblo Del Alamo–AZ T:12:52 (ASM), Maricopa County, Arizona (2001)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing of a strip of land. The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the Highland Ranch Construction Co., LLC propose the exchange of land that measures 1,607 feet (490 m) long and 29 feet (9 m) wide. The project parcel is in the proximity of Pueblo del Alamo-AZ T:12:52 (ASM), a prehistoric Hohokam site. Cultural remains associated with the site were observed in the parcel. The testing was done at the request of Highland Ranch Construction Co. to...
Archaeological Testing in a Portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:10 [PG]) in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:10 [PG]). The project proponent, North Valley Corp Center, LLC, is planning to develop this parcel. SWCA conducted an archaeological survey of the property in June 2006 (Bellavia and Mitchell 2006a). An approximately 53.7-acre area within site AZ U:10:10 (PG), including a 200 foot buffer off of the site boundary, is located on the property of North Valley Corp Center, LLC. SWCA conducted...
Archaeological Testing in a Portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:2 [ASM]) in Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:2 [ASM]). The project proponent, VIP Homes, is planning to develop this parcel of private land for single-family housing. Nearly the entire project area falls within the mapped boundary of the Germann Site. However, a previous Class III survey of the project area (North, Solometo, and Mitchell 2001) only identified surface artifacts in the northwest portion of the project area. The...
Archaeological Testing in the City of Phoenix Sky Harbor Center, Part I and II (1989)
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Archaeological test excavations have been completed within the City of Phoenix Sky Harbor Center project area between February 13 and March 31, 1989, by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants under contract to the City of Phoenix. The purpose of the archaeological investigations was to locate, identify, and assess cultural remains associated with two sites, AZ T:12:47 and AZ T:12:62 (ASM) for their significance and to make recommendations for further mitigative data recovery efforts. While the...
Archaeological Testing in the Santa Cruz River Floodplain within and near the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM) (1997)
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Under the authority of the State of Arizona General Antiquities Permit 97-69ps, Desert Archaeology completed archaeological testing for the City of Tucson on the southside gravity main project. The project is located in west Tucson along the east bank of the Santa Cruz River. It was undertaken because a proposed water line right-of-way intersects portions of two known archaeological sites, the Julian Wash site (AZ BB:13:17[ASM]) and AZ BB:13:97(ASM), and artifact concentrations were identified...
Archaeological Testing near 22nd Street in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
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EcoPlan completed an archaeological testing program in advance of construction of a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. Seven trenches were excavated, resulting in the discovery of two apparent Hohokam pit houses. The project proponent elected not to authorize additional field investigations or analyses. QuikTrip has informed EcoPlan that artifacts collected during the testing project, along with an unprocessed sediment sample, will be deeded to Pueblo Grande Museum.
Archaeological Testing of a 3.3-acre Parcel, Mesa, Arizona (2007)
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The results of an archaeological testing program conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., within a 3.3- acre property (Parcel No. 136-08-007-H) located in Mesa, Arizona, are presented in this report. The work was prompted by discovery of a small prehistoric artifact scatter during a cultural resources survey (Clark 2006) near an area where prehistoric trash and house mounds had been recorded in the early twentieth century. The artifacts and previous record suggested the potential for buried...
Archaeological Testing of a Portion of AZ T:12:203 (ASM) in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
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Seefried Properties is proposing the development of approximately 20 acres called the Buckeye 71 Corporate Center. A portion—approximately 4 acres—of a prehistoric Hohokam site, AZ T:12:203 (ASM), extends into the property. The site was recorded as a prehistoric artifact scatter with ceramics, flaked stone, and ground stone with a light scatter of Historic period Euroamerican materials. SWCA was contracted to complete archaeological testing of AZ T:12:203 (ASM) within the project area to assist...
Archaeological Testing of a Portion of Pueblo Del Alamo, Site AZ T:12:18 (ASU) (1990)
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An archaeological testing program was undertaken at a portion of Pueblo del Alamo (AZ T:12:18 ASU). The project area encompasses 10 acres and contains a part of the site. Forty-one trenches were placed, systematically and judgmentally, within the 10 acre parcel. Thirty-five cultural features were found. Eight of the features are of historic date and 27 appear to be prehistoric. The Prehistoric occupation spans the period from the Gila Butte phase through the Civano phase. All of the cultural...
Archaeological Testing of a Proposed Salt River Project Substation Location Near Las Canopas, AZ U:9:46 (ASU) Phoenix, Arizona (1991)
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Between April 1 and April 6, 1991, an archaeological testing program was performed by SWCA Inc., Environmental Consultants, at a portion of Las Canopas (AZ U:9:46 [ASU]), a prehistoric Hohokam village site located in the Phoenix Basin just south of the Salt River. The work was performed under contract with Salt River Project (SRP) on private land that SRP is considering purchasing and using as a location for a future substation. The project was administered by Dr. Judy L. Brunson, Salt River...
Archaeological Testing of a Water Pipeline Corridor Within AZ U:1:308 (ASM), Cave Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
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This document presents the results of archaeological testing conducted to assess the impact of a proposed waterline on AZ U:1:308 (ASM). The project area is located in the Town of Cave Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona. SWCA, Inc. conducted the testing at the request of United Homes, Inc. of Scottsdale, Arizona to assess the nature and extent of the site within the proposed pipeline corridor. The testing was confined to the portion of AZ U:1:308 (ASM) within the proposed water pipeline corridor,...
Archaeological Testing of AZ T:4:301 (ASM) on State Trust Land Adjacent to the Sonoran Foothills Residential Development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
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Soil Systems, Inc. contracted with Sonoran Foothills, L.L.C. to conduct a cultural resources overview and survey of two parcels of State Trust land adjacent to the Sonoran Foothills residential development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The project area was surveyed on 18 October 2000 (Adams 2001) and resulted in the recording of one prehistoric site, AZ T:4:301 (ASM), and seven isolated occurrences of artifacts. AZ T:4:301 (ASM) was recommended as being potentially eligible for...
Archaeological Testing of Block 174 and Block 175, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
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Presented here are the results of an archaeological testing project to determine if subsurface cultural resources are present on Block 175 and a small area within Block 174 in downtown Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. These blocks are within the original Tucson town site, surveyed in 1872. Block 174 was the location of the First Baptist Church and dwellings, block 175 was primarily the location of private residences. The two parking lot areas are owned by the Industrial Development Authority of...
Archaeological Testing of Four Sites at the Sonoran Foothills Residential Development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
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Soil Systems Inc. contracted with Sonoran Foothills L.L.C. to conduct a cultural resources overview and survey of private land as part of the Sonoran Foothills residential development in North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The project area was surveyed in February 2000 and resulted in the recording of four archaeological sites, AZ T:4:259 (ASM), AZ T:4:260 (ASM), AZ T:4:261 (ASM), and AZ T:4:262 (ASM [Ellis 2000]). Three of the sites were prehistoric and one was historic. In addition, 108...
Archaeological Testing of Four Sites on Haigler Creek near Young, Arizona (2006)
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AR-03-12-01-237 is a historic to modern site thought by locals to be the location of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp related to construction of the Chamberlain Trail. Work conducted during this testing program revealed that the site is related to early twentieth century ranching. Since the 1950s or 1960s, this area has been a favored recreational camping spot—a function that continues to this day. No evidence of a CCC camp was identified at AR-03-12-01-237 and archival research places...
Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
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This report details the results of an archaeological testing program conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, located in Goodyear, Arizona. The testing program was implemented to assess the significance of seven archaeological sites, AZ T:11:27, AZ T:11:55, AZ T:11:57, AZ T:11:58, AZ T:11:59, AZ T:11:64, and AZ T:11:65 (all ASM). The sites were among a total of twelve located during an archaeological survey of 3900 acres of the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development. Further...
Archaeological Testing of Site AZ U:5:184 (ASM), Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing of site AZ U:5:184 (ASM), a Hohokam artifact scatter. The testing was conducted at the request of MCO Properties, owner of the land containing the site.The survey also located one other prehistoric site (AZ U:5:183 ASM), and 14 isolated occurrences. The archaeological survey of the parcel identified site AZ U:5:184 (ASM) as a scatter of approximately 30 sherds and 2 ground stone fragments in a 50 by 40 m area (Mitchell and Ryden...
Archaeological Testing of Sites AZ U:5:182 and AZ U:5:188 (ASM), Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
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This report presents the results of archaeological testing at sites AZ U:5:182 and AZ U:5:188 (ASM). The testing was conducted at the request of MCO Properties, owner of the land containing the site. The sites are located in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona. The sites were found during an archaeological survey of a 1000 acre parcel, which has been proposed for development (Mitchell and Ryden 1996). The survey also located two other sites (AZ U:5:186 and AZ U:5:187 ASM) and 34 isolated...
Archaeological Testing of Soils Test Pits for a Pipeline for the Proposed Recharge/Wetlands Project (1995)
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In its effort to provide water in the next century, the City of Tucson, in conjunction with Tucson Water, has developed several plans designed to recharge the aquifer and provide residents with quality water. As part of this effort, the City plans to develop a wetlands area and a separate recharge basin in the area south of the City's reclaimed water treatment plant. Tucson Water has hired CH2M Hill as the design consultant for this project. On October 3, 1994, Desert Archaeology was contacted...
Archaeological Testing of Soils Test Pits for Proposed Development of a Wetlands and Recharge Basin at AZ AA:12:90 (1995)
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In an effort to provide the City of Tucson with water dining the next century, the City, in conjunction with Tucson Water, has developed several plans designed to recharge the aquifer and provide the City of Tucson with quality water. As part of this effort, the City plans to develop a wetlands area and a separate recharge basin in the area south of the City's reclaimed water treatment plant. Tucson Water has hired CH2MHill as the design consultant for this project. On October 3, 1994, Desert...
Archaeological Testing of The Citrus Cove Development, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
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Desert Archaeology, Inc., has completed archaeological testing of a 2.34-acre area of the proposed Citrus Cove Subdivision Development, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona. The work was requested by Southwest Custom, L.L.C., and was prompted by the finding of our previous archaeological survey that the northeastern corner of the parcel contained an artifact concentration likely associated with Pozos de Sonoqui (AZ U:14:49 [ASM]), a National Register-eligible site (Clark 2002). Testing began on...
Archaeological Testing of the Haught Parcel Within the Upper Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona (1989)
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This report describes the results of the archaeological testing of site, which is situated along a minor tributary of Rye Creek within the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona. The project area is located approximately 7.5 miles south of the town of Payson, Arizona. The site was tested to determine its cultural significance prior to the purchase of a 1.1275 acre parcel containing the Haught family cemetery from the Tonto National Forest by Mr. Ken Haught. Mr. Haught sponsored the testing...
Archaeological Testing of the Juhan Park Parcel along the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona (1996)
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Under the authority of the State of Arizona Antiquities Permit 1996-101ps, Desert Archaeology, Inc., completed archaeological testing. This project was undertaken because the parcel was located on floodplain deposits of the Santa Cruz River, and an initial survey identified a low-density surface artifact scatter that is part of a previously recorded archaeological site, AZ AA:12:44 (ASM). The object of the project was to determine whether subsurface archaeological or historical remains were...
Archaeological Testing of the Northeastern Corner of the Court Street Cemetery, AZ BB:13:156 (ASM), and the Excavation of Burial Features 36 and 37, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2013)
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Desert Archaeology, Inc., implemented an archaeological testing project in the northeastern corner of the historic Court Street Cemetery, AZ BB:13:156 (ASM). The project area is within the Catholic portion of the cemetery. The cemetery was in use for only 34 years, between 1875 and 1909, but research suggests that more than 8,000 individuals were interred during that time. The project was undertaken for the City of Tucson prior to improvements and the sale of a portion of the land....
Archaeological Testing of the Pima Community College Desert Vista Campus Property: The Valencia North Project (1993)
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A program of surface and subsurface testing at three archaeological loci on and adjacent to the Pima Community College (PCC) Desert Vista Campus property is described. Methods and results of systematic surface collection to accurately determine the boundaries of Locus 2 and Locus 3 of the Valencia Site (AZ BB:13:15) and one locus of AZ BB:13:74 (Locus 1) on adjacent City of Tucson property are presented. Subsurface backhoe and hand testing of all three loci is described, and is shown to reveal...
Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property (1996)
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Archaeological testing was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at the location of the proposed Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Tucson, Arizona. Prior to testing, an archival study indicated that the property had been used as agricultural fields and stables before 1912, as a park and for railroad activities from 1913 to the mid-1930s, and as the location of a hospital from the mid-1930s to 1979. The property is currently used for the annual gem show. Testing documented 14...
Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Phoenix Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property (1996)
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Archaeological test excavations and the monitoring of environmental testing was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at the location of the proposed Phoenix Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona. The project area consists of historic blocks 72 and 73 of the Original Phoenix Townsite. Archival research had indicated that the area was originally settled between 1875 and 1885 and that the property had been the site of dozens of residential and commercial structures....
Archaeological Testing of the Tubac Schoolhouse Ramp Footers (1995)
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The Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is renovating the southern addition to the 1885 Tubac Schoolhouse. As part of this renovation, the park is making the structure handicapped-accessible by installing a covered ramp along the east side of the structure. Excavation of holes for footers for the ramp had the potential of disturbing intact cultural resources. Therefore, the Arizona State Parks contracted with Desert Archaeology to conduct excavations to mitigate the impacts caused by the footers....
Archaeological Testing of Thirteen Sites in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
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This report presents the results of an archaeological testing program conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, near Goodyear, Arizona. The purpose of the testing program was to assess the nature and significance of thirteen archaeological sites prior to proposed development within the area. The sites, AZ T:11:66, AZ T:11:67, AZ T:11:68, AZ T:11:71, AZ T:11:72, AZ T:11:73, AZ T:11:74, AZ T:11:76, AZ T:11:80, AZ T:11:82, AZ T:11:85, AZ T:11:86, and AZ T:11:87 (all ASM), were located...
Archaeological Testing of Three Sites Along the El Rio-Star Pass Reclaimed Water line Tucson, Arizona (1986)
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From December 2 to December 13, 1985 the Institute for American Research conducted archaeological testing for the Tucson Water Department, City of Tucson. Test excavations were conducted at three archaeological sites in the El Rio vicinity. These sites are identified as AZ AA:12:90/AZ AA:12:104, AZ AA:12:487, AZ AA:12:488 as indicated by the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona site numbering system. The personnel assisting in this investigation include the following, William Doelle,...
Archaeological Testing of Unit 13 at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM), Arizona Federal Credit Union Property, 44th and Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
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The Arizona Federal Credit Union (AFCU) property was a 3.26-acre parcel undergoing commercial development at the northeast corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets in Phoenix, Arizona. The parcel is located immediately southwest of Unit 7 and immediately west of Unit 11 at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), where archaeological features including burials had been encountered previously. Because of its proximity, there was a high probability that archaeological remains including burials would also be...
Archaeological Testing on the Rio Nuevo South Property, Tucson, Arizona (1995)
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The City of Tucson is considering plans to develop the Rio Nuevo South property, which is located along the west bank of the Santa Cruz River near the downtown area. Currently the lot is vacant. However, this area has seen intensive usage during the Early Agricultural (ca. 1500 B.C. to A.D. 50), Hohokam (A.D. 750 to 1450), Protohistoric (A.D. 1450 to 1694), and Historic periods (A.D. 1694 to 1945). To date, the Early Ceramic period (A.D. 50 to 750) is not known from this area. As part of the...
Archaeological Testing on the Western Boundary of Site AZ T:12:137(ASM), Las Canopas, for a Proposed Land Sale, Phoenix, Arizona (2013)
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The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological testing be conducted at a 25 acre parcel near 28th Street and Southern Avenue in Phoenix. The parcel is within the boundaries of a large prehistoric site known as Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137[ASM]). The project is on private property. The City has agreed that the archaeological testing can be done under the existing City-approved Plan, entitled General Cultural Resources Testing Plan for the City of Phoenix Projects that Involve Prehistoric Canals...
An Archaeological Testing Plan for AZ BB:9:360 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2002)
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A research design and plan of work is proposed for site AZ BB:9:360 (ASM) at the request of Merry, Carnell, Schlecht, Inc., on behalf of the Tanque Verde Unified School District. AZ BB:9:360 (ASM) was initially recorded during an archaeological survey conducted by P.A.S.T. in 2000, at which time the information gathered from the surface expression of the site was insufficient to make a National Register eligibility recommendation. SWCA proposes to test the site using methods involving...
Archaeological Testing Plan for the Eastern Boundary of AZ T:12:90 (ASM) [AZ T:12:55 (ASU)], Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
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This document presents a testing plan for a development located in southwest Phoenix. The testing plan was developed at the request of Beazer Homes who was advised by the City of Phoenix Archaeology Section to have this work done. The project area is located at the eastern boundary of the previously recorded prehistoric Hohokam site of AZ T:12:90 (ASM) [AZ T:12:55 (ASU)]. In addition, a prehistoric canal was mapped to cross the project area in this same area. The City of Phoenix has a 250-ft...
Archaeological Testing Report and National Register Evaluations for the Proposed BLM-ASARCO Ray Land Exchange, Pinal County, Central Arizona (1999)
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SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) has conducted archaeological testing at 37 sites at the request of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and ASARCO, Inc. (Asarco). The proposed BLM-ASARCO Ray land exchange could impact up to 80 archeological sites within parcels considered for the transfer of surface or minerals out of federal ownership. Twenty of these are sites that were considered eligible for the National Register based on survey data, so no testing was conducted on these sites....
Archaeological Testing Report for Roy P. Drachman Agua Caliente Park: The Whiptail Site and Agua Caliente Ranch Site, Pima County, Arizona (1995)
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From March 8 to March 23, 1995, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological testing at the Roy P. Drachman Agua Calicnte County Park. The test excavations were conducted at the request of The Pima County Public Works Department in conformance with The testing Plan (SWCA 1995) was developed in response to Work at the park was based on a testing plan submitted by SWCA and on modifications made at the request of Linda Mayro, the Pima County Public Works Department Archaeologist...
Archaeological Testing Report for the Cyprus Miami Leach Facilities Expansion Project, Gila County, Central Arizona (1997)
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SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) has conducted archaeological testing at 24 sites at the request of Tonto National Forest (TNF), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation (CMMC). The Leach Facilities Expansion Project (CMMC Project), whose purpose is to extend CMMC's mining operations, will impact 31 archeological sites located within the proposed project study areas. Seven of these are Native American sites that were considered eligible for the...
Archaeological Testing Report for the Ellison Creek Land Exchange Project, Gila County, Arizona (1999)
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Archaeological investigation of two sites on the selected lands for a proposed exchange involving the transfer of public, Tonto National Forest administered lands to private ownership. This document details the results of the testing program that was completed on two sites within the Ellison Creek Project area, AR-03-12-04-1311 and AR-03-12-04-1335. This work was implemented in order to evaluate the eligibility of these sites for the National Register of Historic Places. One site...
Archaeological Testing Report for the Proposed Juvenile Courts, Pima County, Arizona (1996)
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On May 3, 1996, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants of Tucson, Arizona conducted archaeological testing at AZ BB:13:515 (ASM) for the Pima County Department of Public Works. This testing program was performed in order to assess the significance of the cultural remains which may be impacted by the construction of proposed Juvenile Court buildings. This project was performed at the request of Ms. Linda Mayro, Pima County Archaeologist, under State Lands Cultural Use Permit...
Archaeological Testing Report for the Proposed Kino Stadium Pima County, Arizona (1996)
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On April 30 - May 6, 1996, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc, Environmental Consultants of Tucson, Arizona, conducted archaeological testing on four sites [AZ BB:13:516-519 (ASM)] located in Tucson, Arizona. This testing was done for the Pima County Department of Public Works, who proposes to build a baseball stadium in this area (Kino Stadium). This project was done under State Lands Cultural Use Permit 96-28. Sites AZ BB.13:516-519 (ASM) were initially discovered and recorded during a pedestrian...
Archaeological Testing Reports for the City of Phoenix 35th Avenue Paving and Storm Drain Projects, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
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The COP conducted road improvement and storm drain upgrades along 35th in southwest Phoenix. These improvements include new road construction (that is, widening), the installation of new fire hydrants and catch basins, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bus bays, signs, trees, and trenching for new storm drains and connectors. Generally, such activities entail vertical excavations up to approximately 16 feet. Two prehistoric features, a pit house and a hearth, were uncovered and represent, along with...
Archaeological Testing Results and Proposed Data Recovery Plan for AZ AA:12:271 (ASM), a Small Site on the Bajada of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona (2004)
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At the request of Cottonwood Properties, Desert Archaeology, Inc., completed archaeological testing of a small site, AZ AA:12:271 (ASM), in the northern Tucson Basin. This project was conducted because surface artifacts were identified during a recent survey of the site area (Stephen 2003) even though the site was reportedly totally collected when it was initially recorded 22 years ago (Arizona State Museum [ASM] site files). The current project was designed to determine if subsurface...
Archaeological Testing Results of a Portion of the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
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Between June 19 and June 23, 2006, SWCA conducted archaeological testing of a 26.82-acre parcel of privately owned land (Parcel No. 118-11-049J) in the northwestern part of the Julian Wash Site (AZ BB:13:17 [ASM]) within the City of Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. Testing was conducted in response to the intention of the client, Meridian Engineering, to undertake commercial development of the area. The focus of the current archaeological testing project was to determine the presence or absence of...
Archaeological Testing Within the Adamsville Ruin for Wood Pole Replacements in the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (1998)
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The results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Adamsville Ruin, a large Classic Period Hohokam site, are presented in this report. The testing was done at the request of the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), owners of the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV transmission line, a segment of which lies within the boundaries of the Adamsville Ruin. The testing was done to evaluate the effects of power pole replacement on the site. The Adamsville Ruin, AZ U:15:1 (ASM), is a large Hohokam...
Archaeological Testing Within the Santa Cruz Industrial Park, Tucson, Arizona (1984)
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The Institute for American Research, while under contract with the City of Tucson, conducted a program of archaeological testing within the Santa Cruz Industrial Park. The Santa Cruz Industrial Park, which is currently under development by the city, covers 186 acres of city owned land in southwestern Tucson. The purpose of the testing program within the Industrial Park was to evaluate the direct and indirect impacts that construction of a road segment would have on cultural resources within the...
Archaeological Testing within the St. Mary's Hospital Site (AZ AA:16:26 [ASM]), Tucson, Arizona (2004)
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This report contains the results of archaeological testing at the St. Mary’s Hospital Site (AZ AA:16:26 [ASM]) conducted in anticipation of a planned natural gas pipeline installation. El Paso Corporation (El Paso) is upgrading the EPNG 1007 pipeline (Line 1007) so that it can be tested for corrosion using an internal inspection device known as an “intelligent pig.” The current 6-inch pipeline passing through the St. Mary’s Hospital complex is too narrow for the intelligent pig and plans were...
Archaeological Testing Within the Upper Tonto Basin the Rye Creek Project (1989)
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The archaeological testing of 19 sites within a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87 in the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona provided a wealth of new and significant information on the prehistory of this little known area. The testing was undertaken to determine the cultural significance of the 19 sites prior to an Arizona Department of Transportation road widening and realignment construction project (ADOT Project Number F -053-1-315PE ). Investigated site types include small...
An Archaeological Transect Across the Western Prescott Periphery: Prehistoric Site Distribution Based on Combined Survey Results (1996)
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Three archaeological surveys have been conducted along parallel transects through west-central Arizona: the Museum of Northern Arizona's survey of the Mead to Phoenix powerline right-of-way, SWCA's survey of Mead to Phoenix project construction access roads, and Archaeological Research Services's survey of the U. S. Highway 93 right-of-way for the Arizona Department of Transportation. Combining the results of these surveys and previous research reveals three major concentrations of sites. These...
An Archaeological Treatment Plan for a Portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM), Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2003)
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This document represents a treatment plan that is designed to investigate the extent of subsurface cultural resources in a portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) located on private land at the southwest comer of the community of Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona. Approximately 139 acres of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) occurs within two parcels (Solid State and Hogenes) proposed to be developed as residential sites. At the request of Pinal County, Miller Holdings, Inc. contracted with SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants...
Archaeology at Alkali Ruin (2003)
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Arizona Public Service (APS) and Salt River Project (SRP) were issued a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) for the construction of the Southwest Valley 500kV Transmission Line Project (Southwest Valley Project). The project consists of 37 miles of 500 kilovolt (kV) transmission line to interconnect electric generation resources in the west valley with the existing 230kV system in the metropolitan Phoenix area. The project is located in...
Archaeology at Estrella Mountain Ranch: Prehistoric and Historic Settlement in the Foothills of the Sierra Estella Mountains (2001)
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This report presents the results of archaeological survey, testing and data recovery investigations conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, near Goodyear, Arizona. The project area includes over 11,000 acres that is part of a residential development. In order to develop the area, the property owners were required to obtain a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to comply with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Corps is the lead federal agency for this project since...
Archaeology at the Gillespie Dam Site: Data Recovery Investigations for the Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
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In this report, the results of data recovery efforts conducted for the Palo Verde to Pinal West transmission line project at the Gillespie Dam site, AZ T:13:18 (ASM), in the Gila Bend area of the Gila River are presented. The site is a prehistoric Hohokam-Patayan settlement with an overlay of Historic era material. Fieldwork primarily occurred within the construction staging area of a transmission tower. Although covering less than an acre, the staging area contained surprising numbers of...
Archaeology at the Mission of Sorrows: Archaeological Test Excavations at the Guevavi Mission, AZ EE:9:1 (ASM), Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2017)
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The University of Arizona Spring Field School was held at the Guevavi Mission, AZ EE:9:1 (ASM), from 2013 to 2015. A previous survey at the site had revealed that rodent burrowing was damaging a Mission-era (circa 1690s-1810s) midden. Vehicular traffic and weather-related erosion were damaging features in a dirt road. Among the goals of the fieldwork were to collect information from threatened features to then address several research questions. One question concerned the precontact history...
Archaeology in America: Cline Terrace Platform Mound and Tonto National Monument (2009)
The Cline Terrace site (AD 1280 to 1400) was a Hohokam style platform mound in the Tonto basin of central Arizona. Cline Terrace is one of the most thoroughly documented platform mounds in the Southwest. A modern excavation project, the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, generated a large data set from the platform mound, as well as from three villages and two hamlet sites surrounding the mound. These data enabled detailed comparisons between a platform mound and the associated communities where...
Archaeology in America: Hohokam Platform Mounds (2009)
The prehistoric Hohokam people of central Arizona constructed platform mounds at more than 100 sites between AD 1250 and 1450. These were stage-like platforms 2–2.5 meters high on which the Hohokam built rooms to place them in higher and more prominent locations in comparison to other rooms in the surrounding community. Sometimes additional rooms were constructed around the base of the platform mound, and a wall was built at ground level to surround the platform mound and rooms inside a...
Archaeology in America: Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites (2009)
On the southern end of the Tonto basin, along the waters of the Salt River, is a peninsula of land known as Schoolhouse Point Mesa, for the small school that once was located there. The structure and arrangement of the community on Schoolhouse Point Mesa reflect the characteristics of five other, nearby communities in the basin that also overlook the Salt River. Like the other four villages nearby, the Schoolhouse Point community grew quickly starting around AD 1250, called the Roosevelt phase...